rune hunter

Chapter 140 The Oldest King

Chapter 140 The Oldest King

"If the assumption that 'the apostles were sent by the gods' can be established, then we can proceed to the next assumption—assuming that I am God."

In the eyes of the ascetic monks of the Darkmoon Brotherhood, the gods are essentially the embodiment of the law of order, so their attitude towards the gods is more objective.But this kind of objective attitude is regarded as heresy by the believers of the gods. If it were another time and place, Katyusha would fight Shirley desperately without saying a word.

As a temple knight bestowed by the true god, she has a firmer belief in God than ordinary believers. God loves the world and God is omnipotent... This firm belief constitutes her entire outlook on life, and it is precisely because of this She couldn't tolerate any doubts about the gods.

However, what shocked her even more was that Marivian, who was also a devout, did not stand by her side.

"The sage's hypothesis is not nonsense." Marivian pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "As long as I can remember, there is that kind of power hidden in my body, and I have never had the slightest feeling for the goddess. Conceal. I was also confused about this, and prayed to the goddess for answers. The goddess said that it was my innate talent, don’t care about it, just let it be..."

She stretched out a finger and released a milky white holy light full of life and divine power. The holy light condensed and compressed on her fingertips, gradually becoming more substantial.She shook her finger, and a cluster of purple flames immediately ignited from her finger, devouring the condensed holy light greedily, and burst a small spark in the air.

"In retrospect, the goddess must have known about it, but she didn't tell me anything. The essence of this purple flame is still life, but the form of expression is distorted. From the perspective of rules, it is also the domain controlled by the goddess. "

"My gods! You can still use the Holy Light?" Katyusha exclaimed in shock.No one knew better than her what that ray of holy light represented, and that was the truest proof that Maryvian hadn't lost her favor after committing such a crime.From another perspective, that also means that she still represents the will of God!

"That's right, she is still the holy nun of the Temple of Life. Even if we kill her now, the real apostle can still retain this identity after she descends, just like that Highness Pandora." Katyusha was shocked , Shirley was very happy.

"Since you have confirmed this point yourself, then my next explanation will be much easier." Shirley clapped her hands to bring the two people's attention back to herself, coughed and continued.

"Conjecturing the gods with mortal wisdom is not only blasphemy, but also theoretically impossible. The gap between us and the gods is like a rabbit and a wild wolf. From the perspective of a rabbit, it is impossible to understand why wolves eat meat... But , There is not nothing in common between the two, rabbits eat grass and wolves eat rabbits, both are for the purpose of survival.”

"Mr. Rograd assumes himself to be a god. This hypothetical god is just a symbol. We can use mortal wisdom to understand him as a king with unlimited power. Now this king sends his envoys to his territory slaughtered his own people, why would he do that?"

"As a result, the apostles brought disasters... Do you think that the chaos caused by your own power out of control is considered a disaster? The appearance of Earl Snake, the appearance of the marching army, the appearance of the plague and the undead It appears that these seemingly unrelated natural and man-made disasters are all attracted here by you."

Shirley glanced at Maryvian, and the smile on her face gradually turned cold.

"The apostle is the 'Beacon of Destiny'. Because of your appearance, the fate of everyone around you began to distort. The disaster that was basically impossible to happen in theory was infinitely improved under the influence of the 'Beacon of Destiny'. The probability of it happening. So put away your remorse and self-blame for now. Compared with the other disasters you will cause, your hypocrisy will not solve any problems!"

Maryvian's body trembled, and she buried her head between her legs, sobbing softly.

"Hey, hey, I remember that wasn't the issue we were discussing just now!" Katyusha said, glaring at Shirley.

"Okay, let's get back to the question just now, why did God send an apostle?" Shirley rubbed her face, trying to concentrate her attention. The question about the apostles was too illusory, almost all guesses were based on assumptions, and These interrelated assumptions pile up into a complex model like a honeycomb.To explain the rationale to two devout believers, even using the simplest language would consume a lot of brainpower.

"There was such a record in the scriptures of the gods: "Garlotha, the oldest king, ruled the whole world, enslaving his people with violence and fear.The gods heard the sorrowful and desperate prayers of mortals, so they sent envoys to make a request to Garrosa..."

"Volume [-] of the second volume of the ancient epic, Garrosa rejected the advice of the gods and insisted on going his own way. In the end, he was punished by the gods and died. His empire fell apart, and the civilized races on the earth entered a new era." Mary Wei An The memory of many religious classics is the deepest. Shirley just mentioned the beginning and she immediately found the source.

"It is already an open secret that the ancient epics preserved by the sect of the gods have been modified beyond recognition. It is difficult to verify the truth about the legend of the oldest king of mankind, but the focus of this story is the first time that the 'messenger of the gods' Appeared in the world of mortals. Both the chosen ones and the saints are pious believers selected by the gods from among human beings, and this messenger comes from heaven. According to some other clues found by Mr. Rograd, we have reason to believe that That messenger was the original 'Apostle'."

"Even if he is an apostle, what does that mean?" Katyusha asked suspiciously.

"Excluding the storylines in the myths that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, from the perspective of objective facts, the cause is that the oldest king ruled the world, after his struggle with the gods, the end is his death and the collapse of the empire We have no way of knowing what role the messenger played at the beginning, but analyzing the essence of the incident, it was the gods who killed the oldest king, so why did the gods at that time deliberately kill a What about mortals?"

"Is there any end to this question? Please spare me, how can I know the answer? Please just tell me the final deduction!" Katyusha said painfully, rubbing her temples.It would be masochistic to ask a Templar dedicated to combat to ponder such esoteric questions.

"I don't have any patience at all. I think Mr. Rograd told me for a whole day and night. If you don't clarify the previous assumptions, the final truth may destroy your worldview in an instant. You just want to know The final answer?" Shirley blinked, although the expression on her face was very cautious, her tone of voice was full of encouragement.

"Tell me the answer directly." Katyusha ate the apple in two bites and said firmly.

"Well, this is your own choice, don't say it's impossible then." A narrow smile flashed in Shirley's eyes.

"The legend of the oldest king is no longer studied. Mr. Rograd finally came to the conclusion that Garrosa has reached the apex that mortals can achieve, but he still wants more... He wants to be a god !"

Katyusha's face suddenly became stiff.

"The gods will certainly not allow mortals to challenge this limit, so they sent messengers to kill Garlotha, and at the same time bring disaster to the world, destroying Garlotha's empire."

"Wait a minute, why..." Katyusha resisted the desire to interrupt Shirley's speech. Just now she said that she didn't want to listen to the endless inferences, but she didn't expect such a jumping and exciting truth.

"Based on this legend, the inference is that humans once had the ability to enshrine gods, but the gods will never tolerate it. Just like the king in the mortal world, the people actually have the power to overthrow his rule, but the king must not tolerate himself His power and status are threatened, so he wants to nip the danger in the bud."

"Humanity itself is a race with great potential. In the thousands of years of recorded history, various legends of geniuses have continuously emerged. When this race as a whole develops to its peak, this kind of background becomes more profound. Just as Garrosa, the oldest king back then, was the most legendary hero of that era, and then he took the last step with the power of the entire empire..."

Seeing the sluggish eyes of Katyusha and Maryvian, Shirley's speech gradually slowed down. She was not surprised by the reaction of the two people, because the amount of information that Rograd deduced was too much, even with her It took a full day and night to digest his nerves, not to mention these two clergymen with firm beliefs.

"So for the gods, it is not difficult to kill one Garrosa, but if the human empire at that time is not destroyed, it will not take long for a second or third Garrosa to appear."

"Under the premise of this goal, the purpose of the coming of the apostles is self-evident. Human civilization has once again developed to the point where the gods feel threatened. hero……"

Shirley's voice stopped abruptly, her body suddenly disappeared and reappeared in a distant corner, and a big hole appeared where she was originally sitting.

Katyusha broke the nerves in her head when she heard the news that human beings might "confess the gods".She directly summoned the Armed Forces of Heaven, raised the double-headed flail in her hand, and smashed it directly at Xue Li.

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(End of this chapter)

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