rune hunter

Chapter 141 Volcanic Dread Spider

Chapter 141 Volcanic Dread Spider
The battle situation on the northern city wall of Istaren is not a crisis, but it is very troublesome. After experiencing the rebellion, the garrison troops stationed on the city wall suffered a lot of losses, while more and more Landwalkers gathered outside the city. Over time, human initiative will inevitably disappear little by little.

The acting style of the new landwalker troops is completely different from Langaria's troops. His Highness's legion has a very cautious fighting style, but this group of landwalkers appears to be overbearing.After gathering a certain size of troops, they brazenly launched an attack on the human city.

As a military fortress with historical origins, the outer city wall of Istaren is one of the strongest even in the Kingdom. Unless you encounter a powerful monster like an obsidian-built Titan, it will be difficult to be defeated head-on.

Although it was not considered that there would be enemies like ground walkers when it was built, the height and thickness of the city wall itself is the most powerful protective measure.Even landwalkers who are good at climbing and digging are helpless against the smooth appearance of the city wall for a while.

However, for the arrogant and domineering Landwalker Legion under the rosette of Langaaka, war will never have the option of retreating. After the initial attack failed, they not only did not give up, but launched a second attack without hesitation.

Although the warriors of Istaron have experienced many battles, the Landwalker Legion also possesses extremely high combat wisdom.After several trials, they discovered the weakness of human beings-the lack of defense on the city wall.But on the other hand, their own numbers are also not enough to launch a full-scale offensive.The real advantage of the ground walkers is that they are more mobile outside the city than humans on the city wall, and can freely choose the direction of attack, while humans can only temporarily defend passively due to internal reasons.

From the human point of view, there is no lack of various defensive equipment on the city wall, but because of Commander Anderson's problem, the troops staying in the city failed to come to the rescue in time.The mountain hunter brigade led by Ahmed suppressed the Landwalker's flame hound to a certain extent, but this advantage was reversed immediately after the opponent's spider knight joined the battle.

The main combat unit of the legion under the command of Princess Langa Akalian, the Alpha Dread Spider Knight, is a half-human, half-spider giant monster from the outside. They can eject acidic mucus similar to spells from their oral organs. The range of the archer is no less than that of humans, and it can also carry another Mantes looter who is good at close combat and is of the same family as the war king worm guard Mantes scout.

Unlike the affiliation of human knights, Alpha Dread Spider Knights are actually dominated by mounts, and the Mantes Marauders on them are the subordinate guard units.

After joining the battle, the Alpha Dread Spider Knights immediately showed frightening combat effectiveness. They actually have a super jumping ability, they can jump directly to the city wall, put down the Mantus marauders and start killing.The mixed troops assembled by El were caught off guard and almost suffered serious damage. In the end, it was Pallanti and Ahmed who tried their best to kill these monsters.

When El rushed back, the flames of war had just subsided, and the city walls were full of corpses of human soldiers and landwalkers.Pallanti hid in the corner in a daze with his foil sword in his arms, and Ahmed scratched the spider's corpse with a knife for some reason.

The reinforcements brought by Timmy have taken over the defenses on the wall, bringing news of the deaths of Pross and Anderson.The death of two senior commanders dealt a devastating blow to the morale of this temporary mixed unit. Except for the hunter brigade under Ahmed, the cavalry and black knights of the city defense army lost their immediate commanders, and their lives The few priests in the temple were even more tragic, and they didn't even know what position they should maintain.

They haven't completely lost hope yet though, as El has been officially promoted.Although everyone knew in their hearts that this was just an expedient measure in a state of war, he might not be able to achieve the status and prestige of the three-headed dog in Istaren before.But for the confused soldiers like myself, at least there is a backbone.

When El climbed the city wall, he immediately felt countless expectant eyes coming towards him, most of them were cast on the silver badge on his chest.He could clearly feel that after his arrival, although the soldiers did not speak, their inner vigor was obviously improved.

"What's going on outside now?" El asked Ahmed.

"God knows what those bugs are thinking, maybe they will rush up in a while." Ahmed shook his head with a wry smile, broke off two thick spider legs and carried them on his shoulders.

Humans really can't understand the thinking mode of the ground walker, but fortunately they still have a genuine underground dweller in their hands.El followed Ahmad into the tower, and saw the kobold god stick squatting by the campfire humming a little song, using a wooden stick to pick up the spider's legs and grilling on the fire. Compared with the gloomy soldiers outside, as a captive The Apache on the other hand doesn't look tense or anxious at all.

"Aha, the legendary volcanic spider legs, this is one of the most famous delicacies in the underground world. Friends, try it! No need to add any seasoning, just sprinkle a little fine salt, it is the most delicious taste Those Highnesses who are at odds with His Highness Langa Akalian, like to use this dish to entertain distinguished guests. Poor Apache has only heard of it before, but has never had such a good fortune..."

The kobold geomancer shook his head and hummed, while rubbing his fingers, he broke off a piece of the roasted spider leg, put it in his mouth and sucked it vigorously, with an intoxicated expression of happiness on his face.

El rubbed his temples, gritted his teeth and asked Ahmed: "Why do I feel that this guy has become a grandfather now?"

"Because you need a professional who understands the intelligence of the landwalker, Archer." Apache threw away the shell of the spider leg that had been sucked clean, and smiled with teeth.

"I don't trust this guy," Al said to Ahmed.

"We have no better choice, at least he can tell us the answer, even if it is made up, it is better than knowing nothing?" Ahmed said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Okay, God stick, seeing you look so leisurely, don't those bugs come to trouble us again?" El rolled his eyes, sat opposite Apache and asked patiently.

"At least until tonight, you can rest assured, because they have more important things to do." Apache smacked his lips, snatched the spider leg from Ahmed's hand and put it on the bonfire: " Don't worry, Archer, we can enjoy this delicious meal before thinking about escaping."

"More important things? Tell me all you know." Al said, looking into Apache's eyes.

"Although I don't know if you humans have similar fables, but for us kobolds, sometimes knowing too much may not be a good thing." Apache's two small eyes flashed with a gleam of wisdom, cracking Opened his mouth and smiled: "Even if you know the secret of the landwalker, what's the point? Can you fight against the great His Royal Highness Langa Akalian? There are only two roads in front of you, one is life, and the other is death. If you still want to live, why don't you focus on escaping?"

"Escaping is also a technical job." El said very seriously: "For a hunter, only when he has enough information can he make the best escape plan."

"The best escape plan is to follow the guidance of the prophet." Apache said with a smile: "But since you insist on knowing, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

The kobold geomancer raised the half-baked spider leg and handed it to El. El sniffed it twice with his nose, and smelled a fresh fragrance, so he didn't refuse.He had eaten even weirder things in the forest before, and he understood the truth that delicious food should not be judged by its appearance.

The spider leg meat is layered like garlic cloves. It tastes similar to the river crab he has eaten, but it is more tender and refreshing. It is indeed a rare delicacy, which makes El appetite.Little Langa who was hiding in his arms smelled this aroma, and immediately became restless, saying that this thing should be given to her most.El patted his chest helplessly, and under Ahmed's surprised gaze, tore off a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his collar.

"This thing is called a volcanic terror spider, and it is a specialty race in the territory of His Royal Highness Langa Akalian. She is one of the most powerful His Royal Highnesses in the Landwalker tribe. His Royal Highness Langaria before her only It's just a child." Apache flipped the other spider's legs, and his face, which had been not very serious until now, finally became serious.

"For His Royal Highness Landwalker, each other is the eternal enemy. If I guessed correctly, the troops of His Royal Highness Langa Akalian should have followed His Royal Highness Langaria to the ground. And In the eyes of her troops, your city is just a stone blocking the way."

"The large troops of the Landwalker Legion cannot come to the ground world through narrow passages, so they can only build portals like His Royal Highness Langaria. They themselves call them wormholes... Building a portal requires a lot of flesh and blood essence, and this area It has just been wiped out by His Royal Highness Langaria, and the only place where life is inhabited is this human city, which is why you were attacked."

"It's just that your rock is relatively hard. After they find that the forceful attack is not worth the loss, they will turn to the last plan - to use the flesh and blood of their own troops to build the portal!"

"I don't know how long it will take the groundwalkers to build a portal, but at least during this time, they won't have the strength to attack. But in contrast, you must also be prepared to bear the price. Really After the Landwalker Legion teleports over, they will first target this city!"

 Begging for a recommended monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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