rune hunter

Chapter 142 Family Bloodline

Chapter 142 Family Bloodline

Compared with those human astrologers who devoted themselves to death, kobold geomancers don't have so many troubles.They firmly believe that the goddess of the earth, Gaia, is the only true god, who is in charge of almost all priesthoods including fate... From the perspective of underground creatures, this view cannot be wrong.

The "fate" in the kobold dictionary is far from the meaning understood by humans.The elaboration and exploration of "fate" by human sages includes everything in the world, and even goes straight to the source.But for the kobolds living at the bottom of the underground society, their fate is only the difference between "life and death".

Kobolds don't care about the love ordeals of Romeo and Juliet, or the grievances between the king and the lord. For them, those things are not as important as tomorrow's food.In that cruel dark world, they didn't have enough power to gain living space, so they could only vassalize the strong and even degrade themselves as slaves. In the hearts of the leaders of the kobold tribe, maintaining the continuation of the tribe is the most fundamental need for survival.

Because of this, the kobold geomancer's divination is also very simple and direct. They don't need to explore those elusive details. Most of the time, they only need to know a general direction to avoid disadvantages.

For example, this time when the apostles came to Istaron, the human sages tried their best to prevent the disaster from coming, and the human warriors were willing to fight for dignity.However, these virtues are nothing to kobolds. According to the theory of kobolds, since we know that there is a disaster coming, we just need to hide far away. Why do we have to work hard?

El understood Apache's statement very well. In fact, if it wasn't for collecting enemy intelligence data, he would not have taken over this hot general position.As a ground turtle hunter who grew up in the mountains, he knew very well that he did not possess such beautiful-sounding things as "chivalry" and "sense of justice".

The only reason in favor of him returning to the northern walls to preside over the general situation was that Antonio had acknowledged his command of the mixed force.After he vaguely expressed his intentions, the young lord did not show too much disappointment, as he said in his speech, everyone has the right to choose.

But after that, the two reached some tacit understanding in private.

Perhaps as the kobold geomancer guessed, after several failed assaults on the city wall, the landwalkers were finally forced to choose the second option and began to use their own flesh and blood to build portals, so the northern front was briefly quiet.

However, this kind of quietness can't make the soldiers feel relaxed. The more veterans who have been on the battlefield, the more they can feel the dull depression that is about to come.

The reinforcements dispatched from the city and the retired veterans who voluntarily came to help the battle totaled more than [-] people. In a conventional human war, these soldiers were more than enough to defend one side of the city wall.But no one knows what wonderful tricks those bugs from the ground will do.

In this medium-scale battle, Timmy and Pallanti, who were temporarily promoted, are basically useless. As the black knights directly under Pross, their command ability may not be able to catch up with the grassroots officers of the garrison.And the only high-ranking general in the military, Ahmed, is not a man of his own opinion, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get the status of a three-headed dog all these years.

There's an old saying about leaving a problem to the experts, and El takes it seriously.He directly delegated the command power to the grassroots officers, allowing them to play freely, and then gathered his own less reliable subordinates together.

"Now we have three things to deal with." El said to them: "The first thing is to prepare for the evacuation, Mr. Ahmed, please gather our troops and bring those priests from the Temple of Life with us." , Let them withdraw from the city wall and move their positions to the defensive troops who are changing defenses."

"Why are we evacuating?" Hearing these words, the faces of the three of them sank, and Pallanti, who was the most anxious, couldn't help asking in doubt.Under Antonio's encouragement, all the soldiers in Istaren were ready to fight to the death. At this time, retreating without a fight was a more unacceptable shame than death for a soldier.

"The reason for the evacuation is the second thing." El took out Proos's silver badge and a letter from his pocket, and handed them to Pallanti: "This is what Master Antonio asked me to hand over to you. , he also told me something about your parents..."

Pallanti bit her lip, and took Prous's relic with some hesitation.Although she always wanted to maintain an expression of indifference, the slight trembling between her fingers still revealed her inner feelings.

"It's not an order, it's just a personal letter, take it out and read it." El noticed Loli Knight's slightly red eye sockets, sighed and whispered to her.

Pallanti clutched the envelope tightly, gave El a military salute, turned and walked out the door.

"Sir, is it because of Pallanti's identity?" Timmy asked in a low voice as he watched the expressions of the two of them change.

"Plos's wife is the youngest sister of the former Grand Duke Caesar, the aunt of the lord. She is not a nobleman because she is a concubine. Not many people remember those things back then, but in terms of blood, Palan Di can be regarded as the direct blood of the White Lion family." Ahmed said in a deep voice.

This matter is not a secret to the elderly, but because of the unreliable prophecy, the truth will always be eyeing the White Lion family, and even Antonio himself keeps a low profile. The problem will never be brought up.

"Antonio wants to stick to Istaren, but the blood of the White Lion family also needs to continue, so he asked me and our army to take the responsibility of protecting Pallanti." El said to Ahmed: "Not only Pallanti, but the refugees leaving the city also need protection. Apart from us, several other troops will also withdraw to save the last seed for Istaron."

"That child is stubborn, she won't leave." Timmy shook his head and said helplessly.

"You guys go get ready and let me talk to her," Al said.

Pallanti didn't go far. When Al found her, the little girl was hiding in a corner and weeping secretly.Seeing El approaching, she wiped her face in a panic, folded the letter paper in her hand, and carefully hid it together with Pross' badge in her body pocket.

"Did Antonio make it clear to you in the letter?" El sat next to her, patted the little girl's head and asked.

"I will obey the lord's orders." Pallanti whispered with red eyes. Her blunt answer made El almost unable to react.

"Uh... well, I thought you were going to play a little temper." El scratched his head, holding back all the words he had prepared, and didn't know how to continue the conversation for a while.At the same time, he was also very curious in his heart, wondering what Antonio wrote in the letter to make this stubborn little girl obedient.

"If you are referring to the retreat, my subordinates do not agree with it. It is a disgrace to the warriors of Istaren to retreat without a fight." Pallanti glared at El fiercely with a sullen face, pouted The mouth said: "The order given to me by the lord is not to evacuate, but to revenge!"

"Revenge? Who are you going to take revenge on?" El looked puzzled on the surface, but in his heart he admired Antonio's wisdom infinitely. The fact is amazing, just another way of saying it makes Pallanti change his attitude willingly.

"Istaren will be reduced to where it is today. The royal faction of the Oakland Kingdom is behind the scenes! They have never believed in the loyalty of the White Lion family, and now they have finally achieved their goal." Pallanti stood up and held Pepe tightly. Jian, the tone is as cold as ice: "The blood of the White Lion family is running out, the lord needs to be responsible for the opposite city, and I will shoulder the mission of revenge!"

"Revenge is easier said than done, so you have to protect yourself even more," El said softly.

He knew very well in his heart that this was nonsense. Although the current situation was indeed driven by the royal family, in fact, Istaren had suffered a complete disaster, and Antonio knew it well.According to the prophecy of the Truth Society, all these disasters originated from the coming of the apostles, and Earl Snake, who did not know who he was loyal to, made all these plans with the real purpose of prompting the "coming of the apostles".

The "Apostle" who attracted the disaster, Mary Weian still stayed in this city and did not leave.Antonio didn't need Pallanti's power at all if he wanted revenge.The words he wrote in the letter were more of a white lie than entrusting Pallanti with the task of revenge for the White Lion family.

Pallanti's mother died young, and now she has lost her father, and the family that protected her is about to face extinction.There is no one to rely on her anymore, if she wants to live, she must find a reason to support her spirit - such as revenge.

El didn't know how to comfort the girl's emotions, and he was too embarrassed to speak. He was not as eloquent and cheeky as Antonio, and felt extremely ashamed of the little calculations in his heart.

"Actually, there is one more thing you need to do now." El said to Pallanti: "You have to go back to the castle and accept the inheritance of the White Lion family."

"Family inheritance?" Pallanti's eyes widened in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Has the lord never obtained the family inheritance?"

"How would I know this kind of thing?" El shrugged, expressing no interest in the gossip secrets of the White Lion family, he was only responsible for helping Antonio with the words.

At first, he thought that the so-called inheritance was just some kind of treasure or token, but seeing the girl's surprised expression, it seemed that the matter was not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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