rune hunter

Chapter 144 The Answer of Fate

Chapter 144 The Answer of Fate

"His Majesty the Emperor personally set fire to the altar and cremated Pandora's body. Everyone thought that all the grievances and grievances were understood, but they never thought that everything had just begun. The flames of the mortal world can kill a person named Pandora. Ra's human girl, but could not dispel the power of the apostle. Three days later, the apostle, who was freed from the shackles of the mortal world, was reborn from the ashes and began to bring endless disasters to the world..."

Shirley, who was eating an apple and telling a story in the underground secret room, suddenly shut her mouth and looked up thoughtfully.

"They're here." Katyusha raised her eyebrows, with a look of surprise on her face.When it comes to the induction of undead creatures, she is the most sensitive person, and she is also the person who knows the situation of the undead army best.But now, the marching speed of the undead army unexpectedly exceeded her expectations.

"Don't use common sense to infer the development of the situation. Under the influence of the 'Apostle's Advent', many seemingly impossible disasters will follow. The destiny beacon distorts the probability of these disasters, and also distorts the future. Change. Don't say that the undead army has accelerated their marching speed, even if they all grow wings and fly in, I won't be surprised." Shirley took a bite of the apple and said calmly.

"I have personally experienced the horror of the undead army. Istaron lacks the silver powerhouses to support the battle, and it is impossible to win. But what do you want to do to her?" Katyusha glanced at the Marivian in the corner of the prison had complicated and tangled emotions on her face.

"I don't dare to do anything to this Miss Apostle." Shirley waved her hand and said half-jokingly: "The three legendary weapons built by the Plognian Empire with all their efforts, including the Lock of Order and the Black Sword. Come to seal her power, even if you do this, you still have to be careful, if she accidentally makes something wrong, it will be really troublesome."

"Since you don't want to kill her and don't take her away, what's the purpose of staying in this city?" Katyusha glared at Shirley and asked in a cold voice, "According to what you just said, as long as she continues to stay in In this city, disasters will become more and more serious. As a guardian of order, have you ever considered the safety of this city?"

"Ah, I really care about it." Shirley squinted at Katyusha, with a mocking smile on her face: "As a messenger of justice, the Silver Crusaders who fight for God, don't Should you stick to your beliefs, use force to destroy me, a blasphemer, and then purify Maryvian to prove the goddess' innocence?"

"Sister Marywei'an needs to take responsibility for the mistakes she made, but I don't think it's her subjective decision." Katyusha ignored Shirley's provocation, her eyes still firm.

"Even if the gods want to punish human beings, my goddess should not send an apostle. This behavior itself is in conflict with the law represented by the goddess of life. Compared with the answers you assumed, I would rather believe that all this is Someone framed our design."

"Framed by design? Designed for the gods?" Shirley nodded noncommittally, expressing her understanding of Katyusha's answer.

She chuckled and stretched out a hand to the elder nun and said, "Do you want to find the real answer? If there is such a behind-the-scenes manipulator that even the gods dare to design and frame, it must be the only one who has really come to the world right now." The apostle of the world——Pandora, only she knows all the answers. If you want to defend the belief in your heart, how about walking with me?"

"That's exactly what I mean." Katyusha said simply without stretching out her hand.

"I know you don't trust me at all, but the facts in the future will prove everything." Shirley withdrew her hand indifferently and stretched her waist vigorously: "Please don't worry, Pandora is watching this city. Only after the city has completely fallen can we leave quietly under her nose."

The end of Istaron is quietly approaching.

The eastern city gate lit up a beacon that symbolized the highest alert level and signaled the beginning of the war. However, compared with the dark sky covering half of the sky, the beacon smoke was pitifully small and full of tragic meaning.

"The army of undead has arrived at the city, and I don't know how long the lord can resist it." Ahmed looked back and sighed worriedly.

"It's better for us to worry about our side." El leaned against the wall, squinting his eyes to observe the changes in the forest carefully.The forest outside Istaren City was cleared, leaving enough space for cavalry to charge, but this distance can also be reached in an instant for landwalkers.In the first few tentative attacks, those fire hounds did not leave enough time for the garrison to react.

"I can feel that their aura is gradually gathering, and they may launch an attack soon, let our soldiers get ready!" El's face became serious, and he whispered to Timmy beside him.

Although he is ready to retreat, even El is unwilling to bear the shame of fleeing without a fight. He has fought head-on with the Landwalker Legion several times, and from the bottom of his heart he doesn't think those ugly bugs have any How terrifying, the only person to guard against is the other party's highness the princess.

That is a real gold-level powerhouse. According to the description of the kobold god stick, he is stronger than Langaria, and the "Lava Princess" Langa Akalian is famous for her madness and tyranny.

During the battle against the black giant and the purple demon god, those monsters with "gold" have left a deep psychological shadow on El.If that Highness appeared on the battlefield, even if he only felt a trace of breath, El would turn around and run away without hesitation.

"I see that Apache is still grilling in the tower in a calm manner, maybe there will be no situation for the time being." Ahmed rubbed his nose and whispered uncertainly.

"I said, uncle, how did you get into this position? Could it be that you were promoted by the fire line like me?" El looked at the captain of the hunter team in horror, thinking that you had eaten the fascination of the kobold Medicine, or is it just so unreasonable?A dignified senior commander of the army, at this time, still pins his confidence on a magic stick?
"It's just a little bit of talent." Ahmed laughed awkwardly, but he didn't deny it: "As for the issue of personal superstition, I think it's a matter of opinion. Most people believe in gods in the sky, and of course there are others. There are few exceptions, for example, don't you yourself firmly believe in the set of natural laws in the jungle... The little girl Pallanti is the same, once she enters the fighting state, she only believes in her fighting instincts, and she can't pull back even eight horses. "

El was really shocked this time. He had never expected that this middle-aged man who was talking about himself could have such strong observation skills. He had never told anyone that he believed in the laws of nature. He saw through it at a glance.

"The eyes of archers are better, don't they?" Ahmed didn't care about El's previous attitude, he just said with a smile: "Many fighters don't believe in fate, they only believe in the weapons in their hands. From personal experience, sometimes you have to trust fate."

"Do you think that the fate of Eastalen should be like this now? To be destroyed by the disaster brought by the coming of the apostles?" El asked with some doubts.

"I don't know. What's the point even if we know the answer? As mortals, we can't even control our own destiny, so why should we save the fate of a city?" Ahmed shook his head, his face a little sad.

"For me personally, fate has changed. I met that kobold geomancer in the forest, and then met you and Pallanti. I think this is the revelation that fate brought to me. Istar Lun will eventually be destroyed, and the White Lion family will retain a seed, and this is the mission I will shoulder."

"Hearing what you said made me feel a lot less guilty." El said with a smile.

A sudden cold wind blew across the city wall and across the cheeks of the two people.El and Ahmed's expressions changed, and they looked at the forest far outside the city at the same time.

"It seems to be coming." Ahmed said dryly.

"This kind of aura... is not quite right." El stared at the shadow in the forest, only feeling that his back was wet and cold.During the time when the two were chatting just now, the Landwalker Legion hidden in the forest had been quietly deployed. Their movements were too low-key, until El and Ahmed smelled the ominous smell of sulfur in the air Only then noticed the abnormality.

El tried his best to look into the distance, and finally found abnormal magic power fluctuations in the depths of the distant forest. That kind of abnormal fluctuations was not unfamiliar to him, and it was related to the teleportation used by Langaria when he came that night. The volatility is almost exactly the same.

The new wormhole portal has been established unconsciously, which also means that the landwalkers are about to launch a new round of offensive, and this time, humans will face the opponent's regular troops.

"I found the enemy! Sound the alarm! Light the smoke!" El jumped up and roared loudly, which instantly alarmed all the soldiers stationed on the city wall.At least half of the soldiers were still in a daze. They only saw the gaffe and roar of their own commanders, but they didn't find any enemies within their field of vision.

"The catapult is ready! The maximum distance!" Ahmed's face was also very ugly, and he shouted along with El.However, compared with El, he knew more about the defense methods on the city wall, so he directly named the catapult with the longest range.

"The catapult is launched now! Immediately!" El yelled hoarsely at the soldiers manipulating the catapult behind the city wall. Before his words fell, everyone had already felt the slight vibration of the city wall.

Different from the vibration that occurred when the black giant smashed through the city gate, this time the vibration was slight but unusually obvious, and it continued continuously, which was more familiar to the garrison troops on the city wall.

That was the ground tremor produced by the group's charge.

The verdant forest in the distance suddenly turned into a sea of ​​red flames at that moment!
 I was poured too much yesterday, I don’t know how I got back... SO, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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