rune hunter

Chapter 145 The Madness of the Landwalker

Chapter 145 The Madness of the Landwalker
The lush emerald green forest was submerged in a wave of crimson flames in an instant, and thousands of flame hounds rushed out from the shadow of the forest and launched a frantic charge towards the city wall of Istaren.The blood-colored patterns on their bodies ignited raging flames, and when they gathered together, they became an endless sea of ​​flames, illuminating the northern half of the sky, facing the dark sky in the east.

The catapults arranged by humans on the city wall roared in order, and huge rocks rolled in the sky and smashed towards the charging array of the flame hounds.The number of flame hounds is too large, so that there is no room for dodge when they are crowded together, and each boulder has achieved fruitful results.However, on the other hand, this wave of boulders is far from enough to destroy their fully deployed charge formation.

After the first round of attack by the catapult, a rain of arrows followed.Human archers didn't play a big role in the Red Stone Ridge battle. That's because Langaria's troops are good at mobile combat, and it's not easy to catch targets when they come and go like the wind.But now if the landwalkers want to attack Istaron, they can only charge towards the city wall, resisting the human bows and arrows head-on.

The cleared open terrain outside the city of Istaren not only provides conditions for the cavalry to charge, but is also a bow and arrow strike area designed for the garrison.The roar of the catapult has not stopped, and a dark cloud rises on the city wall, and all kinds of long and short soft and hard bows and crossbows are fired at once, covering the wide strike area outside the city wall.

If any qualified army commander was present, he would be outraged by El's order to shoot all indiscriminately.According to the formal military code, when the troops are defending, the bow and arrow shooting must be carried out in sequence according to the distance advanced by the enemy. It is not only impossible to cause effective damage to the enemy, but also an extremely wasteful behavior.

El is not a commander of regular origin, he is not even a qualified soldier, but just like Ahmad obsessed with the kobold's divination, he also unconditionally trusts his wild intuition.

The moment the Landwalker Legion launched an attack, he clearly felt the horror that could not be described in words.It was as if an ancient monster opened its mouth wide in front of him, trying to devour the entire Istaron.

El didn't know what it was that would make him feel such a terrifying threat, so he could only rely on his intuition to issue an order to fire all arrows, and do everything possible to extinguish the wave of fire from the Landwalker Legion's attack.

His intuition has become extremely reliable at this critical moment, but it is not at all comforting.

The burning flame hounds ran much faster than the army horses. It took only a few breaths to cross a distance of hundreds of meters to the city. However, they were greeted by human arrows and arrows. There is no room for dodge at all.The group of flame hounds rushing to the front became like hedgehogs with arrows stuck in their bodies halfway, and they insisted on sprinting forward for another distance entirely by relying on their strong vitality.

When the flame hounds lost consciousness and fell to the ground, the flames on their bodies suddenly burned violently, making a dull explosion, turning into a huge fireball and blowing up their own bones.Fireballs exploded one after another outside the city wall, and the flat ground was suddenly in a mess.

"Those damn things explode! They're trying to blow up our walls!" Timmy yelled.It wasn't until this time that all the soldiers understood the meaning of El's seemingly crazy order. If they shot in batches according to past experience, they would not be able to hit the flame hounds whose speed was beyond imagination. Once these monsters rushed under the city wall Start to explode, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Stay vigilant! Pay attention to the ground!" El didn't show any complacency on his face, but became more cautious.He quickly walked to the nearest pair of bed crossbows, pushed away the soldiers operating the bed crossbows, and with a little force with both hands, he lifted the hundreds of catties of bed crossbows directly and put them on the wall, and began to adjust them. angle.

The charge of the flame hound was abruptly suppressed by the saturation attack of the human archers, and it was not allowed to enter at a distance of 200 meters from the city.Just when many people thought that the attack of the Landwalker Legion was about to end, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield.

When the charge of the flame hound was blocked, the ground less than a hundred meters away from the city wall swelled up silently.The sound of the self-detonation of the flame hound's body covered up the sound of the land cracking inch by inch, and no one noticed the abnormality happening under their noses.Suddenly, the entire ground trembled, and hundreds of giant diggers broke through the ground and rushed towards the city wall.

The appearance of these diggers looks like maggots magnified tens of thousands of times. Their bodies are more than 20 meters long, and their heads do not have any sensory organs, leaving only a big bloody mouth full of layers of sharp teeth.After they crawled out of the ground, they raised their heads and spit out a stream of green mucus towards the city wall. It was the acid accumulated in their stomach sacs. It could even digest soil and rocks, and its corrosive power could be imagined.

Streams of green acid landed on the city wall, immediately producing thick smoke of corrosion.The soldiers who were hit in the front had no time to scream, and melted into a pool of slag together with their weapons and armor.What's even more frightening is that under the immersion of this acid, the entire city wall made of granite began to dissolve, turning into broken stones riddled with holes and falling off one by one.

El picked up the bed crossbow stand at a good angle, and kicked the spring of the bed crossbow. The huge crossbow roared out and hit one of the diggers on the head accurately.The giant crossbow pierced the ground digger's bloody mouth, and at the same time, the force it carried forced it to fall backwards.

In terms of body size alone, these diggers are even bigger than the snake body of the purple demon god, and their weakness is also obvious, that is, they give up defense because they pay attention to the flexibility of the body.The Purple Demon God can ignore this defect because of his perverted immortality ability, and the Digger must not be able to do that.

But look at it from another angle.Their huge bodies are the best defense in themselves, except for the bed crossbow which is listed as a heavy weapon, the damage caused by ordinary bows and arrows to them is very little, almost negligible.

"Aim and shoot the bed crossbow! Adjust the angle of the catapult! Kill those long bugs first!" Ahmed followed El, and methodically issued various standard orders to the garrison.Although El's intuition is sensitive, he doesn't know anything about these formal military passwords. Only when the two of them work together can they barely control the situation.

The Burrowers have corroded large swaths of the city walls, but there is only so much they can do.The catapults and bed crossbows on the human city walls formed a symphony of death, beating them to the ground.The attack of the Landwalker Legion was massive, and the number of troops assembled was nearly ten times higher than before. However, the human side was also supplemented by reinforcements and entered a state of full-scale war.

The 300-year combat readiness reserves of Eastalen have reached absolute saturation. With sufficient garrison troops, they are actually not afraid of any war within the scope of conventional forces.Without El's timely reminder, the landwalker's surprise attack might have brought unimaginable damage to the garrison, but when they reacted, they immediately broke out with the same impressive combat power.

As the overlord on the land plain, humans are no weaker than landwalkers.

To the north of Istaron, in the Red Stone Ridge Beehive area, the forest is full of strangely shaped Landwalker tribal buildings, wriggling slowly and non-stop as if alive.A Kota wormhole with a larger scale than before stands in the valley. The teleportation light in the wormhole is non-stop, and regular troops arrive almost every minute.

Hundreds of Mantes scouts silently lurked on the treetops, tightly protecting the twelve crimson war king insects in the center.Those war king worms have crouched down and started to hatch mass production troops with all their strength, completely entering the state of war.

Another batch of gray-white eggs burst open, and more than 20 flame hound cubs came out of their shells. They licked each other's mucus off their companions' bodies, and ate all the broken egg sacs. Rapid Growth Remember, it only took less than 5 minutes to grow into a full body form.

The way of warfare of the Landwalker Legion is very strange in the eyes of human beings. They often use the vanguard to test the enemy's reality, and then drive the war king worm to hatch mass-produced troops to consume the enemy's vital strength, and finally invest in regular troops to kill the enemy.During this process, the troops hatched by the war king worm will constantly adjust their own shape according to the specific situation of the enemy, making them more suitable for the needs of the battlefield.

Just like now, the vanguard found that humans had built a solid city wall, and the king of war immediately adjusted the form of the mass-produced troops to the attacking mode.The newly born flame hound no longer strengthens the melee ability, but increases the running speed and self-destruct ability.The diggers that were originally used to dredge the tunnels were temporarily recruited as combat units, making them larger in size and increasing their ability to spit out stomach acid. All of these are targeted capabilities evolved according to the war situation.

However, to their surprise, the war potential on the human side also seems to be very deep.

"His Royal Highness Langa Akalian is ready to leave, but you told me that those people on the ground cannot be cleaned up?"

"Forgive me, my lord, we are working hard, please give me some more time!"

"Your Highness will be very disappointed with your cowardice..."

Tremblingly shutting off the telepathic communication, the frontline commander of the Landwalker secretly wiped a cold sweat.He is confident of winning the war, but lacks the necessary time.

Humans are not easy bones to gnaw, their morale is strong and their combat effectiveness is strong, but none of these problems can be an excuse for the ineffectiveness of the Landwalker Legion so far.

As one of the most powerful highnesses of the Earthwalker tribe, Langa Akalian's temper is as irritable as the famous underground volcano in her territory. She only pays attention to the result and does not care about the process. Any redundant explanation is in her eyes. Useless excuses.

That Highness didn't bother to care about how difficult the humans on the ground were. When she arrived in person, if she found that her troops hadn't ended the war, it would be a disaster for the frontline commanders.

The frontline commander weighed a little bit in his heart. Out of reason, he should not join the regular army before the enemy was exhausted, but time was already very tight, and he had no other choice at all.He had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up, releasing a broken heart wave to all the troops in the forest——

"Leave no reserves, attack with the whole army! Attack from all fronts!"

(End of this chapter)

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