rune hunter

Chapter 146 The Chaotic Front

Chapter 146 The Chaotic Front

Just when the Istaron garrison had just recovered, the Landwalker Legion's offensive changed again.

The gigantic digger gave up the long-range attack method of spitting acid, crawled out from the ground and rushed towards the city wall.They opened their bloody mouths and swallowed everything in their path, including the city walls and the soldiers on the walls.And their gigantic bodies became a protective wall that blocked human bows and arrows. They would rather be shot into hedgehogs and provide cover for the groundwalkers behind.

This spirit of self-sacrifice must be a heroic story for humans, but it is just a traditional tactic for landwalkers.These temporarily hatched mass-produced troops have no self-awareness at all, and are just consumables that unconditionally obey the commander's orders.

After the local Walker Legion joined the real regular troops and started an all-out attack, the humans immediately fell into a bitter battle.

El swung his ax round to split the skull of a spider knight, narrowly avoiding the sneak attack of the Mantus marauder lying on its back, and kicked it off the city wall.He wiped the sticky green blood on his face, calmed down and looked around, and found that the city walls on the north side of Istaron had all been engulfed in melee.

The human army in Istaron is not inexperienced in fighting the Landwalker Legion, and they also know a little about the combat style of the Landwalker Legion.In the battle sequence of the Landwalker Legion, those temporarily hatched mass-produced troops are like war consumables like the bows and arrows stored by humans.

In the last Red Stone Ridge War, the continuous several-day war between humans and landwalkers was actually a competition and consumption. Almost no regular troops of Langaria entered the battlefield, and the human Knights also preserved a complete organizational system.That war could only be regarded as an innocuous friction for both sides, so the subsequent peace negotiations went very smoothly.

According to El's prediction in advance, if the landwalker army that appears now wants to capture Istaron, the commander of the opponent will definitely send a large number of mass-produced troops to attack the city around the clock, consuming human defense forces while waiting for opportunities to find them. Weaknesses, wait until the human army shows signs of fatigue, and then use regular troops to break through the city wall in one go.

Theoretically speaking, this is the safest tactical plan. Estalon is attacked on both sides, unable to launch a counterattack at all, and can only respond passively.Any commander with a clear mind, even someone promoted from the front line like El, would know what choice to make.

However, the Landwalker Legion resolutely launched a frenzied all-out attack.

All kinds of landwalker regular troops, including the Dread Spider Knights, formed small groups and mixed with the wave of flame hounds, and launched a massive attack on Istaron.All kinds of strange insects rushed under the city wall with the help of the giant digger's body cover, and fought fiercely with the human soldiers.

Because of living in the underground world, apart from reconnaissance troops, the Landwalker Legion rarely deploys units capable of flying.However, there are many regular troops with strong climbing and jumping abilities, and the tall city walls of Istaron are not a problem for them.

The real trouble was that these regular troops had no specific orders other than to attack with all their might.

The combat method of the ground legion is very focused on tactical coordination. In order to adapt to various battlefields, dozens of combat units are often prepared in the legion.Soldiers in the regular troops directly under the legion are used to obeying the specific instructions of the commander in war, such as when to enter the battlefield, what target to choose, which unit to cooperate with, how to retreat, and so on.

However, due to some unspeakable reasons, this time the frontline commander was forced to issue an order for a full-scale attack, but he did not expect that this order would plunge the regular soldiers who strictly abide by order into chaos.

That situation is like the mercenaries, security forces, garrison troops, and knights of the human army are crowded together in disorder, and the chaos can be imagined.

The seemingly wide walls of Istaron can only accommodate a limited number of troops.After hundreds of fear spider knights jumped onto the city wall and killed the human soldiers inextricably, there was no longer any place to stand here.During the fight, unlucky people from both sides kept falling from the wall, and most of them were squeezed down alive.The humans and landwalker warriors standing inside and outside the city walls staring blankly and unable to squeeze in were anxious but helpless.

The ground walkers first found a solution to the problem. They used the body of the ground digger to build a ladder outside the city wall, allowing the flame hounds to climb up the city wall.

Under the unreasonable orders of the frontline commanders, the weakness of the Landwalker Legion was also clearly exposed.The mass-produced troops hatched by the war king insects are too targeted, and once the battle situation changes, they will easily become waste.The self-explosive flame hounds specially used for siege were not suitable for cooperating with other troops at all, so they had to retreat and stand by.Human soldiers quickly filled the vacancy in the city wall, and the landwalkers climbed to the top of the city again, and the battle returned to the initial entanglement stage
After a short period of confusion, the regular troops of the landwalkers finally showed their due posture by virtue of their previous combat experience, and began to perform various tricks.The ones with wings fluttered up and flew into the air, and the ones who could dig holes started digging at the base of the wall. In short, they all showed their ability to climb over the city wall and attack the interior of the city.

But on the human side, layers of barricades have already been laid out in the blocks behind the city wall.In fact, only the inner city of Istaren was the real military fortress at the time. The outer city that developed later was designed as a defensive zone when it was built, and it was even more complicated than the defensive facilities on the city wall.

Even if the Landwalker Legion climbed over the city wall, they would have to face the veterans of Istaren who were sharpening their knives.

El climbed to the top of the tower and looked around, and found that the surrounding area was full of flames of war. The landwalkers had already invaded the eight urban areas inside the city wall, and started a bloody hand-to-hand combat with the human reserve forces.Almost all buildings have become battlegrounds for the two sides to fight to the death.

He looked up into the distance, and saw that the dark sky shrouded in the east was approaching little by little, and it might not take long before it would swallow the city, and Istaren was on the verge of falling.

A flash of light flashed across the edge of the city wall, Pallanti clutched her shoulders and withdrew and flew back to the bottom of the tower. A huge insect warrior rushed towards her striding towards her wielding a tomahawk the size of a door panel.

El asked Pallanti to go back to accept the family inheritance before, originally hoping that she would evacuate directly, but unexpectedly, the little girl was stubborn and ran back alone.I don't know what she inherited, which can directly raise her strength to the high silver level, but even so, her strength cannot reverse the situation of this war.

There is also no shortage of silver-level powerhouses in the Landwalker Legion. With their strength, they can kill in places that El and Ahmad can't take care of. Ordinary human soldiers can't resist at all.The big bugman warrior in front of him is the most rampant. Relying on the strong protective ability of his body's carapace, he is not afraid of shooting with bows and arrows at the same level. He stays here and restrains Ahmed in turn.

El's eyes were fixed, and he set his bow and aimed at his eyes and shot an arrow. Ahmad used a short bow, which was good at fast arrows, which was naturally insufficient in power, while El's dragon tooth pulley bow happened to be another extreme. Pay attention to stability and ruthlessness.Even if the shot couldn't penetrate the skin of the obsidian-built Titan, at least it could cause effective damage to monsters like the Purple Demon God. He didn't believe that this stupid big man had an immortal body.

I don't know if it's because he was too confident, but the bugman warrior didn't intend to dodge at all, he just tilted his head subconsciously, and the whistling long arrow pierced the collarbone under his neck and came out from behind.

The bugman warrior looked at the arrow on his body in disbelief, there was no pain on his face, but a distorted excitement.He grabbed the half of the arrow hilt that was exposed outside his body, snapped it off and crushed it into pieces, and then burst out laughing.

"This arrow is strong enough, but it is not enough to kill Lao Tzu! No matter how much you poor bugs struggle in vain, it is meaningless, long live His Highness Langa Akalian!"

"It's really embarrassing to be called a bug by a bug. Don't you bedbugs have any self-knowledge?" El cursed with a smile, pulled out his ax and jumped down from the tower, striking the bugman warrior's head.

"Good time! Let me meet a strong human being! I am Lilwater, the frontline commander of His Royal Highness Langa Akalian!" The insect warrior laughed and raised his ax, but he did not notice that Pallanti secretly Standing up against the wall, he took a deep breath in his direction.

A deafening roar of a male lion suddenly sounded in the ear of the insect warrior, the huge sound wave made his head go blank, and he shook involuntarily.El took this opportunity to kick over the giant ax in his hand, and the ax in his hand struck his thick neck, splitting his neck in half.

"Damn! You shameless people!" Lilwater howled angrily. He shrank his neck suddenly, clamped El's ax tightly, and then stretched out his hand to grab El's body.El grasped the handle of the ax tightly, turned over and hung it behind his back, and patted himself on the chest. The little Langa who was connected with him jumped out quickly, and raised his scorpion-like tail on Lilwater's forehead. Stung hard.

Lilwater let out a scream that was sharper than Pallanti's lion roar just now. He almost had half of his head cut off by El, but he didn't respond, but he couldn't stand Xiao Langa's plot, and he couldn't care less Al, covering his forehead and rolling around in pain.

As the royal blood of the land walker, Xiao Langa is born with the innate ability of the upper class, which is especially effective against the attacks of ordinary land walkers, just like the natural suppression of the Yalong beast by the giant dragon.

El patted Little Langa on the head as a compliment, and then kicked Lilwater just in time when he rolled to the edge of the city wall, kicking the idiot frontline commander of the Landwalker Legion down.

(End of this chapter)

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