rune hunter

Chapter 147 The Horn of Pallanti

Chapter 147 The Horn of Pallanti
A city wall more than ten meters high is enough for ordinary people to fall down and be smashed to pieces, but for a silver-ranked powerhouse, it is nothing more than a scratch on the outer skin.What really hurt Lilwater's heart was the sting on his forehead.

The poison attached to the scorpion hook on Xiaolanga's tail is not strong, but the royal power attached to it is enough to kill ordinary landwalkers.In the social concept of the Landwalker tribe, kingship is inviolable, and even the most powerful landwalker warriors dare not offend the cubs of the royal family—only the royal family themselves can kill each other.

Lilwater got up from the ground clutching his forehead, rolled his eyes, and didn't immediately climb up the city wall to look for that despicable and shameless human archer.As a frontline commander, if you want to live long enough, in addition to the requirements for personal bravery and war experience, you also need to have a certain amount of wisdom and judgment.

In other words, it is necessary to have a certain degree of political awareness, be able to understand Her Royal Highness's wishes, while fully demonstrating the power of the legion, one must also know when enough is enough to seek the greatest benefits for Her Royal Highness.

Due to the racial characteristics of natural obedience, most landwalk fighters regard these as nonsense, and think that as long as they obey orders and move forward bravely, they are competent. two months.

Although he looks stupid from the outside, as a senior frontline commander, Lilwater actually possesses wisdom that doesn't match his appearance, or can be said to be cunning.Otherwise, there would be no all-out attack just because Her Royal Highness the Princess is about to arrive.

In the military regulations of the Landwalker Legion, the commander must carefully judge the battlefield situation, use the special abilities of each arm to cooperate with each other, and avoid wasting the strength of regular troops.But to Lilwater, that was all fart.Based on his understanding of His Royal Highness Langa Akalian, Her Royal Highness's style has always been to do things without asking the process, but only looking at the results.Compared with the sacrifice of the troops, these unsightly humans on the ground are more likely to arouse the anger of Her Royal Highness.

As long as it is a civilized race with wisdom, such bureaucracy will inevitably appear in the long history.

But now the situation has changed again, and Lilwater stood under the city wall and silently calculated in his heart.That human archer actually had a royal larva, and it seemed to have grown up gradually. This insignificant factor was enough to fundamentally change the nature of this war.

Langa Akalian's Landwalker Legion followed Langaria's clues to the ground, and launched a war with the humans on the ground just to clear the field, in other words, to eliminate all possible enemies out of the sight of Her Royal Highness, To put it bluntly, it was just to satisfy Langa Akalian's personal spiritual cleanliness.The previous war order launched by Lilwater was also to win the favor of Her Royal Highness, and it was not actually a legitimate reason for war.

In the eyes of the landwalker legion under the rosette of Langaaka, the catastrophe facing Istaron is nothing more than an appetizer.As one of the most powerful land princesses in the underground world, Langa Akalian has enough strength to strategically despise human city-states.

However, now there is a royal family of landwalkers on the human side, even if it is just a newborn larva, it is enough to upgrade the nature of this war to a "royal civil war".According to the ancient tradition of the Landwalker tribe, when two royal families stand opposite each other on the battlefield, it means the beginning of a royal civil war.For landwalkers, this kind of warfare is sacred and inviolable, and must be taken seriously.

Lilwater made some calculations in his mind, and immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity. He decided to report this matter with embellishments, which would definitely attract the attention of His Royal Highness Langa Akalian.Even if it is just a larva, it is also a larva of the royal family. Even if it cannot grow into a princess, it can at least evolve into a war king worm, and its value is self-evident.

When His Highness Langa Akalian's attention was on that larva, it wasn't a problem that he was unfavorable in the beginning.

Just when the cunning front-line commander was thinking of evil ideas, a mental wave erupting from the distant forest suddenly swept across the battlefield, causing both sides in the melee to pause involuntarily for a moment.

Lilwater, who was crouching under the city wall, and El, who was standing above the city wall, miraculously achieved 100% the same mood at this moment, that is, a million alpacas ran past in their hearts.

The Princess of Earth has arrived!
Lilwater was terrified because he hadn't made up an excuse for himself, and El had already had an experience and left a serious psychological shadow.

The frontline commander of the Landwalker ran all the way to the rear with a mournful face, dragging his ax backwards, and if Her Royal Highness got impatient with waiting, he would not be able to die with eight lives.

The human interim commander also turned around and ran with a mournful face, dragging his ax backwards. On the way, he grabbed the loli knight who was still unclear about the situation, and went straight to the tower.With the presence of the gold-ranked Princess Dixing, there is no hope for human beings in this war.

From the very beginning of the war, Al and Ahmad hardly left the tower on the city wall, because the kobold Apache hid here. It proved that this must be a safe place.

Sure enough, before the battle started, the kobolds brought everyone an unexpected surprise.He took his small shovel and knocked east and west in the tower, and even opened a secret entrance to the troop transport passage.For some reason, this secret passage left behind during the construction of the city wall has not been recorded, and even Ahmed, who is a senior officer, has never heard of the news.

"Sir, we have already checked. This secret passage leads to the inner city, and there is no problem with good ventilation." A dusty black-clothed knight came out of the tunnel and reported.

"It's good if it works, let the brothers who are still alive on the city wall move closer to this side immediately, all go down, and I will give you the rear." El patted him on the shoulder and said.

In such a short period of time, the ground walker's offensive has slowed down a lot unconsciously. El noticed that several silver-ranked ground walker fighters led their subordinates away from the battle line and retreated quietly. And the ordinary landwalker troops and those hatched mass-produced troops are still entangled with humans endlessly.

Without the support of the strong, the defensive pressure on the human side was effectively relieved immediately, but the pressure that El felt was not relieved, but intensified, stimulating every hair on his back to stand upright.

"Shrink the defense line! Defend with all your might!" El yelled at the human soldiers fighting up and down the city wall.But on this battlefield where both sides are blood-red, his voice can't be heard very far.

"Let me do it, I have a solution!" Pallanti ran out from behind him, took out a small white horn and put it to his lips.

"Don't make trouble! Ahmad, keep an eye on her!" El shouted impatiently.

"This is the Lion's Tooth Horn, which can be heard by everyone!" Pallanti avoided Ahmed's obstruction, and waved the horn in his hand twice at El: "What order do you want to give? Can the soldiers Understand this voice!"

"Defend all! Or retreat! I don't care what they think, those worms will definitely play a big game soon!" At this time, El can only pin his hopes on these mysteries obtained by Pallanti. Inheritance above.

Pallanti nodded, took a deep breath, and blew the white horn.

"Woooo—" The deep and powerful sound of the horn reverberated under the sky with a specific rhythm, and that seemingly inconspicuous horn could actually play such a penetrating sound, almost resounding through the entire city .The specific rhythm hidden in it is a command signal dedicated to the Istaron army, and any soldier who can hear the sound can understand the meaning.

There was a brief moment of silence and confusion in the human army, but the veterans were the first to react. They gave up the position in front of them without saying a word, pulled up the rookies around them and ran to the rear.

"Look at the sky!" Ahmad's exclamation drew El's attention back, he raised his head suddenly, and was horrified to find that countless "suns" appeared in the sky!
It was almost dusk, the real sun was already close to the horizon, and the rays of light illuminating the sky were all meteorites burning with flames!It seems that a pair of invisible giant hands opened the gate of hell in the sky above Istaren, and countless large and small flame meteorites poured down from the sky, as if to turn this city into a purgatory on earth.

"It's too late! Let's retreat!" El grabbed Pallanti's hand, turned around and went into the tower.As soon as they got into the secret passage, they heard a loud bang behind them. A meteorite of unknown size happened to hit the top of the tower, and the whole tower collapsed.

The dozens of soldiers who gathered around the tower before they had time to enter were submerged in an instant by the collapsed brick wall, and those who stayed in the tower had no bones left.A large amount of rubble poured in along the entrance of the secret passage, and the unlit secret passage suddenly fell into darkness.

The secret passage leads from the city wall to the ground, with steep and long steps.El didn't even have time to stand firm, and was pushed and rolled down by the sand behind him.He subconsciously held Pallanti in his arms, and used his body as a pad to withstand the bumps on the steps.

The two of them were not the only ones who lost their balance. Almost all the soldiers on the steps lost their footing due to the shock, rolling and climbing one by one.El didn't remember how many times he turned over the steps and how many people he bumped into. He only felt that at least two of his ribs were broken, and he finally stopped, and there were screams and screams all around him.

"Light it up! Someone get up and light a fire! Don't the idiots who came in first know how to put a torch in?" Al yelled, suppressing the pain in his body.

He was about to continue yelling when his eyes suddenly lit up. When he took a closer look, Pallanti, who was held in his arms, actually gave off a faint light.El let go of his hand in a hurry, and found that it was the horn in Pallanti's hand emitting a soft light. Although it wasn't too bright, it was enough to restore vision in the dark.

It's just that I haven't seen you for a while. How many functions have you added?Al stared at Pallanti dumbfounded, and the little girl wiped her face and giggled.

(End of this chapter)

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