rune hunter

Chapter 148 Hall of Secret Words

Chapter 148 Hall of Secret Words
The original intention of the builders of the secret passage was not to leave a retreat for the deserters—or it should be said the other way around, this secret passage should actually be a passage for transporting troops from the inner city to the outside, so on the side of the city wall The exit of the exit did not leave any obvious marks at all.

If the kobold geomancer hadn't eaten and drank enough to dig up the sealed wall bricks with a shovel, even the guards in the tower would not have known that such a secret passage existed.

With the help of the gleam of the horn in Pallanti's hand, El supported his body and climbed up from the icy ground.He fell all the way down the steps holding Lori Knight, but he was able to recover quickly relying on the ability of the life rune.

Ordinary soldiers naturally don't have such good luck and strength. A soldier who was following him also rolled down and accidentally bumped into the corner of the steps, smashing his head directly.More people were killed by meteorites falling from the sky before entering the secret passage.

Finally someone lit the torch. El patted the dirt on his body and looked around. There were only a dozen soldiers left with him, and they were all in a panic.Although he ordered Ahmed to shrink his troops into the secret passage before that, due to the full-line attack of the landwalkers, less than one-third of the troops finally hid in.

The soldiers who survived the catastrophe showed expressions of rejoicing, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, another violent vibration came from above their heads, and another meteorite fell nearby, causing a large cloud of dust and fine quicksand to rise in the secret passage. Debris was pouring down through the cracks in the ceiling.

"It's too dangerous here, let's go!" El didn't care about lamenting the tragedy of becoming a bachelor commander, and immediately urged.No matter how strong this tunnel is, it cannot resist the continuous bombardment of meteorites. Once it collapses, everyone will be trapped underground to death.And the range of meteor fire rain he saw on the city wall almost covered the entire city, which meant that this secret passage was in danger of collapsing at any time from beginning to end.

Everyone acted immediately, and the senior fighters had a clearer sense of danger, without Eldo needing to say anything, they could feel the breath of death above their heads.At this time, no one was in the mood to talk nonsense, and all the surviving fighters walked forward with sullen heads and quickened their pace.

The space of the secret passage is not too narrow, and it can even accommodate three people in parallel, but there is no torch for lighting inside, so that the survivors who are also not fully prepared can only discredit and move forward.The few torches in the team can only provide lighting within a dozen meters, and if they are far away, they flicker like will-o'-the-wisps.Under the dim sight, people pushed and collided with each other from time to time, and their noses and faces were bruised.

Only the light from the horn in Pallanti's hand was faint but surprisingly penetrating.El himself didn't care that he had dark vision, but he found that other soldiers quickly calmed down under the shroud of that light. Contains a longing look.

"This is the baby you inherited, does it look very powerful?" El couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked Pallanti in a low voice.

"Ah? Ah yes, that's it." Lolita Knight was lowering her head and wondering what she was thinking about. She was startled when she heard El's words, and then showed an expression of sudden realization, and handed the white horn to El in front of you.

"This is the Lion's Tooth Horn. It was a treasure given to Grand Duke Caesar by the gods when the White Lion family opened up the northern border. We Istarenians have all grown up listening to its stories. Sir, you are not a local, so you may not sure."

"The treasure that the gods bestowed on Duke Caesar?" El nodded noncommittally, somewhat disapprovingly in his heart.Istaron does not enshrine any powerful gods. The most influential Ludern Temple was burned. They wanted to attract the Temple of Life to settle in, but they were almost killed...God knows the relationship between the White Lion Family and the gods What kind of messy entanglement is there.

"The penetrating power of the Lion's Tooth Horn is particularly powerful. Whether it is sound or light, according to legend, Grand Duke Caesar used it to command the army and give orders." Pallanti showed a regretful look on his face: "The lord should wear it on his body." Yes, there's no point in handing it over to me."

"Even if this horn is ten times bigger, it is still meaningless in the meteor shower outside." El shook his head and said disapprovingly: "Since you think you are not qualified, you should take good care of this horn." Treasure until you can find the right one."

While the two were talking, they accelerated the speed of their feet. El and Pallanti were agile fighters, and their normal movement speed was even faster than ordinary soldiers trotting.It's just that there are still wounded in the team, so they need to stay in the rear.

The sound of bricks and stones collapsing came from time to time in the darkness behind them. It was not only the damage caused by the falling meteorite, but also some groundwalker troops who attacked the city by virtue of their ability to dig the ground, and it was difficult to escape this indiscriminate attack. In desperation, they had to dig a hole to escape.Some bugs actually dug through the outer wall of the secret passage and hid in. Unfortunately, they encountered humans again, and then fought in a daze.

After finally killing these landwalkers who came in by mistake, El suddenly felt that the front suddenly became clear.They have reached the end of the secret passage.After passing through an arch, there turned out to be an underground hall with a size of several hundred square meters. Ahmed was leading the troops who had previously entered the secret passage to rest here.

El walked into the underground hall and looked around, and found that there were huge rock arches built on all sides of the hall, the style was exactly the same as the door he walked out of, and it was obvious that this was the central hub of the underground secret passage of Istaren.

"I've heard of this place before. This is the third underground floor of the White Lion Castle, also known as the Hall of Secret Words." Ahmed said to El, and he subconsciously glanced at Pallanti: "This is the White Lion. Only Pross, who is in charge of internal affairs supervision, knows the details of the family’s confidential place. This place has hardly been used since it was built that year, and it unexpectedly left us with a way out.”

"How many people do we have left?" El asked in a low voice. He glanced at the number of people just now and found that the loss was more serious than he had expected.

"There are less than 300 people left. The others either died on the city wall, or they didn't come over." Ahmed said with a sad face.

El nodded, his face heavy.Most of the survivors were the mountain hunters under Ahmad and the black knights led by Timmy. Almost everyone was injured in the previous battle.The only luck is that when Ahmed ran down, he picked up those priests from the Temple of Life. With them, at least they don't have to worry about the soldiers' injuries getting worse.

A castle was built above this hall. The structure was relatively solid and there were no dangerous cracks, but the vibrations on the ground could still be vaguely felt.Although it looks safe here, it is not a place to stay for a long time after all.

Apache, the kobold geomancer, groaned and slapped the ground with his small shovel, circled the edge of the hall several times, and finally stopped outside a rock arch.He put down the shovel and tapped the ground three times, listened for a moment with a serious expression, then raised his head and announced, "There is no danger here!"

Although El has always held a strong skeptical attitude towards this neurotic kobold, even he has to admit that at this time, he must rely on the ability of this magic stick to escape from birth.The kobold geomancer may not be able to predict your luck, but he is a real expert in avoiding bad luck.

"Let the priest deal with the wounded soldiers. We can't stay here. God knows what other disasters will happen to this city." El said to Ahmed.

Having experienced a battle between two monsters, a full-scale invasion of landwalkers and undead, and a super meteor shower covering the entire city, it would not be strange even if a god suddenly descended and flooded the city with a mouthful of saliva the next moment. .Istaren has been cursed by the apostles, and is doomed not to see the sun of tomorrow.

The Landwalker's offensive was too fierce, and El also consumed a lot of energy in the battle, and he didn't feel tired until he breathed a sigh of relief.He sat in the corner and wanted to rest for a while, but saw Apache staggering over.

"Anything else?" Al asked impatiently.

"Is something wrong? No, no, no, I'm fine. The goddess of the earth has pointed out the direction of my survival." Apache stared at El's eyes with a shovel, and there was a hint of meaning on his face, which was no different from that of a hyena. With a smile: "I'm just curious, Archer, you don't seem to worry about that kind little girl at home?"

"I've already sent her out of the city, what do you want to say?" El frowned, seeing Apache's secretive smile, his heart twitched involuntarily.

Before he knew it, he had already admitted the kobold geomancer's prophecy ability in his heart, but he didn't recall why he had doubts about the kobold in the first place?
Because the kobold geomancer predicted death to Tika when he met him for the first time!

"We geologists generally only predict bad luck, and rarely make accurate predictions for someone or something, because it takes too much energy. However, the fate of that little girl is very clear, and it basically takes no effort." Ah Patch shook his head and said. "I wonder if you remember that prophecy?"

"The dark poisonous snake waits for an opportunity, the puppet who pulls the string goes against its will, the fireworks are brilliant under the night, and the saint comes to redeem the world..." El couldn't help chanting, because he was worried about Tikka's safety, these few words were always read. He kept it in his heart, but he had no idea at the time.Thinking about it now, I just feel cold in my heart.

"The fireworks must be pretty bright outside right now," Apache said.

(End of this chapter)

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