rune hunter

Chapter 149 Tika's Fate

Chapter 149 Tika's Fate

The hall of secret words hidden under the White Lion Castle was originally designed as an underground troop transportation hub. However, since Istaron has not suffered a real fatal blow since its establishment 300 years ago, this underground hall has been abandoned. state.

After being framed by the royal family and the Society of Truth ten years ago, the White Lion Family once stored a batch of military supplies here, but it was not used in the end.Ahmed led people to rummage and found some bread and bacon, which had become as hard as rocks, and the only thing worth saving were two boxes of rum left.El went over and took out a bottle, wiped the dust off the bottle with his sleeve, and found that it was a very famous brand, probably a private product hidden by Prouss.

"Are you all right, my lord?" Timmy asked cautiously, noticing that something was wrong with El's face.

"I'm fine, you guys find anything else you can use, and leave in 3 minutes." El put the bottle in his arms, nodded to him, and walked to a dark corner by himself.

He took out a roll of worn parchment from his pocket, put it on his lap, and wrote a line of words with the charcoal pencil rolled inside the paper.

This seemingly inconspicuous parchment is actually a magic item given to him by Tiana, which comes from the high tower inheritance inherited by the girl.The handwriting written on this parchment will appear on another parchment, the distance is not limited but it can only be used three times.

Originally, Tiana left him this parchment to confirm the battle situation on Istaren, so as to formulate a better escape route for the refugees.After El withdrew his troops, he could still know from this parchment where to meet them.But now the scene in the city is estimated that she can see it clearly from a few kilometers away, but it is impossible to describe the picture of that kind of hell with words.

El thought about it, and decided to waste a precious opportunity to make contact, so he wrote on the paper:
"Princess Dixing appeared, meteor fire rained from the sky, we are evacuating, please help me find Tika."

The parchment looked big, but El didn't have any ink or quill pen at hand. The handwriting written in charcoal was rough and ugly, and it took up too much space. There could only be so many words on this piece of paper.

He didn't know if Jupiter's caravan had found the refugee team led by Tiana, and he didn't know if Tiana would perfunctory himself. He just trusted the girl with his intuition and believed that she could understand his feelings.

Al squatted in the corner, uncorked the wine bottle, drank the stuffed wine in mouthfuls and waited for the reply on the parchment, feeling that every second was extremely long.He wanted to ask Apache to learn more about the situation, but the cunning kobold slipped into a safe secret passage early, leaving him no excuse to beat someone up.

"Sir, it's time for us to go." Pallanti came over and said softly. The surviving troops had already set off, and there were only the two of them left in the hall, and it suddenly became extremely silent.

"You go first, Pallanti, I'll take a rest here and catch up with you soon." El waved his hand impatiently.

"What my father said while drinking can't be taken seriously." Pallanti bit her lip, but did not turn away. She also noticed El's abnormal mood: "Sir, what did the kobold say to you?"

"Children, don't be so curious." El glanced at the parchment in his hand, with a helpless smile on his face: "Your father is a very admirable hero, of course I have only heard their stories. And the old man who adopted me was just a down-and-out bard..."

"Sir, now is not a good time to recall the past. We are not out of danger yet. You shouldn't drink." Pallanti looked at the bottle in El's hand and couldn't help frowning. Although she was young, she He grew up in the army since he was a child. As a professional soldier, he especially hates the vices of alcoholics, and Al's current state is obviously drunk.

"Ten-year-old rum is really strong enough, but it still doesn't make me drunk, I just want to feel emotional." El shook his head and smiled, "I'll tell you a secret. I just wanted to run. At that time, Antonio and I felt that the city was hopeless. He pulled me hard and told me in private, you have to take my stubborn cousin away, no matter what tricks you use The method of abduction is also to let her escape, you don't know how tangled that kid's expression was at that time, he was also terribly afraid of death..."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Pallanti's face darkened.

"Since they have all fled here, it doesn't make any difference if I finish talking earlier. The remaining soldiers are not so much my troops, but actually your personal guards. You are holding your father's silver badge, and Amo With the help of De and Timmy, we can control this army." El said with a smile.

"You are the commander of this army! What do you want to do?" Pallanti roughly interrupted El's words like a pussy cat, staring into his eyes and asking.

"It's nothing. I may have some personal matters to attend to. From now on, you will be the new commander." El shook the parchment with the new handwriting on it, and carefully looked at it with the light of Pallanti's horn. go.

"We will retreat southwards from the tree-shaded lake. The caravan has converged. Tika is missing and may still be in the city..."

"Damn it!" El rolled his eyes and uttered a swear word, only to feel that all the strength in his body disappeared at this moment.After the ominous prophecy left by the kobold, he worked hard and made many preparations for Tika, but he never thought that this heartless girl still did not escape.What exactly went wrong?

Pallanti had already been dumbfounded by his sudden handover order, but now the sudden outburst startled her again.Pallanti grabbed his arm subconsciously with red eyes, and asked in a crying voice, "What happened, sir?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the woman in the family got lost." El stood up, rubbed Pallanti's head, and said with a careless expression on his face: "Obey the order, Pallanti. Follow the front Troops, take over the command. After you leave the city, head towards the tree-shaded lake, and I will catch up with you."

"Sir..." Pallanti still wanted to speak, but El slapped a crisp chestnut on the forehead, and couldn't help screaming.

El didn't speak any more, turned around and walked towards the corridor at the edge of the hall.

As a man, one can be cowardly, cowardly, shameless, and play with the wind, but there are some things that one has to do. It's not just a matter of dignity, but also something that can't be explained clearly.

After walking up the stairs, he could vaguely hear Pallanti's sobbing from below, but it disappeared quickly.The upward spiral staircase was pitch black. There was no one in the castle, and the basement was even more empty and silent.

"In the end, there were only the two of us left." El leaned on the wall and carefully climbed the steps, and patted his chest twice with the other hand, and Xiao Langa's head popped out immediately.

"Ah, ah, Tika?" Little Langa blinked and cried out in a low voice.The landwalker royals were born with psychic talents. Even if she hid in her clothes, she could still understand the outside situation through El's perception. Naturally, El's violent psychological and emotional fluctuations just now couldn't be hidden from her.

"Yeah, yeah, that fool didn't know what stupid thing he did, he gave me thousands of warnings, and in the end he still got rid of me." El lamented with a headache.

"Tika?" Little Langa bit her finger and looked at El aggrievedly.

"Yes, we have to find her." El nodded and said, "I know Tika must still be alive. Although that girl is a bit stupid, she has always been lucky. This small scene is nothing..."

Turning a corner, a light suddenly appeared in front of him, and El immediately accelerated his pace and rushed over.Just when he was about to rush out of the tunnel, there was a sudden violent tremor under his feet, which made him lose his balance and fell to the ground, smashing a dog into the mud.

El got up from the ground, looked up and saw the scorched sky.

The meteor fire rain covering the entire city still hasn't stopped, thousands of meteorites in the sky are falling in batches in a constant and orderly pattern, and up to now only half of them have been consumed.

The castle of the White Lion family is riddled with holes, and raging flames are burning everywhere, turning everything that can be burned into ashes.

Al tore a rag from the tattered curtain in the room and put it over his face, barely warding off the omnipresent smoke.He walked through the ruins of the castle with his head and face covered, roughly identified the direction, and ran towards the block where Jupiter Trading Company was located without hesitation.

The walls of the inner city were built stronger than the castle, and they miraculously survived the bombardment of the meteorite.When El climbed over the city wall, he found that there were still many survivors hiding under the city wall, most of them were soldiers stationed on the inner city wall, and some residents of the city.No matter the nobles or the servants, their faces were scorched black by the thick smoke from the flames, and they were miserable.

"There is a safe tunnel in the castle! You can escape! It's in the direction I came from!" El shouted to the survivors.The loud noise of the falling meteorite almost completely covered his voice, but under the gestures he made with his hands and feet, many people still understood what he meant.

Hiding under the city wall will not reduce the chance of being hit by half.At least there is still a way to survive in the secret language hall under the castle.El thought he was worthy of his conscience, so he ignored the hesitant survivors, turned over and jumped off the city wall.

The situation in the urban area outside was even worse, because most of the civilian buildings were made of wood, which could easily be ignited by flames, and the whole city was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

In that sea of ​​fire, the war continues.

(End of this chapter)

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