rune hunter

Chapter 150 Skyfire Burns the City

Chapter 150 Skyfire Burns the City
As two civilized races with completely different evolutionary directions, the values ​​​​of the landwalkers are very different from those of humans.Every Dixing princess who emerged from the royal family's civil war is the darling of fate. The power they hold is no less than that of the warlords and lords in the human world, and naturally they will not lack the majesty that matches them.

But how to define this kind of majesty varies from person to person. Langaria has never used the real golden power in the war. In addition to preserving her strength, the reason is more because of her contempt for human beings.When Leonard Knight didn't appear, the war between the human army and the Landwalker Legion was only regarded as a game by her.

Even after being attacked by Pross, she didn't show real anger, just like a person was bitten by a mosquito. Although she was a little annoyed, it was not worth paying attention to, because the power below the gold rank was all ants in her eyes.

Another landwalking princess, Her Highness Langa Akalian, does not have such a good temper. In fact, her highness's fiery temper is unique even among the landwalking tribes, just like the famous active volcano in her own territory. Just as rebellious.

Another feature that is as famous as her is her weird cleanliness. As a racial supremacist, Princess Langa Akalian firmly believes that the land walker belongs to the most perfect evolutionary species, and other intelligent life is the superfluous scum of this world.She couldn't even tolerate any alien creatures within her line of sight, not even corpses.

In the past ten years or so, 80.00% of the reasons why her legion fought inexplicably with other underground races were because of such a ridiculous and absurd reason to outsiders.

Earthwalker naturally likes darkness, but her troops have evolved the ability of the fire system. In addition to the potential influence of underground active volcanoes, a more important purpose is to burn all unclean things in front of Her Royal Highness.

Lilwater had expected that Her Royal Highness the Princess would advance the schedule temporarily. The frontline battle report sent back earlier showed that the vanguard had encountered resistance from the human city-states in the ground world, so Her Royal Highness decided to go to the front to supervise the battle in person.But when she descended to the aboveground world through the wormhole, the first thing she saw was a scene that made her vomit blood.

Istaren was under siege from two sides, and the two sides that attacked at the same time did not know each other's existence.The war turned into a complete melee when the commanders of the undead horde and the landwalker legion gave the order to attack ahead at almost the same time.

The troops led by El gathered near the northern city gate, and could only feel the frontal pressure of the landwalkers, while in the northeast of Istaron, the armies of the three parties were entangled in an inexplicable way.All kinds of undead creatures, ground walkers, and human beings are engaged in desperate battles in the sky and on the ground. No one can figure out what their enemies are, so they can only brandish their weapons desperately, killing all those around them who look different from themselves. The thing fell to the ground.

If the human army is like a pile of shit blocking the way in the eyes of Langa Akalian, then the current situation is equivalent to three lumps of shit of different colors mixed together, and more and more... So the princess His Highness lost his mind almost immediately, tearing open the sky with his own strength.

Except for a very few experienced Landwalk officers, even El, who was on the front line at the time, didn't know the true origin of the meteor shower, and of course he wasn't interested in knowing.He couldn't prevent this disaster with his own strength, just like a little girl surrounded by twelve strong men in a dead end. At this time, she didn't have any ability to resist, so she could only grit her teeth and endure.

Meteors are still falling from the sky, and the cities on the ground are engulfed in flames.The sun had set, but the sky was still as bright as daylight from the flames burning in the city.As the prophecy said, the fireworks on this night were incomparably brilliant.

Al sprinted through the burning streets in a soaked sackcloth, finally found a shady place, opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of black smoke.Little Langa couldn't stand the heat even more, she hid in her shell and refused to come out, only crying incessantly in the soul link.

Cities are burning, and the fighting continues.

Undead creatures are tireless, and troops of humans and landwalkers alike are the best fighters of their races.Neither side is prepared to withdraw from this fiery purgatory before receiving an order to retreat.El just stopped to catch his breath, when he saw a black knight leading the ghouls rushing across the street, surrounding a small group of human soldiers hiding in the building.

The skeletal warhorse under the black knight's seat was emitting blue smoke, and more than half of the bones had been burned black, and his own armor could no longer be blacker.There were less than ten of the ghouls he led, and half of them were still burning with flames, making crackling noises.The situation of the human soldiers was even more unoptimistic. There were only four or five people who could hold a sword, and the others who fell on the ground did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Humans were defending their homeland, while the undead creatures were ordered to die. Neither side had any room for compromise, but they fought extremely hard.Er was about to slip past quietly, but unexpectedly the stubborn black knight turned his head around and charged at him with his sword in hand.

But before El pulled the bowstring, a piece of land on the way of the black knight suddenly arched, and the poor knight was tripped and turned over before he had time to rein in the horse.A ground walker warrior crawled out from the ground, subconsciously swung his two knives and chopped the black knight into two pieces, and he himself seemed to be a little confused about the situation, looking around in a daze.

El let go of the bowstring, and the long arrow that had locked onto the black knight almost didn't adjust its position and hit the Landwalker warrior's head directly.

At this time, the human soldiers also dealt with the ghouls who were not commanded. After running over, they immediately noticed the badge on El's chest, and immediately stood in awe.

"Which neighborhood is this?" El asked loudly, all the surrounding buildings were burning, and the original street traces could no longer be seen.Even if he could determine the general direction, it would be difficult to find a specific reference in this sea of ​​fire.

"I don't know, my lord! We escaped all the way here by hiding from the shooting stars in the sky." The soldier said with shame on his face.

"Then follow me!" El thought for a while, and decided to take these soldiers with him. He didn't know if he would encounter more enemies ahead, and he would be safer with these soldiers to help him.

Sure enough, as he expected, after walking less than half a street, he saw two troops of undead and landwalkers blocking the way.The leader, an abomination, was fighting with a digger, and it was unknown how the two huge monsters survived.Before El could find another way out, a giant crossbow shot from the bed crossbow pierced through the alley, nailing the two monsters together, and then a group of gray-haired old men rushed out with machetes in their arms.

El didn't know what he was thinking at the time, it seemed that he rushed forward just because his mind was hot.

Meteors are still falling, and the battle in the city is still going on. The closer to the northeast, the larger the scale of the battle and the more intense it is.El held the ax in his right hand and the dragon tooth bow in his left. He didn't know how far he had traveled, and he didn't know how many monsters he had chopped down.More and more soldiers followed him, gradually gathering into a large-scale team.

A flaming meteorite fell close to the team, and most experienced soldiers immediately fled around with their heads in their hands, but quite a few were directly crushed into flesh.Al was completely immersed in the world of killing, and didn't notice what happened behind him. He didn't escape the aftermath of the meteorite until he was pushed away desperately at the last moment.

El got up from the ground, looked back, and found that the person who saved his life was actually a retired veteran. The old man was already thin, but after throwing El down, he was hit by a gravel on the back.The old man who was already on the verge of death opened his mouth and laughed when he saw that El was fine.

"Sir...fuck this gang...the son of a bitch..." the old man shouted at the top of his lungs as he vomited blood.

"Well, kill these sons of bitches!" El nodded, gritted his teeth and stood up.The surviving soldiers gathered around him again, and on the opposite street, the roars of undead creatures sounded again.The landwalker troops just didn't evacuate, while the undead army kept pouring into the city regardless of their own casualties.The eastern defense line guarded by Antonio has obviously collapsed.

El raised his head and felt the scorching eyes of the soldiers around him, all of them were waiting for his order.Most of the surrounding buildings have been reduced to ruins in the fire, meteorites and battles, and it has become an impossible task to find the location of the Jupiter firm.The only thing that can be confirmed in front of him is the endless enemies.

"My lord? Are you alright?" Some soldiers have already seen the figure of the undead army, which is a mixed army including ghouls, black knights and flame skeleton warriors, or they are also the same as their own. Or, but in any case, it is difficult to deal with in terms of quantity alone.And the commander, who was the spiritual pillar of his side, seemed to be in a trance, and didn't respond for a long time, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

El shook his head and didn't speak. He also saw the enemy on the opposite side, which seemed to be a big trouble for the remnant soldiers he gathered.But he couldn't go back, because he wasn't sure if he could find the right direction except for the street in front of him whose memory was a bit blurred.

"Follow me! Fuck those bastards to death!" El raised his ax and roared, his eyes radiated a faint blue light. It shows on his forehead.An indescribable breath gradually emanated from his body.

In the underground secret room several blocks away, Shirley, who was using the lock of order to strengthen the wall, suddenly raised her head, showing a surprised expression on her face for the first time.

"What a surprise... so Pandora's plan... is because of this?"

 Tomorrow is a new month, please recommend and monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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