rune hunter

Chapter 151 Rainbow Dreamland

Chapter 151 Rainbow Dreamland
The burning world only has the colors of crimson and scorched black, but what is left after burning is only gray and dark. That is the original color and the final color. The world originated from chaos and returns to chaos.

No one knows what was the first ray of color that appeared in the chaos, a rainbow that cannot be described in words.Chaos itself has no meaning, but when that rainbow appeared, the concept of "being and nothing" was born.The original rules were born from the rainbow, gradually extended and developed, and turned into substance.This is the place where "The World" was first born, and it is also called "Rainbow Square".

The seven founders emerged from the rainbow and began to create the world based on the rainbow square.The founder first created the earth and sky, then created day and night, the sun and the moon, and finally spread the spirit of all things on the ground, and all kinds of life began to appear in this world.

After the founders completed the initial work, they no longer interfered with the operation of the world. They hid behind the scenes and silently watched the changes in the world.

Countless years passed quietly, and the life on the earth began to evolve wisdom, slowly multiplying and growing.Humans conquered the plains, elves lived in seclusion in the deep forest, and giant dragons soared on the top of the mountains... In the natural evolution of tens of thousands of years, each of the distinctive intelligent races developed their own civilization and began to explore the world.

The pioneers mastered the rules of the world, so they thought they had mastered all the truth, and called themselves gods.When the gods sit in the kingdom of God in the sky, the world has entered a new era.

In the eyes of the gods, everything in this world is under their control.But they don't know that the founders are already worried about the hidden dangers beyond this world.

"Chaos has awakened from a deep sleep..."

"The power of chaos has secretly invaded the real world..."

"The basic law has shown signs of distortion..."

"This mutation must be reversed..."


Al was so dazed that he couldn't open his eyes, and could only hear the chaotic murmurs in his ears.He could not feel his body, only his soul seemed half asleep.Although he couldn't see anything, he didn't know why he could feel that he was in a colorful world, like a dreamlike rainbow light pouring down, like a mother's palm caressing his heart.

He can feel that there are other souls around him, and that feeling is very intimate, as warm as a relative.He tried hard to open his eyes, but couldn't see anything around him.

"I brought the children here," whispered a gentle voice.

That voice possessed a kind of magical power, which immediately calmed El's confused mood.For some reason, his intuition gave him unconditional trust.

"I don't think they can save the world, what they're facing..."

"This world will belong to them after all..."

"They're still kids..."

"Children will grow up eventually."


The chaotic and noisy whispers continued, and El began to fall into a drowsy state again. He didn't know who was talking, but he could only vaguely feel a pair of eyes staring at him, which felt kind and familiar.

He groaned in pain, covered his head and opened his eyes, the picture in front of him finally became clear.Although the surrounding lights are very dim, he can still clearly observe the changes in the environment with his vision.Surrounded by stone walls, it seemed that he had returned to the secret escape route, but judging from the slight sound of running water beside his ears, this place should be the underground waterway of Istaren.

That bizarre and mysterious hallucination, or dream, suddenly disappeared after he woke up, leaving only sporadic memory fragments, which he subconsciously ignored soon.

Al rubbed his temples painfully, and slowly connected the memory fragments in his mind.

Endless flames, endless enemies, meteorites in the sky and bugs in the ground, these memories have almost no value at all.To sum it up, he led the surviving human soldiers to fight all the way, fighting all kinds of enemies until he finally lost consciousness, but he couldn't find the street he was looking for.

In fact, El had already expected this result when he returned to the ground, and he didn't need to search for it at all. The urban area had been completely burned to nothingness, and there was no value in searching for it.It's just that he doesn't want to believe this fact, and his intuition tells him that Tika won't just disappear like this.

"Is it really an illusion?" El shook his head and smiled wryly.He didn't know why Tika suddenly ran back to the city in a panic, and he didn't know why he had to find her and come back when his brain was flooded.With his shallow head, it is difficult to describe his emotional entanglements in words.

The price of brain flooding is very serious. He overstretched his body during the battle. Even with the rapid regeneration ability brought by the life rune, he cannot repair the injury without limit.I vaguely remember that it was only with Xiao Langa's adrenaline stock solution that he was able to breathe in the end, so the little thing had to fall into a deep sleep again.

El doesn't remember how many times he was stabbed at that time, and now his whole body is full of new muscles, but compared to the unforgettable pain in his heart, he doesn't feel much physical pain.

Tikka is gone, the lovely girl who secretly loved him since she was a child, and who took a noble maid as her ideal in life just left, and I will never see her silly smiling face again...

El stared straight ahead blankly, biting his lip so hard that blood flowed from the bite.

There were slight footsteps in his ears, and he should have noticed it with his hearing, but at this moment, El's mind was blank, and he was not willing to think about unnecessary questions at all.

"Oh, you're recovering so quickly. You really deserve to be...a person who can be a general." The girl in black walked over lightly, lowered her head and looked into El's eyes, with a meaningful smile on her face.

"You saved me?" El asked calmly.He is no stranger to the black-clothed girl in front of him. Shirley, an assassin of the Dark Moon Brotherhood, was suspected of massacring Ludern believers. She was wanted by the Holy Sister Maryvian, and later miraculously sealed the woman of the Purple Demon God.

"It's just a chance encounter..." Shirley shook her head and said, "It's also a kind of fate to meet in the sewer."

"I didn't expect you to run away." Katyusha's voice came from behind Shirley.

El looked back and saw the figures of the other two girls, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.It's fine if Katyusha is alone, and she's an acquaintance if she had a drink together before the war, but what happened to the holy nun with a collar around her neck and shackles on her hands and feet?Seeing that her indifferent expression is quite different from her previous seductiveness, could it be that she has regained consciousness after messing around?

"Don't be afraid, her power has been sealed by me, and she can't pose a threat for the time being." Shirley saw his thoughts from El's face, and sighed helplessly: "It's just like you guys with straight nerves. I don’t know, it took a lot of effort to 'persuade' your subordinates just now, do you want me to 'explain' for you?"

"No, no, no, I'm very clear." El was sweating coldly and shook his head again and again, but he was taken aback for a moment and asked suspiciously, "Subordinate? What subordinate? My subordinate?"

"It seems that you really burned your head." Shirley curled her lips and said, "When we met you in the underground sewer, you were already in a coma. It was Katyusha who treated you. According to your subordinates Those soldiers said that you led the survivors to gather the remaining troops, wiped out a flank of the undead army, and then led them to retreat to the sewer... I guess you don't remember these things, do you?"

"I did all these things?" Al was dumbfounded.The fragments left in his memory were nothing but fighting, and he didn't have the slightest impression of the heroic deeds Shirley said.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. Maybe it's just a phenomenon of memory loss after the war, and it will recover soon." Shirley patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

For some reason, El always felt that the woman's tone of voice was not quite right, as if she was deliberately covering up something.But when you think about it carefully, she is a mysterious woman, even if her tone is weird, it's not hard to understand.

"Then, since we are both... people in distress, why don't we get to know each other again." Shirley took a step back and rested her right hand on her chest. The smile on her face was still the same, but it was less frivolous and more serious. stand up.

"I come from the southern world of Northrend, an ascetic of the Dark Moon Brotherhood, the emperor's special envoy of the Plognian Empire, and the guard of the Dark Templar Shirley Asar."

"Hey, hey, do you want to be so formal?" Katyusha yelled incredulously, her eyes widening.Although she also vaguely guessed the girl's identity, it was all guessed during the chatting process in the basement.Shirley had never introduced herself to anyone so formally before.

"Uh... well, I'm the general of Istaren now... Well, I think I may already be the supreme commander in this city. My name is El." El was also suddenly moved by Shirley. I was taken aback by showing this formal attitude, and when I was not mentally prepared, my own words became confused.

"It's okay, identity is just an irrelevant question, I just want to confirm one thing now." Shirley put away her smile, looked directly into El's eyes and asked in a low voice: "Have you seen the rainbow?"

"Rainbow?" Al looked at Shirley in amazement. He had almost forgotten the dream, but when Shirley mentioned the word rainbow, he couldn't help recalling the feeling in the dream.

The gorgeous colors that cannot be described in words...

"Very good, it seems that you have begun to wake up." Shirley has been paying attention to El's face, seeing the change in his expression, nodded in satisfaction and said: "El, we are the same kind of people!"

 Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month, and those who have a subscription can help the saplings water and fertilize~
(End of this chapter)

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