rune hunter

Chapter 152 On The Road

Chapter 152 On The Road

When the morning sun fell on the earth again, the refugees by the shady lake woke up from the nightmare, silently began to pack their bags, and headed south along the avenue.

At first, only the underage students from the public colleges and the mercenaries responsible for protecting them gathered here, and then other refugees joined in one after another. By dawn, the number had reached more than 3000.

There are tens of thousands of people who have left their homes in Istaren, and the vast majority of them have no clear destination at all. They just subconsciously approach here to seek asylum when they see the crowds here. Who is the actual leader of the team.

Tiana didn't think she was suitable for the role of leader, but she had no other choice at this time.She originally wanted to save those college students who called herself a teacher, but she didn't expect to gather so many refugees.Almost all the refugees who escaped from Istaren were the elderly, women and children, without any ability to protect themselves, they were completely burdensome.

Compared with the huge number of refugees, the power in her hands is much weaker.Except for those students who can only do magic tricks and hired mercenaries, there are only young and strong laborers in the caravan under the old businessman Jupiter who can barely manage, and actually less than 300 people can constitute a combat force.

In the girl's plan, there should also be a retreating army to join them.That force did come, but they lost their commander.

El sat alone in the back of the carriage, looking at the northern sky and drinking alone.Even after half a day's journey away from Istaren, I can still see the burning flames in that city from a distance.

The super-large-scale meteor fire rain released by Langa Akalian has ended, but the flames in the city have not been extinguished, and the resistance of human beings continues.At dawn, El also saw the destructive rays of light emitted from the concentrating crystal on the high tower of the academy again.

Master Stephen was unwilling to leave Istaron, so he asked the gray goblin in the kitchen to take Laurana to retreat with the students, and he stayed and released all the constructed creatures.Several other professors in the academy also stayed with him, and jointly opened all the mage towers in the academy.Relying on the magic defense of the inner city walls and towers, the remaining human army continued to fight.

The undead army occupied the outer city of Istaren with an absolute numerical advantage, but they didn't have time to stop to replenish the loss of the army.The hot-tempered Princess Dixing has had enough of the smell of dead bodies, and a fierce conflict broke out with the forces behind the Cursed Sect.Even if you are more than ten kilometers away, you can still feel the terrifying coercion brought about by the battle of the gold rank powerhouse.

However, El has already left this war, no matter who the final victor is, he has nothing to do with him.In short, it is impossible for human beings to win, but he himself has already lost.

He escaped from the city with more than 200 remnants of defeated soldiers rescued from the battlefield, and joined Pallanti who was waiting outside the city and refused to leave. Warriors with weapons, this is the only regular army left in Istaron.

Although everyone has experienced the cruelest battle, it is pure luck to survive, but the honor of being a soldier makes them feel ashamed of their behavior of enduring humiliation, and this shame is deeply engraved in everyone's heart , making them breathless, an oppressive and dull atmosphere was brewing in the team.

El has long given them a reason to live, that is, there are more and more refugees around Tiana, and the refugees in Istaren need someone to protect them, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive in this cruel world.However, he himself suddenly couldn't find a reason for relief, because the girl he wanted to protect was no longer there.

He left his troops under Tiana's command, and slipped into the gray goblin's carriage by himself.These professional chefs did not forget to pack their kitchen utensils and materials when they escaped, and almost moved the entire kitchen of Master Stephen to the carriage.

The gray goblin's carriage looked a whole circle larger than ordinary carriages, and the area inside the carriage was expanded at least five times by magic, enough for Wesley Black Pepper's family of twenty or so to live.The saddles of the four bantams pulling the cart are all engraved with hidden magic pattern arrays, which are used to reduce the burden on the horses.Although it seemed that the swaying here and there was not very stable, in fact, it didn't feel the slightest bump in the carriage.

In fact, few people know that gray goblins are also highly intelligent creatures that can use magic, but this race's persistent pursuit of food makes people subconsciously ignore their true talents.It's not surprising if you think about it carefully, if they don't have enough magic power to make the magician look different, how can they be invited to cook food in the tower.

Laurana was placed in the most comfortable position in the carriage, with soft alfalfa under her body and crates of tomatoes and eggs next to her—the space was indeed tight, but at least the onions and carrots had been moved to other places.Master Stephen transferred the employment contracts of the gray goblins to her, so Laurana is now the contract master of these gray goblins.

The eldest lady's condition is not very good. Although the injuries on her body have been treated in time, she has not woken up from a coma. Because of excessive blood loss, her face is extremely pale. If she cannot wake up, she will not be able to eat and supplement nutrition. It's hard to recover after a while.

In terms of identity, El can also be regarded as the half master of these gray goblins, so he hid here.Of course, another reason is that he found a lot of good wine on the gray goblin's carriage.While other refugees were collecting food, these little guys had already emptied all the stocks in the high tower storage room with the acquiescence of Master Stephen, which naturally included those of Master Stephen.

El turned a blind eye to Mr. Wesley Black Pepper's complaints that "fine wine should be paired with food is king", and unilaterally declared that these fine wines were his own.He seldom drank before, but now he always wants to get himself drunk with alcohol. Alcohol can make people excited, emboldened, and numb the mind. The last point is exactly what El needs. He now Don't want to think about anything with your head.

Shirley, who claims to be the guard of the dark temple, just said some strange words after meeting in the underground sewer, and then turned away with Maryvian, leaving El a little confused.The mysterious girl in black seemed to stay there on purpose to wait to meet him, but she didn't reveal her true intentions.

"El, we're the same kind of people..."

When Al pressed the question, the girl smiled and didn't answer, she just left him a note and asked him to read it after he calmed down.

I don't know why, but El is very concerned about the rainbow that the girl said. He only remembers that he seems to have fallen into a certain dream in a coma, but he can't recall the picture of that dream at all. The rainbow left a deep impression on his mind.

Now that he has nothing to do, El took out the note from his pocket and looked carefully at it in the morning sunlight. There was only a line of neat little words left on it——

"Proceed with caution, and don't let the apostle notice your existence, otherwise Istaron's yesterday is your future."

Al's numb head didn't have the energy to think about the hidden meaning at all. He scratched his head and simply didn't think about it. He put the note into his arms, picked up the wine bottle and took another gulp of wine.

A snow-white slender hand stretched out from his side and snatched his wine bottle away.El raised his head in a daze, and saw the frost-faced magician girl.She resettled the refugees all night last night, barely resting, and even lost the veil covering her face, revealing a spider-like red scar on her face.Because of the frequent meeting, El has long been familiar with strange things, and he can still see the tired look on her face.

"Everyone is so busy, why are you hiding here drinking?" Tiana glared at the slack El angrily, and said angrily, "Don't forget that you are now the last general of Istaron!"

"Everyone knows what's going on." El smiled wryly and shook his head, trying to take the bottle, but Tiana threw it to the ground with a flick of his hand.

"I know you are unhappy, but please cheer up." Tiana said seriously: "Every refugee gathered here is a relative of the soldiers who stayed in Istaron, and their mood is as sad as yours. Have you ever thought about how she would face her future life if you died and Tika survived?"

The expression on El's face froze.

"What qualifications do you think you have to hide here and drink? The warriors of Istaren stayed in that city to fight the enemy to the death, buying time for their wives and children to escape. Have you ever thought about their feelings? Now they are dead, and their Tika is with you..."

"Shut up! I don't need you to educate me!" cried Al angrily.

"I don't want to say that either... I can understand your feelings, because I have had the same experience." Tiana sighed, with a sad look on her face, but she quickly regained her firmness: "But We don't have time to waste, and we don't have enough people to organize so many refugees, El, I need your help, please help me?"

"I'm just a rough person, how can I help you..." El stood up muttering, the girl's words had reached this point, and he had no reason not to agree.

There is still a long way to go, and there is no end in sight, but the responsibilities he needs to shoulder are extremely heavy.

 The story of Istaron is over, and the story of the second volume will be more exciting
(End of this chapter)

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