rune hunter

Chapter 153 The Meeting of Exiles

Chapter 153 The Meeting of Exiles

Although El himself had no mental preparations, he did have the recognition of those soldiers.Although they held weapons in their hands, they were confused in their hearts.After losing their glory and their hometown, their psychological pillars have collapsed, leaving only the instinct to obey orders.No matter how unreliable El is, he is their only commander after all.

After receiving El's support, Tiana immediately called the leaders of other forces among the refugees together to discuss the next step.

Before the meteor shower broke out, there were at least 5 refugees evacuated from Istaren, and most of them chose to move westward. There are many other border cities, and most of them maintain business relations with Istaron, and they are relatively familiar to the commoners of Istaron.

Tiana was very wary of the plague in the north, so she chose the southward route against all opinions.Compared with the border cities in the west, the inland area of ​​the Kingdom of Auckland is entered southward from Istaron. Due to the bullshit grievances and grievances of the upper echelons of the kingdom, the relationship between the local lords there and the White Lion family has always been difficult. How harmonious.

But even so, many people still chose the south, and the number of refugees gathered in Linyin Lake alone reached 3000.After sunrise, more refugees with their families came in an endless stream, hoping to get asylum with a herd mentality.It can be predicted that in the next few days, more and more refugees will gather together.

Although the number of refugees is large, in fact the vast majority are women and children who have no ability to protect themselves, and there are very few people with leadership skills.

When El led his men into the tent, the people sitting in the tent stood up with a huff, and all kinds of people from all walks of life in strange costumes gathered together, as if they were holding a carnival ball. The messy appearance made him endure Can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Okay, our general is here, everyone please be quiet, let me introduce you." Tiana said with a sullen face, these people were the leaders she selected overnight, and only she knew the origin.

The temporary members of the "Carnival Ball" include five big businessmen, three mercenary captains, four noble family heads, and two civilian representatives. This cast can sing an incomparably wonderful show wherever it is placed.

The five big businessmen, including the old businessman Jupiter, were wealthy bosses with their own caravans and guards, and among all the people, they were the only ones who were most familiar with the intelligence of the south.However, due to the rush of time, except for Jupiter, the other bosses did not prepare their own goods, and the real property was only the bare caravan in their hands.

But this also shows that they are all smart people with brains, and the bosses who are not smart enough, such as Master Bagal, have long since disappeared into the flames.The most important thing a smart businessman lacks is a flexible mind. When Tiana approached her, they had already formed an alliance of their own interests led by Jupiter.

The three mercenary captains signed a contract with Tiana, and they can be regarded as the main force of her subordinates.However, the nature of mercenaries is to recognize money but not people, and their feelings for Istaron are not that deep.Under the current circumstances, her loyalty is also very doubtful, otherwise Tiana would not seek El's help again.

The blood of the nobles in Istaron has not yet faded. Most of the families have followed the banner of the White Lion Family to go to righteousness, but continuing the blood is also an obligation.This time, there were at least a dozen small families who evacuated to the south with the refugees, and they were basically direct blood members of high-level families.These families spontaneously united to form a small group, and four elders were selected as their representatives.

As for the civilians, Tiana originally wanted to select a few more representatives, but the gathered civilians themselves were not organized and lacked opinions, so it would be impossible to start with them for a while.The two representatives selected in the end are legendary.

One of the young men was the most famous street performer in Istaren. He claimed to have a heart of justice, and he often helped the common people fight against injustices, and was sent to prison several times because he offended the nobles.Although it was not clear what kind of abilities he had for a while, at least this person was very popular among the common people.

Another civilian representative was even more outrageous, he was actually an elderly prostitute.The highly militarized management of Istaren indirectly promoted the prosperity and development of the prostitution industry. The woman was the most beautiful stripper in the city more than ten years ago. My younger brother had a fight.It is impossible to verify the authenticity of those market legends, but this woman does enjoy a certain reputation among the common people.Although she has been retired for many years, her words are more effective than the officials in the city to a certain extent.

After Tiana introduced these various members, El was surprised, but also secretly relieved, because the manpower he brought was not very reliable.

In addition to Timmy, Pallanti, and Ahmed, the three mid-level and high-level officers, there was a gray goblin head chef who was shaking his head behind his buttocks.After realizing the magic power of the gray goblin, Tiana strongly asked Mr. Wesley Black Pepper to attend the meeting, even if it was Laurana's representative.

El thought she was joking at first, but when he saw the pile of ghosts and ghosts in the tent, he suddenly understood that the girl is really a smart woman at this time, and she can only use what she finds, and has no choice at all. .

When he was observing other people, everyone was also observing him and his subordinates, most of them were full of doubts.In terms of status, other people can be regarded as refugees, but they are deserters.The refugees in Istaron also have the pride of belonging to refugees, because their families are fighting bloody battles.Although it is difficult to tell right from wrong at this time, in the traditional concept of Eastalenians, running away after battle is despised behavior after all.

El was thick-skinned, and didn't care much about these gazes, but Pallanti, who was standing beside him, couldn't bear it, and his movements seemed a little flinching.

"Okay, everyone be quiet!" Tiana raised her staff and tapped the ground: "Everyone sit down, we must solve the most urgent problem now."

"Ms. Ranstadt, we all follow your instructions." A burly mercenary captain said in a deep voice.

"I can't save all the refugees alone." Tiana shook her head and said, "Now we are a collective, and everyone here must take corresponding responsibilities. We have lost our hometown, and we can no longer lose our loved ones around us." .”

"Yesterday we were Istaronites, but today we have become Istaronian exiles. There is no distinction between high and low status. In the eyes of outsiders, we are all a bunch of bereaved dogs." A gray-haired noble old man sighed .

"Now is not the time to be sentimental, what we have to consider is how to ensure that everyone can survive." Tiana said worriedly: "We have crazy enemies behind us, and the road ahead is confused. The team itself is full of worries... We have no sacrifices and no food, and some people may fall on the road today."

" caravan is transporting food this time, so it should be able to last for a while." The old businessman Jupiter raised his hand and said hesitantly.

"There are too many refugees, and no amount of food is enough." Another old nobleman waved his hand solemnly: "Don't think that we will get help from the southern lord. It takes three days to go south from this road. Earl Kemal's territory, that bastard won't even give us a piece of bread."

Seeing that everyone's topic had completely shifted to food, Tiana couldn't help frowning.The problem that needs to be solved now is not just about eating. She just gave an example to let everyone express their opinions, but these people obviously have no experience and must be further guided by her.

"We need to make a preliminary plan first." Tiana cleared her throat to attract everyone's attention, and she said to the noble old man who just raised the question of the southern lord: "Mr. I understand it better, please help us determine a feasible goal."

Then she turned to the two civilian representatives and said: "I need to know the specific situation of the refugees now, how many women, how many children, and any other valuable data. Mr. Bonaparte and Ms. Media, I hope you can Get this job done as quickly as possible."

"Obviously you won't ask everyone to stop and count, right?" the busker Bonaparte said playfully.

"Yes, we can't stop. God knows if those undead and landwalkers will come after us." Tiana nodded and looked at El: "General, can your troops guarantee the safety of the rear?"

El looked into the girl's eyes and knew that she needed his unconditional support to calm everyone's emotions, so he nodded and said, "No problem, my people were killed from the city, and they can be killed back. The work of the queen Leave it to us to take responsibility."

Of course, Tiana knew that this sentence was pure nonsense. The gold-level powerhouses of both the landwalker and the undead were fighting in that city. As long as one of them was free, it would be easy to kill the human survivors.

But ordinary people naturally don't know the truth. When they hear El's confident promise, even if they don't want to believe it, they can't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"The next thing is the situation ahead." Tiana nodded calmly, and looked at the burly mercenary leader: "Mr. Quill, I need you to organize people to detect the information ahead. I believe you should It's a professional."

"It's my duty, my lady." Quill said loudly, patting his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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