rune hunter

Chapter 154 Something went wrong

Chapter 154 Something went wrong
For some paranoid reason, the refugees of Istaren were unwilling to call themselves refugees, and the delegates at the meeting unanimously agreed to call this temporary collective the Exiles. This was the first resolution reached at the meeting.As for those problems that really need to be solved, they have been delayed.

Tiana hopes that the representatives attending the meeting will come up with some practical solutions, but these representatives obviously do not have any management experience.Merchants habitually calculated their gains and losses, while the mercenaries only had reckless actions in their heads, the old nobles were too conservative in their ideas, and the civilian representatives couldn't speak at all.

Because of years of militarized management, the people of Eastalen are used to obeying the orders of their leaders unconditionally, but they lack their own opinions.According to the division of power structure in the city, the most commanding authority among the participants is actually the military headed by El.But on the one hand, El himself was unwilling to get involved, and on the other hand, other people also had doubts about the deserters, intentionally or unintentionally putting them aside.

After turning around, with everyone's acquiescence, the leadership returned to Tiana's hands.

The lives of more than 3000 people are too heavy a burden for young girls.Although the tasks in the general direction have been temporarily assigned, but in order to implement them in detail, the problems that arise must be more complicated.

El can't help in this regard, his education level is at most the level of a tavern bard, and he can't say anything about real decision-making issues. All he can do is to lead his own soldiers well.

After the meeting was over, El took his subordinates and the head chef and left quietly. Just halfway there, he noticed the old businessman Jupiter secretly following him.

Jupiter has been suffering in his heart, not only the guilt of not taking good care of Tika, but more importantly, the anxiety about the future.Although the caravan was well organized, he didn't dare to go on the road alone at this time. The news of the fall of Istaron would spread quickly, and bandits and bandits from all over the world would be moved by the news.He could only put all his wealth on the broken ship of exiles, hoping that the large number of people would scare away the flies that penetrated every hole.

During the meeting, he noticed that the real power of this group was in the hands of El and Tiana.In the eyes of others, the attitude between the college professor and the deserter general was very cold, as if there was a vague sense of opposition, and only he knew how close, or ambiguous, the relationship between these two young people was actually.If someone with ulterior motives wants to sow discord between these two powerful acting schools, there will definitely be great fun to watch.

What worries Jupiter is that he should have been able to become a confidant of the two, but he failed to keep El's relatives. If El had no objection to him, he himself would not believe it.This is evident from Al's never letting him see his daughter.

The old businessman didn't know that Laurana hadn't woken up yet, so the thoughts in his heart were naturally more complicated. He once guessed maliciously that El had eaten up his daughter, and if it was true, it would make him feel relieved.In this turbulent time, it might not be a good thing for her if Laurana could be turned back to El.

"Go back and assemble your troops first, and I'll say a few words to him." Seeing the old businessman's embarrassed and tangled face, El whispered to Ahmed, and then brought the gray goblin to the old businessman.

"My lord, I'm here to apologize." Jupiter lowered his head and whispered helplessly.

"I don't want to hear an apology, I just want to know how did Tika get lost?" El asked with a cold face, "I remember you assured me again and again, telling me that those cooks would take care of Tika, There won't be any mistakes... and now people just disappeared for no apparent reason?"

"Please listen to my explanation, this matter is indeed very strange." Jupiter said with a sad face, "I specially arranged a carriage for her, let three cooks stay with her, and sent extra Four guards. The carriage followed the caravan, surrounded by the caravan's guards and fellows, and there was no mistake from the beginning to the end.... But that's it. Ka disappeared in plain sight."

"Are you telling a ghost story?" El stared suspiciously into the eyes of the old businessman, and smiled angrily: "And then? What explanation do those blind girls have, why did Tika still stay in the city? "

"Here's the strange thing. Those women are the widows left by the old folks in the firm. They are all reliable people who have no problems. Tika used to be with them every day, but yesterday they didn't stay with Tika. The next impression. Even the orders I repeatedly ordered, they all forgot all, and they didn’t even remember the existence of Tika. They told me that they were the only ones in the carriage when they came out of the business ..."

"Those poor women must have been cursed." Gray Goblin Wesley said suddenly.

"What did you say?" El looked at the short head chef in surprise.The weird story that Jupiter told just now has confused him, and when he was puzzled, Wesley's words surprised him.

"Your sister... ah, even Ms. Ranstadt judged like this." Jupiter looked at El's face and said cautiously: "I happened to meet her when I was devastated, Ranstadt The lady inquired about all the details of those women, and told me that they might be under the spell of collective soul capture... or fascination, but because of the lack of evidence, she told me not to speak out..."

"Tiana didn't tell me anything." El gritted his teeth and said, although he knew that the magician girl had hardly slept a wink since yesterday, and there were too many things to deal with, it was impossible to specialize for Tika things to distract attention.But such a strange result still made him unable to let go.

"That honorable lady is right, and you shouldn't tell us the truth." Wesley the Gray Goblin lowered his voice and said, "If there is really a magician who can use the soul-absorbing technique hidden beside us, then this The less people know about things, the better. Only magicians can deal with magicians, and ordinary people can only add to the chaos."

As professional chefs who work in the magician's tower, gray goblins who also have magical powers can actually be regarded as more than half of magic apprentices. With the experience they have accumulated in their work, they are naturally better than ordinary magicians in matters related to the magic field. People are more knowledgeable.

"Why did another magician appear? Just because a country girl is worthy of those big men?" El couldn't help complaining, but he immediately thought of Earl Snake, who is a negative example that harms others and does not benefit oneself. , Absolute psychopath.

Thinking of Earl Snake, the kobold's prophecy appeared in his mind again - "The dark poisonous snake waits for an opportunity, the puppet who pulls the string goes against his will, the fireworks are brilliant under the night, and the saint comes to redeem the world..."

Originally, he thought that the previous two prophecies referred to the double betrayal of Earl Snake and Laurana, but after thinking about it carefully, Tika's fate seemed to have nothing to do with the coming of the apostles.Looking back now, it seems to mean that there is someone else behind the scenes who took Tika's life!
Thinking of this, El was suddenly agitated. If Tika had just had an accident, he could barely accept it psychologically, but if that silly girl was somehow involved in some shit conspiracy, then he would never let go of the behind-the-scenes plot. murderer.

For issues related to the field of magic, ordinary people may not be able to help.Tiana is now the leader of the exiles, and there are many things, and El is too embarrassed to bother her for his own private affairs.Another young lady who is very wise and close to a demon is still lying unconscious in the carriage, and the head chef of the gray goblin is obviously even more unlikely, so the only remaining choice is that guy...

It was not difficult to find the kobolds. Just before they came to the meeting, Apache found the gray goblin's carriage by himself with his sensitive nose, and then squeezed into it shamelessly.

Although El is unwilling to admit it, in the eyes of the gray goblins, Apache is a real prophet, and as a foodie kobold, he is the most happy object of the chefs, and the two hit it off.By the time El returned to the wagon, the gray goblins had laid down a sumptuous feast.Apache squatted on the chair and ate happily, and he still had time in his mouth to comment on each dish just right, which completely satisfied the self-esteem of the Black Pepper family, and the carriage was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

"Aha, the archer is back, oh yes, I should call you General now." Seeing El coming in, the kobold immediately put down the plate and greeted him familiarly, not caring about El's ugly face at all. .

"I need you to do me a favor," Al said bluntly.

"I can't help you." Apache also replied bluntly: "I'm just a geomancer, and I can only predict good and bad luck, but I'm not as capable as you human astrologers."

"I want to know the truth," Al said, knowing that the Apache knew what he wanted to know.

"I said that I don't have that great ability." The kobold shook his head quickly and refused: "To be a human being, you must know how to stop, and it's the same with being a kobold. You can eat as much as you have."

"I agree with your point of view, so if you don't help, don't waste food here in the future, get out of the car and share black bread with refugees." El raised his hand and overturned the entire table, which had already been licked by the kobold Clean plates fell to the floor with a clatter.

"You are becoming more and more shameless like I used to be, General." Apache said with both hands holding the unfinished chicken legs and smashing his lips.

He frowned and struggled for a long time, and finally nodded reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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