rune hunter

Chapter 155 Soul Fusion

Chapter 155 Soul Fusion
When Tika woke up from his dream, he found himself lying in the charred ruins.The burning meteorite destroyed the surrounding buildings, including herself.

She stood up in a daze, and found that her body seemed a little frivolous, and when she lowered her head, she only saw a white translucent mist.Although regaining consciousness, she has effectively become a revenant.

Facing the fact that he was dead, Tika didn't react for a long time, and didn't even show the slightest surprise.She checked her body and found that she was still wearing clothes from her lifetime, which was actually just an external manifestation of the revenant's memories of her lifetime.

For some reason, she suddenly felt that the clothes were a bit rustic, so she flickered the white light on her body, turning the clothes into a high-necked robe with exquisite patterns, wrapping her body tightly.Perhaps because she felt that her body was a little thin, she opened her mouth and sang a few low-pitched scales, and wisps of undead breath suddenly emerged from the surrounding ruins, entwining her body.

After absorbing the breath of the undead for a full 3 minutes, Tika's body finally stabilized from a translucent state and became solid. Only at this time did she truly wake up.

The dead soul girl blinked, screamed, and jumped up like a cat. She finally realized it at this time, and then startled herself.

She panicked for a long time, and finally calmed down, and began to try to recall the memory before she lost consciousness.She remembered being locked in a heavily guarded carriage, and the old merchant had assured her that El would be back with her soon, but the memory that followed seemed to abruptly shift to another perspective.

She saw herself reciting strange spells in a low voice in the carriage, and then the cook sitting with her and the guards outside the carriage became stupefied for a moment, while she walked out with a blank expression on her face. The carriage quietly returned to the firm.

She walked up to the attic of the warehouse, where there was a disabled old man with only half of his body left, he showed a kind smile to Tika, and said cheerfully: "Good-hearted little girl, you have to do the old man one last favor... ..."

When the memory in her mind reached this point, another strange turn happened again, and her perspective turned into that old man.

I am Cardinal Quinn Heslenka of the Sect of the Damned, and I lead my disciples and believers to lurk in Istaron... The assassins of the Dark Moon Brotherhood attacked the Temple of Ludern and slaughtered all our hidden powers , but she is too confident in her own means. Fortunately, I have a firm belief in the Lord of Death, so I can survive.

The violent magic fluctuations have affected the stability of the magic power of the entire city. I don't know what happened, but it is clear that there are other forces playing games in Istaron.I originally planned to hide here and wait for the army to come, but it seems unsafe now, I have to find a suitable body to replace this broken body.

I am very grateful to that little girl for taking care of me, but the problem is that she hid me here, and I can't touch other people at all. I can only make her into a shell, even if I repay her. eternal life in a sense.As for the gender issue, it's not a trouble, I just hope that I won't be laughed at by those old guys.

I heard the speech of the young lord, our army is about to enter the city, the news is very exciting, but... why do those underground bugs come to join in the fun?That little girl is leaving, I have to make preparations immediately, I have already controlled her mind, I just need to find a chance to make her disappear, no one will notice in this time of chaos.

Very good material, this is a very simple little girl with a healthy body and a clean mind, which can save me a lot of time.The only regret is that she is just an ordinary person without talent, and only by adjusting my body can I display my normal level of magic.

It was perfect, all the debugging work was [-]% successful, and even the experimental adjustments that were almost impossible in theory were miraculously realized. Could this be her hidden talent?I can't wait to discover the secrets hidden in this shell... Oh, damn it!Who is summoning the meteor shower?

Tika opened his eyes with a dumbfounding expression on his face.Bishop Quinn wanted to use her body to resurrect the dead, but he didn't expect to be destroyed by a burning meteorite at the last moment.The bodies of both were burned to ashes in the flames, but the souls were combined by accident.Bishop Quinn's consciousness was torn apart by the magic backlash, but Tika's consciousness was not affected because he fell into a coma.

When Tika woke up, her consciousness naturally dominated the soul that originally belonged to Bishop Quinn.Although she lost her body, she inherited everything from the Cardinal of the Damned Sect, including the entire legacy of memory, experience and even magic power.In the eyes of the undead who don't pay attention to appearance and only distinguish objects by their inner soul, she is now the real Bishop Quinn.

Bishop Quinn's status in the Sect of the Damned is very honorable, and he is one of the high-level figures who truly possess power. If it wasn't for negotiating with Ludern's followers, he would not have ventured into Istaron.And he himself is also a genuine silver-level spellcaster, and because he believes in the Lord of Death, he is also proficient in some heresy ways, otherwise he would not be able to escape under Shirley's sword.

But Tika is a country bumpkin girl from the mountains, with a gentle and timid personality. She suddenly encountered such a drastic change. Even if she got the inheritance of Bishop Quinn, she didn't know what to do for a while.

The first thought in Tika's mind was to find El, but when she thought about it carefully, she realized that she didn't know where she was going.El and Jupiter agreed to meet at Linyin Lake, but the old businessman did not tell Tika the news. For a girl who has never traveled far alone, it is meaningless to tell her the meeting place.

She had never experienced this kind of experience since she was a child, but the memory experience she inherited showed its effect at this time. She quickly realized that she could not stand here in a daze. If she wanted to collect information, she must first increase her eyes and ears.

There was silence in the ruins of the city of Istaren. The fight between the undead and the gold-ranked powerhouses of the landwalkers seemed to have come to an end for the time being. The armies of both sides gathered together and silently prepared for the next battle.

Tika emerged from the ruins of the warehouse onto the deserted street.In fact, it should be said that there are no living people. The streets are full of human soldiers, undead and landwalkers.A fierce battle had broken out here, and such battles could hardly be counted in the streets of the city.

Tika walked up to a dead soldier and gazed down at his body.Although she was very timid, Tika was not very afraid of dead bodies. When the plague broke out in the village, it was the corpses she contained for the dead, and the villagers suspected that they were infected with the plague.

The face of the soldier who died in battle was blackened by the smoke, and he could no longer see his true colors. Tika prayed for him in a low voice, then stretched out his hand, pressed it on top of his head, and sang a poem like a poem Scale, that is the spirit summoning spell in Bishop Quinn's memory. Although she doesn't understand it, she at least knows how to use the basic undead spell.

"Wake up, warrior who has not given up his obsession!"

In her stuttering call, the body of the dead soldier began to tremble slightly, and then he opened his eyes and slowly stood up.He raised his head, saw the girl with white luminous body beside him at a glance, and subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand.

"Aren't I already dead? Have I become a slave to the undead?" The soldier said to himself, and then he and Tika were startled.

In the stories of the bards, the most vicious magic of the evil necromancer is to transform the fallen warriors into undead and draw swords against their comrades.However, in reality, real necromancers seldom directly transform the war dead.Because the consciousness in the soul of the person who just died has not yet dissipated, it will bring an unnecessary burden to the transformation of the undead, and even if the summoning is successful, it will be difficult to control.

Bishop Quinn is strong enough to ignore such small troubles, and it is even more impossible for Tika to understand this common sense. She directly summoned the soldiers who had just died in battle, but did not strengthen the control, causing him to lose control.According to common sense, this newborn undead soldier will eat back at his master after losing control, but due to some mutations in Tika itself, this soldier has retained his own consciousness.

"I'm not an enemy. I'm a victim in this city just like you." Tika looked at the weapons in the hands of the soldiers and was terribly frightened in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face. She didn't even know What should I say next, but this kind of persuasion work is as simple as eating and drinking for Bishop Quinn, a professional maverick.

"The war doesn't seem to be over yet, I don't know if there are any survivors in Istaron, and we have become this kind of monster. I don't know what the future will be, but for now, the fighters of Istaron, I I want to know if you are willing to continue the unfinished task of protecting our homeland?"

What am I talking about?Tikka resisted the twitching of the corner of his mouth and stared at the soldier's movements nervously, for fear that the stranger would suddenly stab him to death with a sword.

"Of course, my lady." The soldier nodded without hesitation, slapped his chest solemnly with one hand clenched into a fist, and knelt down on one knee to Tika: "Please revive my comrades, let us continue to fight The warriors of Istaron are never afraid, even death cannot affect our will!"

"That's as you wish." Tika opened her arms and chanted the spell of evoking spirits again, this time her target was the human soldiers on the whole street.

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(End of this chapter)

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