rune hunter

Chapter 156 Bishop Bai

Chapter 156 Bishop Bai

Tika led the resurrected soldiers through the blocks, and more and more undead gathered around her. Among them, only a small number of them still preserved their bodies like the first soldier, and most of them were the same as Tika. The ghosts of the dead who have lost their bodies, they gather together like a dark cloud, passing through the barriers of various ruins and barricades without hindrance
Istaron was suddenly hit by a meteor shower. Many soldiers died in the flames before seeing the enemy. Their bodies had been reduced to ashes, but their obsession with fighting still persisted.Tika summoned hundreds of undead nearby with little effort, and every time she walked through a street, this number would increase exponentially.

Hardly any necromancer would summon the undead so recklessly. In addition to worrying about the issue of control, these resentful undead are also easy to backlash against the caster.

But Tika didn't care much about this, because she never thought of controlling such a large number of murderous undead warriors. Although she was fooling them to continue fighting, her real purpose was to find out news from Seoul.As for the consequences of summoning these uncontrollable warriors... It's not that she doesn't care, but can this city make things worse?

Tika knew almost nothing about the changes in El's situation in the past few days. She just vaguely remembered that she seemed to hear the old businessman Jupiter mention something before getting in the car, which seemed to mean that El had become a general. , became a big shot.Since he is a big shot, there must be many people... many dead people know about him.

Tika's efforts are not wrong, or it can be said that she chose the most effective method in a daze, which is to let the dead speak.Although the resurrected undead warrior may lose most of his memories during his lifetime, his memory of the war that just happened is very clear. "A young general named El" is very important. Many people have impressions in their hearts.

"Lord El is the new general promoted by the lord, responsible for guarding the northern city wall."

"When the battle started, I also saw him fighting a big guy..."

"Those who retreated did not see him and several other officers, and may have fled."

"No, he didn't run away. If it was the young man wearing the silver badge, he would have led us to fight here!"

The fragmentary clues gathered together, and the truth was quickly found.Tika found the soldiers who had fought with El on a battlefield three streets away from the business. One of the ghost veterans patted his chest and said that he had saved the life of the general.

Fate made a big joke on El. He led the surviving soldiers to break through the defense line on the flank of the undead army. He was almost one step away from reaching his destination, but in the end he brushed shoulders with Tika. And pass, turn from here to the other direction.The whole city was consumed in the fire, and by that time he could no longer make out his position.

"El must have wanted to come back to find me, because his waywardness caused you to sacrifice your life. I'm really sorry." Tika lowered his head and bowed seriously to the ghost of the veteran, and said apologetically.

"What are you talking about, my lady." The ghost of the veteran waved his hands indifferently, and laughed loudly: "Isn't this just the romance of men?"

After learning that Tika's identity was actually the young general's wife, the undead warriors' feelings for Tika became much closer.Before that, some people had doubts about Tika's true identity, but after they found out the truth, they immediately let go of all their guards.

The way of thinking of soldiers has always been simple and straightforward. Er is their general. Er led people to kill half of the city to save his woman. Er failed in the end... Then, the general's unfinished "legacy" It's up to them to make it happen.

Although Tika would take the trouble to tell them her name every time she summoned the undead, the soldiers preferred to call her "My Lady".Tika gave them another chance to fight, and a reason to fight for it, and they gave their loyalty to Tika in their hearts.

There were more and more undead warriors around Tika. When their number reached a limit, the breath of death that gathered together changed substantially.Tika no longer needs to consume spiritual power, she only needs to keep chanting the spell of summoning the spirit, and the undead troops around her will automatically increase and spread the power of the spell. The undead warrior and Tika call for their sacrificed comrades together, their The sound travels farther and is more powerful than Tika alone.

The undead who were a block away could also hear this call. They woke up from the ruins and gathered with the voices of their comrades-in-arms. The scale of the troops expanded rapidly at the speed of assembly.

In the memory of Bishop Quinn, this kind of wonderful magic amplification is also called the "resonance" of the undead, and it is a mutation phenomenon that can be encountered but cannot be sought.Tika didn't know how she got into this state, she just felt that the voices of the soldiers around her were very noisy.But at this time, it was not she who was actively calling, but the soldiers hoped from the bottom of their hearts to call more comrades in arms to join in.

In the state of resonance, the gathered undead warriors become the source of magic power of spirit summoning, and she becomes a passive channeling node.This state is actually very dangerous. If it is an ordinary necromancer, he will be affected by the undead he enslaved, and if he is not careful, it will cause a magical backlash.Tika is not very aware of this danger, and the undead warriors don't know it at all, but they trust each other, so naturally there is no malicious backlash.

The undead warriors happily called out to their comrades, and Tika was surrounded by them in a daze. They marched along the street where El walked, and then crashed into the real army of undead.

The smoke of Istaron's war has not yet cleared, and the landwalkers temporarily gather their minions, while the undead still occupy the city, recuperating and starting to recruit soldiers.Compared with Tika's extremely irresponsible evocation, the preparation procedures for a real undead army are more cumbersome and prudent, and it is definitely not just as simple as resurrecting the dead.

El once penetrated the flank of the undead army. After he left, this army had just been replenished, and before it had time to rest, Tika's army suddenly rushed out again.

A ghoul leader of the Cursed Sect was instructing his ghouls to carry corpses and build altars. He suddenly raised his head and saw a girl with a white luminous body leading an endless army of ghosts pressing over from across the street. Scared out of my wits.

"Big, big... Archbishop! What are you going to do?" The ghoul commander didn't recognize Tika's appearance, but he could easily distinguish the soul imprint in Tika's body. From the imprint, he could confirm that the other party was a member of the Cursed Sect. Archbishop, but it is not known which one.Those archbishops are almost all old men with white beards. Who is this little girl in front of me?
Tika was a little dazed and didn't know how to answer for a while.The undead on the opposite side is obviously a "real undead". Does she want to tell the truth to the enemy?

Just when she was troubled, the undead soldiers standing beside her had already chosen the answer for her. They drew out their swords and roared and charged directly at the ghoul leader.

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment! I surrender! My lord bishop!" The ghoul leader saw the ghost army oppressing across the street like a dark cloud, and raised his hands without hesitation, and at the same time ordered his ghouls to put down their work All lying on the ground.At this moment, his mind was not thinking of how to resist, because there was actually an archbishop on the opposite side. He didn't know whether it was a coup d'état or the strange archbishop had a brain twitch, but at least an insignificant young man like himself should definitely not participate In the power struggle of the big men.

Yes, the power struggle, the only thing the poor ghoul leader can think of at this time is possibility, the undead have almost no physical needs, but most of the top leaders of the cursed sect still maintain some human habits, such as interacting with each other Dismantling and plotting to frame, etc., and never tired of it.

Even after death, the undead warriors maintained the honor of the soldiers. The soldiers all showed contempt for the enemy's surrender behavior, and said that if there were no natural and man-made disasters, they could squeeze these soft-boned dead people into eighteen kinds of appearances.

The ghoul leader who surrendered was tied up in front of Tika. This guy didn't care about his image, and knelt down in front of Tika with a flattering smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Tika asked curiously.Although the guy in front of him looked pale and no different from a dead person, Tika could feel that he hadn't lost his life. In other words, this guy was half-dead.

"I am your loyal servant Chris, uh... Excuse me, which archbishop are you?? The ghoul commander said with a smile.

"Chris... the leader of the ghouls?" Tika scratched her head in doubt. Bishop Quinn did not remember this small character, but for some reason she seemed to have some impression of this name.It seemed like I had heard El talk about it before.

"I remember... aren't you dead?" Tika tentatively asked with some hesitation.

"Yeah, yeah, I was almost killed by that bastard, but fortunately I survived." Chris nodded in surprise: "I didn't expect you to really know me. What plan, I am willing to work for you"

Tika kicked Chris over, cleared his throat, tried to be serious and said in a cold voice: "My lord of death, I am the new archbishop of this city, I am... Bishop Bai!"

She looked down at the white light emanating from her body, and made up a random nickname.

(End of this chapter)

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