rune hunter

Chapter 157 The Mercury Crown

Chapter 157 The Mercury Crown
The leader of the ghouls, Chris, once escaped from El's hands, because at that time, El hadn't planned to fight against the sect of the curse he represented. This incident was later told by El as a joke to Tika. Unexpectedly, time has passed and circumstances have changed, and she actually met this dark nobleman in this way.

A real necromancer will never trust the same kind who surrender, because undead creatures are often persistent and difficult to change. If they choose to surrender to you today, it means that they will betray you tomorrow.Necromancers would never accept captives unless they had a certain use value. They would rather kill the captive once and resurrect them to control them, or force the captive to offer a soul contract, never betraying them.

However, Tika ignored this kind of common sense as always. Although Bishop Quinn's memory provided her with at least eighteen methods of controlling loyalty, she still hadn't figured out the use of this guy's loyalty.She didn't really want to compete for power with other leaders of the Cursed Sect, but wanted to find El back to him.

After an initial period of dread, Chris suddenly found himself left alone.The resurrected undead warrior rolled forward from the streets and ruins like a tide, engulfing him and his few poor ghouls to attack the flank defense of the undead army again.

Although he was tricked by El once because of his overconfidence, in fact, Chris is not an idiot. On the contrary, he is also articulate and quick-witted, and he is the smartest type of person even among the dark nobles.It's just that his family background is not deep, and he was pushed to the edge soon after that failure.

When he saw that the little girl who claimed to be Bishop Bai didn't intervene too much in commanding her troops, but just let them fight freely, he suddenly became confused.

The action pattern of undead creatures is unreasonable. Even if Tika led the undead warriors to attack the undead army, her weird behavior is not too outrageous.Chris came up with several reasonable explanations almost instantly, the most likely one of which was—the bishop's brain must have been smashed by a meteorite.

In a sense, Chris almost guessed the truth, but it is impossible for him to know that the real Bishop Quinn has been wiped out of consciousness by the magic backlash, and now this ghost is just a person who inherited the bishop's inheritance but has nothing to do. A country girl who doesn't understand.

An archbishop whose brain was smashed by a meteorite is very dangerous, but danger and opportunity always coexist in this world.Chris felt that he had to do something. If he could impress the archbishop when he was in a daze, then he might have hope to become his cronies after he sobered up.Even if he doesn't gain the trust of the archbishop, as long as he can get a little kindness from him, it will be a hundred times better than commanding the ghouls to work hard.

Although we don't know the real purpose of this white bishop, at least some clues can be judged from the direction of her attack.After the undead warriors broke through the flank, the sword pointed directly at the inner city of Istaren, which is the current headquarters of the undead army.According to past experience, this bishop must have been tricked by some big boss, and now he frantically summons the souls of the war dead to go back to find a place.

"Lord Bishop, I know the information and deployment positions of all the troops, and I can lead you the way!" Chris whispered carefully as he approached Tika carefully. For his own future, he betrayed his former comrades-in-arms without hesitation. ——The word comrade-in-arms has never been found in the dictionary of undead creatures.

Tika nodded noncommittally, but actually didn't react.But the eyes of the undead soldier standing beside her lit up, and he snorted coldly and asked, "Don't show off your cleverness, what qualifications does an insignificant character like you have to know where the army is deployed?"

"We lost a lot in the battle with the landwalkers, and even the envoy was seriously injured. Now most of the troops are scattered, and the sacrifice nodes of the 'Soul Temple' are built around the city. The scale and distance of the nodes There are strict regulations, as long as you know the node where I am stationed, you can easily calculate the position of other nodes." Chris shrank his neck under his stern gaze, and quickly told everything he knew Tell them all.

"My lady, this information is very important. The troops of the undead army are scattered, and their headquarters must be weakly defended. If we can bypass all the defensive troops and go straight to the center, there is a great hope that we can destroy the enemy's leader." The undead soldier knew that Tika had no military knowledge, so he patiently explained to her.

Tikka rummaged through the memory of Bishop Quinn, and soon discovered what Chris called the "Soul Temple", which is a super-large magic ritual, used to absorb the souls of the dead and quickly replenish the elite army of the dead attrition of troops.However, such super-large magic rituals are generally only established in dead areas such as the Bone Wasteland. Although the city of Istaren is also full of death breath, after all, it has not accumulated over many years. Compared with it, it is like last year. The new medicinal materials are the same as the newly born medicinal materials, the effect is unsatisfactory, and it can only get twice the result with half the effort.

However, since the envoy who holds the highest power can't wait to build the soul temple, it is very likely that the damage to the elite undead troops under his command, and even his own situation is not optimistic...

All of the above information is inferred from the memory of Bishop Quinn. Tika herself is ignorant of this. She has never considered the issue of power struggle at the top, but has always focused on El's retreat route. .According to the memories of the resurrected undead soldier, the young general first appeared from the direction of the inner city. After he stopped advancing, he should have returned to the inner city along the same road.

Tika made a simple calculation based on the node coordinates provided by Chris, and found that the shortest route between the two points happened to pass through the enemy's current headquarters.So she nodded and said to the soldiers beside her, "Go in that direction!"

Although the direction she pointed happened to avoid the defense nodes of the undead army, in reality there were no roads at all, only endless building ruins, but for ghosts, the straight line on the map was the shortest path.She floated over in the first place, and the ghost of the veteran who had rescued one of El quickly issued an order to her companions, and then followed closely.

A sea of ​​ghosts floated above the ranks of undead warriors, whizzing through the ruins of buildings.Although those ruins blocked the road, they also blocked the sight of others and provided excellent cover for this army.

The envoy in Bishop Quinn's memory was originally just an inconspicuous peripheral member of the Sect of the Damned, but for some unknown reason, he was favored by the Lord of Death and became a chosen one of death.In the original plan of the Cursed Sect, they should have quietly accumulated strength, at least after spreading the plague to the entire territory of the Auckland Kingdom, and then summoning troops to invade other kingdoms.But this envoy didn't like the conservative style of acting. After he took power, he immediately assembled the army of the undead hidden in the northern counties, and launched an expedition across the King's Highway to Marcene.

The archbishops of the Damned sect have always had reservations about his radical behavior, and they all hid behind the scenes and waited to see his jokes. Unexpectedly, this dead voter miraculously found an ancient tomb, and all the high-level undead in the tomb Incorporate it into your own army, and it will be out of control from then on.

Although he claimed to be inspired by the Lord of Death, it was clear to everyone that he was just another piece of shit luck.The old and cunning archbishops all know that the trajectory of fate is unpredictable, and sometimes receiving favor does not mean victory.Sure enough, the haughty envoy led his army into the muddy pit of Istaron, and a dramatic change took place under the influence of the Beacon of Destiny.

In order to contribute to Istaron, he brazenly mobilized all his troops, but the results were not satisfactory—his army suffered heavy losses under the desperate resistance of human beings, and finally broke into the city, and encountered a meteor fire rain indiscriminate attack.After that, he got entangled with the Landwalker Legion that came out of nowhere.In desperation, he used up all his divine grace to summon the clone of the Lord of Death, and only then did he repel the opponent's gold-ranked Princess Dixing, while he was almost wiped out.

After finally gaining some time to breathe, he fled back to his lair in embarrassment and ordered the troops to build the Soul Temple to recover from his injuries. Although it was a bit exhausting for the city, he couldn't care too much at this time.But before he could take a few breaths, he heard a commotion outside the door.

The envoy who was in a state of exasperation just opened his eyes when he saw a Cultist of the Curse creeping in, screaming in despair, "Ghosts! There are ghosts everywhere! My lord, we have been attacked by ghosts!"

The envoy who was about to reprimand his subordinates froze for a moment, the news made him a little overwhelmed.ghost?Where did the ghost come from?Isn't he the commander of the undead army?Ghosts attacking the undead?What kind of joke is this?

Before he could sort out these logically confusing questions, countless ghost soldiers had passed through the wall and swarmed towards him.

"Stupid ants! How dare you face the servants of the Lord of Death with swords?" Seeing the ghost soldiers swarming over, the envoy showed a disdainful sneer. Although he was seriously injured, his remaining strength was enough to wipe out these ghost soldiers. level enemies.He sat upright on his altar, stomped his feet lightly, and a miserable green halo of death spread around his body.

The halo of death passed through the ghost soldier's body without any effect. The ghost soldier pounced on his altar without any hindrance, submerging him under the wave.

"This guy is an idiot..." Tika came out of the wall, looked at the envoy who was submerged in the wave of ghost soldiers, kept cursing and wailing, and finally his voice gradually became lower, and couldn't help sighing.

The combat power of the ghost soldier is not much stronger than before, and the defense ability has been weakened, but the noble envoy has chosen the wrong attack method. How can death stop death?

The ghost veteran floated down from the altar, and brought the mercury crown on the envoy's head to Tika. This is an artifact bestowed by the lord of death on the envoy, and even ordinary undead can feel the magic hidden in it. The terrifying power, but this artifact has been used once in the battle with Princess Dixing, and now it is falling into a long cooling-off period.I have to say that the envoy of God really died unjustly.

"My lady, Lord Bishop, please lead us to continue to protect this city!" The veteran said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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