rune hunter

Chapter 158 Bearing Heavy Responsibilities

Chapter 158 Bearing Heavy Responsibilities
After sunset, the exiles camped in a sheltered valley.After a day trip, at least 700 refugees gathered along the way, bringing the number of this team to nearly 4000.Tiana preliminarily integrated a temporary management organization through the representatives of all parties participating in the meeting, but the specific execution ability has yet to be verified.

Apache found a suitable place under the carriage, patted the soil flat with his small shovel, then took out a few leftover chicken bones from his bosom, and mumbled into a state of confusion.Looking at this unreliable look that is no different from a beggar, El felt that he was really out of his mind to put his hope in the kobold's divination.

The kobold stared straight at the chicken bone that he had licked clean, his body trembled like a convulsion for a long time, and suddenly he pouted his buttocks and farted a series of loud farts, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Impossible... What kind of routine is this? Did Lady Luck put her panties on her head..." Apache bared his teeth with an expression of disbelief, and muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" El didn't hear his words clearly, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, it's just a little different from what I imagined..." Apache muttered vaguely while staring at the chicken bone, and then closed his mouth tightly.He scratched his head, hesitated for a long time, and raised his head when El was about to hit someone, and said, "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to know?"

"Mr. Wesley, he won't be allowed in the car starting tomorrow." El turned back to the head chef of the gray goblin with a cold face.

"Wait, wait! Why are you so irritable? I'm just joking!" The kobold's face changed, and a flattering smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Shouldn't a general show his emotions and anger? Please pay attention to your image... Ah, I mean, don't always threaten a geomancer with food problems, okay?"

"I always like to use the most effective way to solve the problem." Al said "without showing any emotion".

"Okay, okay, young people are impatient. Actually, I don't know how to tell you..." Apache shook his head, organized his words in his stomach, looked at El's face and said cautiously: "The truth you want to know is actually similar to your own guess. The good news is that the murderer behind the scenes is dead, and your little girl is still alive."

"Continue to tell the bad news." El's snort became thicker in an instant, but he suppressed it forcibly.

"The bad news is that she is dead, and the only thing left in this world is a ghost." Apache said in a low voice.

El blinked his eyes and slowly digested the heavy news for a long time.He bit his lip, stood up and silently packed his luggage.

"You want to save her?" Apache couldn't help but sighed seeing El's movements: "Well, even if you have the confidence to fight back to that city, when you find her, what will you do to save a ghost?" ?”

El's hand paused, and he looked back at Apache and asked, "You must have a solution, right?"

"Only gods can bring people back from the dead." Apache said, shaking his head.

"I'll bring her back no matter what, even if it's a ghost." Al gritted his teeth and whispered, "I can't leave her alone in that city to suffer!"

"Enduring suffering?" Hearing El's words, Apache's face suddenly turned bright, but he quickly moved his cheeks to cover it up.He tapped the ground with a small shovel, and said earnestly to El: "Don't worry, I saw in the prophecy that the fate trajectories of you and that girl will overlap in the future. You will meet again Chance."

"See you again? Do we have to wait until ten or twenty years later? When I become famous and bring thousands of troops to take back Istaren?" El laughed at himself. Even thinking about this answer makes him feel ridiculous. .He also knew very well in his heart that returning to Istaren alone at this time was no different from dying, but other than that, no one could help him.

The current exiles in Istaren are like bereaved dogs, and the thousands of orphans and widowed mothers are like rootless duckweed. They don't know where to go. They don't know what to do if they want to bring them back to Istaren. what month.

"It's more likely to be successful than if you go back alone." The kobold smiled and said: "My lord general, you will come back."

"Is this a prophecy?" El snorted coldly, put down the quiver and ax in his hand, looked up at the moon in the night sky and said to himself, "Yes, I will be back."

Watching El's dispirited back disappear into the darkness, the serious expression on Apache's face finally collapsed. He secretly wiped off a cold sweat, shook his head and prayed to the goddess of the earth.

"Master Apache, you are really the best prophet I have ever seen." Chef Wesley, who was quietly watching on the carriage, said suddenly, flapping his big ears with great interest Staring at the kobold, his eyes were full of curiosity.

"I have been traveling around the world with my father since I was a child, looking for legendary delicacies, and providing professional services to magicians who are entitled to enjoy delicious delicacies. But I have never seen a prophet who can see into the past and future like You know, human astrologers are generally crazy, talking insanely, and don't care about the taste of food at all, so we don't want to deal with them." Wesley Black Pepper said with emotion.

"You don't really think what I just said is true, do you? It's so easy to ask the goddess of the earth for help." Apache opened his eyes wide and shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, There is essentially no difference between me and those lunatics, except that the boy will be easier to accept when I say this. He needs a reason to support his belief, so I will give him what he wants. As for the truth... I I don't think he cares."

"Young lads really need wind and rain to grow up." Wesley nodded noncommittally to the kobold's explanation, and did not continue to ask. This is not the focus of his concern.

The head chef of the gray goblin shook his ears, and suddenly slapped his head and shouted: "By the way, I almost forgot just now, I want to say this. Master Apache, my children just caught some fat frogs in the field , I really can't believe that those humans don't know how to enjoy this delicious food, I just made some new dishes... I don't know if you like it or not."

"Frog! Oh, of course, I like your courage to try." Apache's eyes lit up, and he licked his lips subconsciously.The two short old ghosts looked at each other, and laughed as if meeting a close friend, and quickly forgot the serious topic just now.

El left the campsite, walked to the hillside and sat down alone, looking at the starry sky in the north, feeling infinitely melancholy.

He had promised that girl that he would spend the rest of his life with her in peace.The lover's promise is still in my ears, but he and her are separated by life and death.He doesn't believe but has to believe in the kobold's prophecy. If he doesn't even have this little expectation, he doesn't know how he will go on in the future.

There was the sound of standard military boots coming from behind, and Pallanti's identity could be distinguished only from the strength of trampling on the gravel under his feet. El looked back and found that the loli knight had taken off his black cloak and armor for the first time , wearing ordinary casual clothes, revealing the young and delicate body of a young girl.The lion's tooth horn was hidden in her bosom, and a few gleams of light stubbornly leaked out from the seams of her clothes, illuminating the girl's slender collarbone.

"Why don't you wear a military uniform?" Al asked curiously. Timmy had told him some interesting things about Pallanti in private.The girl has always been strict with herself as a soldier, even in normal times, she never takes off the armor that is equivalent to her weight.If anyone made a joke about her age and gender, she would immediately get pissed off.

"That military uniform is too heavy..." Pallanti hesitated and said, "I can't stand the eyes of those children. Whenever they look at me, I feel that the military uniform on my body is heavy. In the end They were all out of breath.”

El smiled and sighed in his heart, another guy who is also a fallen person in the world.She lost her beloved woman, but Pallanti lost her father and the whole family. One can imagine the depression in her heart.

"Isn't it beautiful just like this? If you take care of your hair well, it will definitely be cuter." El pointed to Pallanti's ponytail and smiled.

"Should...should I cut it short? If the hair is too long, it will really affect the appearance of the battle!" Pallanti subconsciously covered her ponytail and asked with a blushing face.

"No, no, it's fine now." El said hurriedly, the little girl is fine in everything, but her stubbornness is a headache, and he doesn't want to wake up tomorrow morning to see her bald.

"By the way! I don't want to discuss the issue of dressing up!" Pallanti was confused by El, and suddenly came back to his senses, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Master General, I'm here to persuade you !"

"I know the general is sad because of a woman..." Erto looked at Pallanti's embarrassed look with a smirk on his chin and said, "So you came here to persuade me by dressing up nicely? I'm sorry, although I also have normal male needs. , but it’s not enough to attack children.”

"That's not what I meant! My lord general, please be serious!" Pallanti shouted, waving her fists and blushing.

"Okay, okay, I know." El stretched out his hand and patted the head of the fried hair loli, and the expression on his face became serious: "I know that my performance is very unqualified, which makes you worry. Don't worry, I Will take responsibility for the rest of our brothers."

"We don't think there is anything wrong with your actions." Pallanti said with a cold snort: "My lord general, please don't underestimate yourself. The nerves of soldiers are not as delicate as you imagine. Compared with those politicians in military uniforms , we are more willing to follow a commander who is kind and righteous. We entrust our lives to you, and hope that you will also entrust this affection to us in the future, as well as the exiles we guard.”

"I promise you, I promise." El said seriously word by word.

 I didn't ask for leave during the Ching Ming Festival. It's really gratifying. It seems that the morals have finally been picked up~
(End of this chapter)

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