rune hunter

Chapter 160 Friendship Hodgepodge

Chapter 160 Friendship Hodgepodge

Whether Jupiter would like to admit it or not, in the eyes of outsiders, he was already a very important figure in this team of exiles.In addition to the army under El and the mercenaries under Tiana, the caravan guards he owns are the third-party armed forces in this group.Not only that, he also holds almost all the grain reserves.But in fact, only these three people know the truth about what is going on.

Although he was old enough to be El and Tiana's elders, the old businessman never dared to disrespect these two adults in private.This is not simply due to his cautious character, sometimes the more he knows, the less courageous he becomes.Some people always feel that it is inappropriate for El and Tiana to share the internal and external power of the Exiles, because both of them are outsiders who have risen suddenly, and it is difficult to inspire confidence.

But Jupiter knew very well that they were truly elites who had participated in all the battles of Istaron from the Landwalker invasion to the Burning City, otherwise they would not have been entrusted with important tasks by Antonio.Except for the high-ranking military officers who had died in battle, only his old club knew how deep the bond between the two of them was.Because of this, when the two people showed a faintly antagonistic attitude at the meeting, the old businessman was even more frightened.

These two guys are definitely trying to dig a hole for people to jump.

What made the old businessman heave a sigh of relief was that he finally got a chance to show his loyalty, that is, Tiana gave him a task of digging a hole along with him - spying on several other big businessmen to see if they had any No idea that shouldn't have been born.

Jupiter is well aware of the concerns of those old friends, which is the profit-seeking nature of businessmen.When Anderov talked about the slave trade, he could clearly feel that there was something wrong with the emotions of the people around him.Although no one showed it, how could they escape the observation of those two little foxes.

In good conscience, it wasn't that he hadn't thought about it at all.After all, all the food he originally planned to sell was confiscated this time, and it can be said that the loss was heavy.But compared to those profits, Jupiter is more concerned about his precious daughter now.The comatose Laurana was still held by El, which made him dare not have any crooked thoughts.

"Slave traders shouldn't get the news so quickly. We can just take precautions. The most important issue now is still food." Tiana asked Jupiter and El to stay, except for the conspiracy under the table In addition, the real reason is the problem of food.She looked at the notes in her hand and frowned.

"Because the White Lion family opened up the military granary to supply, most people carried a lot of food when they escaped. But if we can't find a place to live, this food will inevitably be empty after all. Ms. Mediah counted , the food that is now scattered in the hands of individuals can last for about a month if eaten sparingly."

"It's all a group of women, how many catties of grain can they carry?" Jupiter sighed with a wry smile, "It seems that there is a lot of grain in my car, but if it is divided among so many people, there is not much left."

"Be patient, isn't it going to be autumn soon, you can always get food." El patted the Dragon Tooth Bow on the back: "If it really doesn't work, I'll take people out hunting."

"There are farmlands on both sides of the road, but the wheat in the fields has not yet matured. When we leave the border of Istaren, the crops in the fields will belong to other lords." Tiana patiently explained: "And from here to The south is the plain area, even if there are mountains and forests, they are all the private property of the local lords, we cannot hunt at will."

"Let's take one step at a time. Now we're sitting here and thinking about it, but we can't think of a way." El scratched his head and said a little irritably.When it comes to the details of these government affairs, he can't help at all.

"Your soldiers escaped without rations," Tiana reminded him.

"Let's figure it out on our own. Brothers can't bear the eyes of those girls anymore. If we go to receive rations, we will never be able to hold our heads up again." El patted his buttocks, stood up and walked out.

Although pretending not to care on the surface, El knew in his heart that the matter raised by Tiana was probably the most urgent problem to be solved.The soldiers were all retreating from the front line. They had armed themselves to the teeth with a mortal heart, and did not prepare extra rations at all.In this group of exiles, the most food-deprived group of soldiers is this group of soldiers, and it's not just food, they have nothing but the weapons on their bodies.

Regardless of the reason, the retreat from the front line is an indisputable fact.The soldiers in Istaren are tough men, and if they were to compete with the wives and children of their comrades for the relief food quota, it would be a slap in the face. They would rather starve to death than accept this kind of food.

El knew that many soldiers hadn't even made a drop of rice yesterday, so they cheered up on an empty stomach.If this continues, the combat effectiveness of this army is not optimistic.Although the army still has the last reserve food - war horses, even a military rookie like him knows that the horses must not be given up until the last moment.

"It can't go on like this..." El quickly calculated in his heart, he still has some food reserves in his hand, but it belongs to the property of the gray goblins, those cooks...these cooks are not the best at finding food what?I also saw Wesley's little daughter catch a big bucket of frogs in the ditch yesterday, maybe they can help?
Thinking of this, El's eyes brightened.He greeted Pallanti who was guarding outside the tent, and the two trotted back to the gray goblin's carriage.

The head chef of the gray goblin and the geomancer of the kobolds squeezed in front of the carriage, and they were happily discussing the dishes for the evening while driving the carriage.The two wretched-looking old guys have been hooking up for the past two days, as close as brothers.When El found them, Wesley was telling Apache about his [-] kinds of rat tail cooking methods. The soldiers guarding the carriage kept a certain distance from them. Outside - it may be more that the more you listen, the hungrier you get.

El briefly explained his thoughts to Wesley, and the head chef's eyes lit up immediately.

"Sir, you are really asking the right person. For us gray goblins, this land is full of ingredients. Of course, most of them are not in line with human diet... But if your soldiers have such Demand, I promise in the name of the Black Pepper family that I will live up to the trust."

El thought about it for a while, and rationally did not continue to ask what it was that "does not conform to the concept of human diet".As a half-master, he asked the gray goblin's family to provide food for [-] warriors, and he must let his warriors have a mouthful of hot food before noon.

During the noon break, El gathered all the fighters, found an unobtrusive remote corner, sat down and waited for the gray goblin's lunch.Except for a few officers who followed him, the state of the other soldiers was obviously in a downturn.Seeing the tired and numb expressions on the faces of the soldiers, El couldn't help but feel guilty, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, because he was about to do even more guilt-ridden evil deeds to these soldiers.

"Brothers, I know that everyone would rather be hungry than grab food from women and children, but there is no way for us to go on like this. If you are all too hungry to hold weapons, who will protect their safety then?" El said earnestly. persuaded.

"General, we can go hunting." A mountain hunter couldn't help but said, El gave him a helpless look, nodded and said: "I also thought about this way, but the south doesn't have the boundless forest like us here Well, there are so many of us, we can't expect to fill our stomachs with squirrels in the woods."

He bit the bullet and finished speaking, and immediately heard a desperate moan in his ears.Sure enough, these muscular fighters could only come up with this method. Compared with the two, he immediately found a sense of superiority in IQ.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible... Let's have a full meal first, and then slowly study." El waved his hand with a straight face, and a group of gray goblins ran over carrying a dozen huge iron pots.Under the strange eyes of the soldiers, the gray goblins lifted the lids of the pots one by one, and steaming steam came out, revealing the inside of the pot... an unknown viscous substance mixed with black, yellow, red, and green.

"This is a new dish jointly created by myself and Master Apache, so I want to name it - Friendship Potpourri!" Mr. Wesley tapped the lid of the pot with a large spoon and exclaimed cheerfully : "It's time to eat, lads! Please rest assured that the ingredients we have collected are guaranteed to be non-toxic and harmless and absolutely edible!"

It's even more disturbing for you to say that... El swears in his heart, he saw some soldiers' faces turning green.

"Brothers, do you still remember our slogan? Istaron's fighters are fearless!" El said solemnly.He walked up to an iron pot, strained his face, and asked Wesley to serve himself a spoonful of... the viscous substance he called hodgepodge.He brought it to his mouth, sniffed it twice, and unexpectedly found that the taste of these viscous substances seemed to be quite good.As a professional chef, it is impossible for a gray goblin to make a taste that smashes its own signature. The reason why it is really difficult to eat is actually a psychological problem.

El tried hard to keep his mind blank, took a tentative sip, chewed it carefully, and nodded.Although it looked very suspicious, the food in his mouth was basically wild vegetables, as well as pieces of meat from certain small animals... What is that soft thing?It's better to forget.

Seeing their own commander personally testify, the faces of the soldiers finally looked better, but when they took up the bowls and lined up, the serious expressions on their faces seemed to be rushing to the execution ground.They used to be the glory of Istaron, they were real professional soldiers, they used the best weapons, rode the best horses, and ate the best rations...but now in order to survive, they must start Accept the cruelty of reality.

"It's really a group of pampered elders." Mr. Wesley stood beside the pot with a large spoon and sighed in a low voice: "You will understand the deliciousness of food when you are really hungry and can't get up."

(End of this chapter)

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