rune hunter

Chapter 161 The Stray Wild Dog

Chapter 161 The Stray Wild Dog

If you don't consider the source of raw materials, the hodgepodge cooked by the gray goblin is actually not bad.As long as you survive the initial psychological pressure, you can actually still have a full stomach.The soldiers retreated from the front line until now, and it is only now that they have really eaten a hot meal. Naturally, it is impossible to be as picky as girls at this time.

Of course, this kind of statement is somewhat inappropriate, at least Pallanti also filled a bowl with everyone, and gobbled it up with her eyes closed.Although I vomited halfway through, I still gritted my teeth and persisted until the end, licking the bowl clean.Seeing her livid face, El wisely swallowed back the words of persuasion.

"In fact, there is still food in the carriage..." El put down the bowl and sighed, and said to the soldiers around him: "But it must be kept just in case. The food in the hands of the refugees is not rich, and I am afraid it will not last through the winter." I listened to those nobles at the meeting in the morning, and it is basically impossible for us to get help."

The soldiers sitting around him were all surviving grassroots officers, so there was no need to hide this kind of thing from them.Although these rough people are not expected to offer any constructive opinions, they should at least understand the real situation.

"It's not the way to go on like this, my lord. We won't even be able to eat these grass roots and bark until winter." Timmy's mind was more flexible, and he quickly thought of the key to the problem.

"Our north is a newly developed territory, so the land is sparsely populated. After we reach the south, where can we squeeze so many people?" Ahmed shook his head and said, "I don't agree with Ms. Ranstadt's plan. How do you like it?"

"The ancestors of the white lion and wild boar families followed the ancestors to open up the northern border. Although the relationship has gradually weakened, they will never die." Pallanti retched a few times while covering her mouth, and interjected in a low voice: "Even if It's because the Timberwolves and the White Lion have had old grievances over the years, and when Miss Tiana came to Istaron, she was also treated with courtesy by the lord..."

"If she was an unarmed beggar, I'm afraid it would be a different situation." El said disapprovingly, only he knew Tiana's identity might be tricky, but there was no need to say such things.

"The descendants of the Timberwolves led the people of the White Lion to seek refuge with the Lord of the Wild Boar, and followed the four great knights of the previous king. They fell to this point 300 years later. If this news spreads, I don't know how much inspiration it will bring to the bard." Ahmed shook his head. wry smile.

"You still have the nerve to say? Now that the total number of exiles including us is close to 6000, you put all your hopes on a little girl? Let you drink some offal soup and you will be sad, but she has not rested for two days and two nights." !" Ahmed's half-joking ridicule made El couldn't help being angry, and he gave everyone a hard look.

"Did you lose your face after losing a battle? Don't forget that we are soldiers! We should take this responsibility! Although Tiana is in charge of the overall situation now, she is still a girl after all. We men need to stand up and solve the problem!"

El's stern reprimand made the surrounding soldiers unable to lift their heads.Everyone's faces were so red that they were black, and they wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Don't take that bullshit meeting seriously. It's their greatest credit for organizing the exiles into an orderly group. Look at who those representatives are? Merchants, nobles, mercenaries... what do you think of those guys? Trustworthy? If we don't stand up, who can protect those women and children?" El said emotionally.

"General, we all understand these truths." Timmy spread his hands helplessly and said, "But we only know how to fight, and nothing else. You see, Palanti doesn't even know how to wear skirts..."

Then he got a scabbard on his forehead and paid the price for his cheap mouth.

"I don't need a skirt!" Pallanti snorted coldly with a blushing face. She withdrew her foil and looked at El and said, "General, we are professional soldiers who only know how to fight and only have brute force. If you have any ideas , we will follow you, no matter what, I will support you unconditionally."

El looked around and found that the other soldiers basically expressed this meaning on their faces, and couldn't help but rolled their eyes.Although he didn't have any expectations for these muscular men, he still wanted to hear everyone's opinions with a fluke mentality. Now it seems that he is really naive.

In front of Tiana, he always felt that he was not well-educated, and it was inevitable that he would feel ashamed.But in front of these ordinary people, he actually regained his sense of superiority in IQ, and the more he thought about it, the more pathetic he felt.

El suddenly found that he had spent too much time with the big shots, and had become separated from the world of ordinary people.In this era, knowledge is still the wealth of nobles, and common people are mediocre and ignorant all their lives.Even in a big city like Istaren with public colleges, the cultural level of ordinary people is no more than that.

As the full-time captain of the Mountain Hunters Brigade, Ahmed is a general who grew up in the same era as the three-headed dog, and he also has a noble status, but he is a paranoid superstitionist, from gods sacrifice to fortune-telling magic stick Are convinced.

Pallanti, who has the direct blood of the White Lion family, grew up in the army. Although he has studied, he has never been to college.I don't know what kind of mentality Pross is holding to educate his daughter, so that she hasn't worn a skirt until now.

Timmy, an officer who was temporarily promoted from among the black knights, although he was more clever and knew how to read words and expressions, he was actually just a farmer's son, and he knew less than a hundred words in total.

Compared with them, El had to be grateful to his adoptive father. Although the old man seemed unreliable, he taught him his skills anyway.He didn't realize how powerful the little thing in the old man's belly was before, but he realized that he could be regarded as an all-rounder capable of both literature and military affairs when he arrived in a big city, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be a general.

"Actually, I have an immature idea..." El hesitated, and said in a low voice: "Do you still remember the Sicily bandit group?"

The soldiers who originally belonged to the black knight line suddenly showed a look of thought, while the other soldiers who joined later were still a little unclear.

"General, do you want to attack the bandit group?" Timmy, who was the most flexible, blurted out subconsciously, his eyes lit up.

"I just had some ideas just now." El took out an arrow from his back and gestured on the ground: "Think about it, we have such a big piece of fat, sooner or later we will attract the covetousness of vicious dogs. Those robbers must have Our old lair, as long as we fight back, we can always find a suitable place as a temporary foothold..."

"This is a feasible way." Ahmed nodded, but his face was still serious: "It is not difficult to snatch the robber's lair, but I am afraid that the tax collector of the local lord will come to the door as soon as we enter. Those bastards dare not clean up the bandits themselves, but they are not merciless at bullying honest people."

"Are we honest?" Al asked curiously.

Ahmed thought for a while, but didn't know how to answer.

"We used to be fighters of Istaren, pay attention to what I said was once." El raised his head and said to the soldiers beside him, "But whether you want to admit it or not, now we are a bunch of wild dogs. Be clear, and let the whole world know. Whoever dares to provoke, we will open our mouths and bite back! Remember the three generals of Istaron? Anderson, Shet and Pross, they have been watching for a whole ten years Doordog, now it's our turn."

Hearing El mentioned the deeds of the three-headed dog, the soldiers suddenly smiled knowingly.The behavior style of those generals is still fresh in their hearts.

Thinking about it carefully, the current situation is surprisingly similar to the history of that year.Ten years ago, Grand Duke Caesar was assassinated, Leonard was seriously injured and went into hiding, and the three of Pross led the young Antonio to fight thousands of miles back to Istaren, and then loyally assisted the young lord in his growth.Faced with the coveted heart of the southern lord, the three of them abandoned their so-called aristocratic dignity, and they wanted to win by whatever means possible. No matter who dared to reach out to Estalon, they would pounce on them and bite off a piece of meat, so they were called by outsiders. It is called the "three-headed dog".

"Ms. Ranstadt probably won't agree with your idea. If we act rashly, she will be very passive." Ahmed's attitude is more cautious. He is not against El's plan, but he thinks it is too risky.

"Don't worry, we will reach a tacit understanding." El is not worried about this at all, the Miss Dancing Light Snake who was on the wanted warrant is not a kind person.

When he was secretly cursing in his heart, there was a sound of horseshoes in his ears.El turned his head and saw a mercenary riding towards him on horseback.

"General El! Ms. Ranstadt told you to rush there immediately! The lords in the south sent envoys to contact us, and Ms. Ranstadt is negotiating with them!"

The mercenary ran all the way, pulling his neck and shouting loudly before dismounting.Seeing that his anxious appearance does not seem to be fake, it seems that there is some unspeakable concealment.

"Negotiation? Why do we negotiate, and what do we use to negotiate with others?" El asked strangely.

"My lord, how would I know this." The mercenary said with a sad face, "I saw them enter the tent, and after a while, Ms. Ranstadt spoke in my ear with magic, telling me to find you right away I heard that her tone was not quite right, so I didn't dare to waste time!"

"It seems that this means that the visitor is not kind." El sucked his teeth. Although Tiana didn't say any more reasons, but with the tacit understanding between him and the girl, many things can be guessed from just this attitude.

He thought for a while, then turned his head and whispered to Ahmed, "Get ready, brothers, we might be about to bite."

(End of this chapter)

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