rune hunter

Chapter 162 The Earl's Special Envoy

Chapter 162 The Earl's Special Envoy

The team of exiles had already left Istaren for two days, gradually approaching the southern border of the White Lion Clan's territory.According to Mr. Anderov's estimation, it only takes another day to walk along this road to reach the town of Lille, the fief of the Locke family.The Locke family used to be the knights who followed the first Grand Duke Caesar to establish Istaron, and was later entrusted to the southernmost town of Lille, becoming a buffer force between the White Lion family and the southern lord's territory, equivalent to an independent lord.

The Locke family has always been loyal to the White Lion, but this time the fall of Istaron was too fast. Before they received the call-up order, the war had completely failed.Not many members of the Locke family remained in the city of Istaron. Only one baron led 25 family knights to participate in the battle to defend the city, and none of them survived.And his wife withdrew to the south with the refugees, and now lives with other noble families.

According to Anderov's plan, the first destination of the exiles is the town of Lille. The loyalty of the Locke family is unquestionable. It consumes thousands of mouths.

Yesterday Tiana sent a messenger to the Locke family with a letter from the baroness, but today it was Earl Kemal's special envoy who was waiting.

Earl Kemal is the southern lord closest to Istaren. His territory borders on the south of Istaren. The grievances and grievances of the White Lion family have been entangled year after year, and it is no longer clear who is right and who is wrong.

In the past hundreds of years, this family had fought seven wars with the white lion, almost every time the interests of the southern nobles were behind the scenes, and each time they were beaten like dogs and begged for mercy.The most recent war was exactly ten years ago. Istaren closed the door and licked his wounds. Count Kemal thought the time was ripe, so he launched a large-scale invasion of the country and was bitten down by the three-headed dog. When a piece of meat came, it hurt my heart.

But anyone who knew a little bit about the war ten years ago would not have any expectations of the earl's kind heart.It's just that what Andlov and Tiana didn't expect was that the opponent's hand stretched out so fast this time.

The special envoy of Earl Kemal is a fat man with a very rich appearance, and the length is not much different when viewed horizontally, vertically or front and rear. In short, this guy is as fat as a ball.The people of Istaren favor martial arts. Even the big merchants who lead the caravan may look fat, but they are ruthless characters who can mount their horses and draw their knives to slash people if they are in a hurry.It's rare to be so fat.

The open carriage carrying the special envoy passed through the middle of the camp, and the axles creaked and creaked strangely. Many children came over and looked at the fat man curiously. The fat man squinted his eyes and looked at the people in the camp. Condition.The expression on his face was sometimes contemptuous, sometimes excited, but in short it was wonderful.

Tiana and Andlov stood outside the tent to greet the special envoy out of courtesy, but the fat man's carriage actually walked within their field of vision for 5 minutes before passing through the camp and coming to them.In addition to the weight factor of the fat man itself, there may also be a sense of posturing.

Until the carriage followed the guide and came out of the tent, the guard who drove the carriage waved a whip and slapped a whip, shouting loudly: "The owner of Rhododendron Manor, Mr. Romer Chico Viscount, brought Mr. Earl Kemal The message came from afar, how dare you not go outside to greet him?"

"Please forgive our impoliteness, but we didn't know that there was a distinguished guest before this. If I remember correctly, there are usually only two things that Count Kemal's special envoys can do when they come to Istaren. The declaration of war is either a ransom to the nobles, I don’t know why you came this time?” Anderov coughed and countered neither humble nor humble.

The bad relationship between Earl Kemal and the White Lion family is well known. The exiles had no intention of getting any help from him from the very beginning. Anyway, it is impossible to repair the relationship. Androv's tone was naturally tough.

"The lion of Istaron is still smelly and tough..." Viscount Chico muttered in a low voice, moving his body and jumping out of the carriage with difficulty.He raised his nostrils and looked at Andlov with a sneer, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "Oh, I'm so stubborn. Do you think Mr. Earl Kemal doesn't know the news yet? What kind of stubbornness does a bereaved dog have? ?”

"My lord special envoy has come from a long way, it's not too late to sit down and have a cup of tea before talking about business." Tiana asked.

Viscount Chico lowered his head, his eyes lit up when he saw Tiana who was wearing a veil.The expression on his face changed several times quickly, and finally squeezed out a kind smile.Seeing Viscount Chico's expression change, Andlov secretly smiled.Previously, among the nobles in exile, there were also questions about whether Tiana relied on her beauty, but the representatives attending the meeting knew the true face of the girl.

"This beautiful lady, are you the Ms. Ranstadt they said?" The fat man nodded with a smile and said, "Very good, very good, let's talk inside."

Regarding Viscount Chico's sudden change of attitude, Tiana was a little puzzled. Although this guy showed a certain lust, there seemed to be something else in his attitude towards her.

The two parties sat down and exchanged a few words in a lukewarm manner, and then Viscount Chico said straight to the point: "I came here on the orders of Earl Kemal, and I demanded that the refugees from Istaren not enter the territory of Lord Earl."

"Please rest assured, Earl, we never had such a plan." Andlov said coldly.

"Really?" Viscount Chico snorted with a half-smile: "I don't think there is news that you don't know yet. The patriarch of the Locke family has announced that he will leave the White Lion family and be loyal to the Earl. That is to say, Er Town is now the Earl's territory!"

"It's impossible!" Andlov stood up abruptly, clenched his fists and shouted.

"Then where do you think I come from?" Viscount Chico looked at Andlov's gaffe, and the smile on his face became more and more complacent. "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you just now that the new mayor of Lille Town is here. After receiving your request for help, he kindly rushed over to inform you not to invade the territory of the Earl."

"We sent the request for help yesterday, but you informed the Earl in such a short period of time?" Tiana keenly caught the loophole in Viscount Chico's words, and questioned aloud.

"Lord Earl..." The corner of Viscount Chico's mouth twitched, but he quickly recovered his smile and said, "The Earl's eldest son, Master Dreyer, is a guest of the Locke family, and Master Dreyer can represent the will of the Earl. "

The fat man secretly wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and smiled eagerly at Tiana: "Miss Ranstadt, I don't know how you got mixed up with the white lion. However, I think you should at least have From what I have heard, the friendship between the Earl and the Duke of Ranstadt is well known, and a covenant was signed, so you are our honored guest."

"Uh..." Tiana picked up the teacup expressionlessly, using the movement of drinking tea to cover up the horror in her heart.Her identity as a descendant of the Ranstadt family is almost [-]% water content. Before that, she had only heard a little about the struggle between the Timberwolves and the White Lion. How could she know that there is such a complicated relationship between the upper-class nobles?

Thinking about it carefully, this is not impossible. The Timberwolves in the north have long been separated from the control of the kingdom and become an independent warlord force.The titular royal family sent the White Lion to clash with them.As for Earl Kemal, the representative of the southern aristocratic faction, he wanted to prevent the white lion from going south. For these great nobles, the enemy of the enemy can easily become a friend...

In fact, there is no need to think so much at all, as long as you pay attention to the uncertain expression on Anderov's face, you can basically confirm the authenticity of the so-called covenant.

"Master Dreyer was very pleasantly surprised by your arrival. The young master specially ordered that I must invite you to Lille Town as a guest." Viscount Chico solemnly took out a neatly folded letter from his waist and delivered it to Tiya In front of Na, said respectfully.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in the direct line of the Ranstadt family, and I don't have a noble status." Tiana took the letter and said softly. She was even more puzzled in her heart. Could it be that this guy wants to sow discord? !
"No noble status? You really like to joke..." Viscount Chico waved his hands and laughed. How can he be recognized if he is not a noble?

No noble status... These words flashed through Viscount Chico's mind again, his laughter stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face changed rapidly again.

"You... are you the descendant of Master Doria of the Blue Light? The lady whom Duke Ranstadt mentioned in the covenant, who is going to marry the son of the Earl?" the fat man asked with his eyes wide open in horror. road.

What's the situation?No matter how strong Tiana's psychological quality is, she was scared out of her wits by Viscount Chico's words.Anderov's expression on the side has become extremely strange, and she herself doesn't know how to refute.

She did inherit the relics of Doria Langstadt, and she used this as proof that the people of Istaren recognized her.But she never thought that this identity would have such a magical hidden plot?The Ranstadt family has long been dead, and now she really jumped into the gray water river and couldn't wash off the shit on her body.

"Call General El right away! Use the fastest speed!" The confused girl subconsciously used telepathic communication to give orders to the mercenaries outside the tent.

 I'm such a pig, I didn't pay attention when the chapter was not posted yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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