rune hunter

Chapter 163 Power Alternation

Chapter 163 Power Alternation
When he heard the order conveyed by the mercenary, El was stunned for a while.In the past days, he and Tiana have cooperated tacitly many times. Although it cannot be said that they have reached the level of intimacy, at least they have a tacit understanding.Although this time it was conveyed through the mouth of the mercenary, the girl's hidden meaning was actually understood by El.

There is actually only one real meaning she wants to express - hurry up and support the scene!

The image of Tiana in the eyes of outsiders is very perfect, mysterious, elegant, wise, and powerful. It can be said that she is the perfect goddess incarnation in everyone's mind.But in El's impression, the magician girl happened to be another image.She is deep in the city and unscrupulous. She is wanted by the northern counties under the name of the Light Dancing Snake. She is more like a villain than the Earl of Snake.But it is just such a woman who bears the burden of thousands of refugees.

Such a young lady with countless black histories lost control of the situation, which immediately aroused El's curiosity.No one knew Tiana's true face better than him. Not to mention that she was just a special envoy of a local lord, even facing the cursed sect that spread the plague of death, the girl had stubbornly fought for three full months.The magician girl's own strength is strong enough, in fact, there is no need for the group of remnants under him to support the future.

So El was very curious about how arrogant those so-called special envoys were.In his mind, the other party was either so domineering and cool that he could ignore a silver-rank spellcaster, or he was so idiotic that he couldn't see Tiana's depth at all.

From a common sense point of view, the probability of the latter is obviously higher.

For the purpose of caution, El ordered a group of strong and heavily armed elite knights, followed by the mercenaries who reported the news and killed them aggressively.

The place where the soldiers were resting was not far from the tent where Tiana presided over the meeting. When he rushed out of the tent with his troops, he saw the extra-large convertible luxury carriage parked in front of the door, and the mercenary station. Together with gorgeously dressed noble guards.At the same time, he also heard the strange voice of a ghost crying and howling in the tent.

"Miss Ranstadt! How can you mix with these untouchables? Aren't these damned lions our common enemy? The blood of Timberwolves and the Kemal family is flowing on their hands!"

What's happening here?This script is not right?El murmured in his heart, but on the surface he walked towards the tent with a straight face.Before he could enter the tent, the two noble guards guarding the door suddenly blocked his way with their hands outstretched, and one of the tall and thin men pouted his nose and snorted coldly: "Master Chico is dealing with official business. Do not enter!"

El lowered his head to look at the silver badge on his chest. This is one of the common symbols in the kingdom. Even the farmers who plow the land know that it symbolizes the identity of the general.And the two guards with colored chicken feathers on their heads clearly turned their nostrils up to the sky when they saw the badge, deliberately turning a blind eye.

El sighed, knowing in his heart that as the dog's leg of a big man, but relying on his power to pretend to be a tiger, he had heard of such a vicious slave before.For this kind of person, there is no psychological burden to beat him even when he is penniless.He raised his legs, one foot at a time, and carried the two guards into the tent.

Seeing that the bones of the two guys didn't seem too hard, El's foot strength was put away for the most part, and the two guards screamed in mid-air and passed through the middle of the tent, overturning the wooden pile on the other side. With a single pull, half the tent was torn in half.

El stomped his feet and walked into the tent, and saw a strange scene of a spherical fat pig lying on the table and crying.Tiana sat across from the fat man, with a blank expression on her face, as if she was a little distracted.And Andlov, who was following her, didn't know why his face was as ugly as if he had eaten a stool.

"Untouchable! Get out!" Viscount Chico turned his head and shouted angrily.When the guards blocked El from coming in just now, he also heard the voice of talking, but he thought it was someone else and ignored him. He didn't expect that guy outside to force his way in. He only felt that he saw himself in a flash The two guards flew over from overhead.

Just when he subconsciously growled, Viscount Chico instinctively felt that something was wrong.No matter what the identity of the visitor is, it is definitely not an ordinary character who can kick his two guards in.Istaron is rich in such barbarians, and there is no need for him to be as knowledgeable as this kind of barbarians...

Fatty's brains turned quickly, but Al's movements were faster.Although he still doesn't know the ins and outs of the matter, he sensed from the fat man's strange attitude that the matter might be a bit complicated, and at this time he needs to act as a spoiler.He grabbed Viscount Chico by the collar, lifted his 300-jin spherical body with one hand, and with the other hand drew out the ax to rest on the fat man's neck, and said in a deep voice, "Are you him?" Who is a pariah? What are you?"

Viscount Chico thumped twice in vain, looked at the sharp ax in front of him, and immediately became honest.He turned his head to look at Tiana, and said with trembling lips, "Miss Ranstadt...please...please..."

"General El, please let go of Mr. Special Envoy, this is a misunderstanding." Holding the teacup, Tiana seemed to be frightened, and waited for several seconds before speaking.

El raised his eyebrows to look at the girl, then gave the fat man a hard look, and then let go of his collar.As soon as he let go, the fat man, covered in cold sweat, collapsed to the ground like mud.

"Special envoy? Whose envoy? Mr. Anderoff, I remember you said that we have no friends nearby." El looked at Anderoff with pretended doubts. Before that, the old noble had been Tiana's right-hand man. , but at this time El felt a faint gap between him and the girl.

"Ahem... This Mr. Viscount Chico is the special envoy of Earl Kemal." Andlov didn't expect El to ask him directly, so he quickly cleared his throat and introduced.

"Viscount Kemal? How did he get the news so quickly?" El was even more puzzled. It was only two days since the fall of Istaren, and the exiles hadn't left their territory yet. How come the special envoy of the southern lord arrived? ?

"According to Mr. Viscount Chico, the Locke family has pledged allegiance to Earl Kemal, and the town of Lille has also become the territory of Earl Kemal." Andlov introduced the incident in a few words.

"Isn't the town of Lille ours?" El asked with a sullen face. He was quite familiar with this place name, because Anderov and Tiana had been discussing the direction of travel during the two-day meeting. Among them, the town of Lille is the next destination of the exiles.Although he knew nothing about the geography of the south, he at least knew that the town of Lille was still a territory of Istaren.

"Now the town of Lille is the territory of Earl Kemal!" Viscount Chico got up from the ground after a lot of effort. He patted the dust on his clothes, looked at El with a sneer, and regained his arrogance expression.At this time, he also saw the silver badge representing his identity on El's chest, and his face couldn't help but get worse.

Before that, he didn't know that there was a general in this group of refugees, and having a general meant that there was an army, which was not good news for the earl.

"I'm here to inform you that this road will not work! Earl Kemal doesn't want to see any untouchables from Istaren appear in his territory!" Viscount Chico sat back in his seat and said slowly.

"I'm sorry that I'm not well-educated. What you said was a bit convoluted, and I didn't understand it very well." El dug his ears in front of Viscount Chico without any image, with a mocking smile on his face: "The special envoy Sir, can I understand what you just said as...the meaning of going to war?"

"I've made it very clear what the earl means. As for how you interpret it, that's up to you. Although I personally sympathize with the fall of Eastalen, the Locke family has sworn allegiance to the earl before that. This is an indisputable fact." Viscount Chico's tone was still full of arrogance, but this time his attitude was much restrained.

Fulfilling his duties is important, but as a decent gentleman, he can't afford to compete with a vulgar northern barbarian, let alone the actual leader of this refugee group is someone else.

The fat man calmed down his emotions, and said with a friendly smile to Tiana: "Of course, Miss Ranstadt is not included. On behalf of Master Dreyer, I formally invite you to visit Lille Town. The countryside is relatively simple. However, I believe that the Locke family can do their best as landlords and prepare a welcome banquet for you."

"Hey, hey, don't bully me for my low level of education! Can anyone explain to me what's going on?" El blinked, and finally understood why Anderov and Tiana's faces were so weird.

This fat man is blatantly sowing discord, and he seems to be taking it for granted?
At this time, El almost understood the reason why Tiana called her here. Because of well-known reasons, Earl Kemal expressed obvious malice towards the exiles from Istaren, but because of some unknown Due to the reason, Tiana, the leader of the exiles, turned out to be Count Kemal's distinguished guest!
Out of politeness and a sense of responsibility to the exiles, Tiana couldn't categorically reject Count Kemal's friendship at this time, but if she didn't resolutely draw a line with Count Kemal, she would lose the trust of her supporters. Dilemma.

El looked at the girl calmly and nodded slightly.He walked between Viscount Chico and Tiana, stepped on the table, tilted his head and leaned in front of the fat man, and whispered: "Now I have the final say here!"

(End of this chapter)

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