rune hunter

Chapter 164 Violence

Chapter 164 Violent Talk
Er stood between Tiana and Viscount Chico, looked at the fat man coldly and said, "Now I have the final say here, you can answer what I ask, don't talk nonsense."

"What are you..." Viscount Chico hadn't finished subconsciously reprimanding him before El's slapped his whole head tilted ninety degrees.If he wasn't too overweight, he would be able to make him lie on the ground with one blow.

"I belong to Earl Kemal..." Viscount Chico covered his face and yelled angrily, but this time he still didn't finish speaking, and El slapped him backhand again, pulling his head to the other side.

The two slaps, positive and negative, left clear black handprints on Viscount Chico's cheeks. The fat man opened his mouth and spat out two bloody teeth, and finally stopped.

"Very good, I think we can chat calmly now." El smiled and patted the fat man's head. The fat man subconsciously covered his face and shrunk his neck, showing a forced smile on his face.

"Now I'll ask you to answer. The first question, do you occupy the Locke family's fiefdom?" El leaned in front of the fat man, looking straight into his eyes and asked softly.

"It's allegiance... The Locke family has already pledged their allegiance to Lord Earl Kemal!" the fat man said, although the corner of his mouth was still bleeding and his voice was a bit vague, but the fat man was rather stubborn and still insisted on his statement.

"Mr. Andlov?" El turned his head to look at the old nobleman standing behind the girl, and asked with some doubts: "I don't know the rules of the game for the upper-class nobles, but the subjects of Istaron suddenly turned to the enemy. Is loyalty to this kind of thing a normal game in law or other rules?"

"Of course not, my lord general!" Andlov quickly replied: "No matter what the reason, allegiance to the enemy means betrayal, but I don't believe that the Locke family will betray Istaron, there must be something hidden in it. "

"Did you hear that? My lord special envoy? Do you want us to believe that the Locke family will betray you with your red mouth and white teeth? What evidence do you have to prove this?" El looked into Viscount Chico's eyes and sneered said.

"What evidence do you want? Master Dreyer and the current patriarch of the Locke family, Viscount Michallon Locke, have just signed an alliance, and the town of Lille has planted the flag of the Kemal family..." Viscount Chico looked angrily Al said loudly, and then he was punched in the face again, and one eye socket was suddenly bruised.

"If you say one more nonsense, I'll beat you up. If you succeed in angering me, I'll cut off your head to sacrifice the flag right now." El chopped the ax onto the table and grabbed the fat man hair said viciously.

The expression on the fat man's face should be as wronged as it is. There is nothing he can do about this unreasonable barbarian.People don't care about your social rhetoric and coercion, just speak with your fists.

Although there is such a kind of extreme ego guy in this world, after being beaten, he would ask the murderer in shock: "How dare you hit me? Why did you hit me? How dare you hit me..." But Chico The Viscount is not that kind of idiot. Although this fat man is not a smart person, he is at least very sensible and understands the truth that a good man does not suffer immediate losses.

"Michalon? Even if Old Locke dies, it won't be his turn to inherit the position of Patriarch, right?" Andlov, who is familiar with the noble system of Istaron, immediately found doubts in the fat man's answer.Thus further guessing the truth: "Could it be that Old Locke has been framed by you? Where is his eldest son Leonard?"

"I don't know much about this..." Viscount Chico looked at the shiny ax on the table, curled his lips and shook his head, and said, "It is said that Old Locke's stubborn donkey died on the woman's bed. As for other things, that's fine." It's all a private matter of the Locke family."

"Let's talk after you think about it." Al squinted his eyes and patted the fat man's face.

"I'm just a messenger! Not a spy of the White Lion family!" The fat man screamed immediately: "What does the shit on the Locke family's ass have anything to do with me? Can you, a soldier, know how much wheat is produced in the field?"

Al nodded, then punched the fat man in the face, pinning him to the ground and beating him hard.The fat man wailed like a slaughtered pig and called for help, lying on the ground with his head in his arms and curled up into a ball.

"Miss Ranstadt! Help! Help!" Although El lightened the strength in his hands, it was still enough to bring deep pain to the fat man, but even so, Viscount Chico didn't say anything until the end. Something happened, but instead he struggled to ask Tiana for help.

"Please stop, General El, don't embarrass Mr. Special Envoy." Tiana "hesitated" for a moment, but still stopped her: "No matter what happens to the Locke family, we can only find out the truth in Lille Town."

"Please wait a moment, I haven't finished asking." El looked at the girl's expression, reached out and grabbed Viscount Chico's head, with a smile on his face again: "Sorry, I was a little emotional just now. Since you said no Knowing the specific circumstances of the Locke family's rebellion, then I'll ask some questions you can answer."

"If I didn't misunderstand just now, Earl Kemal is actually still staying in his castle, and the one who came to Lille is only the young master Dreyer you mentioned?" El pulled the fat man up again, and patted He patted the dirt on his body and asked.

"Master Dreyer is the eldest son of Earl Kemal, so he can naturally represent Earl Kemal's will." Viscount Chico's eyes flickered twice, but this time he did not dare to continue to resist.

"Very good, although I still think it's a bit nonsense, but since this is the way noble gentlemen speak, I won't force it anymore." El nodded, and asked again: "Master Delaire is here in Lille this time. How many troops did the town bring?"

"Master Dreyer brought the Third Corps...We still have heavy troops stationed at the border." Viscount Chico hesitated for a moment, but seeing the smile on El's mouth, he immediately said everything he knew .

"Third Corps? What organization?" El asked again.

"The Third Legion is a regular garrison regiment with a full strength of [-] elite soldiers!" Viscount Chico said loudly.

"Two thousand and five hundred people? Or elite soldiers? How elite?" In order to match the fat man's bluff, El gritted his teeth and tried to show a panicked expression.

"Hehe, what kind of elite soldiers of the Garrison Legion..." Andlov sneered, exposing Viscount Chico's background: "General El, the part-time job of the southern lord's army is different from ours. They only need to recruit farmers Distributing weapons is regarded as a regular army, and the so-called legion system may have at least half of the vacancies."

El looked at the fat man thoughtfully, watching his face turn pale and sweat profusely.But this fat man is not a simple person after all. Even if he is exposed, he still refuses to bow his head. Instead, he sneered and counterattacked: "The Third Army is just the escort of Master Delaire. Our troops on the border can come for reinforcements at any time." .But until now, what toughness does the white lion have left?"

"I don't need to bother you, Mr. Viscount Chico." El shrugged and pointed to the south: "Go back and tell your young master that we will continue to move forward and take the town of Lille as our first goal." land. If there are enemies in that town when we arrive, it means war."

"Young man, I think you'd better listen to other people's opinions. There are many problems in this world that cannot be solved by force." Viscount Chico said earnestly, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I agree with your point of view, but I think that this problem should be solved by force." El clenched his fists, and slowly released his murderous aura: "I think you are a smart People, so don't waste our precious time with each other. Now go back to your master and give him some sound advice."

Under El's eviction order, Viscount Chico didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and left the tent with his two guards disheartened.When he went outside, El put his hand in his mouth and whistled, and the warriors gathered outside the tent drew their weapons at the same time, and struck their left hand on the chest armor with a deafening sound.Viscount Chico paused, then immediately quickened his pace and jumped into his carriage.

Earl Kemal's special envoy came and went in a hurry, but the three people who stayed in the tent fell into an awkward silence.El and Tiana met each other with serious expressions.Andlov left Tiana's side without a trace, and approached Er intentionally or unintentionally.

"What do you think?" Al asked in a low voice.

"Old Locke's youngest son has always been restless, but no one thought he would dare to do such a thing." Anderov sighed and said: "Before that, there was no news about the Locke family. It is very likely that Michalun had colluded with that young master Dreyer long ago, and now just in time for the upheaval in Istaren, all the problems have erupted."

"Regardless of the facts, Viscount Chico is right in saying at least one thing. The town of Lille is too close to the border. Count Kemal's army can come to support at any time. We can't start a war rashly." Tiana said in a deep voice. .

"Even if Michallen took refuge with Earl Kemal, the troops led by the Locke family would not be able to turn back so easily. There must be something hidden in it." Anderov said with a frown.

"What are you thinking so much about? No matter what tricks they have, we can go and see for ourselves." El stared at Tiana with a half-smile and said: "Miss Ranstadt, I have an immature thoughts..."

(End of this chapter)

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