rune hunter

Chapter 165 Undercurrent

Chapter 165 Undercurrent
The team of exiles was not too far from the town of Lille, but due to the drag of women and children, the speed was slower than that of ordinary travelers.Viscount Chico left at noon, and in the evening, the courier sent to deliver the letter hurried back, and at the same time brought back the letter written by Master Dreyer.

After excluding those meaningless and cumbersome modifiers, the content of this letter is mainly to say that Master Dreyer will personally come to welcome Miss Ranstadt to Lille Town tomorrow morning. You can also sit down and talk slowly.

"This doesn't seem like an attitude towards a fiancée." El curled his lips while holding the letter paper, his face full of disdain: "If I were that Master Dreyer, I would know that there is such a delicate little beauty nearby, and I am somewhat different from myself." I don’t know the relationship, no matter what I say, I have to come and take a look.”

"Who is Jiao Didi's little beauty?" Tiana glared at him.

"Isn't the point 'couldn't tell the relationship'?" Al said, blinking innocently.

"I have never heard of the alliance between Ranstadt and Kemal. For the nobles, this kind of agreement that cannot be brought to the table is no different from waste paper." Tiana looked at El and said , she said these words to Anderov at the same time.

"Even if there is such a covenant, the matter about the marriage contract is nonsense. It is well known that Master Doria announced that she would leave the Ranstadt family in order to teach in Istaron. Moreover, Master Doria has never been married in her life. , never had any heirs, how can there be a marriage contract?"

"Are you sure?" El stared into the girl's eyes amusedly, and asked meaningfully.Only he knew that the girl's so-called identity as a descendant of Ranstadt was definitely tricky.The northern counties have always been the traditional sphere of influence of the Ranstadt family.How could the real heir of the Timberwolves be wanted jointly by the northern counties?

"I didn't say I'm sure, but I don't know." Tiana knocked on the table in annoyance and said, "When all the men in the Ranstadt family haven't died, it's not up to the eldest lady to do this kind of thing." worry!"

Although the last sentence was a bit unreasonable, Anderov nodded in agreement.In fact, put yourself in the situation and think about it, if Istaren had not fallen, how could it be his turn, an old man who was about to die, to bring his two children here to discuss important matters?
"Ms. Ranstadt, I think General El was right in what he said at the beginning, that Master Dreyer's attitude is a bit strange." Anderov coughed, took the letter paper from El, and began to express himself Views.

"The fall of Istaron is only a short period of time. Except for us exiles, it is impossible for others to get the news so quickly. I think the change of the Locke family may just be at the right time. The town of Lille belongs to Istaren. The main purpose of the southern bridgehead is to monitor Earl Kemal's military movements, the troops staying here will never betray easily, and it is impossible for Earl Kemal to easily eat this piece of meat..."

"Do you think they haven't fully controlled the situation yet?" El's eyes lit up.

"It's hard to say, but judging from this letter, it's not that Master Dreyer doesn't want to come here, but he can't leave Lille... He has more important issues to solve than his beautiful fiancée. .” Andlov read the text on the letter several times, and said somewhat uncertainly.

Although he is currently Tiana's assistant in name, Anderov is not a professional bureaucrat like Viscount Chico after all. Before these few days, he was still an old man waiting to die with his title. He has a rich aristocratic communication career, and has rich experience in those dirty things between noble lords.

"We must know what happened to the Locke family in order to find a targeted solution." Tiana said worriedly, she thought for a moment, stood up and said: "We can sneak over tonight to find out information. "

"It's a good idea, but not including you." El said, shaking his head.

"General El, do you suspect that I will secretly collude with Master Dreyer?" Tiana raised her eyebrows, her face turned cold.

"Although it's not impossible...but that's not what I'm worried about." El pointed his finger at his eyes, and smiled at the girl: "Dear Ms. Ranstadt, the black eye sockets on your face And the bloodshot eyes are very obvious, as far as I know, you haven't had a good rest since the day before yesterday."

"This level of fatigue is not enough to affect my ability to cast spells." Tiana said calmly.Although the girl's body looks delicate, it has also been tempered by extreme circumstances.She had been entangled with the Cursed Sect alone for three months, and her combat effectiveness was still not to be underestimated even though her magic power was seriously overdrawn. Both of them knew it well.

"Of course I know that you are a silver-ranked magician, but I think everyone needs your clear mind more than your magical power. What do you think, Mr. Anderov?" El turned his head and asked the old man.

"I also agree with General El." Anderov nodded and said: "Ms. Ranstadt, you are not only the leader of the exiles, but also the spiritual pillar in everyone's hearts. You should take a good rest now instead of Put yourself at risk."

"I understand, but..." Under the unanimous opinion of the two, Tiana had to sit down again. Although she did not lack her own opinions, she was not arbitrary.In fact, she also knew what El and Andlov said were right, but the girl had developed a habit of being cautious in the past days, and if she didn't witness it with her own eyes, she would always feel a little uneasy.

"Leave this kind of rough work to me. Aren't all the men dead yet?" El gave a thumbs up, pointed to himself and smiled, "Tonight I'll take a team of people to touch it, to Lille Town to find out the situation. Tomorrow morning, you will bring the rest of the troops and mercenaries to press forward, and then I will find an opportunity to connect with you."

"What's your plan?" Tiana asked worriedly.The town of Lille may have been besieged by the opponent's heavy troops. If you don't use magic, how much information can you get in one night?

"It will depend on the situation at that time." El said with a smile.

Even though he said so, El himself knew that this matter was quite difficult.According to Viscount Chico, Dreyer brought at least one formed infantry regiment, but there were not many troops under his command.

The regular army that El can command is less than 600 people. Excluding the disabled patients, there are less than [-] soldiers who can maintain normal combat effectiveness. The more serious problem is the extreme lack of horses in the army.Originally, there was no shortage of horses in Istaron, but the warriors who retreated in that meteor shower had no time to move their mounts.

Now there are only more than 120 war horses in the team, which were slowly gathered outside the city later.The six hundred men treated these war horses like their own fathers, wishing they could carry them on their shoulders and let the horses ride on their own.

Now if they were going to march overnight, they could only bring 120 of the most elite knights, and they would face at least twenty times as many enemies.This number sounds frightening, but when the soldiers heard that it was Count Kemal's troops, all the tension disappeared in an instant.

Although it was invaded by the Landwalker Legion for no reason twice in a row, in the eyes of the Istaron warriors, that is the enemy worth fighting.If Her Royal Highness Princess Earthwalker hadn't convulsed the sky to burn the city, the flesh and blood of humans and Earthwalker warriors would have covered the entire city.

As for Earl Kemal's noble private soldiers... in the eyes of the Istaron warriors, they are armed peasants, and they may not even compare to real armed peasants.

"That's a bunch of pussies, yes, a bunch of pussies." Even Timmy, who likes to be opportunistic, repeated this sentence twice. "Of course, Pallanti, I'm not talking about you, they are the real pussies."

As a result of being mean, Pallanti put her foot on Timmy's ass, walked up to El and asked with a straight face, "Master General, why don't you let me go?"

"You understand." El sighed, and patted Lori Knight on the head: "Stay here obediently and cooperate with Ahmed, obviously you..."

"My lord general, I want to go with you." Pallanti said with a straight face, "If you want to spy on information, as a woman, I am the most suitable cover."

"It's true to say that." El looked at the cute girl in casual clothes and had to admit the truth, but he was more worried that this guy would lose the chain at a critical moment.

"This subordinate promises to obey the order! No trouble!" Pallanti said loudly, standing at attention with her legs together.

"Okay, okay, come with us." Seeing Pallanti's serious look, El was too embarrassed to haggle over her.The task tonight is not to fight, but to gather information. It is indeed safer to have Pallanti by my side, but I just hope that this child will not commit any crimes.

El brought both Timmy and Pallanti with him this time, and selected a hundred experienced veterans. Although these veterans were not the most powerful fighters, they were all old, calm and experienced.When it was time to fight, El hoped that they would understand what he meant in time, hit and run as soon as they said they wanted to, and never procrastinate.

The political rules among the nobles are complex to say the least, but simple to say the least.In El's understanding, there is actually only one simplest thing-evidence.

The game of nobles is like playing cards, everyone is hiding cards and everyone knows that others are hiding cards, but as long as they don't get caught, it's not a real problem.

Count Kemal silently swallowed the town of Lille, but Tiana and Anderov had no choice but to dare not start a war lightly, because the other party made the things on the table very beautifully. If there was a conflict, Instead, it was Eastalen's side that was at fault.

What El is going to do now is the same thing.

 Keep up the good work this week~
(End of this chapter)

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