rune hunter

Chapter 166 Information about Southerners

Chapter 166 Information about Southerners
Although Palanti looks no different from other girls of the same age from the outside, because her parents are of excellent blood, she can be seen as a beauty since she was a child, and her big eyes are also very flattering, but...everyone who has had practical experience with her Those who come into contact with it will know how unreliable this first impression is.

Growing up drinking mare's milk in the military camp, Pallanti completely inherited his father's talent and character, and reached a strength close to the silver rank at the age of less than 14 years old.Joined the black knight at the age of seven, killed the first time at the age of ten, and was officially named a knight at the age of 12... If you measure it purely by military standards, even El would be ashamed of himself.

The black-bearded man had harmed many little girls by virtue of his identity before, but this time he finally met his nemesis.When Pallanti saw the scene upstairs, she fell into a state of anger. If El didn't speak up, she might tear the big man to pieces.

The little girl who fell to the ground hadn't yet shaken off her fear, and watched in bewilderment as the girl who was only a little older than her beat the big man with black beard into a dead dog in an instant.

Pallanti grabbed the black-bearded man's hair with a cold face, and the two legs coiled around his neck protruded from his armpits. When the legs were clamped hard, the ribs under the big man's armpit suddenly burst into pieces. Voice.The black-bearded man's face turned from red to black in an instant, and because he was gagged and unable to scream, he simply rolled his eyes and passed out.

El patted Pallanti on the head, pointed to the back, and signaled her to drag this guy who looked like a big shot out to inquire about information. As for how to inquire, seeing how proficient she was, she probably didn't need to instruct her. .

The woman who had been kicked away by the big man with the black beard before rushed to her daughter, hugged her tightly in her arms, and looked at the stranger who suddenly appeared in horror. She didn't know what to do for a while. Is good.

"Ma'am, you don't have to be afraid, we are not bad people." El knelt down to show a friendly and harmless look, but this woman had obviously experienced a lot of torture and had no trust in strangers, so she just hugged the child and hid He lowered his head in the corner and refused to make a sound.

"My lord, there are only two guards downstairs, and they have been dealt with." Timmy whispered under the stairs.

"Pay attention to the situation outside, especially the back kitchen. There are many people there." El turned around and ordered a few words, and then turned his attention back to the mother and daughter.Apart from the big man with black beard, only their mother and daughter stayed here in this villa. Although this woman is somewhat pretty, she is not really that beautiful.After removing the factor of the difference in the aesthetics of the big man with the black beard, the only remaining reason is probably her identity...

"Ma'am, we are soldiers from Eastalen, please tell me what happened here?" El asked patiently.

"Istaren? They said that Istaren has fallen!" When the terrified woman heard the word Istaren, she suddenly raised her head and stared at El with an expression of disbelief.When her eyes shifted to the badge on El's chest, she couldn't help but gasp.

"Istaron has fallen, but the warriors in Istaron are not dead yet." El stretched out his hand and rubbed the little girl's head, smiling reassuringly at the mother and daughter: "Can you tell me What happened in Erzhen?"

"Okay... yes, Your Excellency, General." The woman resisted the urge to cry and took a few deep breaths to calm down her emotions.

"We don't know what happened. We only heard that an accident happened to the old Lord of the Locke family. Master Leonard and Master Michelen fought for the right to inherit... Later, Earl Kemal's army came in. , they surrounded the valley checkpoint and occupied the town of Lille. My father, the mayor of the town, was unwilling to surrender and was hanged by them. Later we heard that there was a drastic change in Istaron, so the southerners Unscrupulous..."

"Are you the mayor's daughter?" El frowned slightly.

"Yes, I'm Lasha, and this is my daughter Lina." The woman pushed back the hair covering her face and smiled wryly: "You're right, for Lina, I can only surrender to that man, As the mayor's daughter, help him to calm the emotions of the townspeople. I just didn't expect him to even let Linna go..."

"It's not your fault, Ms. Lasha." El was too embarrassed to say anything more at this time, and now that time was running out, he didn't have any extra thoughts to appease the poor woman, so he could only continue to ask: "Can you talk to me?" Shall I tell you about the situation in the town? For example, the distribution of the southern troops."

"There are only 300 people left in the town, and the supply troops." Pallanti came out of the room and said to El.

"That guy confessed so quickly?" El asked in disbelief.

"His name is Makarov. He used to be the captain of the supply troop. Later, he bribed Viscount Chico to become the temporary sheriff of Lille Town." Pallanti snorted coldly and shook her hands, her hands were stained. It was full of blood and minced meat, and it fell to the floor leaving two lines of blood marks, looking like a demon.

"I heard that men who like to attack little girls are actually a sign of lack of self-confidence, and this guy is the same. Although he is so big, he is actually a pustule. I just stepped on one of his balls. This guy just said everything."

Seeing Pallanti's unfinished expression, Eldon suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and his thighs trembled a little.He secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and asked with a straight face, "There are only 300 people? Where are the other troops?"

"The main force stayed at the Locke family's manor to help Michallon suppress the voice of resistance in the family. Another force is still surrounding Hegu Pass, which has not yet fallen. My lord, our brothers are still fighting! "

Pallanti's emotions were a little agitated, and it was the first time El saw her showing a strong desire to fight since leaving Istaron.

Although she didn't say anything, El knew that the will of the White Lion family was overwhelming the girl, and the girl who had always demanded herself by military standards took off her favorite military uniform and armor because she couldn't bear to go into exile. eyes of those who are still there, even if those women and children don't know the truth.

Now Pallanti finally has another target to support her fighting, and that is the troops left at Hegu Pass. Except for the [-] soldiers under El, that may be the last intact army in Istaron. force.Whether as the heir of the White Lion family or as a comrade-in-arms, she will save them at all costs.

"Hegu Pass has not fallen, so where did the southerners come from? The Locke family is still resisting... It seems that Dreyer has not fully controlled the situation here."

Compared with Pallanti's military thinking, what El has to consider is naturally more complicated.Even if he knew that the southerners were scattered, he could not rush to war.Every death of an Istaron soldier is one less, and it is definitely not worth the loss to fight the southerners here.The key issue now is to figure out the entanglement between the Locke family and Earl Kemal, and then go back and make a perfect plan with Tiana.

"General...Your Excellency, please forgive me, but I want to ask." Seeing the serious faces of the two men, Rasha couldn't help asking: "I heard from Makarov that Istaron's army is no longer It exists, do you still want to recover the town of Lille?"

"It is indeed a heavy loss, but it is not a problem to clean up these grandchildren." El nodded, and said confidently: "Ms. .No matter what tricks these southerners are playing, tomorrow we will drive them back to their hometowns."

"If you want to go to Locke Manor, I can show you the way." Rasha gritted his teeth and said, "And I also know that Master Leonard is not dead, he was secretly imprisoned in the dungeon by Michallon. I I think you will need his help."

"Reynard? Is that guy still loyal to the White Lion family?" El raised his eyebrows, and an old-fashioned scene of brothers fighting each other instantly appeared in his mind. This kind of story has never disappeared since ancient times, and usually Neither side is a good bird in the situation.

"Ms. Rasha, this is very useful news for us, but you don't have to go with us, it's too dangerous." El shook his head and said to the mother and daughter: "Tell us the specific route That’s good, let us do the rest.”

"General, please trust Master Leonard, his loyalty to the white lion has never changed." Rasha saw the hesitation in El's eyes and couldn't help but said.

"Why are you so sure?" El looked puzzled at Rasha's anxious expression, and said meaningfully: "Both the White Lion family and Istaron have become a thing of the past. We can also accept the Locke family's refuge with Earl Kemal." I understand, as for that young master Leonard, we don't know much about him."

Before El came over, Andlov had sorted out some information about the Locke family.In his memory, the relationship between the Locke family and Istaron has been a bit ambiguous since this generation.Except for one branch of the family that remained in Istaron, neither of Old Locke's two sons, Leonard and Michallon, served in the military in Istaron as adults.

In the current environment, this means that neither person can be trusted.

"Please believe me, I know Master Leonard." Rasha hesitated, bit his lip and said.

"You know Leonard?" El asked back with a smile.

"Because... because Master Leonard is Linna's father." Rasha hugged his daughter and said in a low voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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