rune hunter

Chapter 167

Chapter 167
Before leaving, Anderov mentioned that Locke Manor was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but El didn't take it to heart at all.In his opinion, the so-called manor is nothing more than a larger noble mansion, but when he arrived at the place, he found that the scale of Locke Manor was far beyond his expectations.Perhaps considering Delaire's personal safety, Locke Manor's defense was several times stronger than that of Lille Town, and the quality of the soldiers was completely different.

It's not difficult to get in alone with El's skills, but the problem is that his purpose of coming here is not to kill people, but to contact the imprisoned Leonard Locke, and to spy on people while looking for people.There was no way to let him go in alone.Fortunately, they found an enthusiastic guide by accident.

Ms. Rasha's familiarity with the Locke Manor far exceeded El's expectations. She even knew the location of the tunnel hidden in the back mountain.Although she said that she was only Master Leonard's lover, El thought that the relationship between the two should be closer.

Such a secret way of escape that even Michallon doesn't know must be the top secret of the Locke family, and only direct blood relatives can master it.If there is no relationship of absolute trust between the two, how could Leonard reveal such a secret to a mayor's daughter who has no noble status?
Seeing that Ms. Lasha is familiar with the way, it is obviously not the first time to use this secret passage.Because she was worried about her daughter's safety, she insisted on taking Linna with her.The little girl was very obedient and obedient, and followed closely behind her mother without saying a word.She was frightened a lot that night, so she seemed a little shy, but now she has recovered slowly, turning her head to peek at Pallanti's face from time to time, as if she had become interested in the little sister who saved her.

The end of the secret passage was blocked by a stone wall. Rasha found the switch after groping twice on the wall by the light of the fire. She pulled Linna aside and whispered to El: "Your Excellency, the mechanism of this mechanism Behind is the dungeon of Locke Manor, Leonard must be locked up here, usually there are only four jailers in the dungeon, I am worried that they will send more people now."

"No problem, we can take care of it, please open the door." El nodded and said, his eyes couldn't help turning to Pallanti. When it comes to assassination, Lolita Knight is an expert in this area. All he was worried about was that the little girl couldn't hold back.Although Pallanti's performance has been very good since just now, this guy's bad record is really a headache.

"Pallanti, you deal with the guards, don't let them raise the alarm. Timmy, you are responsible for protecting Ms. Rasha's mother and daughter." El untied the Dragon Tooth Bow from behind, and assigned tasks to the two of them. Of course, special reminders were inevitable. Take a look at Pallanti.

Rasha pressed the switch, and the stone wall sank immediately. Although the sound from the operation of the mechanism was much quieter than El expected, it was still very clear in the underground tunnel.Opposite the stone wall is a closed dungeon space, faint candlelight shines in from the door, and someone can already hear whispered conversations in the distance.

There was a faint blue light in El's eyes, and he swept left and right to have a panoramic view of the entire dungeon's structure and layout.This cell is located under the stairway of the dungeon, the door is not locked, and there are cell areas up to 20 meters long on both sides of the outside.

"Pallanti, leave the four people on the left to you, and I'll be in charge of the right, so don't make any noise." El whispered, and gently opened the door of the cell.Two people jumped out of the door.

There are only three ordinary soldiers guarding the cell area on the right, which is not even an appetizer for El.Before he drew the bowstring, he had already prepared three fast arrows, aiming at the heads of the three people respectively.Almost as soon as he let go of the bowstring, the three guards fell down.He turned around and saw that Pallanti on the opposite side had just put away her foil sword, and four guards fell to the ground behind her, clutching their bloody throats.

Good job!Al stretched out his thumb to Pallanti, walked to the guard's body, and picked up the key to the cell door.When he detected through runes just now, he discovered that there was only one prisoner in this dungeon, but there were dozens of southern soldiers stationed outside the dungeon, which shows how much that young master Michelen attaches importance to. My dear brother.

El once had some doubts about Rasha's words. In his impression, this kind of brother-in-law drama is usually the result of endless death. He just doesn't know why Michallon didn't kill Leonard immediately, but left him behind. his life.It wasn't until he opened the cell door that he really realized Michallen's intentions.

The death of his brother is not enough to make up for the hatred in his heart. He wants his brother to live a life worse than death.

Leonard is about 30 years old, with a burly figure and blond hair. From the perspective of a woman's aesthetics, he is a mature and handsome least that's how Rasha described it on the way here.And now the prisoner El sees has been tortured out of shape.

He was hung in a prison cell by chains, his chest was bloody and bloody from the whipping, and the scorched marks of the branding iron could still be seen on his flesh.His blonde hair was torn into a mess, and his face was so bruised and swollen that he couldn't see his original appearance.There were several deep gashes on his two thighs with a knife, and the blood had already drained.With his sharp eyesight, El could even see the maggots wriggling in the wound, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

"Master Leonard! What did they do to you?" Rasha's gasped scream came from behind, El hurriedly covered her mouth with his hands, and whispered: "Don't shout, be careful not to disturb the outside world!" The guard. That man is still alive, go find some clean water and wash his wound."

Rasha covered his mouth and nodded, looking at the plight of the prisoner, he couldn't help tears from his eyes.Timmy, who was beside the mother and daughter, turned his eyes quickly, immediately covered little Linna's eyes, and carried the little girl out.

Of course, it is impossible to store clean water in the dungeon. In the end, Rasha only found the water bag on the guard, which can only be said to be better than nothing.El let her go in alone to take care of her lover, while he and Pallanti casually cleaned the battlefield outside.At this time, time must be given to the two of them to let Rasha explain the situation clearly to Leonard, otherwise their rash appearance might arouse the hostility of the young master.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound of a man in pain in the cell, followed by a meaningless curse, after a while, Leonard finally woke up, looked at the woman he loved in front of him and said in a mournful voice: "Lasha, Did they get you too? Where's little Linna? Is that damn beast not even letting you go?"

"No, Master Leonard, I'm here to save you." Rasha held his lover's face and wept uncontrollably.

El was not interested or in the mood to eavesdrop on the whispers of the two infatuated men and women. He turned around and walked to the cell on Pallanti's side, studying Lolita Knight's increasingly sophisticated assassination skills.Within a few minutes, I saw Lasha come out of the cell wiping tears, and nodded to El: "I have made it clear to Master Leonard, and he hopes to talk to you."

"Very good, Timmy, let's go up and let the wind go." El pointed to the stairs, and then brought Pallanti into Leonard's cell again.

Leonard had already been let go, and although the wounds on his body had undergone initial treatment, there was no obvious effect.However, the look in his eyes clearly has awakened, and he has recovered a lot of strength.

"Mr. El, thank you for saving Lasha and Linna." Leonard sat in the corner, staring at El with scrutiny and said: "But please forgive my ignorance, Istaren doesn't seem to have You are such a number one person?"

"There is no Istaron anymore, Mr. Leonard, our situation is not much better than yours now." El shook his head, squatted down with a wry smile.From Leonard's eyes, he could feel that this is a person with a solid personality, so he decided to tell the truth: "In fact, we need your help, Mr. Leonard, are you still loyal to the White Lion family?"

"What evidence do you have to prove your identity?" Leonard asked in a low voice, still maintaining a cautious attitude.

"Pallanti?" El turned around and beckoned. Pallanti lowered his head, took off the necklace with the lion's tooth horn from his neck, and handed it to Leonard.

The small and exquisite horn exuding white shimmer is the only one in the whole north, and it is impossible to imitate it without it.Leonard was stunned under the white light of the horn, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.He stood up staggeringly with his hands on the ground, tensed his muscles, and there was a crackling sound of joints in his body, and the whole person's momentum changed suddenly, causing El to raise his eyebrows slightly.

"The loyalty of the Locke family to the white lion has never changed. That bastard Michelon murdered my father and then designed to frame me. He is a traitor who has abandoned his dignity and glory and cannot represent the will of the Locke family! "

"Very well, Mr. Leonard, I appreciate your frankness. I just wonder if you still have enough appeal to influence this land?" El asked, looking directly into Leonard's eyes.

"It's not difficult, Your Excellency, I still have soldiers who can fight, but they are all besieged in Hegu Pass." Leonard stretched his hands and feet and said in a deep voice: "There was an urgent call from Hegu Pass three days ago." Enemy situation, I rushed to support with the troops of the Locke family, and when I got to the place, I heard that my father had an accident at home, so I rushed back overnight alone, and this was the trick of Michelen. As long as I return to Hegu Pass, My warriors will serve you."

"Walking around and going there again, it's really worrying." El scratched his head in distress. Leonard didn't know that Hegu Pass had been heavily besieged by the southern army. If he wanted to break out of the siege, he might have to face a tough battle.

(End of this chapter)

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