rune hunter

Chapter 168 Family Black History

Chapter 168 Family Black History

The process of robbing the prison was very smooth. El and Pallanti's hands and feet were clean and neat, without disturbing the guards outside the dungeon.It can't be said that Michallen didn't pay enough attention to his elder brother. At least the outside of this dungeon has a watertight and tight defense, but he didn't expect that the secret escape route of the Locke family would be hidden inside the dungeon.

Although Leonard claimed that this was the prudence and wisdom of the Locke family, El felt that it was more like preparing to surrender in advance.The town of Lille is located on the southern border of Istaren, and it is also a buffer zone for the war between the White Lion and the Kemal family.The ancestors of the Locke family built the secret tunnel of their own house in the dungeon, which meant that they planned for a rainy day.

As one of the inherited treasures of the White Lion family, the reputation of the Lion's Tooth Horn can be said to be a household name among the Istarenians and their enemies.After Leonard saw the Lion's Tooth Horn with his own eyes, he immediately made a decision.Although he already knew the bad news about Istaron, he still stood by El without hesitation.

El was not a real Eastalenian, so he naturally didn't know what kind of status this treasure held in the Eastalenian's heart.However, from Leonard's sudden change of attitude, he also vaguely guessed something, and at the same time he was secretly thinking about how to continue to use the residual heat of this treasure.

Not to mention, when they arrived at Hegu Pass, if they wanted to subdue the Eastalen garrison stationed there, they might have to use the Lion's Tooth Horn as a token.

After leaving the dungeon, under El's questioning, Leonard recounted the changes that had happened to the Locke family with some reluctance.The cause of this incident is almost the same as the brother's wall routine predicted by El before, but there are many coincidences and twists in it.

The tragedy that happened to the Locke family this time can be traced back to the time when the White Lion family suffered drastic changes ten years ago.Under the conspiracy of the Oakland royal family and the Truth Society, the Grand Duke Caesar was attacked and killed, Leonard was seriously injured and hid, and the three-headed dog fled back to Istaren with the young Antonio in a bloody battle. Since then, he has never recovered.The Locke family as its vassal was naturally also affected.

After the White Lion family went dormant, Earl Kemal, who had always had a grudge against them, thought this was a good opportunity to take advantage of it, so he assembled an army to attack Istaren.But in that war, Earl Kemal encountered a crazy counterattack from the three-headed dog, was bitten all over his body, and finally had to withdraw his troops in embarrassment, and was forced to pay a large amount of war reparations. joke.

The patriarch of the Locke family, Leonard's father, Viscount Locke, was once one of the knights who swore allegiance to Caesar. He led his family's warriors to fight bravely for Istaron, and suffered countless injuries. Even one eye was shot blind, which earned him the nickname "One-Eyed Locke".According to his achievements at that time, he should have been equal to the three-headed dog in status and power after the end of the war, but... fate has taken a wonderful turn here.

Old Locke not only killed countless enemies in that war, but also captured a female knight of the Southern Army.For one reason or another, something happened to the two that night that shouldn't have happened.Afterwards, Old Locke found out that this wild blonde girl turned out to be Count Kemal's biological daughter.

The bold old Locke didn't take it seriously at first. Anyway, Earl Kemal was still an enemy at that time, so naturally he didn't need to pay attention to the gentleman's demeanor to the enemy.So he simply rejected Earl Kemal's request to pay a ransom in exchange for his daughter, and forcibly took the girl as his own.

At the time, he didn't consider the consequences of doing so.

This incident was a sensation at the time, and there were many twists and turns, negotiations, deterrent compromises, and the final result was that Old Locke embraced the beauty, but lost the trust of Istaren.Although Earl Kemal showed grief on his face, he didn't really mind his daughter's fall. He successfully inserted a nail into the Locke family, causing a rift in the relationship between this family and Istaren.

Due to Estalun's attention and interference, Old Locke did not hold a formal wedding with Earl Kemal's daughter in the end. The unnamed girl died of depression after giving birth to Michalun.

Since his mother has no status, Michalun naturally has no status, and he has been regarded as the illegitimate son of a concubine since he was born.It is conceivable that Old Locke's original wife disliked their mother and child, so naturally she would not give him any good looks.Although Old Locke felt a little guilty about this child, he was a warrior who didn't know how to teach his own child at all, at most he just beat and scolded.Michelun grew up slowly in such an environment, and his mind became distorted little by little.

When Antonio led the army to fight Langaria's Landwalker Legion, Old Locke also wanted to respond to the lord's call to help out.However, at this time, he was old and frail, and he had an emergency just before he took a few steps on the horse, and lost his ability to move. The leadership of the Locke family was temporarily handed over to Leonard.

Three days ago, an urgent enemy situation came from Hegu Pass, and Leonard led the Locke family troops to rush to support. Not long after arriving, the family members who caught up told him that his father had passed away.Because he had already been mentally prepared, Leonard did not doubt the authenticity of the news, and hurried back to the manor, but was ambushed halfway.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself tied up in a cell.Michelun stood in front of him and told him with a sick smile that he planned the death of Old Locke and the false military situation at Heguguan.Earl Kemal's army has taken over Lille Town and Locke Manor, and now Michalun Locke is the legal lord of this land.

"So, that young master Michelen has colluded with his blood family for a long time..." El nodded, touched his chin and asked hesitantly: "According to the story you just told... Uh, I'm talking too much May I ask, how old is Michelen this year?"

"Michalen is only nine years old this year, younger than Linna." Leonard seemed to have expected that El would ask this question, and there was no surprise on his face.

"Wait... are you being tricked by a nine-year-old?" Al yelled in disbelief.From the beginning just now, he always felt that the story of the Locke family was full of disobedience.Although the plot is rather bizarre and tortuous, it can be regarded as a classic tragedy routine of heroes and beauties, but it is full of weirdness when it is connected with what is happening now.

In Er's impression, the young master Michallon should be a young man with deep hatred and scheming. Judging from his behavioral style of forbearance so far, he should be at least an adult.But the relationship between Old Locke and Earl Kemal's daughter was ten years ago. How old is this brat who has learned to cheat?

"Michalen's situation is quite special." Leonard coughed, and his face became strange: "I don't know if you have heard the rumor that the Kemal family has demon blood. Although it has not been confirmed, But Michelon's bloodline is indeed different from that of humans, his mind and body are developing very fast..."

"Devil's blood?" El shook his head. Although he had heard similar rumors, this was the first time he knew that such hybrids really existed.

The blood of human beings is the most inclusive. In this world, there is no lack of hybrids. In ancient times, human beings competed with many powerful beings for the dominion of the earth. In endless wars, passions similar to that of Old Locke will inevitably appear. Collision, thus leaving behind a powerful mixed blood.

Today, many ancient aristocratic families have this kind of ancient blood, and they are proud of it, and they even want to ensure the continuation of the blood even at the expense of close relatives.Because the heirs with this bloodline are likely to awaken the ancient power hidden in the bloodline, although the probability is very small, but it is a shortcut to blockbuster.

What surprised El was that there would still be demon hybrids among human beings. Even he, who had no knowledge of magic at all, thought it was too absurd.Humans are creatures of order, while demons are purely chaotic and distorted bodies. The difference between the two is like a life sacrifice and a skeleton warrior. It is completely impossible to perform physiological mating activities.

But if you think about it from another angle, existence is reasonable. Since the demon hybrid exists, what did the ancestors of Earl Kemal do so insanely?

Al secretly wiped his cold sweat, and put this curious thought behind him.

The group of people had already walked out of the secret passage while talking, Leonard took a deep breath of fresh air in the wild, and said to El Zhengse: "Michael will soon find out that I am missing, we must leave as soon as possible."

"Going to Hegu Pass? It has been surrounded for several days... But then again, since that pass has not been captured, where did Earl Kemal's army come from?" El asked suspiciously .

"There are not as many deep mountains and old forests in Lille Town as in the north. It is mostly a plain area, and there is almost no danger to defend. Hegu Pass only occupies the most important traffic channel, and the southern army can surround it from the border at any time." Reina Seeing that El was not familiar with the history here, De had to patiently explain: "The town of Lille actually doesn't have much military value, it can only serve as an early warning. In previous wars, the Kemal family directly crossed The frontier attacking Istaron will not waste time attacking the valley pass. Of course, there is another way of saying that every time they have not had time to break through this pass, the frontal army has already been defeated..."

"It seems that we have to go to Hegu Pass anyway." El nodded and said, there are also southern troops stationed at Hegu Pass. If you don't mobilize your hidden troops, it may be difficult to rush to the pass. It is foreseeable The battle damage made him very entangled.

Er was about to get on the horse, when he moved his ears suddenly, and looked back in the direction of Locke Manor, his expression changed involuntarily.Although the sky was dark, with his excellent night vision ability, he could still see the abnormal movement at the gate of the manor.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden faint noise from the direction of the manor. A group of soldiers escorted dozens of prisoners bound together out of the manor to the big pit newly dug by the servants.

"What are they doing!" El couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice. He saw that among the prisoners were old people, women and children, and the soldiers standing behind them slowly drew their weapons!

 Kneeling for recommendation tickets, dear friends!

(End of this chapter)

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