rune hunter

Chapter 169 9-Year-Old Pure Man

Chapter 169

In order to welcome Miss Tiana Ranstadt's arrival, Locke Manor has been cleaning up the remnants of family struggles since daytime.The servants dug a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters in the wasteland overnight, and untied the corpses hanging from the gallows and threw them into the pit.The work of the servants was already nearing completion, but the owner of the manor brought a new group of funeral burials.

The prisoners trapped by ropes include not only adults, but also old people and children, well-dressed nobles, and humble servants.The only thing they have in common is that they were once members of the Locke family.

"Good evening, everyone, today's night is really clear." Michallon walked up to the crowd with a bare chest and a broad-bladed battle ax dangling in his hand, with a very gratified smile on his face.

"Look at the expressions on your faces, how wonderful. You know, what I hate the most is your lifeless look at home, it's really disgusting... Hehe, I'm sorry to ask you to get up and move around so late, But I think soon people won’t have to worry about sleep deprivation.”

"Michalen! What exactly do you want to do?" an old man shouted in a deep voice.

"I thought you shouldn't ask this stupid question, Mr. Duke." Michelon swung his ax and said with a smile: "Tomorrow there will be a distinguished guest visiting Locke Manor. There are many beauties. I just thought about it, and suddenly found that the rooms in the manor seem a bit crowded, so I had to ask you to move out. Look at this field, this is the best viewing point near the manor, are you not satisfied? ?”

Although being pulled out in the middle of the night already knew in their hearts that it would be bad or bad, but when they really heard Michelun's words, the crowd couldn't help but become agitated.The clansmen who really had the courage to resist had been hanged on the gallows long ago. Although the remaining group of people expressed their obedience to Michallon, they had all sinned against this young master more or less before, so they did not get pardon.

Some tribesmen still hoped that Mihalun would be merciful and spare their lives with a fluke mentality, and they did not hesitate to put down their bodies and beg for mercy like dogs, but everything they did has now become a joke.

"Why are you all crying? Haven't you ever thought about the day when you will be punished for the crimes you committed? Yes, of course you haven't thought about it, and you haven't even realized that bullying a half-breed bastard? Shouldn't it be? What's the big deal?" Michalun tilted his head, carefully admiring the desperate expressions on everyone's faces, and his own smile slowly twisted.

"Mr. Duke, you always thought I was a scourge, and suggested that the old man let me join the army, do you remember? There are a hundred ways for the people of Istaren to make him disappear... You are right. Well, don't deny it, I overheard it myself. And old cripple, you bloody groom, why can they all call you old cripple, but me? You never thought of me as a master, did you? , do you think I don't remember things from my childhood?"

Michelon picked up the axe, pointed at everyone's head one by one, and narrated his hatred bit by bit.Some people glared at him, and some people couldn't help but began to cry.

"Don't cry, Cousin Bernie, I really don't want to hurt you, really. Remember when you secretly fed me when I was young? At that time, only you were willing to play with me, I always remember. But why, Why did you ignore me when I grew up? The old man said he wanted to marry you to a big man in Istaron, so you don't want to look at me anymore?"

Michelon pulled out a girl hiding in the crowd, grabbed her neck and said softly.The girl was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she had been trembling with fright, her eyes were blurred with tears, and she burst into tears after being strangled by Michelon.

"Don't be afraid, my Bernie, I will not deal with you with cold weapons. You haven't experienced the wonderful experience between men and women, I will make you a real woman... I know you can't help it , It’s your damn mother who didn’t allow you to meet me, right? I originally wanted her to experience the pain slowly, but today I’m in a hurry, so I mercifully bestowed her death.”

Michelon tore open the girl's dress with a hiss, and hugged her trembling little body tightly in his arms.He laughed loudly and raised his axe, and the soldiers escorting the prisoner drew out their weapons at the same time, kicking the prisoner in front of him to the ground.

The desperate prisoners wailed immediately, but no matter how much they begged for mercy, they could not shake the soldiers of the Southern Army.The soldiers drew their swords expressionlessly, stabbed them into their bodies from the back, and then kicked them into the pit.At this time, there is no need to care about the effect of the assassination. Anyway, after filling the soil for a while, no one will survive.

"That's it! Keep going! After disposing of the rubbish, everyone go back and drink with me!" Michalun laughed wildly and roughly pressed the girl in his arms on the rock, untied the loose belt and shot straight in.The noble lady at the banquet just now almost drained his strength, but seeing the blood and killing at this time, he rushed into a state of excitement again.

Suddenly, a long arrow pierced through the air, and the leading soldier fell to the ground with his head up.

"Who?" Michalun trembled in fright, half of the alcohol in his brain turned into cold sweat, he stood up and looked in the direction of the long arrow.Under the light of the silver moon, three riders rushed from the darkness!

Istaron has fallen, Leonard has been captured by mistake, Hegu Pass has not yet been rescued, and there are no foreign enemies around the Locke family. These two days, Michalun has been immersed in the pleasure of revenge. He never thought that anyone would dare to attack him. attack.Michallon, who was neglected by his family since he was a child, has never had experience in marching and fighting, so that when the opponent drew his bow and arrows again, he hadn't fully reacted.

The soldiers of the southern army also saw the action of the knight drawing the bow. Among them were well-trained soldiers of the regular army. Before the commander issued an order, their bodies had subconsciously reacted to avoid them, but their actions were still too late. took a step.When they saw each other draw their bows, the long arrows had already reached them.

El's Dragon Tooth Bow was already able to threaten the monsters of the pseudo-gold rank, so there was no suspense in dealing with these ordinary soldiers.He didn't even bother to use any skills, and shot down an entire row of soldiers just by relying on the most basic lianju archery.At this time, Pallanti also slowly drew out the foil. Her attack distance was almost equivalent to the range of ordinary bows and arrows. After El shot nine arrows in a row, she jumped off the galloping horse lightly, and her whole body It turned into a silver-white light, sweeping towards the rest of the Southern Army soldiers.

Although El was the first to notice the change outside the manor, he didn't plan to rescue these prisoners of men, women, old and young.There was already an unbearable backlog of burdens in the ranks of the exiles from Istaron, which made El completely in the mood and ability to give even a little bit of sympathy.

Another more realistic reason is that even if he organizes the massacre now, he probably won't be able to kill this group of people.There are nearly a thousand elite troops stationed in the Lille Manor, but the hidden cards in El's hand are only 120 knights. Even if they are rescued, this group of people, old and young, cannot escape the Southern Army's pursuit.Of course, if the knights show their style and give up their horses, it is not impossible for them to escape successfully.But the Locke family and El are not related, so he has no reason to make such a big sacrifice for it.

However, Leonard couldn't just watch his relatives being massacred. Faced with El's negative attitude, he directly put on a posture of threatening death, forcing El to rescue him.

It is not difficult for El to overthrow this small group of soldiers. What really worries him is the southern garrison in the manor.After shooting a round of arrows and reducing the opponent's morale to freezing point, he stopped shooting and let Pallanti clean up the battlefield. He slowed down his horse and focused his attention on the direction of Locke Manor.

Leonard put his wife and daughter in the care of Timmy, borrowed his weapons and horses, and followed closely behind El.When El slowed down, he rushed towards Michallon without hesitation.

Pallanti was already raining blood among the firing squad.Wherever her sword light went, blood blossomed from the chests of all the soldiers.With a roar, Michalun's body swelled by fifty centimeters, and he raised his broad-bladed giant ax to strike Pallanti on the head.

Pallanti turned away, and the foil in his hand pierced the blade of the axe, bending into a terrifying arc.Although the Lolita Knight has basically left the Bronze level, but has not really stepped into the Silver Secret Realm yet, and the power that Michallon erupted naturally cannot be ignored.With the strength of the rebound of the foil, she bounced her body lightly back more than ten meters, and opened a safe distance from Michallen.

"Who are you? You actually violated the Locke family's territory!" Michallon waved a huge axe, his eyes radiated bloody evil light, and roared viciously.

"Michalan! What have you done, you devil!?" Leonard drew out his long sword, pointed at Michallen's face and cursed angrily.

"Reynard? My dear brother, how did you escape from the dungeon? I should let those dereliction of duty guards eat shit!" Michalun saw Leonard's figure, his eyes shrank subconsciously , and then laughed loudly: "Well done, dear brother! If you escape into the forest with your tail between your legs, I really can't help you. But you turned back to save these garbage, you are your own Seeking death!"

"Oh, let me go, what did this brat eat to grow up?" El, who was far behind, heard Leonard's shout and couldn't help rubbing his eyes. There is no nine-year-old black-bellied lady here. Well, that guy named Michelon is clearly a pure man with a height of two meters, naked upper body and holding a huge axe!
(End of this chapter)

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