rune hunter

Chapter 170 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 170 The ignorant is fearless

Pallanti withdrew and flew back, and handed Michelon, who was obviously in an abnormal state, to Leonard to deal with. She returned and continued to attack the accompanying Southern Army soldiers. The remaining dozen or so soldiers were ordinary soldiers. The soldier could not last long under her command, but the sudden tragedy at this time also attracted the attention of the garrison in the manor.

El stopped his horse on the hillside and monitored the movement in the manor from afar. When he saw a southern soldier with the appearance of an officer standing up to organize his troops, he immediately drew his bow and set his arrows. All the targets he aimed at were killed with one blow. .A soldier climbed up the sentry tower and rang the alarm bell. After only two knocks, Al shot through the chest and fell down. The soldiers of the Confederate Army suddenly fell into a panic.

Ordinary soldiers don't have night vision like El's. If they are irregular soldiers, such as those poor armed farmers, most of them even suffer from night blindness.They couldn't figure out what was going on in the dark at all. At first, they heard something was wrong with the screams outside. A few highly vigilant officers climbed up the wall to check the situation, but were immediately attacked.

El's shooting speed is steady and smooth, and he becomes a deadly devil in the eyes of the enemy.Up to now, many soldiers still mistakenly believe that Locke Manor has been attacked by the enemy on a large scale, and they don't know what to do when the officers are killed.The overall quality of the southern army was originally inferior to the elites of Istaren. El once regarded the combat effectiveness of these southern army as the level of the armed forces of the lords in his hometown, but now it seems that they even Soldiers are no match.

Even after the plague broke out in Queensland City, the soldiers under the unlovable Lord Viscount could still stick to their posts. As long as the lord was not dead, they would stick to it.But as far as the panicked Confederate soldiers in front of him were concerned, Al didn't think they could have that kind of resilience.

Pallanti had already killed all the soldiers of the southern army, and then used his sword to break the ropes off the prisoners. At this time, there were only a dozen or so survivors, including those who were pressed by Michelon on the stone. The little girl who didn't have time to eat meat.

"Gods bless! It's Master Leonard! Master Leonard has come to save us!" A noble lady struggled to get up from the ground, screaming with trembling cheeks.When they saw Leonard's figure clearly, they burst into cheers.

"Shut up! Those who are still alive run to the woods to the north immediately! Otherwise, no one will be able to save you when the pursuers catch up!" El frowned, and shouted to the members of the Rock family who were still in shock.Leonard and Michallon were inextricably fighting, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while, and the garrison in Locke Manor was in a panic, which was the best time to escape.

"Are you the reinforcements of Istaren?" The old man who was called Mr. Duke by Michelon straightened his back, grabbed El's rein and shouted excitedly at him: "Locke Manor has been taken over by Kemal. Earl's army has occupied it! I know the terrain of the manor, let me lead you to enter!"

"Go away, bastard!" El kicked over the idiot who didn't understand the situation, and said eagerly to Pallanti: "Don't pay attention to the rules of the nobility at this time! Go and help Leonard get rid of his nine My old wonderful brother, we don't have much time, so we need to make a quick decision!"

Pallanti nodded. Her previous retreat was indeed out of the consideration of the rules of the game of the nobility. According to the unwritten tradition of the nobility, outsiders should not be allowed to intervene in this kind of battle between brothers.

In fact, Leonard has already fallen into a hard fight at this time. Although he has no experience in serving in the Istaron regular army, he himself does not lack combat experience. At his peak, his strength can reach the bronze position, otherwise he would not be able to control the family. of armed forces.But now he has endured several days of severe torture, and he has not eaten any rice, and his physical condition is not as good as before. He is struggling to support it entirely by his own willpower.

On the other hand, on Michallon's side, although it is said that he is less than nine years old, his body has grown to the appearance of a burly body.Legend has it that in order to adapt to the cruel environment in the far-reaching hell, the demons have a very short period of infancy.They run and fight from birth, and it takes only a few years for them to grow into a mature form.Judging from Michallon's physical condition, this legend seems to have been confirmed.Not only that, but now he seems to have awakened some kind of demon talent, which can enlarge his body to increase his strength.

"Go to hell! Leonard! My dear brother, I will hide your head as a urinal!" Michalun laughed loudly, and chopped at Leonard one after another.His arms had already grown a full circle due to the swelling of his muscles, and he swung the huge broad-bladed giant ax with a whistling wind. A corpse was chopped by him, and it was instantly cut into two pieces, with blood and flesh flying all over the place.

"That's enough! Michallon, you have to pay for your evil deeds!" Leonard kept backing away, drawing Michallon away a little bit, creating conditions for Pallanti to save her.He didn't dare to take Michallon's slash head-on, but he didn't lack the skills to deal with it. Often when Michallon's ax passed him by, his sword edge would come out from a strange angle, and at the same time Michallon's ax passed him by. There was a wound on Harlan's body.

However, this kind of wound didn't seem to have much effect on Michallon in his current state. Even the blood didn't seep out, but it aroused his viciousness instead.The more serious the physical injury, the more excited Michallon's state became, and Leonard fell into a completely passive situation in a blink of an eye.

"Aha, dear brother, you just like to talk big and talk big. In the face of truly powerful power, what's the use of your little white face and eloquent mouth?" Michalun laughed wildly, ignoring himself More and more wounds on the body swung the ax into a whirlwind, tightly entangled Leonard so that he could not escape.

"Is this considered a powerful force? It's true that the ignorant are fearless." The girl's sneer sounded suddenly in Michallen's ears. Before he could react, a slender foil sword came from He stabbed straight in from behind and came out through his chest.

"Bastard! You despicable and shameless raider!" Michelon yelled, subconsciously dropped the ax and covered his chest with his hands, trying to suppress the spurting blood, but Pallanti had already withdrawn his sword and kicked On the hollow of his leg, let him kneel down involuntarily.

"Do you think you can be invincible with brute force? Have you ever seen real power?" Pallanti sneered and grabbed Michelun's shoulder, turned one of his arms over, and stepped on his back at the same time No matter how he struggled and cursed, it was useless.

Leonard took the opportunity to step forward, raised his sword and slashed at Michallon. With a puff, Michallon's huge head flew high, and the blood in the cranial cavity spurted out, and it turned out to be as black as ink.

"I didn't expect you to have already turned into a monster." Leonard looked at the blood flowing from Michallon's body, closed his eyes and sighed.Although he didn't have much affection for this brother, he never thought that the two of them would come to this point.

"It's just that he has awakened some blood talent to be so arrogant. Even if he doesn't die in your hands today, he will die sooner or later." Pallanti wiped off the blood on the foil, shook his head and said to Leonard : "Hurry up and take care of your people, we don't have time."

Leonard nodded, turned and walked towards his clansmen.The clansmen who had just been released didn't know the news of the fall of Istaron, and they actually regarded El as the reinforcements brought back by Master Leonard.At this time, he still wants to lead the way to counterattack Locke Manor, and he looks like a villain. It's no wonder that Michallon will deliberately arrest and kill these people.

Although they are not good birds, they are still members of the Locke family after all, and Leonard, the patriarch, cannot ignore them.But at this time, El thought he had fulfilled his obligation, and he was really too lazy to waste his precious time for these people.

"Mr. Leonard, let them run to the north, let's divert the pursuers to the south." El said to Leonard.With this group of old, weak, sick and disabled, they definitely can't run very far. The only way is to attract the attention of the defenders.Anyway, they were going to Hegu Pass in the south, which happened to kill two birds with one stone.

The clansmen were naturally unwilling to accept this kind of opinion. In their view, only walking with Leonard would give them a sense of security, so they all started making noises.Leonard had to cough, and reprimanded in a dignified voice of the patriarch: "Don't talk anymore! Go north immediately, and Lasha will help you. If you don't leave here, you will die!"

Without him saying the last sentence, sharp-eyed people have already noticed the movement in the manor.After the initial brief confusion, the soldiers of the Confederate Army in the manor finally began to assemble their troops and rushed to this side.The burial pit dug by the servants for the deceased is only a hundred steps away from the manor, and it is within a short time.The clansmen suddenly fell into fear again, one by one scrambling to spread their legs and flee to the north.

"The people are so stupid, you are laughing at me, Your Excellency the General." Leonard rode on his horse and smiled wryly at El.

"Because of your persistent request, we have exposed the target now, and now we must hurry up. Is there any problem with your body?" El said impatiently, waving his hand.He didn't care about the members of the Locke family at all, but Leonard's physical condition was more worthy of worry.After going through a battle, the physical strength he recovered with difficulty was almost exhausted, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

If Leonard's strength is exhausted and an accident occurs, then this night will be a waste of work.

"You don't have to worry, I have no problem." Leonard wiped the sweat off his brow and smiled.

"Okay, then we will give those southerners a little surprise and attract their attention." El said, pointing to the queue of soldiers emerging from the manor.

(End of this chapter)

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