rune hunter

Chapter 171 Demon Resurrection

Chapter 171 Demon Resurrection
The good place chosen by Michallon is only a hundred steps away from Locke Manor, which means that El and the others are standing at the root of the wall of Locke Manor.Let's not discuss whether this guy buried the dead at the door is a manifestation of psychopathy, but this distance is obviously very disadvantageous to El.

The soldiers of the Southern Army had already filed out from the manor, and rushed towards them in formation. Although El extinguished the torches here, they could not see the exact number of enemies, and could only guess wildly based on their hearing.However, this little trick can not reverse their own disadvantages.After all, there are many soldiers in the South, and El only has two unreliable teammates around him.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking about the tactical arrangement patiently. It was easy for them to escape in the dark, but a battle was inevitable if they wanted to attract the enemy's attention.

"Pallanti, let's kill from there!" El pulled out his ax from his waist, pointed at the center of the southern army column, with a ferocious smile on his face.Since you want to fight, fight hard, let the enemy taste the pain, make yourself feel happy, this is the fun of fighting.

If the sight line is good during the day, three people directly attacking the enemy army is tantamount to seeking their own death. No matter how brave they are, as long as the enemy's two wings outflank them, they will be unable to fly.However, the current situation is different. As long as the enemy's central formation is defeated, the two wing troops that lack communication means will collapse on their own.

Of course, it was impossible for El to have learned such orthodox tactics. He just believed in his wild intuition as always, and found the weakest link of the enemy.

"Your Excellency General, do you want us to rush forward and fight recklessly?" Leonard looked at El with the eyes of a madman, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.In his vision, the three of himself were riding fast horses, and most of the Southern Army were infantry. It would be enough to harass them from a distance to attract their attention, but he never expected that El would come up with such a crazy plan. .

"Yes, now!" El glanced at him, nodded and smiled: "If you are afraid, follow me!"

If Leonard is familiar with El's character, he won't be so entangled, because El's acting style has always tended to be cautious. If he shows a high-profile posture, he must have a chance of winning.He grew up quickly in the two wars he experienced in Istaron and has become a qualified general.

Compared with the land walkers and the undead, although the southern army seems to have a large number of people, it is really not a problem in El's eyes.He didn't find a silver-level powerhouse in the enemy's team, so that meant there was no threat.

El grabbed the reins of the horse and clamped the horse's belly hard. The horse snorted and chased Pallanti in front. Leonard shook his head and followed closely.Although they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, the aura formed by the three of them is superior to the opponent's entire army. This is the contempt and crushing of the weak by the strong.

The soldiers of the Confederate Army held their torches high, their eyes widened trying to see what was going on ahead. The brighter their own torches were, the darker the front seemed to be.The soldier walking in the front raised his ears, and vaguely heard the sound of a horse's hoof stomping the ground in the darkness, as if it was rushing towards him.He raised his head to shout the warning, but it was too late.

A silver light suddenly flashed out of the darkness, flickering in front of his eyes.Before the soldier had time to see what it was, he felt his throat suddenly itch.He tried to shout, but what came out was blood.A fast horse galloped out of the darkness, raised its front hooves and stepped on his chest, the ribs of the soldier's chest suddenly collapsed.

The three knights collided with the formation of Southern Army soldiers, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place.Pallanti held the foil sword and waved the sword flowers one after another, and rushed to the front, followed by El, with blue runes flashing on the fingertips, and the ax with dots of starlight passing over the enemies on both sides, There was a rain of blood.Leonard followed at the end, and he hardly needed to make a move, he only needed to be in charge of the rear.Amid the frightened yells of the Southern Army, they went straight through the formation of the Southern Army with an extremely domineering posture.

"Stop them!" cried a Confederate officer in despair, but it was a futile struggle.The soldiers they gathered in a hurry were already scattered and could not form a tight defensive formation.Ordinary soldiers also had no power to fight back in front of Pallanti and El.

El noticed the officer's shout, and slashed at him far away in the air, the blue rune on the ax flashing away.There were six or seven soldiers between him and the officer, a distance of about ten meters.The officer didn't even see the movement of his hands, he felt a pain in his chest, and a deep bone-deep wound was cut on his chest.

The scene was so chaotic that almost no one noticed El's tricks, only Leonard who followed him stared at his pockets, not knowing what kind of tricks he was playing.A powerful swordsman can emit sword energy, such as Pallanti's foil sword blooming in the dark night, but it is also a traceable substance that can be caught by the naked eye.

And El followed Pallanti, swinging the ax unhurriedly. He just made a gesture, and the soldiers who rushed up fell down inexplicably. It looked as if his ax had already broken through. Due to the limitation of space, the soldiers' bodies were directly cut.

The hastily organized defense of the soldiers of the Southern Army was helpless under the massacre of these two men. They rushed past the blocking of the central array at the fastest speed, and then passed through the main gate of Locke Manor with the empty door wide open, heading south. gallop away.

The soldiers stopped and looked at each other blankly.The arrogant enemies disappeared into the darkness after breaking through the barriers. They were not equipped with cavalry, or even if they had cavalry, they might not dare to pursue them, so they could only let them leave.At this time, someone suddenly thought of the rescue mission, but seeing the fierceness of the enemy, the soldiers brought out by Michallen must be in danger.

They quickly searched to the scene of the crime, and found dead bodies all over the floor as expected.This time the situation was too serious, and the officer leading the team had to return to Locke Manor to report the situation to their superiors.

It didn't take long before Dreyer, who was wearing a black robe, rushed to the edge of the burial pit expressionlessly. He didn't care much about the casualties of his soldiers, but frowned at Michallon's headless corpse.He knelt down and stretched out his fingers to stain a drop of black dirty blood on Michelun's body, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, his face suddenly became ugly.He kicked Michelun's body fiercely, and cursed in a low voice: "Even though I have awakened a high-level talent, I still only use brute force. You are such a useless piece of trash!"

Although Mihalun also has the blood of the Kemal family, Dreyer never regarded this nephew as his blood relative.Originally, he only led his own legion to practice on the border, and had no ambition to invade Lille Town and provoke Istaren.Later, it was Michelen who came to him, willing to exchange the territory of Lille Town for his position as the patriarch of the Locke family.Dreyer was naturally happy to accept this kind of fat that came to his door.

Later in the process of contact, he discovered that although the child's brain IQ could not keep up with the development speed of the body, the blood talent in the body was awakened very quickly.For an ancient family based on bloodlines, every awakened bloodline talent is an indispensable and important member of the family.

Compared with Lille Town, which is an awkward territory, Delaire actually values ​​Michallen's potential more. He wants to subdue Michallen and become his right-hand man.But I didn't expect that this idiot ran outside in the middle of the night and went crazy, and then his head was beheaded, which made his previous patience and dedication turn into water.

Dreyer gritted his teeth, wanting to just kick Michallon's body into the pit, but felt that it was too wasteful.After struggling for a while, he finally made up his mind to recycle this waste.

He dispersed the onlookers and stayed alone next to the corpse.After the surroundings were quiet, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of the headless corpse.He cut open the palm of his hand with his nails, dripping jet-black blood on the corpse, and made a creepy sound from his mouth, which was connected into a spell that ordinary people could not understand.

Had a polymath been here, he would have recognized the prophecies of the devil.From this point of view, the rumors that the Kemal family has demon blood are not groundless.

After Dreyer finished chanting an obscure and lengthy incantation, a black gleam that was difficult to detect with the naked eye flashed on Michallon's headless corpse.He flicked his finger lightly, and the arm of the headless corpse moved accordingly.Dreyer opened his palm slowly too high, and Michallon's corpse also stood up slowly.

The headless corpse moved its limbs stiffly, took a few steps forward slowly, bent down to pick up its head that fell on the ground, and placed it carefully on the severed neck.The flesh and blood in his neck twisted and squirmed, and six or seven slender tentacles drilled out, connecting to his head.

After joining the bodies, Michelon twisted his neck left and right, and slowly opened his eyes.Two evil blood-colored rays shot out from his eyes, and he scanned around, focusing on Dreyer.

"Mr. Delaire...I...was killed..." Michalun opened his mouth and made a low and hoarse voice, because his brain function had not yet fully recovered, and he stuttered when speaking.

"Idiot, you should be thankful that you have the blood of the Kemal family flowing in your body!" Dreyer said with a cold face: "For the devil, the brain is not the key, the real key is the heart. The person who killed you must Without knowing this, the sword piercing the chest was not aimed at the heart at all, so you are still saved."

"It's Leonard...and a helper...a woman..." Michelon picked up his ax and said with a heavy breath.

"Reynard? No wonder they are fleeing to the south." Dreyer snorted coldly, with a clear expression on his face.He glared at the reborn Michallon in disgust. Now this idiot has become his servant. Although the potential in his body has been stimulated and made him stronger, he is a resurrected monster after all. No further possibility.

Lost the use value, naturally there is no need to be kind to him anymore.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, folks

(End of this chapter)

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