rune hunter

Chapter 172 Tilt Scales

Chapter 172 Tilt Scales

Hegu Pass, located three kilometers south of Lille Town, is the southernmost territory of Istaren. From the valley to the south, passing through a birch forest is the territory of the Kemal family.This is not the only passage between the north and the south, but it guards the most important commercial passage.This is the road paved by the ancestors of Auckland when they opened up the northern border. If you continue to the north, you will find the King's Avenue where Istaron is stationed, and if you go south, it will lead directly to the royal capital of Auckland.

From the town of Lille in the north to the town of Baihua in the south, it was exactly one day's travel distance. Caravans traveling north and south had to pass through Hegu Pass.Hegu Pass has hardly experienced war since its establishment, and every time the Kemal family invaded here, it would end up in nothing.Compared with the strategic value of this pass, the transportation hub it represents is more important to both sides.

However, this time the form is different from the past. In order to obtain the identity of the Patriarch, Michalun did not hesitate to give the town of Lille to Delaire. lost value.When this piece of land becomes an area under the Sarin Province, there is no need to set up a pass.Especially when they learned that Eastalen was too busy to take care of themselves, they didn't have to worry about future troubles.

At the beginning, the southern army just surrounded Heguguan, just like in previous wars, which was passive and sabotage, which made the garrison of Heguguan relax their vigilance.And since yesterday, the Southern Army suddenly received a new order to attack Hegu Pass from both inside and outside directions.The defenders of Hegu Pass were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

Al rode on the horse and looked in the direction of Hegu Pass from a distance, and with his night vision ability, he could clearly see the smoky traces on the city wall.The white lion banner of Istaron still stands above the city wall, next to the swallowtail banner with the Locke family emblem, which means that the two troops in the city are still tenaciously defending.

Judging from the degree of fragmentation of the city wall, the southern army's offensive was very fierce, but it was difficult to shake the defense line of the Eastalen army. So far, it seems that no obvious results have been obtained.In addition to the heroic fighting of the Eastalen soldiers, the reason for this situation is that the Southern Army's own mud can't be painted on the wall.

After the daytime siege battle was over, the southern army did not make persistent efforts to carry out fatigued attacks on the defenders. Because they themselves felt tired, they simply withdrew their troops and returned to the camp to rest.When El and his party sneaked over, they found that the security force here was not much stronger than that of Lille Town.

Dreyer has already learned the news of the fall of Istaron, so he is not in a hurry to attack Hegu Pass. Anyway, it is all meat that is put in his mouth, and he can eat it sooner or later, so why waste his troops?Under the guidance of his thinking, the southern army besieging Heguguan was also full of passive sabotage.They launched an offensive just to create a sense of oppression on the defenders, trying to force them to come out and surrender.If the top is not in a hurry, the soldiers below will certainly not be happy to die.

The Kemal family has never won even a staged victory in the war against the white lion in history.Now that Istaren has fallen, Hegu Pass has become their only chance to redeem their reputation.If the Istaran army stationed here can be made to surrender, even if it takes a little more time, it will be a glorious deed for the Kemal family.

This is simply a group of pigs... Al sighed in his heart.They didn't go far after leaving Locke Manor, and hid not far away to observe the reaction of the Southern Army just in case.But unexpectedly, the southern army neither pursued the murderers themselves, nor arrested the escaped prisoners.They just lingered in the burial pit for a while, and then they went back to sleep!

Seeing the strange behavior pattern of the southern army, both Pallanti, who is familiar with the military, and El, who has half the knowledge of the military, feel a deep sense of powerlessness.The thinking circuit of these southern troops is obviously very different from that of the northerners. When the northerners think about how to fight, what they think about is lack of sleep.

Timmy had said that the Confederates were a bunch of pussies, and now Al finally understood what that meant.This is not just a problem with women, this is a group of pigs, pigs who are content with pleasure because of lack of war training.

What made El even more annoyed was that after careful consideration, he realized that this pig-like mode of action turned out to be the safest solution at present.From Dreyer's point of view, he doesn't have to worry about Estalon's revenge. He has already eaten the fat in Lille Town, and he only needs time to digest it slowly.At this time, it is the best way to respond to all changes with the same. As long as he ignores the trivial problems and keeps his troops still, he will be able to reap the greatest results.

Even if they were pigs, the number of pigs in this herd was a bit too much. Even if Dreyer was divided into three groups, the manpower in El's hands still couldn't take advantage of it.Not that they couldn't win, but El couldn't live with that predictable number of casualties.Every death of an Istaron soldier means one less, and it is not a rational choice to fight the Southern Army here.

Since Dreyer didn't intend to pursue, El didn't need to use his body as bait. He took Pallanti and Leonard for a circle far outside the manor, and joined Timmy.The members of the Locke family basically understood the situation at this time, and their emotions finally stabilized.El let Leonard deal with these encumbrances, took Pallanti to a secluded place, and took out the parchment of interrogation from his arms.

"I said, you write, the smaller the better." El handed the parchment and charcoal to Pallanti, and whispered.When he used this parchment for the first time, he realized that his handwriting was too ugly, and it was crooked and took up too much space.After figuring it out for a long time, he finally thought of asking Pallanti to write for him.

"Okay, General." Pallanti sat down, put the parchment on her knees, and took out the shimmering lion's tooth horn.It wasn't too far away from Locke Manor, they didn't dare to start a fire, they could only use the moonlight and the dim light on this magic item to illuminate it.But with Pallanti's strength, this little bit of light is enough.

El organized the language in his mind, trying to summarize the situation in Lille Town in as short a sentence as possible.However, the amount of intelligence information he now knows is too large, and he can't explain it clearly in a few words.After pondering and studying for a long time, he simply threw away all the family grievances on the Locke family side, and only explained the situation of Dreyer's garrison in Lille Town, and then added a sentence at the end-whether to rescue Heguguan?

Although he repeatedly told Tiana to take a good rest before coming, but El also knew very well that the girl must be waiting for this letter from him.If she didn't figure out Count Kemal's true intentions, how could she be able to sleep.Sure enough, after Pallanti finished writing the letter, it didn't take long for the handwriting on the parchment to reappear.

——Hide the hole cards and let the tiger go back to the mountain.Tomorrow's plan is as usual, waiting for the signal.

"Uh... what does this mean?" Pallanti was a little dazed looking at the concise words on the letter.Although she knew the meaning of these words, it was a bit confusing to connect them together.

"She meant that we should not rescue Hegu Pass. On the contrary, we want the defenders of Hegu Pass to rush out and get out of the encirclement of the southern army." El touched his chin and nodded, with a strange smile on his face: "It's really a fascination for the authorities." , the onlookers know, it turns out that it can still be like this..."

"I'm sorry, General, but I still don't quite understand." Pallanti asked in bewilderment, "Let the soldiers at Hegu Pass break through by themselves? How is that possible? What's the point?"

"The reason why we are wary is not because the Southern Army is so powerful. The real reason is that they control Lear Town and Locke Manor, and have surrounded the defenders at Hegu Pass." El patted Pallanti on the head, Explained patiently for her: "We need the town of Lille to rest the exiles, and we also need the troops at Heguguan to supplement our strength. If we fight recklessly, we will lose a lot. If we negotiate with Delaire, we will have to pay an unbearable price." The price. If we want to save the troops at Heguguan, the troops we have will not be able to do much, and we can only rely on their own strength."

"But how can the troops at Hegu Pass break through on their own?" Pallanti's eyes were filled with question marks.

"According to Leonard, the original garrison at Hegu Pass plus the soldiers of the Locke family can have at least five or six hundred people, and the number of Southern troops blocking them, that is, on our side, is only 600. But From the perspective of combat effectiveness, if they really want to break through, it will not be difficult. It's just... there is no target."

When El said this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "The Southern Army already knew the news of the fall of Istaren, and they will definitely spread the news to the pass to damage the morale of the defenders. When they hear the bad news, even if they If you don’t want to believe it, you must have lost the idea of ​​breaking through.”

"I see." Pallanti nodded hesitantly, and finally turned the corner slowly.She thought for a while and said, "So we're going to bring them a target?"

"That's right, let Timmy take our people outside to meet him. The two of us will take Leonard into Hegu Pass, tell them the news about the exiles, and then lead them out." El nodded. : "When this army gets rid of the shackles, the balance of victory in this game will tilt towards us."

"Yes, General." Seeing El's confident smile, Pallanti laughed along with her, although she was still a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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