rune hunter

Chapter 173 Identity Proof

Chapter 173 Identity Proof
The southern army's siege of Hegu Pass clearly showed signs of loosening. In El's view, this was a sign of self-death.However, from the perspective of the commander of the Southern Army, this may not be a tactic that puts psychological pressure on the defenders.Istaron fell, and the Locke family changed dramatically. The army left at Hegu Pass is now a lone army. The soldiers inside and outside the city walls are well aware of this cruel fact.

El ordered Timmy to gather troops to come over to meet him, and he still took Pallanti and Leonard to Hegu Pass.The Southern Army's guards were so lax that they were wasting their previous psychological preparations.They just set up a few sentry posts symbolically at the gate of the camp. El took the two of them, found a dark corner, and walked through the camp with ease, without even encountering a night watchman, just like that. He came to Heguguan City.

To El's relief, the walls of the pass were still brightly lit, and the footsteps of the patrolling sentinels could be clearly heard. Even though this army might no longer be interested in fighting, they still maintained the military quality of Istaren.

"Your Excellency, shall we...knock on the door?" Leonard and El looked up at the crenel of the city wall together. He twisted his neck, felt the injury on his body, and couldn't help feeling a little faint.Of course, it is impossible to call the door openly at this time, but it would be difficult for him to climb the city wall with his bare hands.

"Pallanti and I go up first, and then let them put the rope down." El said helplessly. He used to walk alone before, but later he followed Pallanti by his side. The strength of Lori Knight was comparable to his It's almost the same, and it's also an agile fighter, so it's easier to use.

Although Timmy has a dexterous mind, that's the only advantage he has. The strength of the bronze leader can indeed stand alone among ordinary fighters, but it seems a bit cumbersome to put beside him.Most of the time El just put him in charge of the rear.

Leonard's personal strength is also at the top of the bronze. If he was at his peak, he might be slightly stronger than Timmy, but he has never participated in the regular army of Istaren before, and only has experience in commanding the family's private soldiers.If life and death were to be divided on the battlefield, he would fall under Timmy's sword in all likelihood.Besides, his current physical condition is not very optimistic, and in El's eyes, he is a burden in human form.

However, the reason why El wanted Leonard to follow him was not to count on his combat effectiveness.There are also hundreds of Locke family fighters that Leonard brought over in Heguguan. They may have known the news that Leonard was imprisoned or even killed.Only by bringing this guy himself can the combat effectiveness of this army be mobilized.

"I never thought I would end up in this situation." Leonard shook his head and smiled wryly. Throwing ropes from the city wall to pull people up is usually a way to deal with the enemy's envoys during the city defense battle. As he is, of course he would Feeling humiliated, but at this time, there is no way to pay too much attention, so I can only adapt to the situation.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Being alive is better than anything else." El patted him on the shoulder and gave Pallanti a wink. The two of them tied their weapons and climbed up by grabbing the gaps in the city wall.

The city wall of Hegu Pass is far less solid and magnificent than that of Istaren. It is only two or three stories high, and the building materials are only ordinary mudstone. This height is not a problem for El and Pallanti. Their strength is not so much climbing, but more like jumping directly.

As soon as he raised his hand and grabbed the wall stack, turned over and climbed onto the city wall, El raised his head and saw a group of night patrol soldiers walking in with torches.They also found El's figure almost at the same time, and immediately raised their weapons and shouted at the same time.

"Quiet! I'm on my own!" El hurriedly raised her hands and said, Pallanti's reaction was faster than his. She happened to turn up from behind the group of soldiers and knocked out the "enemy attack!" The soldier who shouted out, then knocked down several others to the ground.As for how to negotiate with the soldiers, Pallanti had much more experience than Er. She knew that the night watch soldiers would sound the alarm no matter what at this time, so she simply knocked her unconscious first.

The last remaining soldier who looked like the leader of the captain was held down by Pallanti and covered her mouth tightly. She leaned into the soldier's ear and whispered: "Don't shout, it will alarm the southerners outside. We are Iraqis." Soldiers of Stallen, come to your commander.

Of course, it is impossible to lose the trust of the soldiers. Looking at his tense muscles, you can tell that this guy still has not given up his resistance. If he lets go of his mouth now, his first reaction will definitely be to wake up the entire barrier with a loud voice. garrison.

So Pallanti took out the Lion's Tooth Horn again and waved it in front of his eyes. This move was tried and tested for the Istarenians. The soldier's eyes immediately relaxed, and at the same time he gave up the unnecessary struggle.

Pallanti let go of her hand carefully, and the soldier got up immediately, staring at her with burning eyes, and asked excitedly, "Are you the heir of the White Lion family? Are you still alive?"

"There are not many people left alive, soldier." Pallanti shook his head, severing the soldier's illusion.She walked up to El, turned around and said to the soldiers: "This is the commander of our survivors—General El, please inform the Defense Commander of Hegu Pass immediately, and we need to meet him immediately."

"Yes, sir!" The soldier saw the silver badge on El's chest, and was immediately in awe.However, although he already believed Pallanti's statement in his heart, out of the quality and caution of a regular army, he still woke up his companions after saluting, and "escorted" the two of them down the city wall.

El's sudden visit quickly alarmed the defenders in the city. They didn't have to wait too long before they saw two senior officers in different uniforms coming hand in hand.

"General El, your arrival really surprised us. Below is the current defense commander Arlette of Hegu Pass." The middle-aged officer in the Istaren uniform carefully examined the badge on El's chest, and then He respectfully gave a military salute to El: "I'm sorry that we didn't receive the notice of the high-level military changes in Istaren before. You seem to be very unfamiliar, only this badge is familiar to me."

"You have good eyesight. This is the badge of General Anderson." El nodded and said, "If you want us to show proof, I think you should know the identity of this lady."

"Miss Pallanti, I've heard of your name, but I didn't expect you to inherit the Lion's Tooth Horn in the end." Arlette turned her head to look at Pallanti, with a more kind expression in her eyes: "Bless the gods, What happened to Istaron?"

"It's a long story, and now, in the name of the heir to the White Lion family, I'm going to prove to you that the identity of General El is true and effective. A general." Pallanti put away the lion's tooth horn and said seriously to Arlette.

Although he has the status of Istaron's heir, after evacuating from Istaron, Pallanti has been standing behind El and providing him with unconditional support.

"Mr. Arlette, time is running out now, so I have to speak straight." El glanced at the officer of the Locke family standing beside Arlette, and said to him: "We rescued Mr. Leonard, he is now in Under the city, you have to help pull him up."

"You saved Master Leonard? Thank you very much!" The officer of the Locke family suddenly showed an unbelievable surprise on his face. He didn't care to say anything, nodded to Arlette and ran up the city wall.

After Leonard was pulled up, the atmosphere between the two sides really became harmonious.Arlette brought El and his party to his command post, and called a military doctor to treat Leonard's wound, while the others got a cup of steaming ale.

"The current situation is like this." El took a sip from his glass and said to Arlette: "Not many escaped, we still have six hundred soldiers and one hundred horses, but the refugees who followed us There are nearly 5000 people. Most of them are women and children, and they are basically military families. We originally wanted to rest in Lille Town, but we did not expect such amazing changes to take place here."

"It's all that bastard Michelen!" Arlette angrily slammed his fist on the table.

"We need help now, Arlette. The troops at Hegu Pass are the last fully formed troops in Istaren. I hope to get your help." El looked into Arlette's eyes and said earnestly: "We Our brothers fought honorably in Istaron and entrusted us with their wives, sisters and children. But we now have nothing, neither supplies nor adequate protection."

"General El, you don't need to say any more, please tell us what to do?" Arlette stood up and patted his chest and said: "Mr. Leonard has been rescued, and we can use the power of the Locke family to repel these southerners." Girls are no problem!"

"Very good, but we can't just think about fighting. What we have to protect now, the brothers can no longer suffer losses." El nodded and said to Arlette: "Please gather all the troops, we will break out tonight , Join up with the big troops. Then come back and deal with the southerners slowly.”

"No problem! Let's show those pussies some color!" Arlette showed an excited smile on his face.

"All the fighters of the Locke family are at your disposal, General El." Leonard, who was sitting on the side bandaged and bandaged, also said, pointing to the officer beside him and said to El: "This is my adjutant Rosen, From now on, he will lead the troops of the Locke family to obey all your orders."

In the middle of the night, the defenders at the Hegu Pass suddenly mobilized, but the southern army besieged outside the city was still immersed in sleep and knew nothing about it.

(End of this chapter)

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