rune hunter

Chapter 174 Devil's Means

Chapter 174 Devil's Means

While the southern army was still asleep, the gate of Hegu Pass was quietly opened, and the guards inside the pass came out in full force.Due to the passive sabotage of the night watch soldiers of the Southern Army, only nine of the thirty sentinels who were supposed to stand guard tonight are still on duty.By the time they noticed the change, it was too late.

With an elite force, El pulled out the sentry posts of the Confederate Army one by one. Before most of them could react, their necks were wiped off by sharp knives protruding from the darkness.The vanguard dispersed in the camp, looking for the tents where the officers were. The cavalry with horseshoes rushed in after them, and a huge gap was instantly opened in the Southern Army's defensive front.

The roar of horseshoes and shouts of killing alarmed the sleeping Confederate soldiers. When they got up from the tents naked, they were horrified to find that the camp was full of soldiers from Istaren who were killing.

The Eastalen army guarding the Hegu Pass has always maintained sufficient supplies, and the soldiers of the Locke family are also elite soldiers supported by the family with all their resources. Compared with these heavily armed killing machines, the ordinary soldiers with incomplete equipment in the Southern Army are completely It is a lamb to be slaughtered.

When the Istaron soldiers rushed into the camp, the southern army was about to collapse, and they didn't show any tenacious fighting spirit at all.They were unarmed, unmoralized, untargeted, and could not even count on their own commanders.El led a group of burly men into the most eye-catching command camp in the camp, but found that there was no one there, and the prepared beheading operation could only be ignored.

It took them a round to catch a terrified lieutenant who poured out everything he knew with little to no interrogation.It turned out that when the commander of this unit climbed out of the bed and saw the flames rising into the sky outside, he didn't even care about wearing clothes, but just grabbed a sheet to cover his buttocks and started running for his life.Now even his trusted adjutant doesn't know where this guy has gone.

Although the combat power level of the southern army has already been predicted, but these southerners are obviously very good at breaking through their own lower limit.This made El even more determined not to go to war easily. What he wanted was never victory, but the lives of soldiers.It is the most stupid behavior to take my brother's life to fight these southern girls. Even if it is ten el for a change, I feel that I will lose money.

The defenders of Hegu Pass broke through the Southern Army's defense line without any risk, or drove the unarmed Southern Army to spread out to both sides, rushed out vigorously, and disappeared into the vast night.

El didn't dare to let the troops run too far, and deliberately set a nearby landmark they knew well as a rally point.The dark night is a terrible enemy for both sides. If you run too far, it is easy to lose the number of non-combat personnel.

The southern army camp outside the Hegu Pass was on fire. The defenders of Lille Town saw the flames and wanted to rescue them, but just after they assembled their troops and walked out of the town, they encountered a sniper attack from the cavalry led by Timmy. Leaving behind more than [-] corpses, he fled back to the town in a hurry.As for Locke Manor, which is farther away, it will take some time for the defenders there to rush over, and there must be no time to rescue them.

"Is the combat effectiveness of the Southern Army really that bad?" The process of breaking out of the siege was so smooth that it exceeded El's best idea, which made him unable to believe it.

"More than half of Earl Kemal's Southern Army are peasants recruited in the territory. They can use military service instead of offsetting the taxes they need to pay at home. They have a lot of energy, but they have hardly received formal training. They are not professional soldiers on our side. However, this is also the result Earl Kemal hopes to see. If these peasants are trained to be soldiers, the ruling power of the local lords will be shaken when they leave the army." Arlette explained in a low voice.

"The ugly mentality of the nobles." A sneering smile appeared on El's face.

"It should be said that it is the ugly mentality of the southern aristocrats." Arlette corrected with a smile: "You must not despise Earl Kemal, he is also a figure with both civil and military skills in the southern aristocratic faction. The real combat effectiveness of the army is not as bad as what you see now. They are just too slack. When they react in the daytime tomorrow, it may not be easy for us to achieve the same results as tonight."

"It would be best if we could not fight. The blood of the brothers cannot be wasted here. We have accumulated bargaining chips now, and we can have a slow showdown with them tomorrow." El said with confidence.

After the rendezvous of the two armies, El took all the men and horses and slowly moved to the north, following Arlette's advice to find a suitable camping place.The chess pieces on the chessboard have completed the offensive and defensive transitions, and now he only needs to wait for the exiles' team to come, and the rest can be handed over to Tiana on the negotiating table.

"General, please forgive me, but I am a little worried about the young master of the Kemal family, that is, Dreyer. It is said that he has outstanding talents and has learned magic." When the troops camped, Leonard's adjutant Luo Sen came to El and said with some concern.

"He's a magician?" El asked puzzled. When he was in Locke Manor just now, he didn't feel any obvious fluctuations in magic. Either that Master Dreyer didn't make a move, or Rosen was a little worried.In the eyes of ordinary people, magicians are synonymous with mystery and power, but El has already killed more than one spellcaster himself, so he doesn't have much psychological pressure on this.

"I don't know, General." Rosen said hesitantly, "When he led the army to besiege Hegu Pass, we saw him cast a sorcery. Turned into a monster and killed many of our brothers during the siege."

"I heard Leonard say that the Kemal family has demon blood?" El blinked, and was aroused by what Rosen said.

"Because Master Michelon's development is obviously abnormal, there have always been such rumors in the family. We have never seen a real demon, but we just heard about it from those old people..." Rosen scratched his head, a little embarrassed smiled.

"It doesn't matter, we also have a magician, and he will come tomorrow morning." El comforted him, and at the same time said with a serious face: "I can't take care of the housework of the Locke family, but I don't want this kind of suspicion to appear in the team now." voice, do you know what I mean?"

"Of course, I understand, my lord general." Rosen said with a solemn face, standing at attention and saluting.

Al patted him on the shoulder and told him to go about his business.After Rosen left, his face slowly darkened.Pallanti, who had been by his side, noticed the change in his face, and couldn't help asking softly, "Is there any problem?"

"It wasn't originally, but after he said that, I really can't ignore it." El said to himself with a gloomy face. He rolled his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and led Pallanti to a secluded place. place, grabbed her by the hand and pressed her against a tree.

"Uh...General?" Pallanti was taken aback by El's rough action, and his face flushed immediately.She wanted to resist subconsciously, but due to the nature of soldiers obeying orders and some other unspeakable reasons, she struggled a little weakly.

"Pallanti, stay like this, listen to me." Al moved closer to Pallanti's cheek and whispered in the faintest voice in her ear: "There is something watching us, the tree behind us Now, I thought it was an ordinary night owl, but now it seems that something is wrong. Do you remember what Rosen said?"

"...Demon?" Pallanti quickly calmed down, eyes half closed, and looked back from El's shoulder indistinctly.Her perception ability is not as powerful as El's, but she can also vaguely feel some kind of malicious eyes, hiding in the shadow of the woods and peeping in this direction.

"It doesn't dare to approach, we have to create an opportunity..." El spit out these words through his teeth, and then stretched out his hand to hold Pallanti's body in his arms, making the two people's posture even more ambiguous.He looked into Pallanti's eyes affectionately, and said in a normal voice, "Oh, honey, you have to understand me, that woman from the Ranstadt family is not trustworthy!"

"What... what?" Lolita Knight obviously lacks acting experience, and can't keep up with El's jumping thinking at all. Just being held in El's arms, she is a little dazed, and has no reaction to what he said. .

El naturally didn't expect Pallanti to keep up with his rhythm like Tiana. He just wanted to test the thing that was following behind and deliberately said some sensitive topics to see if it would make a difference. reaction.

"That Miss Ranstadt is a witch. She is scarier than you can imagine. I have seen her hiding in a place where no one is casting spells, summoning..." El carefully collected his perception, and at the same time Lower your speaking volume a little bit.As he expected, the thing hiding behind the tree was gradually attracted to him.

It thought its whereabouts were secretive and silent, but it couldn't hide in the ears of Al, who was a mountain hunter, and all the subtle sounds from the trees around him couldn't escape his sensitive ears.

"That woman can summon undead, she is... see, on the second tree behind me." El gradually lowered his voice, whispering in Pallanti's ear.

Lolita Knight had closed her eyes at this time, but one of her hands was already quietly pressing on the hilt of the sword, and the other hand stretched out her fingers to gently scratch El's palm.

"It's now!" El suddenly let go of Pallanti, and the whole person fell backwards.Pallanti kicked on the tree trunk behind him, and his whole body flew up like a cannonball. The foil sword was unsheathed, and a silver-white brilliance shone in the dark night!
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(End of this chapter)

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