rune hunter

Chapter 175 Dreyer's Revenge

Chapter 175 Dreyer's Revenge
Pallanti's foil sword came out of its sheath with lightning speed, and the silver brilliance pierced through the darkness, smashing everything it passed with an indomitable momentum.

The thick branch three meters above the ground was cut off, and a little monster with wings made a strange scream of "Kar--" and fell from the tree.At the same time Pallanti threw out, El also turned around and pulled out the dragon tooth bow and shot an arrow, nailing the falling monster to the tree trunk.

"My gods! What is this!" When Pallanti came down to see the monster's appearance clearly, she couldn't help but her face changed, and she screamed in a low voice.

The shape of the monster nailed to the tree was almost the same as that of a human baby, only several times larger in size.The small pointed horns on the head and the bat wings on the back are all obvious signs of hell demons.It was nailed to the tree and still struggling endlessly. It bared its sharp teeth at Pallanti and let out a threatening cry.

"This is the devil baby, the hatchling of the devil from hell." El walked over and whispered.As an opposing race between order and chaos, the history of war between humans and demons can be traced back to the ancient times 3000 years ago. Therefore, legends about demons are not uncommon in this world, at least more detailed and reliable than the rumors of landwalkers.

Devil babies are young demons evolved from painful worms in hell. Although they look young, their real power is comparable to that of ordinary adult men, and they have evolved a preliminary cruel wisdom. They can bear cannon fodder in the demon army Duties of scouts.

El once heard about the legend about magic babies. This kind of little devil is not uncommon in the ground world. Pet.

When he said the name of the magic baby, the magic baby nailed to the tree stopped struggling immediately, and turned its eyes of resentment and hatred to El.El was unmoved by this, but he faintly felt that the magic baby's eyes seemed to flicker, which made him involuntarily have a feeling of being spied on.

"Master Delaire?" Al looked into the eyes of the magic baby and asked tentatively.

"General El..." The devil baby froze for a moment, the ferocious expression on his face suddenly calmed down, and his eyes became sober.It looked at El, and made a hoarse voice: "I know your name... Viscount Chico thought you were a reckless fool... He was deceived by you..."

"You speak as if you are so pure and innocent." El grinned, his eyes became sharper: "Master Delaire, we are just each other. You are not going to rest at this time, do you want to be with us?" Appreciate the moonlight?"

"To each other... Well said..." The devil baby showed a strange smile on his face, and let out a strange smile: "Despicable and shameless General El... you gave me these two big gifts tonight... just want to Did you walk away so easily?"

Before the magic baby finished speaking, El's face suddenly changed drastically. He grabbed Pallanti and flew back behind the big tree. He saw the magic baby's body suddenly swell, and then exploded into a cloud of explosions all over the sky with a bang. Fragments, splattered flesh and blood scattered in the woods, and everywhere they went made the corrosive sound of zrazla.

"Damn it, that guy stayed back!" El dodged the devil's flesh and blood in embarrassment, jumping and cursing.It wasn't just on his side, there were chaotic noises everywhere in the camp that had just been set up.He looked around and found six or seven huge demons suddenly appearing in the camp, killing all living people around them indiscriminately.

"What's going on here? Where did they come from? Where are our guards?" El rushed back to the camp, holding Arlette who organized the counterattack and asked repeatedly.

When Heguguan broke through, El was still laughing in his heart that the Southern Army soldiers' defense was as lax as an old woman's crotch, and when he turned his head, Dreyer slapped back hard.Under the sudden attack of the demons, the Eastalen army who had just camped and rested was equally unbearable. In less than a breath, there were double-digit casualties.This made Al feel ashamed while heartbroken.

"I don't know, General!" Arlette looked at El with a blank face, and shouted: "That's our brother! They were with us just now, and they suddenly became like this!"

"This is sorcery, the devil's sorcery!" Adjutant Rosen yelled, "I told you before, the young master of the Kemal family performed a sorcery under Hegu Pass, but there was no obvious effect at that time. , so you didn't take it to heart."

"How do I know what that bastard is convulsing?" Arlette retorted loudly, her face flushed with anger.

"That's enough! Let's deal with these demons first!" El stopped the quarrel between the two, pulled out the dragon tooth bow and aimed at the demon closest to him.

The body of the demon transformed from a soldier has undergone a huge change. His height has skyrocketed to more than two meters, his body is covered with pitch-black scales, his limbs have turned into thick sharp claws, and a single horn protrudes from his head.From the appearance, this seems to be the basic combat unit of the Hell Demon Army - Horned Demons. They are powerful and invulnerable. They can also evolve different abilities according to different needs on the battlefield. They are quite similar to the warriors of the Landwalkers. place.

However, this kind of demons are not as common as devil babies on the ground. They belong to the regular organization of the devil army, and once they appear, it means an endless war.El is just guessing and not sure about this, so he can only test the depth first.

The warriors of Istaron had already reacted and used the tacit cooperation they had developed to trap the demons in the middle. However, it was difficult for their weapons to have an obvious killing effect on the strong demons.A soldier wielded a two-handed sword and slashed at the demon's back with all his strength. The big sword rubbed a spark on the scales of the demon's skin, leaving only a shallow mark more than ten centimeters long.The demon let out a grin, grabbed the soldier's weapon with his backhand, and dragged him with his sword.The soldier wanted to throw away his weapon and retreat, but he was too close to the demon. Before he could escape, his abdomen was torn open by a claw, almost torn by the waist, and he fell to the ground screaming.

The demon laughed wildly and raised his big foot, trying to crush the soldier's head, but at this moment, a sharp arrow flew from midair and shot directly into his mouth.The arrow passed through the mouth and protruded from the back of his neck, and the demon's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Penetrating damage from this position is already a fatal blow to ordinary people, but it is not a big deal to demons with tenacious vitality.He just leaned back involuntarily, then raised his head again, closed his mouth and bit the arrow shaft to pieces with a click.

Without a hit, El's face became more and more gloomy. He had only heard legends about the tenacious vitality of demons, but he did not expect that demons in reality were more difficult.Without saying a word, he opened the Dragon Tooth Bow again, and at the same time put two long arrows on it, aiming at the demon's head and heart, and the blue rune in his hand disappeared in a flash.

The demon had already noticed the sneak attacker in the dark, the arrow did not cause much damage to him, but it would be uncomfortable to think about it stuck in his throat.Seeing the thin human being unfurl his bow and arrow again, the demon suddenly became furious, bent down and abruptly smashed through the encirclement of the soldiers, and rushed towards El.

"Good time!" El sneered, his fingers loosened slightly, and two long arrows flew out.

Although the demon rushed forward with brute force, he also possessed basic combat wisdom. When he rushed out, he noticed that El's bow and arrow were aimed at him, so he used his two arms to block in front of him to protect his vitals.He has full confidence in his body's defensive power, no matter how sharp the opponent's bow and arrow is, it is impossible for him to hurt himself after shooting through his finger.

His estimation was not wrong. Although the two sudden arrows carried enormous power and almost pierced his arms, they were firmly stuck by his bones and could not move.The demon roared upwards, and was about to speed up and rush towards El, when he suddenly felt a chill in his chest, and lost his balance involuntarily under his feet.

Although the two long arrows were clamped by his arm bones, another force attached to the arrows did not stop moving forward.Just as the careless devil relaxed, two invisible arrows pierced into his forehead and heart along the previously aimed trajectory.The heart is the source of the demons' strength, as well as their Achilles' heel.After being pierced through the heart by this arrow light, the demon's power suddenly plummeted, and he fell to the ground.

El rushed up, stepped on the demon's head, raised the ax in his hand high, and chopped off the demon's head with one axe.However, the demon's body was still struggling non-stop, flailing its hands in an attempt to leave marks on El's body.El patted his chest, a slender scorpion tail protruded from his clothes, and bit the demon's body fiercely, which made the dead but not stiff demon completely calm down. A green, foul-smelling mucus began to flow from the severed surface.

When the first horned demon died completely, a cold snort came from the hall of Locke Manor.Dressed in a black robe, Dreyer sat on the head's seat and crushed the crystal ball in his hand expressionlessly.

"It's really interesting... This guy is really not simple. What kind of power is that? It's not like an ordinary spell... No wonder you can become a general at such a young age." Dreyer pondered for a while, then raised his head to look at the cold sweat beside him. The fat man said with a half-smile, "Romeer, you really missed your mark this time."

"The fall of Istaren is both good news and tragedy for the Kemal family, but fortunately they left behind this little bit of fire." Viscount Chico wiped the cold sweat from his head, and smiled at Dreyer : "The remnants of Istaron can no longer pose a threat to the Kemal family, but this young man can be regarded as a big trouble... Don't you think that this is an opponent specially reserved for you? "

"Adversary? Hehe..." After hearing the fat man's explanation, Dreyer's complexion gradually improved.He held his chin and thought for a while, then nodded and said with a smile, "You are right, you are really a very suitable opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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