rune hunter

Chapter 176 Devil's Fangs

Chapter 176 Devil's Fangs

Although the devil's raid was quickly suppressed, they also left a painful and deep memory for the troops.This force was temporarily assembled by the private soldiers of the Locke family, the defenders of the River Valley Gate, and the remnants of the Istaron army, so they lacked the tacit cooperation between them.

Although they are all elite fighters, and their reaction speed in emergencies is impeccable, the enemies they face are demons from hell. In the dark night environment, the difference in combat effectiveness becomes more and more obvious.The number of casualties calculated after the battle was 25 dead and 67 injured, including 16 seriously injured who were disabled or dying.This fatal number made Al very annoyed in his heart.

The reason why he was unwilling to choose a frontal battle from the beginning to the end was because he wanted to preserve the strength of this army to the maximum extent. There are still thousands of old and weak women and children who have no resistance in the exile team, waiting for their attack Protect.

Although El didn't know what kind of tribulations he would encounter during the long journey, he at least understood one truth, every point of strength lost now would make the exile's future journey more difficult.

After tidying up the battlefield and cremating the bodies of the dead, the sky gradually turned pale, and this long night was about to pass.El went outside the camp, found a stone and sat down, looking in the direction of Lille Town from a distance.

Sneak attacking the sheriff in the town, sneaking into the manor to rob the prison, and leading the defenders of the River Valley Pass to break through... El has been busy this night, but now it seems that the impact is far from what he expected.The Southern Army also lost many soldiers after yesterday night's toss, but compared to their base as a reorganized corps, they were actually insignificant, and they were not considered flesh and blood injuries.

El once held a contemptuous attitude towards the Southern Army, but now he knows that it is not in vain that the other side has been able to contend with Eastalen's army for many years.The fighters in Istaren laughed at the soldiers of the southern army as pussies and armed peasants. Now that I think about it, this may not be the strategy of the Kemal family.

Dreyer wields demonic powers, and in last night's act of revenge, he turned ordinary soldiers into demons.It can be deduced from this that he must also have the ability to demonize his soldiers, and the weak will of those soldiers, from another perspective, may not be a defect deliberately left to be more easily infected by demonic power.

Although reason tells El that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, humans and demons have always been incompatible. Even the Kemal family with demon blood dare not publicize it, otherwise it will definitely become the target of criticism.However, the hole cards revealed by the opponent still made him uneasy.

Sensing someone approaching from behind, El woke up from his contemplation, and then found a cloak on his shoulders from behind.

"There is heavy dew in the morning, and the weather is getting a little cold." Pallanti stood behind El with a cloak and whispered, "My lord, you should take a rest."

"It's okay, I'm not tired yet." El shook his head and smiled while holding his chin: "I'm afraid the Southern Army will start to gather in a while. I don't know if Tiana can come here in time..."

"Even if we want to go to war, we will not be afraid of the Southern Army. Even if that young master Dreyer likes to play tricks, but that kind of trick is of no use on the real battlefield." Pallanti said with a puffy face.

"Palanti, do you know why I asked you to fight with me last night?" El asked, turning his head and looking into the girl's eyes.

"Because... because besides Mr. Ahmed, I am the only one whose strength is close to the silver rank." Pallanti hesitated for a moment, and said somewhat uncertainly.

"You're right, it's because of your strength, but not because of how powerful your swordsmanship is... but because you are not easy to get hurt with such strength." El habitually patted Pallanti on the head. , said earnestly: "Your strength is already close to the silver level, so you can clearly feel the difference from ordinary soldiers. If you don't consider Timmy and Leonard, the two of us can come in the camp of the Southern Army Go freely, no matter what unexpected situation happens, you can adapt to it."

"I only know about fighting, and I don't know anything else." Pallanti whispered sheepishly.

"You performed well yesterday, at least you have overcome your previous bad habits." El stroked Pallanti's hair with a reassuring smile on his face: "I understand, you used to be just to attract father's attention and Caring became so extreme. Now Pallanti has grown up and learned to take responsibility, which is good."

"Eh? That's... that's not the case!" Pallanti's face flushed red suddenly after being praised by El.

"Palanti, I know that the responsibility of the White Lion family is too heavy for you. They are brothers who escaped together, and everyone can understand, so you don't have to force yourself." El rubbed Pallanti The head smiled and said: "Compared with those vain honors and dignity, our lives are more important."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid." Pallanti looked at El with some doubts, not quite understanding what he meant.

"I'm not worried about you doing stupid things, what I'm worried about is that Master Dreyer." El said with a wry smile: "Judging from last night's experience and the rumors I've heard, that Master Dreyer is very It may be a demon warlock, and it is very likely that he has reached the silver rank. The appearance of this variable caused a big loophole in our plan. We took away the troops from Heguguan, and finally tipped the scales. His appearance has increased the weight of the opponent."

"It's just a silver-level spellcaster, what's so great about it? Didn't we kill a magician from the Sicily Bandit Bandit?" Pallanti recalled the past, and felt a little disapproving of El's caution.

"That time was just a fluke. Don't forget that Mr. Pross was seriously injured by that magician, and the enemy we are facing now is commanding an entire army. There are also differences in the realm of the silver rank. .” El pointed in the direction of Lille Town, with a solemn look on his face.

"I stayed here just to observe his reaction. If he only has the ability of yesterday, he will definitely act cautiously today. But if the Southern Army starts to gather after dawn and directly attack us, that means His strength and confidence are more troublesome than we thought."

Pallanti looked in the direction of El's finger, and his face suddenly changed.With the help of the twilight of the morning sun, she also saw the scene of the town of Lille, with smoke rising from the town, which meant that the southern army had begun to gather.

"My lord, what are we going to do?" Pallanti couldn't help feeling flustered seeing El's words come true.

"We wait, wait for Tiana to come over, and get ready to tuck our tails and run away," El said.

As Al guessed the worst-case scenario, Delair had begun to gather troops.After the defenders at Hegu Pass left, the shortest road from Shalin Province to Lille Town also lost its barrier.El took away this new force, but at the same time paved the way for the Kemal family's army.

Dressed in a black robe, Dreyer walked out of the Locke Manor. Viscount Chico and Michallon walked beside him, followed by eighty elite knights of the Kemal family.

His legion has assembled outside the manor and is ready to go.Because they did not expect a spoiler to appear before, the scattered troops were hit to varying degrees, but at this time the unique psychological quality of the southerners was reflected.They basically don't have the sense of honor of soldiers, so they don't care as much about their own losses as the northerners.

For example, the troops besieging Hegu Pass were beaten to the brim by Istaren soldiers in the sneak attack last night, and their commanders ran away immediately.But after the Eastalen army left, the commander actually ran back again, gathering the scattered troops in sevens and eighties.

For southerners, as long as the person who died was not themselves, it was basically not a big deal.They are accustomed to bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and outnumbering the few. It has long been common practice for them to escape in the face of a strong enemy, and they have escaped from experience.These forcibly recruited soldiers had no morale at all, and naturally they would no longer be demoralized by the enemy's harassment.

Seeing the regrouped Legion troops, Dreyer nodded with satisfaction, which was exactly what he wanted.He doesn't need a professional army like Istaron's, nor does he trust that kind of army.

The internal struggle of the Kemal family was also thrilling. It was very rare for Delaire to gain control of a legion, so from the first day he took command, he began to make earth-shaking changes to this legion.Under the hard work of Viscount Chico, many methods were used to transform this legion into its current state.

The advantage of this is that this legion will never be able to leave his palm, and any other commander will be pitted to death without a place to die.

"My warriors!" Dreyer rode on his horse and shouted to his soldiers: "Last night, a few little mice crawled in and stole the cheese on our plate! Now, let them pay the price." It's time!"

"Kill them! Kill!" Michallen roared loudly, brandishing his axe. After his resurrection, his head was not very bright, and he still hasn't recovered.

"That's right, kill them." Dreyer coughed, stretched out his hand to adjust his bow tie, and showed an evil smile on his face: "Then we will go to meet a noble and beautiful lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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