rune hunter

Chapter 177 Demon's Tactics

Chapter 177 Demon's Tactics

The third army of the Kemal family has undergone amazing changes under the command of Delaire.They were still lambs at the slaughter last night, but when they assembled in the early morning, the aura they erupted was enough to make people look sideways.

Under normal circumstances, the army is to make the enemy fear, but the third army under Delaire is in a state of fear, which is the fear of its own commander.Human beings tend to panic or cower when they are afraid, but when their fear reaches its peak, it explodes with unimaginable power.

Using fear to drive the army is a typical demonic tactic.

El hid in the shadow of the jungle, carefully observing the movements of the southern army.After last night's sneak attack, he quickly directed the troops to move the station, but he had no idea whether this method could escape the detection of the demon warlock.

As he expected, the southern army directly formed a battle formation, rolling towards his direction without hesitation.Although the Eastalen army occupies the favorable terrain in the jungle, the number of the southern army has reached four times their number.In this kind of field environment, no matter how powerful the fighters of Eastalen are, they are no match for four hands, and there will be a battle damage figure that El is absolutely unacceptable to.

"My lord, the brothers are ready, how shall we fight?" Arlette asked in a low voice as he approached El.

"If we die, there will be one less. We can't fight them head-on." El shook his head and said, "We can retreat while fighting to hold them back. Will you set up traps?"

"Uh...sorry, my lord, there may be a few brothers who have used rabbits, and the others basically don't know that thing." Arlette rubbed his nose and said a little embarrassedly.

The soldiers in Istaron's army are all professional soldiers. They know how to fight better than ordinary recruited soldiers, but they are somewhat powerless with those skills that have nothing to do with fighting.Although traps are also a way of killing people, for the Istaren fighters who can crush the southern army with their own strength, they didn't need to play this little trick before.

"The easiest way is to dig a deep pit, cover it with branches, and sprinkle some soil. I don't think anyone needs to teach this kind of thing?" El looked at Arlette speechlessly, and he didn't stop until he was sweating profusely. .

"Let Rosen take someone to dig a hole in the back. Local lords like the Locke family should go out hunting often, and they should be familiar with this aspect. The other troops retreat and keep those who can shoot arrows." El ordered in a low voice. .

"I see, my lord." Arlette nodded, looking at El with strange eyes.As a professional soldier, he certainly understood the meaning of these arrangements made by El.To put it bluntly, this kind of wretched tactic is not complicated, but the Eastalen soldiers are used to head-to-head contests, so they didn't think of it for a while.

Those soldiers who still have military glory in their hearts would not make such a choice even if they thought about it.But Al has never had such a thing, so he has no psychological burden.

It was already late at night when they broke out from Hegu Pass, and the troops didn't have the time or ability to leave Lille town too far, not even within the distance visible to the naked eye.On the battlefield where the two armies clash, the distance within reach of this point is almost negligible.

Because he had to wait for Tiana's arrival, El didn't want to run too far at first, but when he found Delaire's hidden hole card, it was too late to run again, so it seemed rather awkward now.

Dreyer's army quickly reached the edge of the jungle. It is the most basic common sense in military drills not to enter the forest lightly, especially when they know that there are a group of wolves like tigers lurking in the jungle.Looking at the lush jungle, many soldiers of the Southern Army showed obvious shrinking behavior.But when Dreyer's knights who supervised the battle walked behind them, the faces of the soldiers suddenly twisted.

Compared with the fear of the unknown ahead, the fear that they have personally experienced behind them can make them move forward bravely.

The footsteps of the southern army paused for a moment at the edge of the jungle. Dreyer coughed and made a magic gesture around his mouth, allowing his voice to be transmitted into the jungle.

"Istaron warriors, I don't know what benefits that young general promised you, but it is destined to be impossible to realize. Istaron has fallen, and the White Lion family has perished. The beliefs you uphold It has lost its meaning. What are you fighting for now?"

Dreyer paused for a moment, but did not hear back from the other side, so he continued: "I am Dreyer, the eldest son of Earl Kemal, and I am here to ask you to give up resistance for the last time. We are all sons of the Kingdom of Auckland. People, there is no unresolved hatred. A meaningless war will only bring equal pain to both of us!"

"I only agree with your last sentence, Mr. Dreyer!"

El stood up from the shade of the tree, and shouted to the outside of the jungle: "A senseless war will only bring equal pain to both of us! Mr. Dreyer, if I were you, I should think about it now." Think about it, is Earl Kemal capable of withstanding the disaster that destroyed Istaren?"

"I heard that Estalon was enraged by the gods, so he was burned by the sky? My lord father would not do such a reckless thing." Dreyer asked tentatively with his eyes moving.

"You don't think it's reliable, are you really going to believe it?" El said angrily, "Why don't you listen to my suggestion, let's find a place to sit down and have a good talk?"

"I had enough trouble last night, and now I want to talk about it? Are you playing me for a fool, General El?" Dreyer turned cold and scolded in a deep voice.

"You all have to pay the price!" Michalun brandished a broad-bladed ax and roared, striding towards the direction where El spoke.After being resurrected, his brain has not recovered, but his strength has been greatly enhanced.I saw him rushing in, and when he lowered his head, he smashed the big tree in front of him into two pieces.

An angry look flashed across Dreyer's face, but Michallon had already rushed forward, so he couldn't say anything more, he just raised his hand and waved it, ordering his soldiers to start attacking.

The knights who supervised the battle flew past the soldiers. They raised their long swords, and a strange black light shone on the blades. The eyes of all the soldiers they passed turned blood red.The expressions on their faces began to distort, from cowardly sheep to vicious wolves.When Dreyer gave an order, they immediately raised their weapons and rushed into the jungle screaming in their mouths.

"Those soldiers are weird... shoot arrows and restrain them!" El ordered Arlette.The archers who had already prepared immediately drew their bows and set their arrows.Not all Istaron warriors are good at archery, but compared with the rough-skinned and thick-skinned landwalkers, it doesn't take too much exquisite archery to shoot through the weak bodies of their fellow humans.

Driven by Delaire's sorcery, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Southern Army has been astonishingly improved. The sudden rain of arrows made their footsteps pause, but it did not stop completely.Although the soldiers who were shot by the arrow would die, as long as the part where the arrow was hit was not a vital point, they would continue to move forward indifferently, as if they had lost the sense of pain.

Michelen, who rushed to the front, was even more dismissive of this. His body swelled a whole circle, and there were obviously abnormal black patterns on his skin. Next a pale white mark.He rushed into the jungle like crazy, shouting: "Reynard! You coward! Come out and fight me!"

"It's impossible! We've already killed him!" Pallanti's expression turned ugly when he saw Michelun's figure.

"Then kill him again, it's not a big deal." El said nonchalantly. After experiencing the obsidian-built Titan and the arrival of the purple demon apostle, he is no stranger to this kind of thing that comes back from the dead. .In historical legends, hell demons have always been known for their unscrupulous methods, so it's no surprise that Dreyer is no matter what tricks he plays.

"Leave it to me!" Pallanti clenched the foil tightly, and greeted the rushing Michelun.After the resurrection, Michallon's strength has been greatly improved, almost close to the silver rank, and he is still the type of berserker, which is quite difficult for Pallanti, but Pallanti now also has the trump card of family inheritance, Al still had faith in her.

The vanguard of the Southern Army had already approached the defense line of the Eastalen Army. El waved his hand to signal the soldiers in charge of shooting to retreat temporarily.He put his hand to his mouth and let out a long whistle.

The ground began to tremble.

The cavalry ambushed on the right flank launched a charge. They swung their long swords and swept through the jungle, sweeping away the enemy troops in front of their own line of defense like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.The Southern Army didn't have many cavalry, so they didn't go into battle. They didn't expect that there was a fully armed cavalry unit hidden in El's hands.Although the terrain of the jungle is also not conducive to cavalry combat, it is a one-sided massacre for them to deal with ordinary infantry soldiers.

The vanguard of the Southern Army suffered a devastating blow, and the surviving soldiers fled the jungle one after another, leaving only Michallon and Pallanti fighting inextricably.

After losing the first battle, Dreyer didn't show any disappointment on his face. He was sitting on the horse, holding a black spherical energy body in his palm.Whenever the screams and wailing of the dead came from the jungle, the sphere in his hand became darker and darker.

"Let me see how long you can last." Dreyer showed a strange smile on his face, and waved again to order, and the second batch of demonized troops rushed into the jungle.

 Having a fever... Persist in coding for the sake of character

(End of this chapter)

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