rune hunter

Chapter 178 Angrily counterattack

Chapter 178 Angrily counterattack
Pallanti dodged past Michallon, stabbing him in the ribs with the foil.But Michallon's skin was as tough as old cowhide, and even the foil sword with many enchanting effects could not leave a fatal wound on his body.The soft sword body was bent into a semicircle, but it still couldn't make any progress.Michalun laughed wildly and slashed down with the axe, Pallanti had no choice but to use his strength to back away.

"When I catch you, I will love you very much, little girl!" Michallon rubbed his ribs stabbed by the foil sword, licked his lips, and gave Pallanti an evil smile.

"Idiot." Pallanti snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and instantly appeared behind Mihalun, the foil drew an arc, and a bloody flower rose on his back.

"Ahhhh, you bitch!" Michallon snarled and struck back with an axe, cutting the big tree behind him in two, but he still didn't catch Pallanti's trace.His strength has been enhanced, and at the same time, his pain sensation has been reduced, but his body sensation has also been greatly reduced, and he can't keep up with Pallanti's moving speed at all.

"Idiot..." This time it wasn't Pallanti's voice that came to my ears. Michalun was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was Dreyer's voice.

"She can't kill you, leave her alone, go kill their ordinary soldiers..." Dreyer's voice whispered in his ear.Michallon touched his head and rushed forward with a loud cry.

Istaron's cavalry galloped through the forest, turned around and started the second slaughter.Although the soldiers of the Confederate Army were brave, their resistance was vulnerable to the charge of the cavalry.The short swords and shields in their hands could not cause damage to the knights on horseback, and their poor armor could not even resist the horseshoes, and being knocked out would directly result in broken bones.

If you only see the current battle situation in the jungle, some people may think that this is a one-sided massacre in Istaren, but the real situation is that the Southern Army is occupying the initiative on the battlefield
Although the results of the cavalry harvest are very impressive, but their number is a fatal problem.There were only 120 cavalry under Ayr, and the cavalry of the Valley Guard Army was only about 200, while the soldiers of the Third Army under Delaire had as many as 500.

The cavalry of Istaron are of course brave and elite, and even the enemy has to admit this, but that doesn't mean they can ignore their own weakness - they are not good at continuous combat.The horses under the cavalry seat have undergone rigorous training and can carry heavily armed cavalry for multiple charges, but their charges require space, and their endurance cannot be compared with humans.

When Dreyer used the refueling tactics to continuously send small groups of troops into the jungle, the space for the cavalry's movement was severely restricted. When they lost the distance from which they could charge, war immediately appeared. damage.The experienced officer Arlette estimated that under the current circumstances, the cavalry could only support for 10 minutes at most before retreating, otherwise they would be squeezed and crushed by the infantry of the Southern Army.

Dreyer was obviously not satisfied with this speed, so he opened his mouth and sent a reminder to Michallon.Although he didn't want to admit the blood relationship of this cheap nephew at all, Michallen's awakened demon blood did have value. For example, Michallen, who is in a state of berserk, is the best main force to charge.

Michallon gave up the entanglement with Pallanti and strode forward. When he saw an Istaren cavalry running in front of him, he laughed and bumped into it with his shoulder.

The galloping cavalry was hit in the middle by Michallon, and they and their horses were lifted off the ground. There was only a squeak, and the spine of the horse was broken, and the Istaron warriors on the horses were far He flew out of the ground, fell into the mud and could not get up again.

"Your opponent is me!" Pallanti came up from behind and kicked Michelun's leg.Under normal circumstances, her sweeping kick was enough to break the rock, but it lost its power again on Michallon.

"Go away, and I'll take care of you later!" Michalun just shook his legs, but didn't fall down. He didn't even look at the fallen cavalry and Pallanti behind him. The defense line arranged by Er rushed forward.

Michallon broke through the harassment of the cavalry with brute force, and opened a gap in the defense arranged by El. The soldiers of the Southern Army immediately followed behind him, gathered into a group, and pierced in like the fangs of a poisonous snake.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a sick cat?" El snorted coldly, pulled out the dragon's tooth bow, and aimed at Michallon's eyes.He took a deep breath, and suddenly drew the bowstring fully, and the faint blue rune flashed away on the long arrow.

Michalun's sprinting footsteps stopped suddenly, and the long arrow that pierced through the air pierced through his right eye socket, and exploded right in his skull.Michalun snorted, and the right half of his head exploded like a ripe watermelon.

"Damn..." Dreyer and El, who had been paying attention to Michallon's movements, cursed secretly at the same time.Dreyer felt sorry for the reduction in the use value of Michallon, while El marveled at the vitality of the demon.

In the sneak attack last night, he had already deeply experienced the tenacity of the demon's vitality. Even if ordinary bows and arrows hit the vital points, it would be difficult to kill them.The guy in front of him was even more so. He had already had his head chopped off by Pallanti and Leonard, but he woke up the next morning and was alive and kicking again.

To be on the safe side, he poured the explosive power of the growth rune into that arrow, and directly blew off half of Michallen's head, but even so, he still couldn't kill the monster immediately.Michallon's body stopped and half-kneeled on the ground, but his remaining eye was still fixed on El, and he let out a roar of unknown meaning.

With El's eyesight, he could clearly see that dozens of squirming fleshy tentacles protruded from the remaining half of his head, repairing his head at a speed visible to the naked eye.If nothing else, 10 minutes later the guy jumped up and was a good guy again.

"How to kill this thing?" El drew the bow again, with a tangled expression on his face.Michallon is not a problem, he is just a boy who has awakened the blood of the devil, and he can't reach the Silver Secret Realm with brute force alone. El has a hundred ways to deal with him.The real problem is those ordinary soldiers of the Southern Army, no one knows how many demons are lurking in them, which is why El has been unwilling to fight head-on with Delaire.

There is no shortage of legends and stories about demons in the tavern, but because there are so many of these stories, the protagonist’s methods of defeating the demons have become so strange that El was confused and didn’t know where to start.

"They're coming, my lord!" cried Arlette.

El came back to his senses and found that the soldiers of the Southern Army who were following Michallon had rushed up, and he was furious.He kicked back the soldier who rushed forward.He drew out his ax and shouted: "The cavalry retreat! Brothers follow me!"

"That's all... don't let me down too much." Dreyer heard El's shout, and the smile on his face became more and more strange. He held the black energy ball in his palm and stretched out his other hand Extracted a few wisps of black energy from the sphere, and bounced it towards his own army with his fingertips.

The black energy is like smoke, drifting towards the front with the wind.A Confederate soldier whose arm had been chopped off was covering his wound and hiding under the shade of a tree to rest. He suddenly inhaled the black energy into his nose, and his face suddenly twitched.With a roar, his body began to swell and burn. In the blink of an eye, a newborn horned demon emerged from the flames and rushed to the defense line of the Istaron army on all fours.

"The devil! The devil has appeared again!" The exclamation of the Eastalen soldiers made El's face change drastically. He turned his head suddenly and saw six or seven huge demons that were the same as last night mixed in the Southern Army's ground. The soldiers rushed forward.The strength of these demons far exceeds that of ordinary soldiers, and they are also tenacious in vitality. One can imagine how much damage they will cause to one's own side.

"Dreyer! You bastard! If you want to play, I'll play with you!" El cursed angrily, and hammered his chest hard. The colored rays of light shattered in his hands and merged into one.The ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, forming countless cracks, which spread in all directions.

This is his exclusive Silver Secret Realm—the storm attack with the berserk mode turned on!

Dreyer's face on the horse suddenly changed, and the two demons that had just been summoned disappeared instantly in his perception. Before he could figure out a solution, he saw a blue lightning rushing from the battlefield. Come, he inserted into his own formation with lightning speed.

"Dreyer! You son of a bitch! You have the ability to fight with me!" El's eyes were burning with blue flames, and he charged towards Dreyer with a sharp ax in his hand.His figure was like lightning, almost unstoppable wherever he passed, causing a bloody storm.

"I thought your style would be higher, but I didn't expect you to be an idiot who thinks with muscles." Dreyer maintained an elegant tone on his mouth, but he was cursing in his heart.I thought this bastard's general status was just a bluff, but I didn't expect that he was really a master at stepping into the silver secret realm.

The White Lion family once gave birth to gold powerhouses, who even almost became kings on their own. In Istaron's army, everyone who can hold the general position is all silver-ranked masters.In contrast, the nobles in the south are much shivering in terms of force. It is not surprising that the same silver-ranked master has his own troops in the south.

As the eldest son of General Kemal, Dreyer is in charge of a reorganized army, but when it comes to real masters, he has no one around him, otherwise he wouldn't look down on someone like Michalun. so important.

Seeing El rushing all the way, Dreyer's heart suddenly became half cold.He lowered his face and waved his hands to signal the knight behind him to step forward to resist. At the same time, he swallowed the black energy ball in his hand in one gulp, spread two huge bat wings behind him, and flapped his wings to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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