rune hunter

Chapter 179 The Late Light

Chapter 179 The Late Light

Dreyer spread his bat wings and flew into the air from the horseback. While backing away, he used his hands to weave layers of magic defenses in front of him.Although theoretically speaking, spellcasters of the same level don't have to fear those warriors who rely solely on muscle, but he felt a deadly threat from El.

It was a feeling of being hunted, like being targeted by the overlord at the top of the food chain in the jungle.This made Dreyer turn pale with fright, and he directly revealed the form of a demon regardless of maintaining his image.

There was a faint blue light in El's eyes, passing through the formation of the Southern Army like a ghost.Ordinary Southern Army soldiers didn't have time to react even if they saw his figure, and only the afterimage was hit by their stabbing weapons.On the contrary, on El's side, the ax in his hand swung into a whirlwind that couldn't be splashed by water, sweeping in all the enemies it passed, and crushing them into meat paste.

Mere stumps and broken arms are not enough to make Dreyer lose his composure. What really surprised him was El's attitude.Also as the commander of the army, he couldn't understand the reckless behavior of El who gave up commanding the battle and broke through alone.In his opinion, even if El could subdue himself, the time he wasted would be enough for the Confederates to break through Istaron's defenses.

Of course, it was impossible for him to know that even a low-level officer was more competent than El in the Istaron army on the opposite side.El is also quite self-aware about this. In terms of command, he is generally only responsible for setting goals, and the rest of the specific operations are all delegated to lower-level officers.

The demons among the Confederate soldiers were certainly a problem, but the root of the problem still fell on Dreyer.When El noticed the black energy ball in Dreyer's hand, he realized that he had to capture the thief first, so he launched a storm attack and rushed towards Dreyer without saying a word.

The tacit understanding between soldiers can often be cultivated in a war. When he rushed out, Pallanti immediately retreated to the defensive front, took over El's position and began to snipe the demons. At the same time, Timmy led the cavalry to follow the original plan. Continue to retreat.The newly joined Arlette and Rosen are still a little uncomfortable with this tacit understanding, but their military literacy is also not bad, and they wisely did not raise objections at this time.

A deafening roar of a lion sounded from behind, making all the soldiers of the Confederate Army cover their ears. It was the ability Pallanti inherited, and it was also a signal for her to start sniping demons.Certainly in his heart, El suddenly increased his speed, and a gust of wind passed across the formation of the Southern Army.

Two knights rushed forward, the long swords in their hands exuded ominous black energy, exactly the same as the negative aura that Dreyer collected just now.Under the influence of this weapon, ordinary soldiers of the Southern Army changed their temperament drastically, from lambs to hungry wolves in an instant.

Although I don't know what other functions this weapon has, but I think it is inseparable from the power of the demons. El is not interested in trying with his own body, and he is too lazy to entangle with them.Although these two knights are elite fighters with superb skills, their movements are extremely slow in El's eyes, which can be said to be full of flaws.

Two long swords passed over El's head, and he had already squatted down, almost passing the long swords.The knight who missed the blow showed surprise on his face. He only regarded it as a lucky coincidence, but in fact it was all in El's calculation.He held the ax tightly and slashed horizontally from left to right, and the front hooves of the two horses snapped off immediately.

The two knights cried out in shock. They watched El cut off the horse's hoof at a ghostly speed, causing them to fall forward involuntarily. Their combat experience was enough to jump away before the mount fell, but El's figure had already penetrated between the two of them, and he swiped the ax left and right in his hand, and two bloody flowers burst out from the waists of the two of them.

El's speed was so fast that the other knights hadn't completed the encirclement. When he looked up, he saw Dreyer flapping his bat wings and was about to retreat, but before he could run far, his mood suddenly brightened.

Dreyer frowned slightly. As a spellcaster, his physical ability was far inferior to that of the warrior he despised, but this defect was hardly a problem in front of the characteristics of the devil.But even if he can use demon power to strengthen his body, he doesn't have the corresponding combat experience, and he can't keep up with El's speed at all.

The time left for him is shortening exponentially every second.When he was still laughing at El's recklessness, the other party had already come in front of him, leaving him no time to set up.Before he had time to think carefully, Dreyer yelled, pressed his hands down, and smashed down all the instant curse spells he had mastered.

The pitch-black ripples spread from his palm, and El's sprinting footsteps suddenly stagnated, and it was as hard to extricate himself from his legs as if they were chained.Seeing Dreyer's quickly retreating figure, El showed a sneer on his face.It seems that this young master regards himself as a warrior who can only fight in hand-to-hand combat. Could it be that he can't see the dragon-toothed bow that is different in shape from the same kind behind him?
Trying to keep a distance from a hunter is tantamount to asking for death.

The ranged curse spell also blocked the footsteps of the southern army knights, and the same curse power spread to them, turning almost everyone around them into immobile statues.And El itself is protected by the power of runes, and the offset of the curse is very obvious.

He took out the dragon tooth bow with his backhand, aimed at Dreyer's face and slowly opened it.Although he already knew that the head was not the devil's key point, but the caster's spell needed to be chanted. El didn't believe that this guy could do anything after blasting half of his face.

The icy chill instantly stung Dreyer's nerves. When he saw El's bow and arrow, he immediately realized his miscalculation, but he was not unprepared for the situation in front of him.Dreyer quietly crushed a delicate magic talisman on his wrist, and a transparent magic shield immediately appeared beside him.The protective arrow position is basically a means of protection that all spellcasters must prepare in battle, and his shield is faintly black, which must have added spices.

At the same time El let go of the bowstring, Dreyer also opened his palm towards him, and a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth suddenly appeared in his palm, spitting out a black smoke with a foul smell.

El's flying arrow shone with a faint blue light, piercing the protective arrow stand to a depth of ten centimeters, and just when Dreyer breathed a sigh of relief, a blue phantom flew out of the arrow , along the originally planned trajectory, pierced through the protective stance without hindrance, and went straight through his shoulders!

Looking at the black smoke that was rushing towards him, El was about to dodge to avoid it, but just when he was about to get out on the ground, he suddenly stopped, and his tense face relaxed.

A familiar sun descended from the sky, covering it with black smoke. Two diametrically opposed positive and negative energies entangled fiercely in midair for a moment, and then each disappeared into nothingness.

"Mr. Delaire, I think we can stop the war now?"

A veiled magician girl leads a horse and walks out of the morning sun.The tip of the staff in her hand exuded dazzling light, gradually dispelling the curse aura lingering around.

"You are...Miss Ranstadt?" Dreyer clutched his injured shoulder and looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in the formation of the two armies in surprise.The light from the girl's hand was warm and warm, but it made him, who had the blood of a demon, restrained, like a fish trapped in a quagmire, losing his freedom.

But it was also because of this that he confirmed the true identity of the girl in front of him.In the remote northern territory of Istaron, there is probably only one girl who can manipulate light.Although Viscount Chico repeatedly emphasized that the girl who was a descendant of Timberwolves in charge of the refugees in Istaren was quite mysterious when reporting the information on the exiles, but Dreyer didn't take it seriously at the time.

Until now, after meeting her and really feeling her strength, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he couldn't help but curse inwardly, it's actually a silver rank!Are the silver ranks in the north as worthless as Chinese cabbage?
"Declare a truce, General El and Master Dreyer, we are not here to fight, if the Kemal family wants the land of Lille Town, it doesn't matter if it is handed over to them." Tiana walked between the two of them, He stopped and said in a low voice.

"Are members of the Ranstadt family qualified to dictate to the land of Istaron?" El and Tiana looked at each other secretly, and he immediately lowered his face and shouted angrily.

"It's my fault for not eradicating these maggots before welcoming you, Miss Ranstadt." Dreyer's eyes flickered, and he fell from mid-air, smiling at Tiana: "But Please forgive my presumptuousness, and up to now, I am still a little confused about your position."

"If you want to hear the story, we can sit down and have a cup of tea and chat slowly, but the first thing to do now is to stop this meaningless war." Tiana looked at Dreyer coldly, and said firmly : "This is not a request, Master Dreyer, if you insist on going your own way, we will choose to join the battlefield."

The girl raised her staff and gave a light pause on the ground.With a light sound like a broken egg shell, the light in the air suddenly twisted.

The distorted light turned into little fragments and scattered in all directions, and the soldiers of the Southern Army suddenly burst into an uproar.A fully armed Istaren army appeared out of nowhere less than a hundred meters away from their flanks. The head and tail of the team stretched all the way to the other end of the hill. In terms of size alone, the number of people was no less than [-]. .

The corner of Dreyer's mouth twitched violently, he took a deep breath, and then lowered his head.

"This is your victory, Miss Ranstadt."

 Apologies to readers, I feel much better today~
(End of this chapter)

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