rune hunter

Chapter 180 Negotiations in Lille Town

Chapter 180 Negotiations in Lille Town
After the Southern Army retreated, the land of Lear Town finally returned to its former peaceful time.Although Dreyer chose to stop the war under Tiana's deterrence, it did not mean that he gave up the fight.The Third Army was slightly damaged in the battle, but it did not hurt the root cause. When they retreated to Hegu Pass, they could get direct assistance from the Kemal family, and they still kept their eye on Lille Town and refused to give up.

Although Tiana promised in front of everyone that she would no longer entangle the issue of the sovereignty of Lille Town, Dreyer has always maintained a dubious attitude towards her words.From his own point of view, this time he personally led the army to occupy the town of Lille, and of course he couldn't spit out the meat he finally ate.This is not only related to the honor of the Kemal family, but more importantly, it is a blow to his personal image.

Almost every aristocratic family with a long history will have heir problems similar to those of Leonard and Michelen. The Kemal family with demon blood is even more serious in this regard.Although he, as the eldest son of Earl Kemal, has inherent advantages, if he loses this battle, the situation after returning may be quite ugly.

Although not without the power to fight, Delaire finally chose to compromise.When the balance of victory in the war began to tilt to the other side, he had to consider the issue of preserving his strength just like El.But another important factor is that he was confused about the relationship between the Timberwolves and the White Lions.

Unless it is a blood covenant formed under the witness of the gods, there is no difference between promises and negotiations among nobles and farting.What really made Dreyer sit down and listen patiently was Tiana and El's other layer of identities—silver rank powerhouses.

Although there are some strong men who like intrigue or madness, such as Earl Snake, for the vast majority of strong men who have stepped into the Silver Secret Realm, they generally disdain to lie.In fact, even a lunatic like Earl Snake just regarded the conspiracy and tricks he arranged as a kind of performance.

This is the dignity and self-confidence that belong to the strong. Without this kind of self-affirmation, it is impossible for them to step into the Silver Secret Realm.

Of course, if you can't see through the army transformed by others using illusion, it's a matter of your own ability...

After the Confederate Army temporarily retreated, the town of Lille quickly regained its former vitality.Leonard personally came forward to appease the townspeople in the name of the Locke family.The ranks of exiles will arrive soon, and they need to prepare in advance.With Michalun still recovering, no one else jumped out to make fun of him at this time.

The former mayor's house has been cleared out and used as a venue for negotiations.Soldiers from both sides set up tight defenses outside the wall, and only Delaire, Tiana, El, and Renard actually participated in the negotiations, representing the representatives of the four forces, or in the eyes of Delaire. Quartet forces.

Although they will kill you by all means on the battlefield, but when it comes to negotiations, everyone will become harmonious again. This is the rule of the game for nobles.When Tiana proposed to cook tea for everyone, Dreyer fully demonstrated the gentlemanly demeanor of the southern aristocrats, and expressed his willingness to provide various famous teas from his collection in order to appreciate Miss Ranstadt's tea art.

El expressed extreme contempt for this. He could not understand the extravagant behavior of a man carrying four different tea leaves when he went out, and regarded it as a strange thing.But then he thought of the behavior of a certain wanted criminal lady, even when she couldn't eat, she would bring the teapot with her, which was almost the same.

Drinking tea is a very popular activity among the upper-class aristocrats, but most of the time, tea drinkers just regard the luxury of tea as a kind of capital to show off.Only those big families with a really long history will have people who are free to study the art of tea drinking.From this point of view, Tiana and Dreyer have quite a common language.

But this just shows that the real identity of this woman has absolutely nothing to do with Timberwolves.The ancestors of Timberwolves and White Lions were knights who followed their ancestors to open up the northern border. Their family history is only 300 years old, and there is absolutely no such background.

Even El, who is not aristocratic at all, has seen this, and it is certainly impossible for Dreyer not to notice.When he saw Tiana's skillful tea art skills, his expression could not help but change slightly.Speaking of the understanding of northern barbarians such as Timberwolves and White Lions, the Kemal family is definitely the authority of the southern aristocratic faction.If the girl's magical talent had already made Dreyer suspicious, now her tea art made him even more sure that the identity of the masked girl in front of him was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

Holding the teapot in her hand, she poured clear and hot tea into the cup. Tiana reached out her hand and tapped on the table, signaling to everyone that tea is available. After everyone picked up the cups, she picked up the last remaining tea. I put a cup of it on my lips and took a sip, my eyes half-closed subconsciously.

"The water temperature and taste are just right, not much better than the tea artisans in the palace. Miss Ranstadt's tea making skills are so exquisite, I am really amazed." Delaire took the tea in his mouth, closed his eyes and thought about it For a moment, there was an expression of admiration on his face, and he smiled at Tiana.

"I didn't expect that Master Delaire is also a tea lover, and he actually has a collection of loose-scented tea by the Crystal River. This kind of tea is rare even in the Oakland court?" Tiana nodded in satisfaction and said.

"I'm ashamed to say that this is my father's collection. Even I don't know the origin of this tea. I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable." Delaire complimented him sincerely.

El's face was numb, and he looked up at Leonard who was sitting opposite him, and found that the other party also looked blank and ignorant, and had no idea what the two guys were talking about.Although the tea tastes really good, El still thinks that it's because the girl cooked it herself. As for the source of water and the type of tea, he can't tell the difference at all.

Seeing that the two of them had an in-depth discussion on this issue, becoming more adulterous, he had to cough, cleared his throat and said, "Should we get down to business?"

"If you don't interrupt, we are about to talk about business, General El." Delaire said with a cold snort.Although he expressed doubts about the girl's self-proclaimed identity, after mutual testing and understanding, he was pleasantly surprised to find that this lady's identity is definitely more noble and prominent than the wolf girl in the north, and her personal charm also makes Delaire vaguely aware of it heartbeat.

"It's time to get down to business, Mr. Delaire." Tiana straightened her face, put down her teacup and said, "The disaster in the north is ten times worse than you can imagine. Simply put, Timberwolves and White The lions are gone. And the Kemal family will soon face the same disaster."

"What?" Dreyer blinked, as if he couldn't believe the voice he heard.He looked at Tiana in amazement, and couldn't help but ask, "I only heard that Eastalen was condemned by God..."

"It's not a scourge, but a natural disaster." Tiana said sternly: "The plague promoted by the Cursed Sect behind the scenes swept across the seven northern counties ruled by the Ranstadt family, and then spread along the King's Road to Marsein. It spread. The undead formed after the plague formed an army and launched a devastating attack on Istaron..."

Hearing that the girl started to promote her theory of plagues and natural disasters again, El resisted the urge to twitch the corners of his lips, and worked hard to make his face heavy.

The strong men of the silver rank disdain to lie, but this does not mean that they disdain to lie.And the highest state of deception is like Tiana's current state, telling the truth, but it can make you understand another way.

The truth about the destruction of Istaron is that Earl Snake triggered the arrival of the apostles, that is, the Beacon of Destiny, which completely distorted the fate of the city.In the original trajectory of fate, the biggest enemy that Eastalen had to face was the plague in the north, but it was destroyed by twisted fate almost overnight, leaving no time for the plague to show its power.

But this kind of truth is so unbelievable that even El, who has experienced all this personally, doesn't know where to start. It would be hell if someone could understand it.

Relatively speaking, although the version introduced by Tiana is not very reliable, at least it is still within the range that ordinary people can understand and accept.

But even so, Dreyer was covered in cold sweat after listening to it.Just as Antonio didn't believe that Ranstadt would be destroyed silently at that time, he couldn't believe that the plague this time was so terrible.Unlike the seven counties in the north, which are far away from the mountains and blocked by news, the town of Lille is actually within the range of Istaron, and the distance is less than three days away.

"Estaren has been taken over by the undead. If you send people to investigate overnight, you will be able to confirm everything I said soon." Tiana said expressionlessly.

In addition to the undead, there may be some more dangerous bugs there, but the girl is too lazy to explain the problem of the landwalker to Dreyer, and she also concludes that he dare not send someone to verify.In this world, even chaotic demons belong to the race of life, and in the face of death, life is equal regardless of high or low.

"This is really terrible!" Dreyer lowered his head and drank the tea in the teacup, trying to hide his pale face.He pondered for a while, then raised his head and asked sincerely, "I want to hear your suggestion, Miss Ranstadt."

"I once made a suggestion to Antonio, the lord of Istaron, but he didn't accept it due to various reasons." Tiana sighed and said: "Judging from the current situation, we must give up Lille. town."

(End of this chapter)

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