rune hunter

Chapter 181 Awakening

Chapter 181 Awakening
The team of exiles moved slowly and did not reach the town of Lille until the afternoon.Because the scale is too large, they can only be stationed on the land outside the town.The residents of Lille Town stepped out of their homes one after another, watching the visitors from Istaren curiously, but the exiles themselves were not in the mood.

After several days of trekking, they finally came to a relatively safe area and temporarily got rid of the shadow of death behind them. The relaxed exiles suddenly showed signs of fatigue.This team, which is mainly composed of women and children, is full of hidden dangers. Although they can understand the importance of obeying orders under the influence of Istaren's military atmosphere, their own physical conditions cannot be ignored.

The vast majority of women and children have never traveled far, just like Tika once. As ordinary citizens, the journeys they have experienced in their past lives may have been no more than the outskirts of the city.It only takes one and a half days for the fast horse to travel from Istaren to Lille, but it is already too long a journey for the physical fitness of women and children.

A series of carriages formed a circle around the camp. Ms. Media directed the women to unload the luggage on the carriages. The soldiers still had to maintain a confrontation with the southern army. tent.Compared with the women, the children lacked more physical strength. They gathered around their mothers in twos and threes, losing the vigor of the past and looking exhausted.

This situation made El worried. Everyone knows that the town of Lille is not a place to stay for a long time, and the real migration journey really begins here.If the children fail now, their chances of survival are diminished.

"It's just that they don't get used to it for the time being. Istaren's children shouldn't be so fragile." Pallanti also saw the same scene around him, but he wasn't worried about it.

"I hope so." El nodded, and did not continue to delve into this topic.He believes that Tiana will definitely have a solution to the problem, and all he needs to do is to protect her diligently.

After a brief discussion at the meeting, Leonard agreed to lead the Locke family and the people of Lille Town to join the ranks of exiles.All that's left is to convince the townspeople.It is not difficult to mobilize in the town of Lille as Leonard, especially after seeing the plight of the exiles in Istaron with their own eyes, no one is not afraid.

However, there are still some townspeople, mostly the old people in the town, who are unwilling to leave.Their lives are already poor, and they have almost no extra property except the house they live in now.Moreover, it is still the end of summer, and the wheat in the field is not yet fully mature. If they leave, there will be no harvest.In their view, even if they die, they have to die in their own home, which is regarded as returning to their roots.

In addition, the town of Lille began to integrate forces to collect all valuable resources.Because it is located on the commercial road, this small town is much more prosperous than other areas, and the available resources are more abundant than imagined.When Tiana brought the exiles out of Istaron, she didn't bring too many resources because of the limited time, so it happened to be replenished here.

By the time the exiles had started camping, demolition had already begun on the other side of Lille.Tiana led her mercenaries, as well as Leonard and his family soldiers, like robbers crossing the border, looting everything that the townspeople couldn't take by themselves.Including all food, livestock, ironware, even clothes, bedding, pots and pans, all are loaded and transported away.The exiles' team lacked almost everything and needed everything, so naturally they couldn't pick and choose.

Searching for resources has always been the job that mercenaries are best at. They like this order very much, even if they know that they have to hand it in, they still enjoy it.The rooms raided by them are as clean as a plate licked by a dog. Among them, mercenaries found a secret room that even the original owner did not know. The traces were dug out at least 100 years ago. A jar full of rusty copper coins!
In the end, the original owner generously handed over half of the copper coins to the lord, because their family did not have a carriage and could not carry so many copper coins.Leonard silently weighed the value and weight of the half jar of copper coins in his heart, and then announced that everyone who saw it would have a share, and everyone could come and grab it and take it away, and the mercenaries became more and more excited.

In fact, compared to the residents of Lille Town, the food and wealth accumulated in Locke Manor are the real highlight.However, because of this, it is definitely too late to clean up today, so Tiana decided to bring all the people to search the house tomorrow morning.

In the evening, the townspeople of Lille Town spontaneously organized a celebration banquet to celebrate the departure of the southerners, the arrival of the Eastalenians, and commemorate the hometown that was about to leave.The townspeople took out all the food and ale that were not easy to store, and put them on the square for anyone to use.Although the atmosphere was a little sad at first, the town soon became a sea of ​​laughter as the children were allowed to join in.

Although they knew it was just a matter of carpe diem, many people joined in and wanted to have a drink or two and temporarily forget their pain and troubles.In order to prevent the girls from making scandals voluntarily or involuntarily when they were drunk, Al had to order the army not to drink alcohol, and at the same time arranged tight guards outside the town to prevent the Confederate soldiers from fishing in troubled waters.

El himself didn't feel much about the lively atmosphere in the town. He wanted Pallanti to attend the banquet, but the girl silently refused, so he didn't try to persuade her.The pain in the hearts of both of them is not a problem that can be relieved by getting drunk, so naturally they are not in the mood to participate.

Returning to his carriage, which was also the place where the army was stationed, El saw the soldiers who had come off duty sitting together with the comrades from Heguguan, holding "a hodgepodge of friendship" and eating with gusto.The gray goblin head chef stood beside his pot, humming a little tune he created while stirring the horse ladle, the steaming unknown substance in the pot still looked very strange.

"Didn't we just get a batch of supplies?" El asked in surprise.Heguguan, as a vital throat, naturally will not lack military supplies.Before breaking out last night, they specially packed a batch of supplies, which was enough to alleviate the embarrassment of the army. Why did they still have to eat this at night?

"It's all in there, sir." Wesley picked up the horse spoon, filled up the ingredients in the pot and handed it to Al, with a confident smile on his face, he said: "The beef, dry biscuits and oats are all in there , The wonderful flavors blend together, this is the charm of hodgepodge."

Er resisted the twitching at the corner of his mouth, reached out to take the spoon and tasted it, nodded noncommittally, and said to Wesley earnestly, "Can you adjust the appearance next time?"

"Appearance? Do you want the kind of hodgepodge that glows when you open the pot?" Wesley shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face: "I know you are questioning my aesthetics, this hodgepodge does not look good. How about it, but... From the perspective of military rations, this can preserve the nutrition of the ingredients to the greatest extent. Now there are hundreds more mouths to eat, are you sure you want my children to waste time on beautifying the appearance?"

"Okay, you're right." El sighed, and turned to Pallanti with a helpless expression.Now that his army has expanded to more than a thousand people, relying on the gray goblin family for food, he really can't ask for more. This is also a problem he didn't expect before.

"It must be admitted that Mr. Wesley's culinary skills are beyond our expectations." Pallanti said with a sullen face, "This kind of delicacy is already too extravagant for soldiers. You can see that everyone is actually very satisfied. Compared with The appearance of the food below is not worth mentioning."

If you have the ability, don't turn your eyes away, stare at the pot and say what you just said again!El really wanted to say this to Pallanti, but considering the girl's self-esteem, he hesitated and resisted the urge to complain.

"Ah, by the way, sir, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you." Wesley was amused by the girl's blunt flattery, finally stopped, and suddenly slapped his forehead, and said to El.

"Miss Laurana just woke up!"

"Can you forget that too?" El gave the gray goblin a hard look, and the latter immediately showed an innocent expression.In the gray goblin's view, cooking and food are the most meaningful things in life, so it's not surprising that they forgot about it when they got busy just now.

"Create a small stove quickly and make something that the sick can eat." El said angrily, turned around and boarded the carriage eagerly.Pallanti habitually wanted to continue following him, but noticed the gray goblin's meaningful eyes, blushed involuntarily, and stopped silently.

The magically expanded space in the carriage was originally packed to the brim, but now that the gray goblin family is busy outside, there is finally more room to spare.Passing through the curtain, the noise outside suddenly quieted down.When El saw the familiar pair of eyes in the darkness, his heartbeat speed involuntarily accelerated a bit, and even his breathing became heavy.

"I thought you would sleep like this forever." He bit his lip and chuckled softly.

"Long time no see...El." The eldest lady hiding in the corner showed a signature smile on her face. Even in the dark, El could see the flash in her eyes, which meant that the eldest lady's brain power started to function normally. signal of.

"Judging by the environment we are in now... the ending of the story is probably a tragedy, right?" Laurana asked with a smile, pursing the corners of her lips.

"It's nothing, as long as you can wake up." El walked over, hugged the girl's weak body, and left a light kiss on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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