rune hunter

Chapter 182 Conflict of Interest

Chapter 182 Conflict of Interest

Although the time spent with Laurana was not too long, the eldest lady occupied a very important position in El's heart.In terms of identity, Laurana is not only a nominal senior sister, but also the eldest lady of the chamber of commerce, and has a close and ambiguous relationship with El.

When the two were alone, El also had the experience of dreaming, but it would be a bit frivolous to say that this kind of relationship is love. More precisely, it is a mixture of friendship and family affection.

After the fall of Istaron, El was helpless to deal with the seriously injured and unconscious Laurana. Even though the accompanying priests checked her and said that her life was not in danger, as long as she didn't wake up, he couldn't let her go.When he was suffering in his heart, he seriously reflected on his own heart, and suddenly realized how important Laurana was to him.

To put it in a less romantic and ambiguous way, he found that he desperately needed Missy's IQ.

" are actually expecting me to wake up and be your adviser?"

After listening to El briefly tell the story about what happened before and after the arrival of the apostles, as well as the current situation of the exiles in Istaron and the negotiation process in Lille Town, Laurana did not immediately draw a conclusion, but stared into El's eyes and asked.

"How is it possible, I'm not that kind of person." El categorically denied it.He reached out to help Laurana tuck the blanket on her body, and smiled at her: "It's getting late, eat something and rest later, as long as you recover, you can listen to me slowly in the future."

"I don't want to. I've slept for a long time, and I'm not sleepy at all now." Laurana pouted and shook her head.In fact, with Master Stephen's alchemy level, it is not difficult to heal her injuries.However, according to the alchemist's theory, excessive blood loss like Laurana's would cause serious internal damage to the human body. Even after the cure, a lot of sleep must be done to allow the body to recover by itself.

Therefore, the real culprit that caused Laurana to become unconscious was not Earl Snake's weapon, but the high-quality sleep potion produced by Master Stephen.

"Even if you're not sleepy, lie down obediently and don't get up. I'll go and see what delicious food Wesley has prepared for you." El put on a straight face, trying to establish his majesty, but this effort Under Laorana's eyes that seemed to be able to move people's hearts, he quickly retreated.

"Who can fall asleep after hearing these things you said." Laurana narrowed her eyes, showing El's signature smile that she hadn't seen for a long time. "I really admire that Miss Ranstadt. She was able to pull up such a team. It's really beyond appearance..."

"He looks very powerful too, okay?" Ai Er retorted as if he didn't understand the slight sourness in the young lady's mouth.

"Mankind may be able to unite in times of crisis, but it is easy to have conflicts in the face of interests. If you want to lead this team of exiles forward, it is far from enough to rely on courage and courage." Laurana held her chin, and the two One eye was shining in the dark, and I don't know how old it is.

"This team has nothing in the first place, so what's the benefit?" El said with a wry smile.

"That's not necessarily true." Laurana snorted softly, and smiled noncommittally: "According to what you just said, I'm afraid Miss Ranstadt will face a big problem tomorrow."

"What's the problem?" Hearing what the eldest lady said, El was taken aback for a moment. He knew that Laurana never targeted the target indiscriminately, so as long as he said that, he was definitely not joking.It's just that what did she discover from the brief introduction she just made?
He wanted to continue asking questions, but Laurana smiled and didn't answer, and even hid in the blanket and pretended to be sick and refused to come out, leaving him with nothing to do.

The situation in Lille Town has been the best that El and Tiana imagined so far, and he couldn't guess what problem Laurana found after thinking about it.El scratched his head, recalling that the girl mentioned the issue of "benefits" just now, but was even more confused.

For the current Eastalun and Kemal families, there is no obvious irreconcilable conflict of interest.Facing the threat of plague and natural disasters, the town of Lille has become tasteless.Dreyer occupies Hegu Pass, can advance, attack, retreat and defend, and is already in an invincible position.And Tiana will lead the team to continue the journey without passing through the territory of the Kemal family.If there is no accident, the two parties will part ways after three days.

Laurana's prediction was verified the next morning. To El's surprise, it was the Locke family who had problems.

When Tiana and Leonard rushed to the Locke Manor with their troops, they were stopped by members of the Locke family.

"Why! Why do you expropriate the private property of the Locke family? Master Leonard, the property of the Locke family belongs to the family and not you alone! Even Master Michelon did not use the family property when he was the head of the family. How can you What handed over our property to outsiders?"

The members of the Locke family led their servants and the rest of the guards in the manor, and blocked the gate of the manor. The old butler who had been rescued by Leonard stood on the wall and cried out in pain.

Leonard's face was livid, the clansmen's nonsense made him lose face, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and never come out again.

The ancestors of the Locke family used to be the cavaliers of Caesar, the ancestor of the white lion.However, during the last family civil strife, those who supported Leonard's orthodox status, as well as the soldiers who stood firm on the belief of honor, were slaughtered by Michallon.

The remaining survivors were either spineless capitulators, or a group of people who were specially reserved by Michallon for slow torture, and this group of people was rescued by Leonard by accident. down.When the negotiations between the two parties were over, these talents were able to return to the manor.

As the saying goes, poor people must have something to hate. There are naturally reasons why these people are hated by Michelon.In almost every family with a history, there will be a large number of clansmen with branch blood.They cannot inherit the title of nobility, but they still regard themselves as nobles.On weekdays, he is content with pleasure and does not produce, and is completely supported by his family.

Such a group of idlers staying at home with nothing to do, naturally it is easy to have right and wrong.When they found out that the Confederate Army had retreated, they immediately recovered from the state of being a dog in the water, and began to regard themselves as members of the Locke family again.

Out of family honor and consideration of reality, Leonard finally decided to lead his people to follow the exiles.But in the eyes of the surviving Locke family members, his behavior is no different from that of Michelen.Want to leave?No problem, this is your freedom, but property belonging to the Locke family must not be confiscated!Not even Master Michallon has ever done that!

If Michallon was present at this time, he would definitely burst out laughing.At that time, the entire Locke Manor was his property, and even their lives were toys that he could take away. Is it necessary to declare the ownership of the property with the dead?

But the members of the Locke family are obviously unwilling to remember the truth. They know very well who is the righteous side, but it is precisely because of this that they dare to stand up and speak out.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect my people to be so short-sighted, so as to shame the reputation of the Locke family." Leonard lowered his head in shame, and whispered to Tiana.

"I hope you can have a good talk with your clansmen and explain the misunderstanding." Tiana said calmly: "We are not interested in the wealth accumulated by your family, after all, no matter how many gold coins are for the dead. It’s meaningless to say. Relatively speaking, the food and weapons stored by your family are more helpful to us.”

"I'll make it clear to them." Leonard nodded, rode his horse forward, and walked towards the manor alone.

"Is this the question of interests you mentioned?"

El found an excuse to help in the morning, and drove Laurana in the carriage to follow, just to see what problems would happen.But now it seems that it has not reached the trouble I imagined.

They are nothing more than a bunch of jumping clowns, if they are disobedient and beaten up, they will naturally become honest.

"It's not such a simple question on the surface." Laurana leaned on the carriage wearing a cloak, hiding behind El with two shining eyes, watching Tiana's reaction in the distance with playfulness.

"Do you think they really think they can keep their property? These guys are just bargaining. It's not that they don't want to leave, but from the perspective of the Locke family, they have both an army and money, so naturally they want to fight for greater right to speak."

"At this time, they still want to fight for power and profit? Everyone is a refugee, and they don't know if they will survive tomorrow. What else is there to fight for?" El was very puzzled by Laurana's explanation.

"As long as there are people, there will be a society. Where there is a society, there will be classes. Where there are classes, there will be conflicts of interest. This has always been the case since ancient times. The exiles of Istaron are refugees, but the residents of Lille Town are civilians with their own lives. , the Locke family are nobles who occupy resources, how can they be willing to be treated equally?"

Laurana brushed the hair that was blocking her eyes behind her ears, with a weird smile on her face.

"The dung in your eyes may not be delicious in the eyes of others, it's just a different perspective. What you want is survival, but what the Locke family wants is power. I really want to know what Miss Ranstadt will do What kind of choice?"

"What would you do if it was you?" El was silent for a moment, then turned around and asked.

"Give up the harvest here and let them fend for themselves." Laurana shook her head and smiled. "If we choose to give up, they will really be in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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