rune hunter

Chapter 183 Witty Al

Chapter 183 Witty Al

The relocation work in the town of Lille is still going on, and the townspeople form a long convoy, ready to join the ranks of exiles.There are a total of more than 200 households and 800 residents in the town. Because there were no disasters, most of them are complete families, which means that their survival ability will be much stronger than that of the Istaren refugees.

Under the orders of the lord and the fear of the plague, the action efficiency of the townspeople was faster than expected, but the situation in Locke Manor was still in a stalemate.

Leonard returned to the manor full of anger and tried to persuade his clansmen, but in the end he returned empty-handed with a disappointed face.As Laurana had expected, the members of the Locke family proposed very harsh conditions.They used the granary and arsenal of Locke Manor as a condition, demanding to maintain the right to rule over the residents of Lille Town and the absolute right to speak in the meeting of exiles.

From their point of view, the fall of Istaren was an undeniable reality. These refugees were all bereaved dogs. They had no right to be proud at all, and would soon be begging themselves for food.

Leonard disagreed with the views of these tribesmen. He had personally experienced the war the night before, and he knew the true strength of Eastalen and the Southern Army.Although Istaren has now become a lagging dog, the teeth of this old dog are still sharp, otherwise it would not be possible to force the southern army back abruptly.

But this obvious truth was ridiculed in front of those tribesmen. They stubbornly believed that Estalon's rescue of the Locke family was justified, because the town of Lille was originally the territory of Estalon.But on the other hand, they judge others by themselves, thinking that Estalon has ulterior motives, and the real purpose of helping the Locke family is to annex the power of the Locke family.

"The Locke family is originally a subject of Istaron, so how can they annex it?" After listening to Leonard's report, Tiana frowned, her face a little cold.

"It's nothing more than seeing Istaren's downfall now, so I want to be independent, maybe I have a little ambition to turn against customers?" El sneered, crossing his legs and sneered next to him.He tilted his head, looked at Leonard with some doubts and asked: "What are those relatives of your family thinking? Is it because they have something to rely on? Do they still expect Delair's Southern Army to be able to Support yourself? Michelon is not dead yet!"

"Because they believe that you will not use force against the Locke family." Leonard said with a wry smile: "According to the unwritten rules among nobles..."

"Do you think I look like a nobleman from head to toe?" El spread his hands, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "Mr. Leonard, in fact, this has nothing to do with the knight's creed or the rules of the noble game. The reason why I still sit Waiting for you to settle the deal here is not because of the fear of the Southern Army's deterrence, nor because of the love and face of the White Lion family. There is only one real reason, and that is you."

"Compared to the little food in the Locke manor, you and your soldiers, your people are more valuable assets. We need the support of the Locke family fighters, and we need them to fight side by side with us... Because of this, I will tolerate those guys in your family who have shit in their heads until now. No... I can’t say that, maybe they just discovered this, so they are so unscrupulous."

El put down his legs, leaned out and leaned forward in front of Leonard whose expression changed slightly, looked straight into his eyes, and said with a cold snort: "If I'm right, their real purpose is to hope that the incumbent members of the Locke family You, the head of the family, can you replace Miss Ranstadt and control the leadership of the exile team?"

"That...that's true, but I didn't agree." Leonard smiled awkwardly, nodded helplessly and said: "They think that if I take the leadership, it will not harm the interests of the Locke family... But it's meaningless, isn't it? Even a great city-state like Istaron will be destroyed, so what's the point of restoring the Locke family to its former glory?"

"I'm glad to see that your mind still maintains the most basic sense." El said with a smile.

"Actually, I wasn't much better than them before, but I learned a lot after going through this ordeal." Leonard said with a wry smile.

"Suffering makes people grow, and this sentence is the same for us." Seeing Leonard's vicissitudes of expression, El also felt the same, he turned his head and said to Tiana: "Miss Ranstadt, I have a suggestion."

"But it's okay to say." A trace of surprise flashed in Tiana's eyes, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Since the gentlemen and ladies of the Locke family are unwilling to condescend to join, why should we force it? We are a group of stray wild dogs and cannot afford to support those uncles." El shrugged and smiled: "We don't want the food in the manor. As long as Lille Town is cleaned up, we will continue on the road, and let the group of elders fend for themselves."

"Uh... this is not good." Hearing El's suggestion, Leonard's face suddenly changed.However, what El said was indeed reasonable, but he lacked the confidence to object.

"This is their own choice, not our problem." El said sincerely to Leonard: "Mr. Leonard, I hope you can think clearly, what is the Locke family to you? Are the brave fighters around you the people of Lille Town, or those shameless bastards you rescued?"

"No matter how bastard they are, they are still my relatives, General El." Leonard sighed heavily, "I can't just leave them here."

"Although I don't think this is a wise decision, if you really want to deal with them, there is actually a not-so-pleasant way." El said with a tangled expression after pondering for a while.

"Is there really a way?" Leonard had already lost hope, but when he heard this, he suddenly became interested, and looked at El eagerly, hoping that he could come up with an idea, even if it was unreliable, at least try it. Try again.

"You can do this..." El seemed to glance at Tiana casually, then moved closer to Leonard's ear, deliberately lowered his voice and said a few words, Leonard's face suddenly brightened.

"Can this work?" He asked hesitantly.

"Let's try it first, the situation won't get worse anyway, right?" El patted him on the shoulder, with an evil smile on his face: "We'll wait for you here, if it doesn't work, we'll try again." Continue to discuss."

Leonard subconsciously glanced at Tiana who was sitting next to her and hardly spoke. Although he dealt with El more often, the actual leader of the Istaron exiles was that mysterious girl.Er whispered to himself in front of her. Although the content was indeed a little sensitive, it would be inappropriate to keep the girl from knowing.

"If General El's method is feasible, let's try it first. Mr. Leonard, I just want to see the result that everyone is satisfied with." Tiana blinked a few times, and said calmly.

"I see, Miss Ranstadt, I will deal with this problem as soon as possible." Leonard nodded to the two of them, turned and walked out of the tent impatiently.

Just as Leonard left on his front foot, Tiana's strange eyes immediately fell on El's face, seeing that his face was burning hot, and he turned his head away uncomfortably.

"Things that are not suitable for me to hear, the only possible thing is the filth with the Southern Army. Are you planning to use Michallon?" Tiana's mind was spinning so fast that she almost didn't need El to speak, she judged only from his attitude Out of the approximate truth.In front of outsiders, two people always show a subtle stance of fighting, which is not only a kind of confusion, but also a kind of self-protection.

As Laurana said, where there is society, there are classes, and where there are classes, there are conflicts of interest.If El unconditionally supports Tiana and stands with her, it will easily prompt those whose interests have been harmed to spontaneously stand on their opposite side.But now the two people's confrontational posture makes other people can only choose the team and cannot generate new factions, which invisibly strengthens the control over the entire collective.

Now with the strong intervention of the Locke family, the positions of the two must become clearer and firmer, so as to control and stabilize the development of the situation.

"That's right, I suggest that Leonard go to Michallon to make peace and bring him over to divide the family property." El said with a joyful smile: "It doesn't matter whether the brat comes or not, as long as the Locke family hears the wind, it is estimated that It's going to scare the shit out of me."

"...This is not your style." Tiana narrowed her eyes and looked at El, snorted coldly: "Or, this is not a trick that can be planned by your IQ."

"What do you mean by my IQ?" El's complacent expression froze for a moment, and he shouted angrily, "We are also the dignified General Istaren. Shouldn't we be both wise and brave?"

"Sorry, this is not to despise your IQ, but this kind of rhythm that leads people into the pit step by step is definitely not your style." Tiana shook her head, her tone suddenly became weird: "Could it be that Missy woke up?"

"You are all so witty, it will make me very unfulfilling." El lamented with a mournful face, "Can't you pretend to be stupid and admire me once?"

"You don't even know what that woman is thinking, so be careful to be sold by her and help count the money." Tiana gritted her teeth and said with a cold face: "Since you are awake, and you can still have the energy to plot others, it means Is she recovering well... If that's the case, let her come out and help me."

Al was sweating coldly and didn't dare to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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