rune hunter

Chapter 184 Magic and Alchemy

Chapter 184 Magic and Alchemy

Before meeting Laurana, Tiana once asked El in private if she knew the true intentions of the young lady.El shook his head firmly.Regarding the issue of the Locke family, he believed that the solution proposed by Laurana was the most convenient solution, cutting the mess quickly and leaving no way out.As for the purpose of the eldest lady's hiding, if she is unwilling to say it, he is not willing to murder his own brain cells.

"In fact, the most appropriate solution should be to give both kindness and power to the Locke family, and share some of the power in exchange for their support." Tiana's tone was very serious, not like she was joking at all.

"Although this so-called leadership is not a big deal, why do we have to compromise with those scum?" El rushed to this very confused.

"Yes, this kind of power is really meaningless. What the Locke family really wants is to maintain their status and dignity. Our concessions to them will be exchanged for Leonard's sincere loyalty. While holding power, they We must also assume corresponding responsibilities. Compared with us downcasts without status, their status as professional nobles will bring a lot of convenience to exiles in the future." Tiana explained patiently.

"It turns out that you want them to take the blame and block the gun. This is not a noble behavior, right?" El laughed.

"I am unscrupulous, but that young lady has no bottom line." Tiana retorted seriously: "I don't know what plan Laurana has, but just judging from the first move she made, it can be inferred The follow-up development that comes out is already very dangerous.”

"Please, please explain it in a way I can understand." El begged with a playful smile.

"Her method is to use the existence of Michallon to intimidate the Locke family. Although this can indeed achieve the results we want, it will inevitably tear the relationship between Leonard and the members of the Locke family, thus tearing the Locke family apart. The power of the Locke family is divided into two. When the Locke family centered on Leonard, they were a whole interest group, but once they split, there would be unpredictable internal friction costs... and this is what we tried to avoid at the beginning situation."

"I'm so overwhelmed..." El sighed while turning over the silver, and raised his hand to signal his surrender: "You guys should sit down and study this issue slowly, I don't want to take care of it and I can't take care of it, tell me when the time comes Where the enemy is."

After Laurana woke up, she still lived in the gray goblin's carriage, or it was originally her property, but now it was only temporarily assigned to the army establishment.Hearing the news that Tiana was coming for an official visit, she came to the gate of the camp early, and raised the corner of her skirt to show the most standard lady hospitality etiquette.

Sensing the looming aura of Shura Field in the air, El's back was already drenched in cold sweat.After the two formally introduced each other, he immediately used the excuse of preparing for military affairs and resolutely fled away.If it were another person who didn't know the truth, he might still be interested in the tea party of the two girls, but he knew how terrifying these two monsters in human skin were.

"My lord, as far as I know, those two ladies seem to have had a very close relationship with the lord. Could it be that they were also entrusted by the lord before his death?" Pallanti followed El closely, with a strange tone asked.

" your cousin is a role model." El wiped the cold sweat off his brow, patted Pallanti's head, and said earnestly: "Remember my advice, don't believe it." Whatever the two young ladies say, even if they say the sun will come out during the day, you have to keep doubts in your heart. Pallanti, you are a good boy, don't imitate them."

Pallanti snorted expressionlessly, as an answer.Although it seemed that she obviously didn't take El's words to heart, she seemed to be in a much better mood.

"Since those two young ladies are so bad, why do you still have to get entangled with them?" She pursed her lips and asked in a low voice.

"Ahem... this is a bond of emotion, you won't understand until you grow up." El coughed awkwardly, turned around and ran away quickly.

To his surprise, the meeting between Tiana and Laurana didn't last too long. After less than 10 minutes, the two came out talking and laughing, becoming as close as sisters.El, who was watching secretly from a distance, certainly wouldn't easily believe that the two had reached a reconciliation so easily.However, it is always difficult to guess the thoughts of smart people, and it is not uncommon to stab a knife behind the back with a smile on the surface.

In his impression, Tiana and Laurana's behavior styles are very different.The Magician Girls will not hide their purpose, but they often keep secret about the specific means, just like performing magic.People who watch magic know that the cards will disappear in the next moment, but they can't see through the tricks of the magician.

For example, after the first Landwalker invasion, the undead incident broke out in the Istaron military camp. Although the evidence of the Sect of the Damned was found at the scene, Marivian and El, who knew Tiana well, knew , this matter is absolutely inseparable from Tiana.It's just that no one can explain how the light magician manipulates the undead, so it doesn't matter in the end.

As for Laurana's behavior style, it's another extreme. She doesn't mind putting her plans in front of you, but even so, you can't understand her real intentions at all.It's like an alchemist laying out all the ingredients, steps, and recipes he needs in front of you, but you can't figure out what she's made until the last moment.

As we all know, the works of alchemists have always been rich in profits and returns, but they are also accompanied by huge risks. If you are not careful, you can easily get yourself into it.

If the struggle between Earl Snake and Antonio is only at the level of conventional power, then Miss Praying Mantis Cicada will become the final winner without any surprise.However, things are impermanent, and under the influence of the Beacon of Destiny, she finally got rid of it.

As Tiana said, she is unscrupulous, and Laurana has no bottom line. This sentence sums it up very brilliantly, but when you think about it carefully, it's hard to say who is worse.

One of the results of the meeting between the two was that Laurana officially attended the meeting of exiles as a student representative.

The group of students from Istaren Public Academy was originally Tiana's sphere of influence. Among this group of students, there are many magic apprentices who can easily cast spells, as well as talents with advanced knowledge.Although under the current situation, it is difficult for the students to show their advantages, but no one can deny their important value to this group.

But compared to Tiana's status as an honorary professor, as the chief senior of the fifth grade, Laurana's prestige among the student community is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.Only when she leads and directs, can the true strength of the students be brought into play.

But because of this, Laurana was naturally classified as Tiana's confidant camp at the meeting, standing on the opposite side of El.

El didn't care much about this subtle change. If Laurana could cooperate with Tiana sincerely, even eighteen Locke families would be killed by them.What he was really worried about was whether Laurana's body, which had just recovered from her serious injury, could undertake the inexhaustible work of the exile team.

"No problem. The student representatives don't know how to do hard work. They just use their brains. After sleeping for so many days, if they don't exercise their brains, they will get rusty." Regarding El's worries, Laurana said indifferently .

Although the girl showed an expression of wanting to work hard and dedicate herself, El vaguely felt that she agreed to join because she wanted to see some people's jokes.

Standing in Leonard's own position, it is difficult for him to refuse the goodwill support of his tribe, and he cannot persuade them to use their style to sacrifice themselves for the sake of everyone... So Laurana helped him find a way through the mouth of El. plausible solution.In fact, it is not complicated to put it bluntly. Leonard only needs to show his tribe that the exiles intend to give up, and at the same time tell them another reality that cannot be ignored——

The armistice agreement reached between the exiles and the Southern Army did not include the Locke family. When the exiles left, the Southern Army led by Delaire would immediately make a comeback.By that time...Master Michallen is still alive and strong!
So, not long after Laurana politely introduced herself to everyone at the meeting, she was relieved to see Leonard rushing in with the frightened old housekeeper Duke, and solemnly asked to join the exiles. team.

"Our previous armistice agreement with the Southern Army did not consider the Locke family's issue, because at that time we had already obtained the consent of your master, Mr. Leonard, and did not consider that you would have different opinions. I am really sorry .” Tiana glanced secretly at Laurana who was sitting next to her with a standard smile, and changed her tone indistinctly.

"It's us who should say sorry, Ms. Ranstadt, I think you also know that the Locke family has just experienced a tragic disaster, and everyone's emotions are a little out of control, and now there will be no more problems." Old Duke Sighing with shame on his face, he said that he was a different person from yesterday when he was standing on the wall waving the flag and shouting.

"The threat from the north is still serious. We have decided to continue our journey tomorrow morning. I wonder if the Locke family can pack their bags in time?" Tiana asked calmly.

"What? Let's go tomorrow morning? Ms. Ranstadt, one night is not enough..." Old Duke's face changed drastically when he heard this. The Locke family has a big business, how can it be so easy to move the whole family?
"That's your problem. There is no room for bargaining at this time." El snorted and sneered.

 While re-reading, I finally found out where the problem I wrote was, and I will try to change it slowly in the future. Thanks to the friends who subscribed

(End of this chapter)

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