rune hunter

Chapter 185 Set off again

Chapter 185 Set off again
Under the tremendous pressure of survival, the Locke family broke out with amazing action, and packed up the luggage of twelve carriages overnight.Although they all made a lot of money under Leonard's indulgence, they still couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces.

The greedy desire of human beings is always endless, just like goldfish in the water, they keep eating, and it is too late to regret until their belly is burst.When the members of the Locke family opened the granary and armory of the manor, they realized that even if they tried their best, they would not be able to occupy even a tenth of the share.So they had to turn to Leonard again, begging him to mobilize the family's private soldiers to help.

However, at this time, the fighters of the Locke family had been included in the battle order of the Istaron army, directly under the jurisdiction of El.For the request of the members of the Locke family, El did not directly refuse, but he made a very harsh request. The soldiers can help carry items, but they are only responsible for carrying them.If Leonard agrees, they can keep some private goods for themselves, but they will never allow the weight to affect their combat effectiveness.

Faced with El's grandiose reasons, the members of the Locke family had no choice but to go on looking for Tiana to borrow a car with a shy face... and then they were politely declined.

Although there are a lot of carriages in the exile team, including several caravans and private properties, there are more than 180 vehicles in total, and the number of carriages in Lille Town directly exceeds [-], but even this is still not enough. enough.In addition to the food, tents, luggage and other supplies collected along the way, there are thousands of bear children eagerly looking forward to it.

In fact, it is almost impossible for them to support a whole day's trek with their physical strength. In many cases, the children take turns to rest in the carriage to keep up with the adults.

Under such circumstances, you still want to borrow a carriage to load your property?What a joke!Why don't you eat shit... eh?Want to give it to us for free?Even if you say so, there is no place to load it here, okay, okay, let me think of a way.

Just this night, the persistence of the Locke family turned into a joke. They silently watched the Istaron soldiers evacuate their property like ants, all of them looked ashen.Even if he was not reconciled, there was no other way. After experiencing the family civil strife, the population of the manor dropped sharply.If the people of Eastalen were allowed to move away, they would at least be able to allocate their own share in the future, but if they wanted to stay here, it would really lose its value.

"I knew it was like this, so why bother. Didn't they think about this ending?" El stood on a horse and looked at the faces of the members of the Locke family in the distance, and couldn't help laughing.

"If the Locke family is still united, this won't be a problem." Laurana, wearing a brown-red scarf, walked side by side with him on a docile war horse.She pointed to the brightly lit place in the manor, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing her cute little canine teeth, and said with a giggle.

"After the civil strife, all the people who were originally loyal to Leonard have died, and the rest are either Michelon's lackeys or vacillating grass. Leonard knows that the best way out for the Locke family is now Unite as one, but those duplicitous clansmen are not as trustworthy as we are."

"Another part of the Locke family's strength is the residents of Lear Town. However, during the civil strife, the Locke family was too busy to take care of themselves and could only watch Lear Town as mermaid. Although Dreyer kept the Southern Army for the purpose of long-term occupation. Restraint, but you don't need to think about it, it's just a relative restraint..."

"After suffering ordeal, the residents of Lille Town naturally no longer believe in those members of the Locke family, and instead pin their expectations on Leonard, who plays a tragic role in the story. The rift in the Locke family is like this Little by little, it gradually became unmanageable."

"At present, what maintains the hypocritical harmony between the two parties is only the blood relationship. Leonard hates these people from the bottom of his heart, but because of the blood relationship, he has to fight for their right to live. However, the members of the Locke family take this They stubbornly believe that Leonard still needs the power of the family, but they don't know that they themselves have lost the qualification to represent the family long ago, and have neither value nor strength..."


"So please tell me the final conclusion directly, please?" El rubbed his temples and moaned in pain: "Although I can understand every word you said, I don't understand what it means at all together."

"It's really not the city of a superior person at all." Laurana sighed, rolled her eyes at El with a look of hatred, and said helplessly: "So the conclusion is that Leonard will And completely tear up his face with his people. From now on, his power will be used by you. And the people of the Locke family will take refuge in Tiana's side and continue to exert their residual heat."

"Is it really okay for you to count an honest man from head to toe like this?" El looked at Leonard's vicissitudes face in the distance, and couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

"You can't say that... I'm thinking of you." Laurana raised her small canine teeth, and her smile became brighter.

The meeting of exiles had already decided to leave yesterday, and before dawn, the hardworking women had already started to pack their bags in an orderly manner.Smoke rose from the campsite, and the sound of burying pots for cooking also awakened the residents of Lille Town.

According to the news from the scouts at the rear, the undead in the city of Istaren seemed to have changed, and this most likely meant that the war in that city had already been decided.This is definitely not good news for the exiles, they must leave immediately.

According to the plan previously planned by Anderov and Tiana, the exile team will go west along the edge of the Sarin Province, the territory of the Kemal family, all the way through the uninhabited brown earth hills, and then from another south Only by borrowing a road from the lord's land can they reach the Camille Wasteland, which is the territory of the wild boar lord Churkin.

Before that, Tiana had sent a messenger to Churkin, but due to the long distance, she might not be able to make it back in a short time, which also brought uncertainty to this trip.Tiana knew almost nothing about the lord's situation, so she was always a little worried, and she didn't really settle down until she had a meeting with Laurana.Because Laurana assured her that the boar lord would accept the exiles from Istaron.

Although Laurana also didn't know the specific situation of the lord, her judgment was based on the factional struggles and political considerations of the nobles in the Kingdom of Auckland, as well as her grasp of the hearts of the people.It would inevitably waste a lot of time to explain the various influencing factors to El, so the eldest lady did not mention this matter in front of El at all this time, and El happily pretended not to know.

In addition, another reason for the departure today is to explain to Delaire.After the day's negotiations ended, Dreyer sent a group of scouts to Istaron.Although he was worried about the survival rate of this group of people who didn't know the truth, the buffer time of these two days was more than enough for Dreyer to collect the corresponding information.

If he still wants to stay here, El certainly doesn't mind letting him help block the knife. The real thing to be aware of is that this guy will inevitably jump over the wall in a hurry and attack the exiles suddenly.Although in Laurana's eyes, there are traces of the behavior of the nobles, it is not worth paying attention to.However, El has always been unafraid to speculate on the integrity of those noble gentlemen with the greatest malice, especially since the other party also has demon blood, which is even more unreasonable.

It has to be said that El's intuition is indeed very effective in some respects, and Delaire is indeed the kind of opponent who doesn't follow the routine.When El was preparing for battle, he actually sent someone to send an invitation card, formally inviting El and Tiana to the dinner party.

"You bastard, knowing that we're leaving in the morning, why did you invite a dinner party..." El took a look and threw the invitation aside. He knew very well that Dreyer had absolutely written on the invitation that he handed to Tiana. I won't be so perfunctory, it's just passing by the way to myself.

The residents of Lille Town followed the exiles in an orderly manner under the command of the soldiers, and the heavily overloaded carriage of the Locke family also hurriedly followed.Seeing that the team had already set off, and the Southern Army had no obvious action intention, El felt relieved a little, and waved his hand to signal that his troops were preparing to withdraw.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Look at the sky! What is that?!"

El raised his head abruptly, and subconsciously raised his bow and arrow to look in the direction the soldier pointed.In the clear sky, a small black spot is gliding towards this side quickly.Its speed was too fast, and its size was significantly larger than ordinary birds, which attracted the soldiers' attention.

But more importantly, the direction from which the black dot flew was Istaren!

El squinted his eyes, released the power to see the runes and stared carefully at the past, when he saw the true face of the comer, he couldn't help but look aside.

"That can't be..." Laurana gently pulled the hem of his clothes from behind, her voice trembling.

"That's a gargoyle, constructing a gargoyle." El took a deep breath and whispered.

Gargoyles are man-made tomb guard puppets, loved by many necromancers because they can fly and have elementary intelligence.Istaron has been occupied by undead, so it is not surprising that gargoyles appear.

However, in El's impression, the constructed gargoyle exuding lavender arcane brilliance seems to be the only one.That was his titular teacher—the great alchemist Stephen.

(End of this chapter)

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