rune hunter

Chapter 186 The Ghost of Istaren

Chapter 186 The Ghost of Istaren

The flames of Istaron have long been extinguished, but the war of the dead is still not over.

The earth-moving princess Langa Akalian didn't get any benefits from the death envoy, but instead suffered some hidden losses.Even for landwalkers who are not very picky, the carrion of the undead is difficult to eat, and there is no benefit in the war with the dead. The combination of various factors prompted the landwalker legion to withdraw from the battlefield first.

When he came to the surface world for the first time, he encountered a strong enemy and made a mess, which made Langa Akalian very annoyed.But she didn't know that just as the Landwalker Legion was retreating, there was also a change within the army of undead.

After the great battle, the envoy who was seriously injured but still not healed encountered a surprise attack and was torn to pieces by countless resentful spirits.Istaron's ghost warriors stood up again and launched a counterattack against the undead troops in the city with the momentum of wildfire.In the previous wars, the God Envoy took away all the command of the undead army in order to win. After his death, all the undead troops immediately fell into a state of disorder, and launched a war against all the surrounding active targets regardless of friend or foe. s attack.

Many priests and bishops of the Sect of the Damned gathered in the ruins of the Ludern Temple, struggling to resist the impact of the undead of Istaren in the past few days.As believers of the Lord of Death, their strength is no less than that of spellcasters of the same level, or even surpassed.However, the death magic and necromantic witchcraft they mastered have almost no killing effect on the undead warriors of Istaren, just like the auxiliary magic of sacrifices, but instead add bravery to them.

Even so, as high-ranking priests of the Cursed Sect, they more or less hide some evil means to deal with the undead and even seize control.However, all these conspiracies and tricks were seen through by the strange girl Undead on the opposite side.

The girl in ghost form exudes a near-holy white light, and wears the mercury crown bestowed by the Lord of Death on her head as an envoy. The powerful soul fire is particularly eye-catching even if it is hidden in the sea of ​​ghost warriors.

The bishops had already controlled some of the undead troops, but when she arrived, all the undead troops mutinied again, which was almost impossible.

"Curse the believers of the sect! You are surrounded! In the name of Bishop Bai, I ask you to put down your weapons, otherwise you will have to return to the arms of the Lord of Death!"

Tika flew to a broken low wall and shouted into the ruins of the Ludern Temple.

"My lord! Don't let them go!" Chris, the leader of the ghouls who followed her, hurriedly said: "Have you forgotten? They are the culprits who started the war, and they brought the plague and death! If you Just let them go like this, how can we embarrass the souls of the city?"

After the envoy took over the power, Chris saw clearly the true face of the Cursed Sect. Like nobles like himself who devoted themselves to darkness, they were nothing more than running dogs in front of the Lord of Death.Since they are all running dogs, there is no need to waste feelings to please.

It is enough for him to be the only one who defected to the enemy. There is no need to recruit a group of uncles who hinder him. These half-dead old things should be completely dead to make people feel at ease.

"Yeah, you're right." Tika nodded sympathetically, turned around and shouted loudly to the front: "Since you don't want to surrender, forget it, soldiers, attack!"

"Who said we don't want to surrender, bastard!" The bishops who just raised their staffs above their heads and wanted to come out suddenly burst into tears. Seeing the ghost warrior rushing towards him like a tide, it was too late to defend themselves, so they had no choice but to panic. Flee back to the ruins of the temple, and re-support the magic protection.

After the Ludern Temple was burned down by Shirley, Earl Snake held a charity auction to raise reconstruction costs.The surviving Priest Ludern received both reconstruction funds and the goodwill of the Sect of the Damned, so he survived tenaciously even after the city was destroyed, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

After the war, the Temple of Ludern once again became the gathering place of the Cursed Sect. Priest Ludern did not repent, but continued to collude with the Damned Sect. Naturally, he had to bear the corresponding price at this time.

The ghost soldier hit the magic shield, and white smoke suddenly burned on his body.Under the cover of the dark sky, they can move freely even in the daytime, but encountering this protective shield is like encountering sunlight.Although I don't know the reason, it is enough to cause them harm.

The members of the Cursed Sect who worked together to support the protective shield noticed the ghost soldier's frustration and breathed a sigh of relief.Although the resurrected ghost soldiers seem to be powerful in combat, most of them are ordinary undead who were naturally reincarnated under special circumstances, and have neither advanced nor strengthened by the system.As long as you grasp their behavior patterns, you can resist in a targeted manner.

However, just when they breathed a sigh of relief, a breathtaking scream suddenly came from the sky, from far to near at an extremely fast speed, and crashed into the protective cover!

"Mogred, King of the Skeleton Griffin! Lord of Death, above! Didn't he get beaten up by Princess Earthwalk?" The sharp-eyed Cultist of the Curse couldn't help screaming.The seven-meter-long giant skeleton griffin flapped its wings and landed on the top of the protective cover, like a young dragon, and swooped forward with two sharp front claws.The bishops who kept the protective shields running were shocked, and they all spewed a mouthful of blood, and the weak ones were directly stunned by the backlash.

"Morgred! Do you want to betray the Lord of Death?" a bishop shouted in despair.

The fire of soul in the eye sockets of the King of Skeleton Griffins flickered, he turned his head to look at the mercury crown on the girl's head, and said in a deep voice: "Since Lord Bai can wear the mercury crown, he is naturally the chosen one favored by our Lord." .How could she wake me from my slumber without the will of our Lord?"

"Since you are the chosen people of our lord, why do you have to kill our loyal servants?" The bishop stared at the girl's figure in grief and anger, and cried out in despair.

"It's really fresh to come from the mouths of you old immortals who are unscrupulous in order to fight for power and profit." A hint of sarcasm appeared on the face of the Skeleton Griffin King, his claws gradually strengthened, and the magic shield suddenly released unbearably Heavy alarm.He raised his head and screamed into the sky. Dozens of skeleton griffins that were awakened by Tikka after being damaged in battle pounced down from all directions. After a burst of pounces, the magic shield shattered like soap bubbles.Losing the last protection, the screams and wailing of the followers of the Cursed Sect came in an endless stream.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Tika jumped off the wall nimbly, but there was not much excitement on his face.

"It's a waste of effort to revive these big birds. Even they can't leave Istaren... If the Cultists of the Curse surrender, they should be able to get out." Tika said to himself with a bitter face whispered.

The King of the Skeleton Griffin, Mowrey, was once the most powerful man in the army of the undead, who was closest to the golden rank, but he fell in the battle between the envoy and the princess of the earth, and the fire of his soul was shattered and fell into eternal sleep.Without the help of the Lord of Death's will, ordinary necromancers wanting to revive such a powerful existence is tantamount to wishful thinking.

However, after the resurrection, Tika's luck value has been raised to a level close to cheating. She just had the idea of ​​trying it out and woke it up effortlessly.

"The trajectory of this city's fate has been deliberately distorted, the doom has been magnified infinitely, and the mutation has turned into an unstoppable disaster. However, the fate of impermanence is destined to be impossible to maintain a single state, and hope will inevitably emerge in the disaster. And you are The representative of this miracle. Now the suppressed luck in this city has gathered on you, and the trajectory of fate will start to be reversed with you at the center."

An old and steady voice rang in his ears, and Tika's face became even more depressed.

"It's someone else who is lucky, not me. Don't say what I want, even if I want to leave this city, I can't do it. I hoped that the big bird could take me away when I resurrected, but he couldn't do it either. Come on, it’s really useless.”

A withered palm protruded from the shadows, and gently patted Tikka's shoulder, followed by Master Stephen's pale and haggard face.

In the final battle, Master Stephen drove the alchemy weapon on the tower to kill countless undead troops. However, when the dark sky covered the whole city, the refracting crystal could not borrow sunlight and immediately became a waste product.After that, he led the last surviving Istaron army to continue to resist relying on the magic tower of the public academy, but in the end it was still affected by the battle of the gold rank powerhouse, and it was hard to escape.

It wasn't until Tika dug up the ruins of the tower under the guidance of the ghost warrior that Master Stephen was able to see the sky again, but at that time he also resurrected as an undead.Since his strength had reached the silver level during his lifetime, and he had the help of Tika, a lucky star in human form, he had already transformed into a demilich state when he was awakened.

"Although you are very powerful now, you are still in the form of a ghost in essence. A naturally resurrected ghost like you, also known as an earth-bound spirit, cannot leave your own place of death. Others awakened by you The undead are controlled by your soul power, so they can't leave your side." Master Stephen smiled and said to Tika: "This is not a big problem, as long as you advance to become a high-level undead, it can be solved, but even if You can leave Istaren now, are you really going to find your husband? You are already separated by life and death..."

"I understand that too...but..." Tika wanted to refute unwillingly, but he didn't know what to say, and his expression suddenly became tangled.

"It doesn't matter, we will find a solution." Master Stephen said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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