rune hunter

Chapter 187 The Living and the Dead

Chapter 187 The Living and the Dead

Perhaps because they noticed that the human beings were waiting in full force, after the constructed gargoyle flew over, it stayed in mid-air and hovered far away for a long time, refusing to land.Impatient Al wanted to shoot it down with an arrow, but it was too far to aim at the target.

"The intelligence of constructing a gargoyle is not very high. It may be able to fly here from Istaren, so it is not easy to determine the target. Let me try." Laurana stepped forward and took out the A short stick was pulled out, and it was thrown with the wind, and a flame with colored smoke burst into flames.

She walked to an open space with a good view, faced the gargoyle and shook the fireworks in her hand.After a while, this wisp of colorful smoke slowly rose into the sky.Sure enough, the gargoyle noticed the rising smoke, and hesitated for a moment before slowly descending.

"He's down, be careful!" El whispered to his soldiers, and he himself stood beside Laura calmly, touching the ax at his waist with one hand.

When Istaren burned the city, he had led the remnants of the army to attack the flanks of the undead army, and he had a deep understanding of the difficulties of the gargoyles.But if there is only one, it is far from a threat to him.What's really interesting is that this gargoyle looks very familiar.

Although the gargoyles made by alchemy and the gargoyles made by necromancy are almost the same in name and appearance, they are actually not the same thing at all.The former is the family service type, while the latter is more like a soldier.

Although the combat effectiveness of building gargoyles is lacking, their practical functions are more complete, and because they don't have to consider the issue of loyalty, they are well received by high-end customer groups in the upper class.

Only Master Stephen himself has the ability to manufacture and drive the construction of gargoyles in Istaron, and this family has no semicolon.But Istaron has been fallen for so long, neither El nor Laurana believe that the old man still has hope of surviving.

Laurana's eyes shone brightly. Although she knew that this gargoyle was strange, the meaning of his appearance made it difficult for her to calm down.

The constructed gargoyle flapped its wings and landed slowly in front of Laurana, and El recognized at a glance that it was the gargoyle that had served him tea, because he was still wearing a ridiculous red bow tie around his neck.But other than that, his body was covered with marks of knives and axes, which clearly showed that he had fought fiercely.

The gargoyle constructed looked at Laurana, the crystals in its eyes flickered a few times, then slowly knelt down on one knee, and said in a low and blunt voice: "Little master, Blackstone salutes you..."

Laurana covered her mouth, sniffed her nose, with a characteristic smile on her face, stretched out her hand and carefully touched the gargoyle's head, her eyes turned red involuntarily.

" he alright?" Laurana asked with a trembling voice.

The gargoyle didn't answer. This kind of non-command question has exceeded his ability to deal with it. After confirming Laurana's identity, he stood up on his own, his chest made the sound of the mechanism running, and the rocky skin on his chest moved towards him. The two sides were cut apart, revealing the dark space inside.He reached in, took out a crystal ball the size of a human head, and delivered it to Laurana.

Laurana took the crystal ball, bowed her head to think for a moment, and whispered a short incantation, and the crystal ball suddenly emitted a soft gleam.

"...Laurana, El..." Under the unbelievable eyes of the two, the familiar old voice sounded from the crystal ball.El curled his lips, and Laurana's smile became brighter, but tears flowed down her face.

"Is this the teacher's last words?" El looked at the crystal ball suspiciously and asked subconsciously.

"This is a two-way communication crystal!" Laurana exclaimed with joy, ignoring her hand to wipe her tears.

"'s really hard for this old guy to survive." El underestimated something in a low voice, coughed and said loudly: "Dear teacher Stephen, I'm glad to hear that you're alive, do you need us to go back and rescue now? ?”

"No need, there are no survivors in Estalon..." Master Stephen's voice revealed a bit of depression, which made El feel a little uncomfortable.However, he quickly realized the true meaning of this sentence, and his expression changed.

"The landwalkers have receded, but we are still fighting against the undead, with the same identity as them..." Master Stephen smiled wryly, and continued: "The souls of the Istaron warriors are still guarding the city, and at the same time Guard your back."

Pallanti, who was following El, gritted her teeth tightly and was about to rush out while clutching the hilt of her sword. El, with quick eyesight, grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her down.

Hearing such news, El's face was also ashen, but after taking a few deep breaths, he forced himself to calm down, and asked in a low voice, "So we can kill back?"

"If you turn around and come back, then what's the point of our hard work so far." Master Stephen said with a sigh: "Don't look back, keep going, and go as far as possible. The power of the undead natural disaster is far greater than yours. It is even more terrifying than imagined. The only reason we stay in this world is to delay the pace of the undead army for you."

"Teacher, you can't convince my soldiers by saying that." El shook his head and smiled bitterly, and the gargoyle he constructed landed in the encirclement of his troops. The surrounding soldiers heard Master Stephen's voice and subconsciously fell silent. Then fell into a terrible silence.Almost without raising his head, El could clearly feel the uncontrollable excitement of the soldiers around him, like the last tranquility before the eruption of a volcano.

"Istaren is dead, and we are just the last remnants of the echo, so what if you come back." Master Stephen's tone was full of melancholy, he was silent for a moment, and continued to say: "I didn't intend to use this There are ways to get in touch with you, but there is one very important thing that you must know, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"I'm listening," Al said absently.

"Miss Ranstadt is right." Master Stephen's voice suddenly lowered a lot, but what he said made Al tremble violently.

"There is indeed a god behind the scenes for the plague and natural disasters of the undead. We got the exact news from the followers of the Cursed Sect. That god is also called the Lord of Death!"

"Reaper?" Laurana, who hadn't said anything, exclaimed in surprise.

"It has nothing to do with Naraku. According to my speculation, it may be a new god of death. If he wants to condense the godhead, he must obtain sufficient power of death. The normal death of human beings is under the jurisdiction of Naraku, so he can only find another way..." Master Stephen's voice was a little low, perhaps discussing the god of death as a dead person had brought him great pressure.

"You mean that the Lord of Death is the real culprit of the outbreak of the plague?" El asked in a deep voice, narrowing his eyes.

"Even if you know the real culprit, so what can you do? The appetite of the gods is more terrifying than you imagined. Although I encountered a sniper attack from the groundwalkers in Istaron, no one has been able to stop the large-scale outbreak of the plague. Perhaps the entire Auckland Kingdoms will be devoured by this natural disaster."

"So we can only flee in embarrassment with our tails between our legs?" El laughed back angrily.

"That's right, and the farther you have to run, the better." A cold female voice suddenly came from the crystal ball, making El, who was about to reach the edge of the explosion, instantly stiffen.It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, making him icy from head to toe.

"As the representative of the undead warriors of Istaron, I would like to convey a message to you exiles." The girl's cold and calm tone made the surrounding soldiers involuntarily prick up their ears.

"Lucky bastards! Take our women and children, roll as far as you can, and escape to a safe place! Wait for the children to grow up, teach them skills, and rebuild the White Lion Army, so that our sacrifices will be meaningful ..."

"Sacrifice your uncle!" El roared, reached out and snatched the crystal ball from Laurana's arms, and roared at the crystal ball with red eyes: "Tika, you idiot! What are you doing?"

"Eh—?" A girl's panic-stricken scream came faintly from the opposite side of the crystal ball, but soon the calm and deserted voice sounded again: "You misidentified the person..."

"Misunderstanding you, you big-headed ghost! I would recognize you as an idiot even in ashes!" El scolded, covering his head and face.Although the girl deliberately changed the emphasis of her voice, Er knew it must be her just by intuition.That useless maid who is stupid, timid, timid and disobedient will reveal her true colors at the slightest fright.

Although it is not known what has changed in her, El is now very clear about what she wants to do.He held the crystal ball in his arms, turned and stepped on his horse.

"El! Are you crazy!" Laurana watched in horror as he began to pack his luggage, removing all the cumbersome items on the horse's back, leaving only the simplest weapons and equipment.What frightened her even more was that the other fighters also began to move silently.No one spoke, but the condensation in the air gave her the creeps.

"El! What do you want to do? You can't go back!" Laurana opened her arms and screamed in front of El's horse: "Didn't you hear what the teacher said? Do you want to fight with a god?" Combat?"

"A god?" El had a mocking smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Fuck gods!" El spat fiercely, put away his smile and said, "Get out of the way, Laurana, fighting is a man's business, Tiana has already set off with a team of exiles, you go and tell She, we're going back to Istaron!"

(End of this chapter)

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