rune hunter

Chapter 189 Two Kinds of Idiots

Chapter 189 Two Kinds of Idiots
Seeing the light of the crystal ball on the altar gradually recede, and the scene on the opposite side plunged into darkness, the sullen Tika immediately relaxed and patted his chest with lingering fear.Out of caution, the communication crystal sent out only has a dialogue function, but on Tika's side, you can see the image on the other side.

When she saw El, she breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't expect El to be so excited, and directly led the troops back to kill.Although he could understand his mood, Tika knew that Master Stephen was right.The distance between the living and the dead cannot be ignored, it is enough to be able to see him at the end, she can't expect more.

"What did I say..." After calming down, Tika recalled what he had just said, and suddenly cried out with his head in his arms.

"You said that you want to seize the godhead of the Lord of Death and become a god yourself." Master Stephen's toneless voice floated from behind.

"Wow! I'm kidding!" Tika screamed in panic. She quickly took off the mercury crown on her head and put it on the table, praying with her hands clasped together.

This mercury crown is a treasure snatched from the envoy, and it is said to be an artifact bestowed by the Lord of Death himself.Although it was severely damaged in the battle with Princess Dixing, so that it was almost turned into waste, it itself is a symbol of the Lord of Death's approval.Even the lowest-level undead can clearly feel the power of death attached to the crown, which is the real reason why the high-level undead, such as the King of Skeleton Griffin, expressed their surrender to Tika.

Although the artifact itself is very powerful, Tika never thought of restoring it, because the artifact often maintains a secret connection with the original owner.Once the crown is repaired, the Lord of Death's eyes may be shifted immediately, and by then all the undead in Istaron will probably be controlled by him again.

"So this is your real purpose? Bishop Bai!" Stephen walked behind Tika, the soul fire in his eyes flickered slightly, and his voice became low.

From El's point of view, Master Stephen is regarded as Tika's elder, so Tika did not hide from him the process of his resurrection.In addition to expressing trust, she actually wanted the knowledgeable lich to advise her.

But in the eyes of Master Stephen, Tika is actually not as harmless as she appears.The dead should not have appeared in the world of the living. Regardless of the form and type of resurrected undead, they are full of deadly threats to human beings.Tika thinks she is still her former self, but this is just an external appearance of self-deception.

Or in other words, she can't actually be said to be the ghost after Tika's death, but should be said to be the undead monster who had the consciousness of Tika before his death-Bishop Bishop.Whether Tika admits it or not, her thoughts and behaviors are slowly changing, and she is getting farther and farther away from the normal way of thinking of human beings.

"I just said that when my brain got hot..." Tika complained, but his eyes still did not leave the mercury crown.When she checked carefully and found that the crown showed no signs of recovery, she was relieved to put it back on again.

She sighed heavily and smiled wryly: "Of course I know it's impossible, but if I don't say that, he will definitely come back. I know that guy. If he makes up his mind to do something, he will never achieve his goal." He won’t give up. That’s why he’s going to try his best to live.”

"That kind of idiot whose brain is full of muscles can fool him by making up any reason." Stephen snorted disapprovingly, his eyes still watching Tika's expression cautiously: "But if you can find out such a reason immediately, it will be better if you don't think about it." It shows that you actually still have something on your mind. Have you really considered... wanting to kill God?"

"God Killer, do you think it's killing chickens?" Tika showed a strange look on his face, and looked at Master Stephen like an idiot, shook his head, turned and walked down the altar.

"Did you think it was killing a chicken?"

The same answer appeared at the border of Sarin Province, which is [-] kilometers away from Istaren, at the same time.Dreyer, who retreated from Heguguan and led his army to retreat, encountered his "dear brother".

The third son of Earl Kemal, that is, his blood brother Grande led his troops to block Delaire's way, expressing full contempt and contempt for Delaire's behavior of fleeing without a fight.

"Brother, I have to say that your retreat this time is really disappointing. The glory of the Kemal family has been shamed because of your cowardice." Grande, dressed in a costume, rode on the horse with a gloating smile on his face. .

"If you want to make a contribution, the channel of Heguguan has been opened, and the land in Lille Town is completely defenseless, so you can drive straight in now." Dreyer looked at his blood brother with the eyes of looking at shit, his face His expression was calm, and he didn't get angry easily because of his provocation.

"I heard that you didn't dare to confront the remnants of Istaron, but you actually released the refugees from Istaren? My dear brother, you are really too kind, and you have completely failed my father's expectations." Seeing With Dreyer's expressionless face, Grande's mood became more and more comfortable.

The civil strife in the Locke family has been controlled by Dreyer from the beginning to the end, because he is the eldest son of the family and has the same authority as the head of the family in such emergencies.Grande originally planned to follow behind to pick up some leftovers, but he did not expect such a great gift to fall from the sky.

In his opinion, Dreyer lost his troops this time, fled back in despair, and was unable to defeat even the remnant army of Istaren, and was forced to give up the land he had finally obtained. This kind of tragic failure is enough to shake him. The impression in Earl Kemal's heart, even if it is because of this, it is not impossible to lose power.Once Dreyer loses power, it will be a godsend opportunity for these blood brothers to be promoted to the heir!
"No one is stopping you, Grande, go if you want to go, get out if you don't want to go, don't block here as my way! The feat of occupying Lille Town, the glory of defeating the people of Istaren, as long as you want Go get it, I'm not interested in competing with you." Dreyer waved his hand impatiently, and said disgustedly like chasing flies.

"Then I will be disrespectful, brother." Grande laughed, let go of the rein and galloped past Dreyer, only to hear him shouting from a distance: "Since that Ranstadt family The beauty does not lie to you, let me pamper her well, it is the duty of a gentleman to provide warm care for allies in trouble, my lord brother..."

Dreyer silently watched Grande walk away with his brigade, and snorted coldly.Although Grande's army also has a reorganized army, except for his own share of empty pay, the real number of soldiers is less than 1000, and all of them are armed peasants recruited for free.Compared with Delaire, who is the eldest son, the other children in the Kemal family basically have no right to mobilize funds, and they can only increase income and reduce expenditure by themselves.

It is conceivable that this kind of poor and white troops can hardly reveal their combat effectiveness.What puzzled Delaire was, what confidence did Grande have to jump out and make trouble?

"Although I know that he planted eyeliner in the Third Army, but..." Dreyer's mouth couldn't help twitching until Grande went away: "Is this idiot who put his head on his neck just to increase his strength?" Is it tall?"

Michelon, who still had a bandage on his head, turned his head in confusion, and stared at Dreyer innocently.

"Isn't it about you, hell... isn't the word idiot enough now?" Dreyer rubbed his temples and shook his head helplessly.

"My brain just hasn't recovered yet." Michalun said in a muffled voice, "But I also know...the people in Istaron are all ruthless characters."

"Sorry, Michelon, I shouldn't compare you with that pig. Even if you have a hole in your head now, you are much better than him. God knows how father gave birth to such a thing." Dreyer laughed back angrily. .

"Uh... Please forgive me, master." Viscount Chico moved his fat butt uneasily, and whispered in Dreyer's ear: "Actually, I already knew who was tipping off to Master Grande, but Seeing how enthusiastic he is this time, I just added a little condiment to it."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Dreyer's face brightened instantly.

"I think it's just a beautiful misunderstanding." Viscount Chico took out a handkerchief and habitually wiped the cold sweat from his brow, with a wretched smile on his face: "Master Grand may now think that Ranstadt The lady played a beauty trick on you, using money and beauty, and using both soft and hard methods to let you let her go..."

"So he thought I came back because I was rich and rich?" Dreyer pondered for a moment, the expression on his face gradually relaxed, showing a sarcastic smile: "Then let him eat it, see Can his teeth handle a rose with thorns?"

"Master Grand's teeth have always been good, and he wants to eat everything he catches. This time it will definitely leave a deep impression on him." The expression on Viscount Chico's face was twisted and tangled, and he peeked Seeing Delaire's expression, he tentatively asked: "Master Delaire, I reckon that lady might think the same way."

"It doesn't matter what she thinks, and we don't have to worry about whether Grande's pig is dead or alive." Dreyer looked back at the northern sky, his face became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "The forest wolf and the white lion have fallen one after another. It will be our Kemal who will bear the brunt. I will truthfully report the relevant information to my father, and he will make a decision."

"You're right to think like this, Master Dreyer, this is the way you must think as an heir and future lord." Viscount Chico said with a relieved smile: "This time you have seen the Ranstadt family. You must have learned a lot from the young lady and the general of Eastalen."

"I really have a deep understanding." Delaire rubbed his chin and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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