rune hunter

Chapter 190

Chapter 190
The team of exiles from Istaron set out from Lille Town and headed west along the border between Istaron and Sarin.Refugees have accumulated valuable experience in the past journeys, and this time they embarked on the journey after being well prepared. The efficiency and order of the operation have been significantly improved.

According to the original plan of the meeting of exiles, the exiles will walk along the junction for five days, and then enter the brown earth hills.But after receiving Laurana's report, Tiana immediately gave the order to speed up.The mercenaries who are good at traveling and exploring are still in charge of exploring the way ahead, while the assembled Eastalen troops are in charge of the rear.

Out of a certain intuitive sensitivity, Tiana once considered transferring troops to the two wings of the exile convoy for security, but El was not there, so she felt a bit at a loss if she wanted to directly transfer the troops.

El is the nominal supreme commander of the Istaron army, and Pallanti is the last bloodline heir of the White Lion family. The two of them can be said to be the soul of this army.However, neither of them is a qualified commander. Most of the time, it is the experienced Ahmed who is really in charge of military affairs.

Ahmed usually acts in a low-key manner. After retiring from the position of the captain of the mountain hunters to the second line, he hardly participated in the discussion of the meeting with El, and had no sense of presence at all.Although she knew his true strength, Tiana had no more trust in him than the newly joined Leonard, and she still maintained it at the level of polite communication.

However, the situation is tense now, and Tiana doesn't know when El will be able to come back. Just in case, she has to let go of her guard and communicate with Ahmed.After some frank exchanges, she found that the former captain was not actually a dull person, or should I put it the other way around, he was not only rich in experience but also calm in personality, and he was better than Er and Pallanti in every aspect. A brat is more reliable, and the former captain of the hunter of Istaron is by no means in vain.

It's just that it's a bit of a headache to be superstitious all day long.

When camping in the evening, Tiana found Ahmed and wanted to discuss with him about strengthening the defense of the troops, but Ahmed agreed immediately.

"I've ordered my brothers to step up their guard, Miss Ranstadt." Ahmed said calmly, "At the beginning of the march, the commander left the camp. This is not a good sign. It's not a bad thing to be careful."

"You've done a good job, Mr. Ahmed." Tiana nodded and said, "Although I don't want to say that, please be prepared that El and the others won't come back."

"They will come back." Ahmed said with great certainty: "I just asked Master Apache for divination..."

Tiana turned her head away, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, and did not continue this delicate topic.There are other more reliable ways to confirm El's movements, such as the communication parchment with only one chance of contact left, which she decided to use immediately after returning.

Tiana can understand El's impulsiveness but cannot accept it.Compared with the dead, the people who are still alive are obviously more important, but she also knows that El is not the kind of righteous hero.It's meaningless to tell him the truth or criticize him. To persuade him, he can only be moved by emotion.

That night, Tiana hesitated for a long time under the candlelight, and finally only wrote a sentence on the parchment:

"I need you."

There was no response from the parchment for a long time, which made Tiana's heart sink.Although she doesn't want to speculate, the development of the situation is likely to be sliding towards the side she doesn't want to see.At dawn, sirens rang through the camp, waking all the exiles from their dreams.

The night watch soldiers of the Istaron army are far more competent than their counterparts in the Southern Army. The military code of conduct includes a complete night watch rotation system, which allows them to get sufficient rest and early warning capabilities.The soldiers standing on the last shift remained on their posts until after dawn, and only then did they keenly discover the traces of the enemy.

The southern army carrying the flag of the Kemal family appeared in the valley behind the exiles. They seemed to have just arrived here after marching overnight, and they didn't even do the necessary cover work.After hearing the sirens in the camp, they also knew that they had been spotted, so they stopped out of sight.

"Does Dreyer plan to turn his back on us? But what's the point of holding on to us?" Tiana came to the temporary defense line built by the Istaren warriors and frowned as she looked at the valley in the distance.Behind her, mid-level commanders such as Leonard, Arlette, and Timmy had already rushed over and looked at each other with subtle expressions.The current Istaron army is actually composed of three forces, and there is no time for reorganization, let alone tacit cooperation.

While El never took his status as a general seriously, when he was away, the estrangement problem between several mid-level officers was exposed.Fortunately, there is still a veteran and strong man in the army, which barely suppresses the hidden danger of conflict.

Just as Al doesn't understand politics, Tiana has a hard time understanding the rules of the military game.Although she also vaguely felt the undercurrent surging behind her, she had no solution to it.But now the problem of foreign aggression is more serious than internal troubles—after a short pause, the Southern Army that caught up moved forward again, and blatantly put out an offensive formation.

"Attack! Attack! Snatch me the woman and the treasure!" Grande yelled impatiently as he steered his horse back and forth by his team.He had already seen the team of exiles, and indeed, as described in the information he had received, the Istarenians who were invincible in the past had turned into helpless dogs.

For a well-known purpose, Grande has been persistently planting nails under Delaire's subordinates over the years. Although he has to admit that Delaire has the strength commensurate with his heir status, but there are unpredictable things. , in this turbulent time, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

This time, the news from the inside made Grande ecstatic.The elder brother who has always claimed to be a genius was stunned by the lady of the Ranstadt family and did such an unwise thing. Under the temptation of beauty and money, he let the refugee team survive ?What a bewilderment!

If you can stop this team, won't you just let yourself get what you want?Since the elder brother is too embarrassed to do it, let me, the brother, do it for me!

"That shouldn't be the Third Army that we fought against." Ahmed narrowed his eyes and observed carefully for a moment, then came to a positive conclusion.As a silver-ranked archer, his eyesight is second only to El in the army, and his understanding of the army is even better than that.

"Perhaps other troops of the Kemal family heard the news and wanted to come over to reap some benefits?" Leonard, who is more familiar with the Southern Army, speculated with some uncertainty.

"Dreyer understands our combat power, so he probably won't act rashly, then..." Tiana looked at the approaching southern army from a distance and said with a cold snort: "The commander of this army must be a very unpleasant person. Likes the guy, and is stupid enough to be outrageously stupid."

"Charge! Charge! Surround those Istarenians! Stop their carriages and don't let them escape!" Just as Tiana finished speaking, there was a vigorous shout from the opposite side, and the footsteps of the Southern Army suddenly accelerated. a lot.

"Sure enough, it's not ordinary stupid..." Ahmed couldn't help sighing as he looked at the Southern Army's attacking formation that was gradually breaking down due to the accelerated speed.

As long as an army general with a little common sense, even if he was deceived and fooled before, he should be able to wake up at this time.Although the exiles were all refugees, they did not panic after hearing the alarm, but packed up their luggage in an orderly manner.

Although they have more or less opinions about their own army, the refugees have never doubted the combat effectiveness of the army. This is the self-confidence that the Istaren people have cultivated for hundreds of years.

During the advance of the southern army, the fighters of Eastalen had built a simple defensive line in the shortest possible time.After Heguguan and the Locke family replenished their forces, the tension in the troops was greatly eased. After solving the food problem, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the original troops was also fully restored.

On the other hand, looking at the southern army on the opposite side, leaving aside factors such as weapons and equipment and morale, the sparse and uneven number of people alone does not seem to be the organization of the legion. Based on the comparison of the actual combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides, they have almost no advantage.

But...Grand unexpectedly didn't notice these obvious problems, his eyes were fixed on the continuous line of carriages in the camp.No matter what goods are loaded on those carriages, just looking at the quantity alone, you know that it is definitely worth a lot.

Under the restrictions of the unkind family system of the Kemal family, Grande, who has no heir status, does not have any resources to tilt.His now poor eyes are red, and like a mad dog, he will pounce on and bite anything that is profitable, even if it is poison.

For such a pure person, Ahmed was also a little helpless, he turned his head to look at Tiana, looking for a solution with his eyes.

"Since you dare to come, don't leave, let's all stay here, lest people think that we are really fat meat that can be eaten casually." Tiana said blankly: "Don't worry about the revenge of the Kemal family, all responsibilities are by the I will bear it."

"Istaren warriors have never been 'worried' about the enemy's revenge." Ahmed laughed. He opened his cloak, flipped his wrist and took out his small short bow, aiming at the head of the enemy commander from a distance. .

(End of this chapter)

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