rune hunter

Chapter 191 Beheading

Chapter 191 Beheading
The former heroes of Istaron gathered together, and there were not many strong ones of the silver rank.Although Ahmed's strength is not at the top among them, his ability to lead the mountain hunter brigade means that his archery skills are unmatched.

Ahmed's archery style is very different from El's.El likes to snipe targets from a long distance with his excellent eyesight, so he likes to use a powerful longbow.Ahmad's archery is closer to the style of a ranger. The short bow he uses is like a thief's dagger, although it is short, it is full of deadly danger.

Since the transfer of command to El, Ahmed has been hiding behind the scenes, working hard to manage the military affairs of the army, and has almost no chance of making a move.But that doesn't mean his strength will fade as a result.Although Istaren's remnant army has always relied on El and Pallanti to support the scene, but only I know that the reason why those two young people are unscrupulous is because of Ahmed's silent support behind them.

And now, this man finally showed his fangs again, allowing everyone to deeply understand the power held by the silver-ranked powerhouse.

Ahmed took a step forward and pointed the short bow in his hand at the head of Grande, the commander of the Southern Army, but Grande himself didn't know anything about it.His own strength is far less powerful than Dreyer who awakened the blood of the devil, otherwise he would not be pushed to the edge.He couldn't even feel the faint air lock coming from the opposite side, and he still rode on the horse dancing and commanding his troops, without any precautions.

"Master, be careful!" A general who was following him suddenly changed his expression, and stretched out his arm to block Grande, barely blocking a fast arrow that shot straight at his face.

"Ahhhhh! How dare they shoot cold arrows!" Grande stared in horror at the arrow that was less than ten centimeters away from his eyes, and he was stunned for a moment before he realized it. He couldn't help being frightened and angry, and yelled out loud.

"Master, there is a sharpshooter on the other side! Get off the horse and hide!" The loyal general ignored the arrows in his arms, pulled Grande off the horse, and stuffed him behind the formation of soldiers.

"It's a pity..." Ahmed shook his head, and lightly hooked his left index finger on the bowstring. The general who was hit by an arrow in the distance suddenly lost his balance and fell off his horse.It turned out that behind the arrow he shot, there was actually an extremely thin silk thread, which was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, but its power was terrifying.Ahmed flicked the silk thread on his index finger lightly, and the fast arrow inserted into the general's arm exploded with a bang, shattering his entire arm.

Seeing the tragic scene of his generals lying on the ground with their hands folded and howling, Grande was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and his previous dream of robbery was also half awakened by fright.Although he knew that this team still had the power to guard, he thought that there were only a few remnants left, but he didn't expect such a terrifying sharpshooter to be hidden.

Even if Grande is ignorant and as stupid as a pig, he still knows some common sense knowledge. For example, in a war, if there is a sharpshooter on one side, even if there is only one person, it will cause strong psychological pressure on the enemy.Even a silver-ranked powerhouse of the same level can easily be sniped by a sharpshooter without any precautions.

Thinking of this, Grande couldn't bear to urinate, but at this time he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, and could only hope for his own army.No matter how powerful the marksman's archery skills are, he can't fight against the army alone. As long as his own army directly crushes it, it doesn't make sense for the marksman to have two more hands.

Thinking of this, Grande summoned up some courage again.Hiding behind his horse, he shouted to the advancing troops: "Come on! Come on! Don't be afraid, they are just a mob! Whoever can break through the camp first, I will reward him with a hundred gold coins!" Kill that archer, three hundred gold coins! Kill him!"

Basically, anyone who can achieve the position of commander must have a certain skill.For the Southern Army soldiers under Grande, the most important reason why they could tolerate this young master who was not so clear-headed was that this guy liked to offer rewards very much, and he had a surprisingly good reputation in this regard.Even if he is too poor to pay for whoring, as long as it is the bounty he promised, even if he sells his pants, he will honor it.

Now Grande launched a money offensive as usual. Stimulated by the huge reward, his sluggish soldiers suddenly burst into double passion, and rushed up one by one, barking like wild dogs.

"It's not really useless." Ahmed couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the sudden burst of morale in the southern army.He raised his hand to greet the back, and the men who had been prepared immediately stepped forward and put the whole bundle of arrows in front of Ahmed.

Although he is an archer, no one can usually see Ahmad's bow and arrow.He hid his short bow in his cloak, and hung a smaller quiver at his waist, which contained only a dozen specially made small fast arrows, and the significance of decoration was far greater than actual combat ability.But on the real battlefield, the arrows used by the captain have to be counted as "bundles". As a strong commander with a status similar to that of the three-headed dog, his title in the army is——"Storm "

Because this title was too literary, Ahmed never recognized it, so gradually no one called it that anymore, but anyone who saw him make a move would subconsciously agree with this title.

"The weather is fine today. It would be even better if there was a light rain to cool off the heat." Ahmed said to himself, kicking the bundle of arrows, the arrows stood upside down and plunged into the ground, and the binding rope snapped , he leaned down slightly, his hands suddenly became blurred.

Tiana, who was standing aside, couldn't help squinting her eyes, and the white light in her eyes flickered a few times before she could clearly see Ahmed's movement trajectory.I saw that he stretched out his hand and swept the arrows, and a whole row of arrows was mounted on his short bow. There was no time to aim, and the bowstring was fired almost as soon as it was drawn. Pulled away again.

Ahmed's speed exceeded the limit that ordinary people can observe with naked eyes in an instant, so that his body was in a state of blurred afterimage in the eyes of others.Almost in a breath, he squandered the entire bundle of two hundred arrows, and replaced them with a dark cloud that suddenly appeared in the sky.

The vanguard of the Southern Army was in a state of frenzy. When they were running forward, they suddenly felt that the sky was dark, and looked up involuntarily, only to find in horror that there had been a rain of arrows above their heads at some point.The rain of arrows, which is equivalent to a round of salvo fire from the archers, rushed straight down, and the vanguard of the Southern Army suddenly turned their backs.

In fact, at this time, the southern army's offensive array had just reached the range of the archers, and the short bow in Ahmad's hand was not extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible to withstand such intense shooting.When Ahmed stopped and regained his strength, his mountain hunters had already trained and lined up in an orderly manner, ready for the second round of strikes.

"Rush! Rush over! They don't have many archers! We'll win if we rush over!" Grande covered his head and hid behind his mount, his neck flushed and he roared hoarsely.He has now realized that he may have encountered a hard stubble, but at this time he can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

In fact, if he turned around and ran away now, the Istaren troops, who lacked mobility, might really be unable to catch up. But at this moment, Grande was still thinking about the beauties and treasures in front of him, so he couldn't bear to leave.Under this crazy desire, he raised the reward again with red eyes.

"Soldiers of Istaron! Prepare to fight!" Seeing the soldiers of the Southern Army under the continuous attack of the archers, suffering heavy casualties but still not having time to collapse, forcibly approaching, the expression on Ahmad's face became serious.He put his foot on the second bundle of arrows, and at the same time ordered his troops to defend.

"My lord, I seem to have heard something?" Timmy rushed over suddenly, and shouted excitedly: "Listen, it seems to be the sound of a horn!"

Ahmed's complexion changed, he lowered his head and listened for a moment, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Stimulated by the money, the soldiers of the southern army exploded with extraordinary fighting power, and quickly approached outside the defense line of the Eastalen army. The soldiers of the Eastern Army had already drawn their weapons, and the two sides would draw their swords to meet each other in the next moment.However, at this moment, their speed of action involuntarily slowed down.

"Woo--" The long and ancient horn sounded from a distance, and it became more and more clear as time went by.When the soldiers of Istaren heard this voice, they immediately showed excited smiles on their faces, while the soldiers of the Southern Army became at a loss.In their memory, the very penetrating sound of the horn is a unique legend in the north.That is a legendary story that every child has heard since childhood, and even southerners will never admit it wrong...

That is the sound of the lion's tooth horn!
Billowing white smoke billowed from the hill, and the knights ran out from where the sun was shining. The sound of horseshoes was like thunder, and white translucent light shrouded them, condensing into a phantom of a lion.

Seeing the legendary Knights of the White Lion descending from the sky, the blood on Grande's face drained away.He desperately wanted to get on the horse's back and escape from the battlefield, but his trembling hands couldn't grasp the reins no matter what.In the blink of an eye, the charge of the knights had already reached him.

"Don't kill me! I surrender! I am the son of Count Kemal..." Grande raised his hands and screamed, but the answer was a sharp axe.

Grande's head flew high, and the hot blood in his chest gushed out.El steered his war horse through the bloody rain, his expression unwavering.

"From now on, I will kill anyone who dares to follow me!" El glanced at Grande's headless body, and said to himself expressionlessly.

 Since then, Er, the Tubie, has embarked on the road of a hero who is tyrannical and cool... Well, the protagonist only starts to work hard after 60 words. As an author, I should really kill myself to thank the world.

(End of this chapter)

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