rune hunter

Chapter 193 Information

Chapter 193 Information
The human forces entrenched in the brown earth hills have a complex composition, and there are outlaws who were wanted by the local lords and fled here, such as the Sicily bandit group that was wiped out in Istaron.There are also down-and-out aristocratic private soldiers who have failed in political struggles and have no place to stand, as well as smugglers and vagabonds.All in all, they are not good people.

One of the most basic principles for human beings who can survive in the brown earth hills is to be ruthless enough to the enemy and to themselves, otherwise there is no way out.For these vicious undead, just relying on force to deter them is far from enough to make them give up the fat that is sent to their mouths.

They don't take their lives seriously, so they naturally don't care about other people's casualties.El also has a special way to deal with this kind of hyena-like stalking and pestering thing, which is to be more ruthless than them.

Although he is a general, El has never learned any upright chivalry, and it just happened to be in a bad mood recently. The combination of various factors has turned into a tyranny against horse thieves.

The scouts and scouts of the Istaron army were ten times stronger than their counterparts in the southern army. They had already discovered the movement of the horse thieves, and set up traps quietly to catch this wave of horse thieves in one go.However, El also knew that this kind of victory did not exceed the expectations of those big figures lurking behind the scenes.

This troop of horse thieves was sent out to be the head bird, and its real function was to die, and to investigate the strength of the team's guards.At the beginning of the battle, El noticed peeping eyes in twos and threes from a distance.The aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills are extremely talented in robbery. No matter how the Eastalen troops respond, even if it is just a difference in the killing method, they can judge a lot of useful information.

Since they wanted to see it so much, El certainly didn't mind leaving them a generous gift.He deliberately stayed and spent a little more time, cutting off the hands and feet of all the horse thieves no matter whether they were dead or alive, and then chopped off their heads and piled them into a pile, poured kerosene on fire.Thick and foul-smelling black smoke rose into the sky, signaling his arrival like a beacon.

Leading the cavalry troop to patrol around and confirm that the peepers had left, El was relieved and returned to the group of exiles.

It is still unknown how much these cruel methods can deter the thieves, but among the exiles who also witnessed this scene, they caused quite a reaction.When El, exuding a murderous look, returned to the team, the nearby children immediately screamed and scattered.

A little girl who was only six or seven years old and still had a runny nose accidentally fell to the ground while running away, just in front of El's horse.When she turned her head and saw the murderous demon king jumping off the horse and walking towards her, she was so frightened that she burst into tears.

"Sorry! My lord!" The little girl's brother ran back and hugged his sister tightly.Although he was only twelve or thirteen years old, and he was trembling with fright, he still bravely stood in front of his sister, trying to hug her away.

"Did you see me kill you, brat?" Al squatted down, looked straight into the boy's eyes, and asked with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, pointing at the black smoke billowing behind him.

"Yes, my lord!" The boy's eyes showed fear, and he turned his head subconsciously, not daring to meet El's eyes full of murderous intent, but his hand was still firmly grasping his sister's arm.

"Do you know why I killed people?" Al continued to ask sullenly.

"I know, my lord!" The boy opened his mouth and tried to show a smile that was uglier than crying: "You are protecting us, my lord!"

Just by listening to this way of answering questions, one can know that the boy's father must be a soldier, and he is also a rather rigid soldier, otherwise he would not have raised the child to be like this.Although he is afraid, he is still strong and calm. This is the hope of the next generation of Istaren.

"Very good, brat, remember this method of killing people." El patted his head and smiled, "If one day we all die, you can only protect your sister by yourself!"

"I understand, my lord!" The boy's expression looked like he was about to pee in fright, but he still nodded his head.

El laughed out loud, stopped molesting the children, and walked forward while leading his own horse.Although the battle is over, he still has unfinished work.

When he rushed back to Istaren on his own way, he didn't consider Laurana's feelings more, which annoyed the young lady very much, and she played a temper on him ever since.When El rushed back, Laurana had regained control of the gray goblin's leadership, and drove him and the kobolds out of the carriage, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Although he said that women are really troublesome and pretended not to care, El was actually a little guilty.He wanted to wait for a while before going to ease the atmosphere, but the kobold who lost the power to eat food was more anxious than him, and he did not hesitate to use the divination results to coerce and lure him, forcing him to bow his head to Laurana and admit his mistake.

El originally dismissed the kobold's divination, but after the Tika incident, he had to pay more attention to the prophecy of this magic stick.According to Apache's divination results, the danger in the brown earth hills is far more terrifying than the exile meeting predicted. At this time, everyone must abandon the past grievances and unite to overcome difficulties together.

Although I don't know how many alarmist elements there are, but at this time, I can only believe it.Those horse thieves are not afraid of death, and they can't get much information from their mouths, but whether the information is valuable or not needs to be carefully judged by Luo Lana, the behind-the-scenes strategist.

When he approached the carriage, the gray goblin chef who was driving immediately screamed, holding his nose: "Gods! What does this smell like? God, Mr. El, are you rolling into the dung heap?" ? Don’t come here! If the ingredients on the car get this smell, you can’t cook!”

"It's the smell of those horse thieves." Al frowned and raised his hand to smell it. His body was covered with the blood of the horse thieves, and the smell was really disgusting.However, when hunting in the past, the smell of those beasts was not much better than this, so he could barely bear it.

"It is said that many horse thieves believe in Madara, the god of nomads. They only bathe twice in their lives when they are born and die. Some people even use their body odor as a weapon. Does Mr. El also want to learn their customs?" Laurana's voice Passed out leisurely from the carriage.

"I don't know how long it's been since you took a shower, miss?" Although El wanted to refute like this, but considering the girl's shame, she swallowed the words back.The brown earth hills have a harsh ecological environment, and water sources are extremely scarce, and most of them are not drinkable.

The meeting of exiles was aware of this situation, so some preparations were made in advance in the town of Lille.However, the water reserves in the team are limited after all, and can only support daily needs.According to the previously collected maps, according to the team's current movement speed, it will take at least half a month before they can find a clean water supply site.

"Don't worry, I'll find a place to deal with it later." El nodded helplessly and said, "Let's talk about business. I got a message from those horse thieves and I want to hear your opinion."

"I remember I told you before that if you want to listen to my opinion, you must at least leave me alive." Laurana said with a sigh.

"The smell on those guys is much worse than mine." El said half-jokingly: "Actually, I found a little problem. Someone left a hidden magic mark on those guys. function. In order to prevent them from finding out our internal details, I finally decided to kill the killer."

"When did you know how to distinguish magic marks, Your Excellency General El?" Laurana laughed softly.

"I've seen pigs run before I've ever eaten pork, and I can't hide this little trick from my eyes." The blue light in El's eyes flashed, and he said seriously: "Those horse thieves are just low-level characters, but hidden The forces behind them are worth paying attention to. According to those horse thieves, a thieves group named Ghost Wolf has already obtained information about us and is gathering people and will attack us soon."

"If it's just a group of thieves, I believe you already have a solution." Laurana's tone seemed a little disapproving.If it's just a small group of robbers harassing, the strength of El's troops is enough to deal with it.Generally speaking, the fighting power of a large-scale bandit group is basically equivalent to that of a local lord's private soldiers. For example, the notorious Sicily bandit group can have a silver-ranked leader of a berserker, and they can roam the world unscrupulously.

However, the fighting power of the elites of Istaron has already far exceeded this level. They basically don't need real strength to deal with ordinary bandits, and they can be easily captured.

If it's just this level of intelligence, El wouldn't have to run back to report it. The soldiers under him were all red-eyed, wishing that all the enemies would gather together and kill them all at once.

"The point is not the thieves, but their motives." El said solemnly: "The ten-year Sahara Flame Conference in the Brown Earth Hills is about to be held. It is said to be the biggest festival in this land. carnival night."

"Sahara Flame Conference?" Laurana's voice suddenly raised an octave.The carriage shook slightly, and the figure of the young girl came out from the door with a solemn expression: "I've heard of this custom, now I'm in trouble."

 This is from yesterday...forgive me for not uploading it until now, there will be another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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